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Custom Content Challenge

An ongoing project for both new and experienced custom content makers, the Custom Content Challenge is a way for content makers to develop new and innovative content that can be used by module builders to enrich the game. A theme is selected each month by majority vote, and content is developed around that theme.

The Custom Content Challenge is geared towards making easy to use content for many sorts of modules. Beginners are encouraged to participate, and specific content creation questions are answered by the more experienced content makers. Custom content includes many different categories, such as 3D models, icons, scripts, sounds, and even prefab areas/items/NPCs.

At the conclusion of each month, the results are compiled, then uploaded to the NWN Vault for community use.

The following links will lead you to the various threads on the Bioware social forum for each month and to the individual Vault entries for past months' content. Clicking on the ± on the right of each theme row will expand a list of what's included in that month's contributions.

Monthly CC Challenge - The original thread for the project, and the place to suggest new themes for the community to vote on.

Monthly CC Challenge Poll - The poll for voting on the next month's challenge theme.

Month Theme Links
July 2016 It came from Outer Space! forum thread
      • Greco-Roman Acropoli Ruin (sandstone) (placeable model) by PLUSH HYENA of DOOM
      • Greco-Roman Acropoli Ruin (grey) (placeable model) by PLUSH HYENA of DOOM
      • Ruins Paintings (placeable models) by Tarot Redhand
      • Broken Windows (placeable models) by TheOneBlackRider
June 2016 Heroes and Villians forum thread
      • Baldur's Gate Voices (voice sets) by Asymmetric
      • Boo (item model) by GunnersaurusRex
      • Giant Space Hamster (creature model) by GunnersaurusRex
      • Baldur's Gate Maps (placeable models) by Quevy
      • Jan Jansen's Head (gnome body part) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Quayle's Head (gnome body part) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Tiax's Head (gnome body part) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Flail of Ages (weapon models, misc items) by The Amethyst Dragon
May 2016 Monstrous Commoners forum thread
      • Greco-Roman Acropoli Ruin (sandstone) (placeable model) by PLUSH HYENA of DOOM
      • Greco-Roman Acropoli Ruin (grey) (placeable model) by PLUSH HYENA of DOOM
      • Ruins Paintings (placeable models) by Tarot Redhand
      • Broken Windows (placeable models) by TheOneBlackRider
April 2016 Baldur's Gate and Offspring forum thread download files   ±
      • Baldur's Gate Voices (voice sets) by Asymmetric
      • Boo (item model) by GunnersaurusRex
      • Giant Space Hamster (creature model) by GunnersaurusRex
      • Baldur's Gate Maps (placeable models) by Quevy
      • Jan Jansen's Head (gnome body part) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Quayle's Head (gnome body part) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Tiax's Head (gnome body part) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Flail of Ages (weapon models, misc items) by The Amethyst Dragon
March 2016 Post Apocalyptic forum thread download files   ±
      • Mutant Alligator (creature model) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Mutant Dog (creature model) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Wasteland Raider (creature model) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Wasteland Raider, Female (creature model) by Shemsu-Heru
February 2016 A Farmer's Life forum thread download files   ±
      • Peasants Speaking One-Liners (prefabs) by Grymlorde
      • Chicken Coop (placeable model) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Hay Pile (placeable model) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Butter Churn (placeable model) by The Amethyst Dragon
      • Cabbage Plant (placeable model) by The Amethyst Dragon
January 2016 Ruinous Intent forum thread download files   ±
      • Greco-Roman Acropoli Ruin (sandstone) (placeable model) by PLUSH HYENA of DOOM
      • Greco-Roman Acropoli Ruin (grey) (placeable model) by PLUSH HYENA of DOOM
      • Ruins Paintings (placeable models) by Tarot Redhand
      • Broken Windows (placeable models) by TheOneBlackRider
December 2015 Historically Inspired Arms & Armors forum thread download files   ±
      • Altered Tabards (armor models) by Grymlorde
      • Armoured Surcotes of the 7th Crusade (prefabs) by Grymlorde
      • Medieval Armors (prefabs) by Grymlorde
      • 16th Century Spanish Breastplate (armor models) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Wheel-Lock Pistol (weapon models) by Shemsu-Heru
November 2015 Wizard's Tower forum thread download files   ±
      • Wizard Tower (tile group) by Asymmetric
      • Wizard Tower Loadscreens (loadscreens) by Fester Pot
      • Animated Potions (inventory icons) by MerricksDad
      • Books (placeable models) by MerricksDad
      • Hands of Binding (placeable models) by MerricksDad
      • Teleport Circle (placeable model) by MerricksDad
      • Teleporter Control Box (placeable model) by MerricksDad
      • Fancy Matching Chests of Drawers (placeable models) by OldTimeRadio
      • Planar Orrery (placeable model) by PLUSH HYENA of DOOM
      • PHoD Wizard Tower I (placeable model) by PLUSH HYENA of DOOM
      • PHoD Wizard Tower II - Winter (placeable model) by PLUSH HYENA of DOOM
      • PHoD Wizard Tower III - Evil (placeable model) by PLUSH HYENA of DOOM
      • PHoD Wizard Tower IV (placeable model) by PLUSH HYENA of DOOM
      • PHoD Wizard Tower V - Desert (placeable model) by PLUSH HYENA of DOOM
      • PHoD Wizard Tower VI - Fantasy (placeable model) by PLUSH HYENA of DOOM
      • PHoD Wizard Tower VII - Rustic (placeable model) by PLUSH HYENA of DOOM
      • 4x4 Round Tower (mini tileset) by Pstemarie
      • Wizard (creature model) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Stone Eyes (placeable models) by Tarot Redhand
October 2015 Adults Only forum thread download files   ±
      • Strap On (PC/NPC part) by Darkniciad
      • Fat Bottom Girls (PC/NPC parts) by Grymlorde
      • Seduca (creature models) by OldTimeRadio
      • Harpy (creature model) by PLUSH HYENA of DOOM
      • Incubus (creature model) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Ivy Valentine (creature model) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Woman in Sexy Leather (creature model) by Shemsu-Heru
September 2015 Filth forum thread download files   ±
      • Horse Droppings (placeable model) by MerricksDad
      • Moldy Bread, Broken Bottle (placeable models) by MerricksDad
      • Spleen Midden (placeable model) by PLUSH HYENA of DOOM
      • Outhouse (placeable model) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Poo Splotches (placeable models) by Tarot Redhand
      • Slime Patches (placeable models) by Tarot Redhand
      • Slime Splats and Trails (placeable models) by Tarot Redhand
August 2015 Open Seas and Rivers forum thread download files   ±
      • Fish Icons (inventory icons) by KlatchainCoffee
      • Eye of the Deep (creature models) by Mecheon
      • Bathysphere (placeable model) by PLUSH HYENA of DOOM
      • Dive Helmet (placeable model) by PLUSH HYENA of DOOM
      • The Nautilus (placeable model) by PLUSH HYENA of DOOM
      • Overturned Ship House (placeable model) by PLUSH HYENA of DOOM
      • Sharks: Blue, Leopard, Thresher, White Tip (creature models) by PLUSH HYENA of DOOM
      • Sharks: Great White, Tiger (creature models) by PLUSH HYENA of DOOM
      • Stormy Seas (loadscreens) by PLUSH HYENA of DOOM
      • Boats and Flotsam (creature models) by Proleric
      • Walkable Water Tile (tile model) by Proleric
      • Albine Cachalot (creature model) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Blue Whale (creature model) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Cachalot (creature model) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Dive Suit Diver (creature model) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Diving Suit Robe, Helmet, Tank (armor model) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Dolphin (creature model) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Harpoons (weapon models) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Harpoon Gun and Bolts (weapon model and icons) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Orca (creature model) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Open Sea Loadscreens (loadscreens) by Tarot Redhand
July 2015 Holdable Objects forum thread download files   ±
      • Protest Signs (item models) by Eurgiga
      • Artist Tools (item models) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Bindlestiff (weapon models) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Holdable Mask and Jester's Bauble (item models) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Instruments and Fishing Rod (item models) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Medusa Head (torch model) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Tools (weapon models) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Sceptres, Chalices, and Statuettes (torch models) by The Amethyst Dragon
      • Silence the Torches Sound File (audio file) by The Amethyst Dragon
      • Humorous Protest Signs (item models) by TheBarbarian
      • Protest Signs (item models) by The Mad Poet
June 2015 A Song of Ice and Fire / A Game of Thrones forum thread download files   ±
      • Robe-based Outfits (armor models) by Eurgiga
      • White Walkers (creature models) by Shemsu-Heru
May 2015 World of the Elder Scrolls forum thread download files   ±
      • Sweetroll (placeable model) by GunnersaurusRex
      • Nirnroot (placeable model) by phenix-rising
      • Aureal / Golden Saint (creature model) by PLUSH HYENA of DOOM
      • Mazken / Dark Seducer (creature model) by PLUSH HYENA of DOOM
      • Mushroom Tree (placeable model) by PLUSH HYENA of DOOM
      • Ash Spawn (creature model) by Shadowing2029
      • Ash Zombie and Ash Ghoul Heads (head models) by Shadowing2029
      • Banners and Misc Items (placeable and item models) by Shadowing2029
      • Bonemold Shields and Bow (weapon and shield models) by Shadowing2029
      • Bonemold Shields and Weapons (weapon and shield models) by Shadowing2029
      • Dummer Mummy (creature model) by Shadowing2029
      • Molecrab Helm (helm model) by Shadowing2029
      • Mysterium Xarxes (creature and placeable models) by Shadowing2029
      • Staff of Shegoroath, Moon And Star, Ring of Hicine, and Ring Of Namira (weapon and item models) by Shadowing2029
      • Wabbajack (weapon model) by Shadowing2029
      • Chitin Armor (armor models) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Chitin Armory (weapon and shield models) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Chitin Bow (weapon model) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Daedric Crescent Blade (weapon models) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Dragonborn Shield (shield model) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Dwemer Head (head model) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Mehrune's Razor (weapon models) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Morag Tong Helm (helm model) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Redoran Watchman's Helm (helm model) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Telvanni Cephalopod Helm (helm model) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Banners (placeable models) by Tarot Redhand
      • Flags (placeable and item models) by Tarot Redhand
      • Papers (placeable models) by Tarot Redhand
      • Runestones (placeable and item models) by Tarot Redhand
      • Stained Glass Windows (placeable models and scripting) by Tarot Redhand
      • Skyrim Seal Shield (shield model) by Tiberius_Morguhn
April 2015 The Small Details forum thread download files   ±
      • Books (placeable models) by GunnersaurusRex
      • Altar of Ultimate Evil (placeable model) by PLUSH HYENA of DOOM
      • Animal Idols (placeable models) by PLUSH HYENA of DOOM
      • Animal Statues (placeable models) by PLUSH HYENA of DOOM
      • Dinosaur Statue (placeable model) by PLUSH HYENA of DOOM
      • More Animal Statues (placeable models) by PLUSH HYENA of DOOM
      • Tabletop Animal Idols (placeable models) by PLUSH HYENA of DOOM
      • Waystones (placeable models) by PLUSH HYENA of DOOM
      • Books (prefab items) by Proleric
      • Bloodied Daggers (weapon models) by Shadowing2029
      • Books (item models and icons) by Shadowing2029
      • Rocking Horse (placeable model) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Book Collection (prefab items) by Tarot Redhand
      • Book Icons (inventory icons) by Tarot Redhand
      • Papers (inventory icons and prefabs) by Tarot Redhand
      • Placeable Prefab Collection (prefab placeables) by Thayan
      • Dice Pairs (placeable models) by The Amethyst Dragon
      • Mounted Hunting & Fishing Trophies (placeable models) by The Amethyst Dragon
      • Outhouse (placeable model) by The Amethyst Dragon
      • Smooth Weather Transitions (scripts) by Uranochos
March 2015 The Hyborian Age forum thread download files   ±
      • Conan's Axes (weapon models) by GunnersaurusRed
      • Serpent Cult Shield (shield model) by GunnersaurusRex
      • Serpent Cult Standards (placeable models) by GunnersaurusRex
      • Serpent Cult Standard (holdable model) by GunnersaurusRex
      • Hyena Lord (creature models) by PLUSH HYENA of DOOM
      • Hyenaman (creature model) by PLUSH HYENA of DOOM
      • Conan's Axes (weapon models) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Conan-Father's Sword (weapon models) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Conan's Shield (shield models) by Shemsu-Heru
      • The Fangs of the Serpent (weapon model) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Rexor's Triple Axe (weapon model) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Thorgrim's Hammer (weapon model) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Thulsa Doom's Helmet (helm model) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Valeria's Sword (weapon model) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Map Mats: Hyboria (placeable models) by Tarot Redhand
February 2015 Remakes, Repairs & Reboots forum thread download files   ±
      • Dwarf Racial Axe Proficiency (2da modifications) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Gypsy Female Overrides (creature models) by Shemsu-Heru
      • NWN2 Succubus Override (creature model) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Uthgardt Tribesmen Overrides (creature models) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Tavern Shelf Remakes (CEP) (placeable models) by The Amethyst Dragon
      • Forest Lodge Fixes (tile models) by TheOneBlackRider
January 2015 Elemental Planes Stuff forum thread download files   ±
      • Ash Zombies (creature models) by MerricksDad
      • Dao (creature model) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Djinni (creature model) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Efreeti (creature model) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Janni (creature model) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Marid (creature model) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Earth-Assimilating Human (creature model) by The Amethyst Dragon
      • Elemental Earth Weapons (weapon models) by The Amethyst Dragon
      • Falling Water Set (placeable models) by The Amethyst Dragon
      • Giant Bubble Interior (placeable model) by The Amethyst Dragon
      • Guide: Placeable Visibility Limit (bonus placeable model) by The Amethyst Dragon
December 2014 Winter Holidays forum thread download files   ±
      • Ice Brute (creature model) by MerricksDad
      • Ice Wolf Sculpture (placeable model) by MerricksDad
      • Santa (creature model) by Shadowing
November 2014 Urban Adventures forum thread download files   ±
      • Bloodsailor Override (creature model) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Commoner Overrides (creature models) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Gnomish Battle-Machine (creature model) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Innkeeper Override (creature model) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Noble Overrides (creature models) by Shemsu-Heru
      • NWN2 Blacksmith (creature model) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Shopkeeper Override (creature model) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Urban Weapons (weapon models) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Waitress Override (creature model) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Lots (and Lots) of Graffiti (placeable models) by Tarot Redhand
      • Pigeons and Dock Junk Golem (creature and placeable models) by The Amethyst Dragon
October 2014 Weird Science forum thread download files   ±
      • Microscope (placeable) by henesua
      • Table (placeable) by henesua
      • Bearbug (creature) by Mecheon
      • Ember Hulk (creature) by Mecheon
      • Craniometers (placeables) by MerricksDad
September 2014 The Mists of Ravenloft forum thread download files   ±
      • Bug Skeletons (creatures) by Shadowing2029
      • Crimson Bones (creature) by Shadowing2029
      • Drider Lich & Insectoid Skeleton (creatures) by Shadowing2029
      • Koschei (head) by Shadowing2029
      • Mist Golem (creature) by Shadowing2029
      • Skeleton Archer (creature) by Shadowing2029
      • Spider Skeletons (creatures) by Shadowing2029
      • Zombie Goblin (creature) by Shadowing2029
      • Desert Zombie (creature) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Hebi-No-Onna snake hands (body part) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Loup-garou (creatures) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Ravenloft Classic Game Music (sounds) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Ravenloft Unique Mummies (creatures) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Rayne (creature) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Rayne's Sword (weapon) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Sea Zombie (creature) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Werebat (creature) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Wereshark (creature) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Boritsi Estate (prefab) by Tarot Redhand
      • Take PCs to Ravenloft Trap (script) by Tarot Redhand
      • Amnesia (music) by Wall3T
      • Castle Ravenloft/Dracul (prefab) by Wall3T
August 2014 African Adventures forum thread download files   ±
      • Wildlife Sounds (sounds) by Bluebomber4evr
      • Zebra Mount (creature) by Draygoth
      • Gorillas (creatures) by Draygoth & MerricksDad
      • Pygmy Tribe Generator (script) by gadflybite
      • Tribal Mask (VFX) by ia.Pepper
      • Animals (creatures) by Killmonger
      • Girallons (creatures) by MerricksDad
      • Bar-Lgura (creature) by MerricksDad
      • Werecrocodile (creature) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Shotel (weapon) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Hunga Munga (weapon) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Mangbetu (weapon) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Neck Rings (armor/clothing part) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Djembe (African drum) (placeable) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Mud Hut (placeable) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Tusk Ornament (placeable) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Carnivorous Plant (creature) by Shemsu-Heru
      • WoW Animals (creatures) by ZugothNDeadly
      • WoW Anubisath (creatures) by ZugothNDeadly
July 2014 Deities and Demigods forum thread download files   ±
      • Sune (creature) by Carcerian
      • Aulmpiter (creature) by MerricksDad
      • Gaulguth (creature) by MerricksDad
      • Malimshaer (creature) by MerricksDad
      • Malkazid (creature) by MerricksDad
      • Malkizid 2 (creature) by MerricksDad
      • Wendonai (creature) by MerricksDad
      • Dead God Bones (placeable) by PLUSH HYENA of DOOM
      • Dead God (skybox) by PLUSH HYENA of DOOM
      • Fenris (creature) by PLUSH HYENA of DOOM
      • Kali (creature) by PLUSH HYENA of DOOM
      • Kali Statues (placeables) by PLUSH HYENA of DOOM
      • Tantric Statue (placeable) by PLUSH HYENA of DOOM
      • Felurian (creature) by Shadooow
      • Koschei (head and inventory items) by Shadowing2029
      • YHVH (creature) by Shadowing2029
      • Egyptian Goddess (creature) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Lillend (creature) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Selune Shield (shield model) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Solar (creature) by Shemsu-Heru
June 2014 Artifacts and Relics forum thread download files   ±
      • Broken Arches (placeables) by Cestus Dei
      • Axe of the Dwarvish Lords (weapons) by Henesua and Shemsu-Heru
      • Sword of Kas (weapons) by Henesua and Shemsu-Heru
      • Moongate Portals (placeables) by ia.Pepper
      • Relic Icons (inventory icons) by KlatchainCoffee
      • Apple of Eden (holdable crystal) by MerricksDad
      • Crenshinibon and Crystal of the Ebon Flame (holdable crystals) by MerricksDad
      • Cut Crystal Skull (holdable crystal) by MerricksDad
      • Large Cut Gems (holdable crystals) by MerricksDad
      • More Crystals and Orbs (holdable crystals) by MerricksDad
      • Orb Stonehenge & Orb of Golden Death (placeable and holdable crystal) by MerricksDad
      • Stands to Hold Crystals (creatures) by MerricksDad
      • Altar Things (placeables) by PLUSH HYENA of DOOM
      • Arc Mirror (placeable) by PLUSH HYENA of DOOM
      • Arcane Fount (placeable) by PLUSH HYENA of DOOM
      • Crystal Wolf & Deer Statues (placeables) by PLUSH HYENA of DOOM
      • Crystalline Polyhedron (placeable) by PLUSH HYENA of DOOM
      • Cthulu Statue (placeable) by PLUSH HYENA of DOOM
      • Death Gem (placeable) by PLUSH HYENA of DOOM
      • Lathe of Spleens (placeable) by PLUSH HYENA of DOOM
      • Quihex (placeable) by PLUSH HYENA of DOOM
      • Quihex Orb (placeable) by PLUSH HYENA of DOOM
      • Rotating Metal Balls (placeable) by PLUSH HYENA of DOOM
      • Sentinels (placeables) by PLUSH HYENA of DOOM
      • Spheroids (placeables) by PLUSH HYENA of DOOM
      • Spleen Pyramids (placeables) by PLUSH HYENA of DOOM
      • Valsharess Statues (placeables) by PLUSH HYENA of DOOM
      • Baba Yaga's Hut (creature and placeable) by Pstemarie
      • Out of Time Tank (placeable) by Pstemarie
      • Artifacts of the Mummy (inventory icons) by Shadowing2029
      • Milleniusm Items (inventory icons) by Shadowing2029
      • Philosophers Stone (inventory icons) by Shadowing2029
      • The One Ring (inventory icons) by Shadowing2029
      • Codexes and Grimoires (books) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Saint's Hand Reliquary (weapon part) by The Amethyst Dragon
May 2014 Technomancy forum thread download files   ±
      • Wardstone (creature) by Cestus Dei (link is external) and ShadoOow
      • Technomagic Wings (wing set) by ia.Pepper
      • Technomantic Undead Animals (creatures) by PLUSH HYENA of DOOM
      • Para-Elemental Heavy Crossbows (weapons) by The Amethyst Dragon
April 2014 Orcs/Half-orcs forum thread download files   ±
      • Orc Temple Idols (placeable models) by Cestus Dei
      • Orc/Half-orcs (portraits) by MannyJabrielle
      • Orc Skull Totems (prefabs) by Shadooow
      • Orc/Half-orc Heads (body part models) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Elf Ear Shield (tower shield model) by The Amethyst Dragon
March 2014 Catacombs, Crypts, and Tombs forum thread download files   ±
      • PHoD's Sarcophagi (placeable models) by PLUSH HYENA of DOOM
      • Raised Crypt Tiles (tileset addition) by Shadooow
      • Nest of Vipers (scripting) by Proleric
      • Crypt Reskin (tileset override) by Pstemarie
      • Bones (placeables) by Zarathustra217
February 2014 Gothic forum thread download files   ±
      • Portraits (placeables) by Tarot Redhand
      • Portraits and more Portraits (placeables) by Proleric
      • Witch's Broomstick (mount) by Proleric
      • Broom by ia.Pepper
      • Eriwick (city prefab areas) by oOKyeOo
      • Frilly Victorian Dress (robe/armor parts) by TheBarbarian
      • Zombie Knights (creatures) by Tiberius_Morguhn
      • Crawling Claws/Hands (creature) by Zarathustra217
      • Noble Vampire (creature) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Noble Vampire Head (body part) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Noble Vampiress (creature) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Noble Vampiress Head (body part) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Creature from the Black Lagoon (creature) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Renaissance Shoes (body parts) by Shemsu-Heru
January 2014 Chronicles of Krynn forum thread download files   ±
      • Castle Solanius (prefab areas) by oOKyeOo
      • Disir (creature models) by PLUSH HYENA of DOOM
      • Stahnk (creature model) by PLUSH HYENA of DOOM
      • Krynn Night Sky (skybox) by PLUSH HYENA of DOOM
      • Dragon Highlord Helm (helmet model) by TheOneBlackRider
      • Dragonlances (item models) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Kender Heads (halfling parts) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Ice Rider (placeable model) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Tinker Gnome Heads (gnome parts) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Silver Arm of Ergoth (arm body parts) by The Amethyst Dragon
December 2013 Dark Sun forum thread download files   ±
      • Crodlu and Thri-kreen (creature models) by Draygoth28
      • Mellikot Ram (placeable model) by Valthrendir
      • Esperweed (placeable model) by Valthrendir
      • Wrist Razor (weapon models) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Dejada (weapon model) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Widow's Knife (weapon model) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Athasian Elf Heads by Shemsu-Heru
      • Non-Metallic Amulets & Rings (inventory icons) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Bone and Obsidian Swords (weapon models) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Gith Spear (weapon model) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Athasian Scimitars (weapon models) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Athansian Dwarf Head by Shemsu-Heru
      • Carrikals (battle axes) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Chatkchas and Gythkas (weapons) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Trikals (weapons) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Dragon's Paws (weapons) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Stone-Mace and Quabone (weapons) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Tortoise Blade Shields (shields) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Tortoise Blades (weapon models) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Gith (creature model) by Shemsu-heru
      • Gith Shaman (creature model) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Bone and Obsidian Daggers (weapon models) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Tembos (creature models) by PLUSH HYENA of DOOM
      • Jhakar, Zhackal, and Rasclinn (creature models) by PLUSH HYENA of DOOM
      • Klar (creature model) by PLUSH HYENA of DOOM
      • Crystal Spider (creature model) by PLUSH HYENA of DOOM
      • Nightmare Beast (creature model) by PLUSH HYENA of DOOM
      • Dray (creature models) by PLUSH HYENA of DOOM
      • Dregoth (creature model) by PLUSH HYENA of DOOM
      • More Crystal Spiders (creature models) by PLUSH HYENA of DOOM
      • Athas Skybox by PLUSH HYENA of DOOM
      • Earth Drake (creature model) by PLUSH HYENA of DOOM
      • Kalin (creature model) by PLUSH HYENA of DOOM
      • Mekillot (creature model) by PLUSH HYENA of DOOM
      • Obsidian Stuff (placeables) by The Amethyst Dragon
      • Kirre (creature model) by Mecheon
November 2013 Dr. Who forum thread download files   ±
      • MerricksDad: Sontarans (creature models, scripting)
      • Rolo Kipp: Really Long Scarf (item model, icons, and visual effects)
      • Valthrendir: Tardis Exterior & Tardis Console (placeable models)
October 2013 Masters of the Wild / Let's Make Camp forum thread download files   ±
      • CaveGnome: Boots of Wilderness Movement (prefab, script)
      • Draygoth28: Rangers (creature models)
      • Grymlorde: Elf Rangers, Cwn Annwn, & Ranger Items (prefabs)
      • oOKyeOo: Camp (prefab)
      • Shemsu-Heru: Female Barbarian Head (body part model)
      • Shemsu-Heru: Female Barbarian (creature model)
      • Shemsu-Heru: Half-Orc Shaman Head (body part model)
      • Shemsu-Heru: Wild Elf Head (body part model)
      • Shemsu-Heru: Barbarian Head (body part model)
      • The Amethyst Dragon: Simple Wilderness Traps by (placeable & VFX models)
September 2013 Arcane Space Stuff forum thread download files   ±
      • Hellfire_RWS & Rolo Kipp: Arcane Space Content Updates (tileset, placeable models, creature models, demo module)
      • Shemsu-Heru: Autognomes (creature models)
      • Tarot Redhand: Arcane Space Loadscreens (loadscreens)
      • The Amethyst Dragon: Spelljamming Helm (placeable model)
      • The Amethyst Dragon: Scavvers (creature models)
      • Vibrant Penumbra: 2nd Edition Neogi (creature models)
August 2013 Vikings, Celts, and Norsemen forum thread download files   ±
      • Torcs (items, inventory icons, visual effects, prefabs) by Cestus Dei
      • Waterhorse and Kelpie (prefabs, creature model) by phenix-rising
      • Carnix (item, inventory icon) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Rune Stones (placeables, inventory icons, prefabs) by TarotRedhand
      • Amulets (inventory icons) by The Amethyst Dragon
July 2013 Lost and Forgotten forum thread download files   ±
      • Ruined Objects (placeables) by Vibrant Penumbra
June 2013 Oldschool forum thread download files   ±
      • Bomb Beasts (creature models and prefabs) by Cestus Dei & TarotRedhand
      • Dungeonham (NPC, item, and area prefabs) by Grymlorde
      • Volo (creature model) by Shemsu-Heru
      • D&D Cartoon Items (item models and prefabs) by The Amethyst Dragon
May 2013 Dragon Stuff forum thread download files   ±
      • Skinmeshed Chromatic Dragons (creatures) by _six
      • Pounce and Sleep Dragon Animations (creatures) by Cestus Dei
      • Oriental Dragons (creatures) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Dragon Deity Holy Symbols (items) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Dragonscale Armor (armor parts) by The Amethyst Dragon
      • Dragon Themed Items (prefab items) by The Amethyst Dragon
      • Mounted Dragons (creatures) by TheOneBlackRider
April 2013 Drow Stuff forum thread download files   ±
      • Riding Lizard (creature) by Draygoth
      • Drow Furniture (placeables) by Hinnish Pastry
      • 9 Drow, Draegloth (creatures) by MerricksDad
      • Driders (creatures) by PLUSH HYENA of DOOM
      • Spider Theme Objects (placeables) by PLUSH HYENA of DOOM
      • Bows, Swords, Shuriken (weapons) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Drow Heads (creature parts) by Shemsu-Heru
March 2013 Heaven and Hell forum thread download files   ±
      • Glabrezu (creature) by MerricksDad
      • Canisecta, Disfavored of Lolth (creatures) by OldTimeRadio
      • Shedu, Lammasu (creatures) by Shemsu-Heru
February 2013 Plants forum thread download files   ±
      • Oriental Trees (placeables) by _six
      • Enhanced Trees, Tidal Seaweed (placeables) by Cestus Dei
      • Forrestals (creatures) by Cestus Dei
      • Morbols (creatures) by Merricksdad
      • Plant Spells by ShaDoOoW
      • Plant Race, Class, and 2da Changes (for quick plant creatures) by ShaDoOoW
      • Farming Plants, Marrowwind Giant Mushrooms (placeables) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Fungi (inventory icons, prefab blueprints) by TarotRedhand
      • Wild Woods Troll (creature) by The Amethyst Dragon
      • Fungal Spores (scripts, icons) by Werelynx
January 2013 Spells and Spellcrafting forum thread download files   ±
      • Mounted Familiars (VFX and scripting) by Cestus Dei
      • Homonculus Bottle (placeables and creature) by Cestus Dei
      • Innocuous Familiars (VFX, blueprints, and scripting) by Henesua
      • New Spells (VFX and scripting) by Pearls & Rubies
      • Speech Bubbles (VFX) by TarotRedhand
      • Wizard Lab Jars (placeables) by The Amethyst Dragon
December 2012 To the Winner Go the Spoils/End of the Road forum thread download files   ±
      • Treasure Hoard (placeable models, scripting) by Cestus Dei
      • Books (inventory icons, holdable models, placeable models) by phenix-rising
      • Sir Ashton's Shield (prefab item) by S. Kerr-Bullian
      • New Scroll Icons (inventory icons) by TarotRedhand
      • Troll Head on a Stake (placeable model, script) by The Amethyst Dragon
November 2012 Sea, Air & Land Travel forum thread download files   ±
      • Sanctum Flying System by Andarian and Estelindis
      • Placeable and Tile Wagon by Asymmetric
      • Starry Sky Placeable by Cestus Dei
      • Climbing and Jumping Animations (demo clip) by Failed.Bard
      • Regional Mod Systems by Rolo Kipp
      • Travel Spells by Rubies and Pearls
      • Bireme Placeable by Shemsu-Heru
October 2012 The Bazaar forum thread download files   ±
      • Market Stalls by Asymmetric
      • Merchant Carts by Cestus Dei
      • Price Tags by dusty.lane
      • Bazaar placeables by Just a Ghost
      • Market Signs by phenix-rising
      • Market Stalls by phenix-rising
      • Bazaar Crowd Sound by phenix-rising
      • Craftperson's Equipment by Shemsu-Heru
      • Large Pottery by Shemsu-Heru
      • Merchants Scripting/Conversation by The Amethyst Dragon
September 2012 Arabian Nights forum thread download files   ±
      • Dhow Placeable by Asymmetric
      • Arabian Head by MilkyNova
      • Tent Placeable by MilkyNova
      • Arabic Skeletons by OldTimeRadio
      • Snakecharmer's Animated Snake Placeable by OldTimeRadio
      • Powdered Dye Table Placeable by OldTimeRadio and Fester Pot
      • Ankus Weapon by phenix-rising
      • Bagh Nakh Weapons by phenix-rising
      • Arabian Clothes by Shemsu-Heru
      • Arabian Heads by Shemsu-Heru
      • Arabian Helmets by Shemsu-Heru
      • Persian Shield by Shemsu-Heru
      • Scimitars by Shemsu-Heru
      • Desert Music Overrides by Shemsu-Heru
      • Zakhara Map Placeables by TarotRedhand
      • Jambiya Dagger by The Amethyst Dragon
      • Arabian Nights Oriental City Tileset Expansion by Zwerkules
August 2012 Steampunk forum thread download files   ±
      • Working Clock (placeables) by Borden Ha'elven
      • Shield-Pistol (item) by Shemsu-Heru
July 2012 Player Customization forum thread download files   ±
      • PC Monster Heads by Carcerian
      • Worm That Walks Head by Carcerian
      • Head Aligned VFX by Carcerian
      • PLT Tails by Carcerian
      • Alternate Sitting Animations by Failed.Bard
      • Quick Appearance Change Tool by Failed.Bard
      • Claws by Just a Ghost
      • World of Warcraft Heads by Shemsu-Heru
      • Holdable Items by Shemsu-Heru
      • Riding Phenotypes + Robes for CEP Brownie by The Amethyst Dragon
June 2012 Animal Related Stuff forum thread download files   ±
      • Body Parts - PC Animal Heads by Carcerian
      • Creature - peacock. (Hey! How come we can type peacock?!) by Carcerian
      • Creature - Animentals (4 variations) by Carcerian
      • Tileset - Beehive by Carcerian
      • Creature - Giant Ladybird by Carcerian
      • Placeables - Insect & Beehive Placeables by Carcerian
      • Items - Figurines of Wondrous Power by Carcerian
      • Placeable - Dragonfly Ornithopter by Carcerian
      • Creature - Dragonflies (Sapphire & Ruby) by Cestus Dei
      • Creature - Hyena (Gnoll skin) by Mecheon
      • Placeable/Item - Monkey toy (and I quote "It's sooooo cuuuuuute") by MilkyNova
      • Creature - Old Time Deer Construction Kit by Old Time radio
      • Creature - Badger by Rubies
      • Spell Script - Enlarge Animal by ShadoOow
      • Bodyparts - Thanoi Heads by Shemsu-Heru
      • Bodyparts - Giff Heads by Shemsu-Heru
      • Placeable - Chicken Coop by The Amethyst Dragon
May 2012 New, better looking weapons forum thread download files   ±
      • Weapon - "Serpent" Swords (flamberge?) by Borden Ha'elven
      • Throwable Weapons (28 variations) by Carcerian
      • Weapon - Githyanki Silver Sword by Carcerian
      • Weapon - Giant Club by Carcerian
      • Weapon - Giant, sharp tuning fork, er, sword ;-) by Carcerian
      • Weapon - Spellshard & Monster-head Staves by Carcerian
      • Weapon - Vorpal blade by Carcerian
      • Weapon & Placeable - "Red Mercy", A rather unique longsword by Cestus Dei
      • Ammunition - *Glowy!* magic arrows by Rubies
      • Weapon - Bone greataxe by _six
      • Weapon - Machetes, Kopis, Tribal blade by Shemsu-Heru
      • Weapon - Maces by Shemsu-Heru
      • Weapon - Bone blade (sickle?) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Weapon - *Big* stick (that speaks softly?) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Weapons - Greataxes by Shemsu-Heru
      • Weapon - Firewhip by The Amethyst Dragon
April 2012 Folk Tales & Myths forum thread download files   ±
      • Placeable - Baba Yaga's Hut by Cestus Dei
      • Portraits - Various Folklore portraits by Leurnid Hand
      • Creatures - Pixie Variations in See Sharp by Rubies
      • Body parts - Brownie Heads (5 variations) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Items, scripts - Various legendary items by The Amethyst Dragon
March 2012 Elven Stuff forum thread download files   ±
      • Items,VFX Helmet- Elven Ki-Stone diadems (6 variations) by Cestus Dei
      • Body parts, heads - Elven celebrities ;-) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Weapons - Elven weapons (7 variations) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Items, torches - Elven Phials of Starlight (3 variations) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Item, shield - The Shield of Gil-Galad by Shemsu-Heru
      • Body parts, head: Elven Priest by Shemsu-Heru
      • Placeables - Spiral spires by The Amethyst Dragon
      • Music - Something haunting with subliminal messages soliciting chocolate? by The Spirited Lass
      • Placeable - Elven meditation/scrying pool by Tiberius Morguhn
February 2012 Oriental Additions forum thread download files   ±
      • Placeables - Bamboo plants, 5 sizes by Borden Ha'elven
      • Placeables - Bamboo fence & gate by Borden Ha'elven
      • Creature - Shape-shifted Oni by Cestus Dei
      • Creature - Oni by Mecheon
      • Item - Paper Umbrellas, 20 variations by Mistress
      • Body Parts - 11 Oriental Heads by Shemsu-Heru
      • Death's Hand Helmet by Shemsu-Heru
      • Weapons - 23 Oriental Weapons by Shemsu-Heru
      • Items - 32 Tessen fans, 2 Musical Instruments & toy by Shemsu-Heru
      • Weapon - Kunai (Dart) by Shemsu-Heru
      • Prefab - Training area for a seaside monk monastery by The Amethyst Dragon
      • Placeables - Oriental flags, 10 variations by The Amethyst Dragon
      • Placeables - Wing Chun dummies, 2 variations by The Amethyst Dragon
      • Weapons - Tessen (steel fan), 5 variations by Vibrant Penumbra
      • Tileset - Arabian City v1 by Zwerkules
January 2012 Rogue Stuff forum thread download files   ±
      • Placeable, script, sounds - Timed Real Spike Trap by _six_six_six_ & aaronn
      • Hide-in wardrobe (w/o lion or witch) by Borden Ha'elven
      • Sliding bookcase by Borden Ha'elven
      • Thief-proof (hah!) Vault by Cestus Dei
      • Banana Peel trap, Mod theme music & sounds for Pen's Duck Trap by Mistress
      • Improved spike traps, Trap drop model by Rubies
      • Placeables - The Usual Suspects Wanted Posters (Addendum 1) (*And* tutorial!) by TarotRedhand
      • The Shell Game by The Amethyst Dragon
      • Placeables - Loot-worthy chests by Tiberius_Morguhn
      • Wanted Posters by Tyndrel
      • Duck Duck Duck Trap, Mallard duck, "A nasty surprise for Cestus" by Vibrant Penumbra
December 2011 Winter Stuff forum thread download files   ±
      • Snow Flurry and Snow Fury creatures (2 creatures) by Cestus Dei
      • Foggy Breath VFX (1 VFX) by Cestus Dei
      • Polar Bear and Winter Wolf Mount creatures (2 creatures and 2 tails) by Draygoth28
      • Winter loadscreens (6 loadscreens) by Mistress
      • Snuggly Balls of Death creatures (2 creatures) by Rubies
      • Frosty Ground placeables (26 placeables) by TarotRedhand
      • Frozen Book icons (10 icons) by TarotRedhand
      • Snowshoe clothing, item and placeables (1 foot part for both phenos, 1 item icon with on the ground model, and 3 placeables) by The Amethyst Dragon
      • Snow Moguls placeables (3 placeables) by Vibrant Penumbra
November 2011 Underwater Stuff forum thread download files   ±
      • Torc of SHoA VFX item (item, VFX, & script) by Cestus Dei
      • Freshwater Fish creatures (2 creatures) by Jack Taylor
      • Undersea version 10 tileset (custom tileset) by LordOfWorms
      • Placeable sounds (5 sounds) by Mistress
      • Bubble spells (3 spells) by Rubies
      • Bubbles VFX script (2 scripts) by ShaDoOoW
      • Underwater creatures (2 creatures) by The Amethyst Dragon
      • Underwater placeables (3 placeables) by The Amethyst Dragon
      • Whirlpool placeables (4 placeables) by Vibrant Penumbra
      • Merfolk tileset buildings and matching loadscreen by Zwerkules
October 2011 Demonic forum thread download files   ±
      • Marililth creatures (2 creatures) by LordOfWorms
      • placeable sounds (5 sounds) by Mistress
      • Scalykind, Warrior of Sess'Innek creature (1 creature) by OldTimeRadio
      • Purgatory tileset (1 mini tileset) by Pstemarie
      • Altar of V'rax'l the Flenser placeable (1 placeable) by Rolo Kipp
      • After-death effects (6 scripts) by ShaDoOoW
      • Wyrde & Frozen Abyss tilesets (2 mini tilesets) by _six_six_six_
September 2011 Horror/Creepy forum thread download files   ±
      • Horror Icons (23 miscellaneous medium, 1 miscellaneous small, and 2 miscellaneous large) by Birdman076
      • Undead Portraits (17 portraits) by Birdman076
      • Big Skull placeable (1 placeable with portrait) by Borden Ha'elven
      • Undead horses and Raven creatures (6 creatures and tails) by Izk The Mad
      • Stomach interior tiles (2 tiles and 3 loadscreens) by Lord of Worms
      • Heartbeat placeable sounds (3 placeable sounds) by Mistress
      • Gaian avatar, The Crone - (1 creature with portrait) by Rolo Kipp
      • Emitter Torches - (1 torch with 7 emitter options and 2 scripts) by ShadowM
      • Creepy heads - (3 male human heads) by _six_six_six_
      • Bloody placeables (50 placeables) by TarotRedhand
      • Bone flail weapons (11 weapon parts with icons) by The Amethyst Dragon
      • Highgate loadscreens (6 loadscreens) by Tyndrel
August 2011 Planescape forum thread download files   ±
      • Barbarian Horn placeable (1 placeable) by _six_six_six_
      • Sigil Insignia icons (15 miscellaneous medium, 1 miscellaneous thin) by Birdman076
      • Bariaur creature (1 creature with portrait) by Draygoth28
      • Female Githyanki head (1 female human) by Estelindis
      • Head-aligned VFX (2 race and gender specific) by The Amethyst Dragon
July 2011 Airships forum thread download files   ±
      • placeable ship sounds (11 wavs) by Mistress
      • Airships (3 placeables) by OldTimeRadio
      • Airship (1 placeable) by Raven_Blood
      • Floating Island (1 Castle Exterior, Rural tile) by _six_six_six_
      • Giant Barnacles and Skyship Elemental Engine (4 placeables) by The Amethyst Dragon
June 2011 Poor Folk Stuff forum thread download files   ±
      • Improvised weapons (4 clubs and 2 throwing shoes) by Estelindis
      • Portrait (1 portrait) by Mistress
      • Monstuhs (2 creatures) by Rubies
      • City Interior 2 tiles (2 tiles) by _six_six_six_
      • Trash piles and shelter placeables (3 placeables) by The Amethyst Dragon
May 2011 A Little Love for the Little Guys forum thread download files   ±
      • Halfling Wolf Mounts (2 creatures) by Draygoth28
      • Small Furniture (3 placeables ) by Estelindis
      • Belt icons and Hairy Female feet (2 clothing icons and 1 female foot) by Mistress
      • Halfling Burrow (1 Castle Exterior, Rural tile) by Pstemarie
      • Furniture (4 placeables) by Rubies
      • Resized small bed (1 placeable) by ShadowM
      • Sarcophagus (1 placeable) by The Amethyst Dragon
      • Halfling Houses and Inn (4 Castle Exterior, Rural tiles) by Zwerkules
April 2011 Religious Items and Symbols forum thread download files   ±
      • Faerunian Pantheon amulets (56 amulet icons) by Estelindis
      • Holdable Holy Symbols (7 torches) by Estelindis
      • Eye of Ra necklace (1 necklace) by Mistress
      • Beholder Hagioscope and Secret Shrine of Rallaster (2 placeables) by OldTimeRadio
      • Holy and Dark books (2 holdable books) by Rubies
      • Ancient Altar (1 placeable) by _six_six_six_
      • Shield of Tyr (1 tower shield) by _six_six_six_
      • Faerunian Pantheon Holy Plaques (72 placeables) by TarotRedhand
      • Faerunian Pantheon Holy Symbols (71 inventory icons) by TarotRedhand
      • Holy Gear scripting (2 scripts) by The Amethyst Dragon
      • World Pillar (1 placeable) by Zwerkules
March 2011 Statuary Garden forum thread download files   ±
      • Chariot Statue (3 placeables) by Borden Ha'elven
      • Inventory Icons (2 amulets, 2 bracers, 2 misc. medium, 10 misc. small, and 19 misc. thin) by Dark Defiance
      • Butterflies (4 placeables) and sounds (35 wavs) by Mistress
      • Chinese Guardian Lions (6 placeables) by OldTimeRadio
      • Cuddly Rocky Golems (3 creatures) by Rubies
      • Placeable Collection and Lady Bug (8 placeables and 1 creature) by The Amethyst Dragon
      • Chinese Tea House tile (1 tile for Castle Exterior, Rural) by Zwerkules
January/February 2011 New Helms, Hats, Hoods, Hair Accessories, or other head decorations forum thread download files   ±
      • circlet (1 robe) by Estelindis
      • Voice command (5 commands) by Mistress
      • Bonnet (1 helmet) by Navarian
      • Weapons to the Head (2 visual effects) by Rubies
      • Tiki Mask (1 visual effect) by The Amethyst Dragon
December 2010 Field war hospital, the toll of war forum thread download files   ±
      • Wounded body parts (2 biceps, 2 chests, and 2 forearms) by Estelindis
      • Placeable Stretchers (8 placeables) by JFK
      • Two Person Stretcher NPCs (2 NPCs) by JFK and Rubies
      • Inventory Icons (1 misc. small and 4 misc. thin) by Mistress
      • Surgical Weapons (7 weapons in 2 different colors) by Rubies
November 2010 Ancient Civiliations forum thread download files   ±
      • Mini maps (86 mini maps) by Bannor Bloodfist
      • Inventory icons (2 misc. medium, 1 misc, small) by Dark Defiance
      • Celtic jewelry (2 necklaces and 1 bracelet) by Estelindis
      • Loadscreens (3 generic Roman, 3 Roman City tileset, and 3 Egyptian) by Mistress
      • South American Indian Heads (10 male human) by Rafthot
      • Shield - Pelta Shield by Shemsu-Heru
      • Roman Armor (as a robe - male human only) by Six
      • Greek Shields (8 large shields) by Xialya
      • Kopesh (as a longsword) by Xialya
      • Roman City tileset by Zwerkules
October 2010 Commoners forum thread download files   ±
      • demo module with an entertaining quest to display all the new goodies by Dark Defiance
      • 3 kitchen tiles for both the City Interior and City Interior 2 tilesets, with loadscreens by Estelindis
      • food icons (2 miscellaneous medium, 2 miscellaneous small, & 2 miscellaneous thin) by Mistress
      • 10 Bioware default head plts (2 female Dwarves, 2 male Gnome, 1 male Halfling, 2 female Humans, 2 male Humans, and 1 female Half-Orc) by Mistress
      • 10 new hats as robes (5 female, 5 male) by Rubies'
      • Weapon - Rolling Pin (Club) by Shemsu-Heru
      • 2 placeables by Six
      • 2 robes (male only) by Six
      • 5 two-handed tools (broom, hoe, pitch fork, rake, and shovel) by Zwerkules
September 2010 Buccaneers/Pirates forum thread download files   ±
      • Skeleton Pirates by cervantes35
      • Pirate Flags and Treasure Map by Dark Defiance
      • Pirate Outfit (partial) by Estelindis
      • Banana Placeables by Jez
      • Cannon Placeables by Rubies
      • Ghoul Pirates by Six
      • VFX Pirate Parrots by The Amethyst Dragon
August 2010 High Priestress/Cleric Apartment forum thread download files   ±
      • wargear set by Ben Harrison
      • an altar by Estelindis
      • a prayer kneeler and book by JFK/Frith5
      • a hanger with ceremonial cloak and empty hanger by Jez
      • a rich desk by Morikhan
      • a shrine by Six
      • a swan bathtube by Zwerkules