EquifaxBeacon | Fair Isaac risk model forecasting delinquency within 24 months. |
EquifaxBeacon5.0 | Fair Isaac risk model forecasting delinquency within 24 months. Updated in 2003. |
EquifaxBeacon5.0Auto | Fair Isaac risk model for auto finance loans. Updated in 2003. |
EquifaxBeacon5.0Bankcard | |
EquifaxBeacon5.0Installment | Fair Isaac risk model for installment loans. Updated in 2003. |
EquifaxBeacon5.0PersonalFinance | Fair Isaac risk model for personal finance loans. |
EquifaxBeaconAuto | Fair Isaac risk model for auto finance loans. |
EquifaxBeaconBankcard | Fair Isaac risk model for bank credit cards. |
EquifaxBeaconInstallment | Fair Isaac risk model for installment loans. |
EquifaxBeaconPersonalFinance | Fair Isaac risk model for personal finance loans. |
EquifaxDAS | Delinquency Alert System is a MDS risk model that forecasts risk of consumer filing bankruptcy. |
EquifaxEnhancedBeacon | An updated Fair Isaac risk model forecasting the risk of delinquency within 24 months. |
EquifaxEnhancedDAS | Enhanced Delinquency Alert System is a MDS risk model that forecasts risk of consumer filing bankruptcy. |
EquifaxMarketMax | Equifax predictive score for no-hit or thin files |
EquifaxMortgageScore | A custom risk score model from Equifax specifically for assessing mortgage loan risk. |
EquifaxPinnacle | The Fair Isaac Next Gen risk model that utilizes expanded segmentation to provide greater predictive capability. |
EquifaxPinnacle2.0 | The Fair Isaac Next Gen 2 risk model that utilizes expanded segmentation to provide greater predictive capability. Updated in 2003. |
ExperianFairIsaac | Fair Isaac risk model forecasting risk of delinquency within 24 months. |
ExperianFairIsaacAdvanced | The Fair Isaac Next Gen risk model that utilizes expanded segmentation to provide greater predictive capability. |
ExperianFairIsaacAdvanced2.0 | The Fair Isaac Next Gen 2 risk model that utilizes expanded segmentation to provide greater predictive capability. Updated in 2003. |
ExperianFairIsaacAuto | Fair Isaac risk model for auto finance. |
ExperianFairIsaacBankcard | Fair Isaac risk model for bank credit cards. |
ExperianFairIsaacInstallment | Fair Isaac risk model for installment loans. |
ExperianFairIsaacPersonalFinance | Fair Isaac risk model for personal finance loans. |
ExperianMDSBankruptcyII | MDS risk model that forecasts risk of consumer filing bankruptcy. |
ExperianNewNationalEquivalency | Experian option for the National Risk Model that produces score ranges similar to Fair Isaac models. |
ExperianNewNationalRisk | New version of Experians National Risk Model. |
ExperianOldNationalRisk | Original version of Experians National Risk Model. |
ExperianScorexPLUS | An Experian risk model based on their own credit data. |
FICOExpansionScore | Fair Isaac risk model based on non-traditional credit data, targeted to predict risk for consumers with non-existent or thin credit histories. |
FICORiskScoreClassic04 | Fair Isaac risk model forecasting risk of delinquency within 24 months. Updated in 2004. |
FICORiskScoreClassic98 | Fair Isaac risk model forecasting risk of delinquency within 24 months. New Trans Union product name for Empirica. |
FICORiskScoreClassicAuto98 | Fair Isaac risk model for auto finance loans. New Trans Union product name for Empirica Auto. |
FICORiskScoreClassicBankcard98 | Fair Isaac risk model for bank credit cards. New Trans Union product name for Empirica Bankcard. |
FICORiskScoreClassicInstallmentLoan98 | Fair Isaac risk model for installment loans. New Trans Union product name for Empirica Installment. |
FICORiskScoreClassicPersonalFinance98 | Fair Isaac risk model for personal finance loans. New Trans Union product name for Empirica Personal Finance. |
FICORiskScoreNextGen00 | The Fair Isaac Next Gen risk model that utilizes expanded segmentation to provide greater predictive capability. New Trans Union product name for Precision. |
FICORiskScoreNextGen03 | The Fair Isaac Next Gen 2 risk model that utilizes expanded segmentation to provide greater predictive capability. Updated in 2003. New Trans Union product name for Precision 03. |
Other | Used when Score Model Name is not in the enumerated list. |
TransUnionDelphi | MDS risk model that forecasts risk of consumer filing bankruptcy. |
TransUnionEmpirica | Fair Isaac risk model forecasting risk of delinquency within 24 months. Trans Union has renamed this risk model to FICO Risk Score Classic 98. |
TransUnionEmpiricaAuto | Fair Isaac risk model for auto finance loans. Trans Union has renamed this risk model to FICO Risk Score Classic Auto 98. |
TransUnionEmpiricaBankcard | Fair Isaac risk model for bank credit cards. Trans Union has renamed this risk model to FICO Risk Score Classic Bankcard 98. |
TransUnionEmpiricaInstallment | Fair Isaac risk model for installment loans. Trans Union has renamed this risk model to FICO Risk Score Classic Installment 98. |
TransUnionEmpiricaPersonalFinance | Fair Isaac risk model for personal finance loans. Trans Union has renamed this risk model to FICO Risk Score Classic Personal Finance 98. |
TransUnionNewDelphi | Updated MDS risk model that forecasts risk of consumer filing bankruptcy. |
TransUnionPrecision | The Fair Isaac Next Gen risk model that utilizes expanded segmentation to provide greater predictive capability. Trans Union has renamed this risk model to FICO Risk Score Next Gen 00. |
TransUnionPrecision03 | The Fair Isaac Next Gen 2 risk model that utilizes expanded segmentation to provide greater predictive capability. Updated in 2003. Trans Union has renamed this risk model to FICO Risk Score Next Gen 03. |