
_AssumptionFeeAmountThe assumption fee expressed in dollars that is charged by the Lender if the there is an assumption on the loan.Used on Attribute Tag Type Suffixes: Amount
_AttorneyFeeMinimumAmountThe minimum amount of attorney fees that the borrower will be charged resulting from an acceleration and/or foreclosure of mortgage.Used on Attribute Tag Type Suffixes: Amount
_AttorneyFeePercentThe attorney fees the borrower will be charged, expressed as a percentage of the amount decreed for principal and interest resulting from an acceleration and/or foreclosure of mortgage.Used on Attribute Tag Type Suffixes: AcreageNumber, Count, Days, Months, Percent, PeriodNumber, Term, Units, Years, YearsOnJob
_CertifyingAttorneyNameThe Name of the Attorney who prepared or supervised the preparation of the security instrument. This field is used, for example, on the Maryland Mortgage.
_MaximumPrincipalIndebtednessAmountThe maximum principal indebtedness amount in the state of Tennessee as stated on the deed of trust.Used on Attribute Tag Type Suffixes: Amount
_MultipleUnitsRealPropertyIsImprovedOrToBeImprovedIndicatorWhen true, indicates the Multiple Units Real Property Is Improved Or To Be Improved check box on the New York Mortgage should be checked.
_NoteHolderNameThe name of the Note Holder.
_NoticeOfConfidentialtyRightsDescriptionA free-form text field used to capture the notice of confidentiality rights verbiage. This field is used, for example, on the TX Security Instrument.
_OtherFeesAmountThe dollar amount of the other fees required to be disclosed on the Rhode Island security instrument.Used on Attribute Tag Type Suffixes: Amount
_OtherFeesDescriptionThe description of the other fees required to be disclosed on the Rhode Island security instrument.
_OweltyOfPartitionIndicatorWhen true, indicates the Owelty Of Partition check box on the Texas security instrument should be checked.
_PersonAuthorizedToReleaseLienNameOn the Arkansas Mortgage, the Name of the person who is authorized to release lien. This field is used, for example, on the Arkansas Mortgage.
_PersonAuthorizedToReleaseLienPhoneNumberThe Phone Number of the person who is authorized to release lien. This field is used, for example, on the Arkansas Mortgage.
_PersonAuthorizedToReleaseLienTitleThe Title of the person who is authorized to release lien. This field is use, for example, on the Arkansas Mortgage.
_PurchaseMoneyIndicatorWhen true, indicates the Purchase Money Transaction check box on the Texas security instrument should be checked.
_RealPropertyImprovedOrToBeImprovedIndicatorWhen true, indicates the Real Property Is Improved Or To Be Improved check box on the New York Mortgage should be checked.
_RealPropertyImprovementsNotCoveredIndicatorWhen true, indicates the Real Property Improvements Not Covered check box on the New York Mortgage should be checked.
_RecordingRequestedByNameThe name of the person requesting the recording of the security instrument.
_RenewalAndExtensionOfLiensAgainstHomesteadPropertyIndicatorWhen true, indicates on the Texas security Instrument that the Note is in renewal and extension.
_SignerForRegistersOfficeNameThe Name of the person who is authorized to sign for the register's office. This field is used, for example, on the North Carolina Deed of Trust.
_TaxSerialNumberIdentifierThe identifier of Tax Serial Number for the Utah security instrument.
_TrusteeFeePercentThe trustee fee expressed as a percentage of the gross sale price and attorneys fees.Used on Attribute Tag Type Suffixes: AcreageNumber, Count, Days, Months, Percent, PeriodNumber, Term, Units, Years, YearsOnJob
_VendorsLienDescriptionThe description of the Vendors Lien as it appears on the Texas security instrument.
_VendorsLienIndicatorWhen true, indicates the Vendors Lien check box on the Texas security instrument should be checked.
_VestingDescriptionThe description of how title is held on the security instrument.
PropertyLongLegalDescriptionPageNumberDescriptionThe page number where the long legal description appears in the security instrument.
PropertyLongLegalPageNumberDescriptionThe page number where the long legal description appears in the security instrument.
RecordedDocumentIdentifierThe unique identifier of a document assigned by the recordation agency and referenced in the Recorded Document Type.
