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For the Custom Content Maker

This section contains links and information for the development of custom content by community members, such as icons, portraits, and 3D models.

Quick Jump:
Guides and Tutorials
Custom Content Tools:
- Modeling & Animation
- Texture Creation & Editing
- Tileset Creation
- 2DA, Tlk & Data
- Music & Sound
- Resources

Custom Content Challenge
An ongoing project for both new and experienced content makers, designed to bring new content (models, icons, scripts, sounds, prefabs, etc.) to the community while sharpening content makers' skills. A new theme is picked every month.

Guides and Tutorials:

How To...
A collection of tutorials, hints, and tips for specific custom content tasks.

Custom Content Guide v3.0 by Eligio_Sacateca
Though dated, this reference is still an invaluable resource for anyone that wants to get into creating his or her own custom additions to the game.

Custom Content Mechanics by Axe Murderer
This documentation helps explain how the Neverwinter Nights game engine uses various types of custom content.

Custom Portraits Guide
This explains the basics of creating new custom portraits for PCs.

Negalith’s Creature Animation School by Negalith
Simple, concise lessons that introduce new content makers to the basics of creature animation in gmax.

The Learning Curve
Useful tutorials and information on 3D model making for NWN, on the Community Tileset Project (CTP)/Harvest Moon forums.

Neverwinter Nights Miscellany by Pstemarie
A collection of various tips, techniques, and tutorials for the CC creator.

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Custom Content Tools: [list source]

Modeling & Animation

3ds Max
A powerful modeling and animation tool; commercial software.

A free alternative to 3ds Max; allows for the creation and modification of models and animations.

An import/export and utility script set for GMax and 3ds Max; allows models and animations to be imported/exported from/into a format recognised by NWN.

GMax Import/Export
An import/export script for GMax; an alternative to NWmax.

A set of scripts for GMax and 3ds Max; features various tools, primarily useful for tileset creation.

A free modeling and animation tool. Warning: limited NWN support.

NWN import/export scripts for Blender.

CleanModels 3.5
Model error reporting and correction. (all needed files and documentation are included in the download)

NWN Armory
Bulk creation and conversion of character anatomy models.

NWN Carottes
Bulk compiling of models from/into ASCII/MDL formats.

Bulk compiling of models from/into ASCII/MDL formats. A more up-to-date alternative to NWN Carottes.

Texture Creation & Editing

A powerful industry-standard image editing tool; commercial software.

Photoshop PLT Exporter
A Photoshop plugin allowing textures to be saved in PLT format.

A free alternative to Photoshop.

A GIMP plugin allowing PLT format textures to be opened and saved.

DDS Compression Tool
An application allowing bulk conversion of uncompressed TGA textures to DDS format.

TGA Flipper
An application allowing bulk flipping/re-saving of uncompressed TGA format textures.

PLT Editor
An application allowing PLT format textures to be modified and re-saved.

LOK Texture Reference
Generation of all used/missing textures on model files in a directory.

A free alternative to Photoshop and GIMP.

A application that can quickly convert images to different formats (among other functions).

NWN Area Load Screen Creation Kit v1.05
Easy to use templates and instructions for making your own area loadscreen images.

Tileset Creation

Set Editor
An application for the creation and editing of tileset SET files.

Tileset Duplicator
An application for the easy duplication of existing tilesets.

Tileset Creator
A script set for 3ds Max (and partially, GMax); allows for the handling of SET files and minimaps within 3ds Max.

2DA, tlk & Data

BioWare Hak Editor

An application (nwhak.exe) for the creation and editing of HAK files. Found in the NWN/utils/ folder.

NWN Explorer Reborn
An application allowing all NWN game resources to be viewed and extracted.

NWN2daTool Excel Spreadsheet
An Excel file with some handy macro buttons that make the 2da data easy to import, store, manipulate, and export again.

A Java application for the creation and editing of 2da, TLK, GFF, and ERF format files. Requires Java.

Killer TLK Editor
An alternative to TLKEdit; allows for the creation and editing of TLK files, easy to search or reference custom tlk line numbers.

GFF Editor
An application for viewing and editing NWN data files.

CODI Custom Content Helper
A wizard-based application for the creation and editing of 2da and TLK files.

2da Combinulator
An application for the automatic merging of 2da files.

Tabular Framework
An application for the creation and editing of 2da and TLK files.

A powerful text/code editor useful for working with 2da and ASCII model files. Also has limited support for nwscript.

A tool for differencing and merging files; can be used to merge 2das.

Music & Sound

An application allowing bulk conversion from/into MP3/BMU format music files.

SSF Editor
An application for the creation and editing of NWN soundset files.

An application for editing and recording sound in various formats.


Custom Content Guide
An online reference for custom content, including NWmax documentation.

CG Textures
A free site for photography/texture resources.

Mayang Textures
A free site for photography/texture resources.

File management tools.

Useful File Utilities
File management tools.

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