
_CityThe city in which the address to which the tax bill is to be sent is located.
_CountryThe country in which the address to which the tax bill is to be sent is located.
_CountryCodeThe country code in which the address to which the tax bill is to be sent is located.
_CountyThe county in which the address to which the tax bill is to be sent is located.
_PostalCodeThe postal code (zip code in US) of the address to which the tax bill is to be sent is located. Zip code may be either 5 or 9 digits.
_SequenceIdentifierWhen multiple Taxable Parties are included this indicates the order in which they should appear on the document
_StateThe state in which the address to which the tax bill is to be sent is located.
_StreetAddressThe street address to which the tax bill should be sent.
_StreetAddress2The second line of the street address to which the tax bill should be sent.
_TitleDescriptionThe title of the party to whom the tax bill is to be sent.
_UnparsedNameThe unparsed name of the party to whom the tax bill is to be sent.
