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Neverwinter Nights Fan Site Kits

The files listed below contain various art assets, information, and other media that can be used to quickly set up your own fan site for Neverwinter Nights.

Fan Site Kit Contents include: Web Page Background Images, Web Page Buttons with source to create your own, Logos, Screenshots, Wallpapers, Character Portraits, Game Art, Box Art, Game Information and Text, FAQ.

Neverwinter Nights Fan Site Kit:
Windows version - (.exe, 12.5 MB)
     1. Download and Save it somewhere you can easily find, such as your Desktop
     2. Run the file to install the Fan Site Kit. The default install location is "C: \Program Files \Neverwinter Nights Fan Site Kit"
     3. The location you installed to will contain all the Fan Site Kit files. Open the "Fan Site Guide.doc" file to get started!
Mac version - (.bin, 13 MB)
     1. Download and save it somewhere you can easily find, such as your Desktop.
     2. Run the file to install the Fan Site Kit. The default install location is your Documents folder.
     3. The location you installed to will contain all the Fan Site Kit files. Open the "Fan Site Guide.doc" file to get started!

Hordes of the Underdark Fan Site Kit:
Windows download - (.zip, 1.4 MB)
HotU screenshots, creature images, game art, logos (jpg and psd formats), and fact sheet

Shadows of Undrentide Logo Pack:
Windows download - (.zip, 460 KB)
Shadows of Undrentide Logos (jpg and psd formats)

Witch's Wake Logo Pack:
Windows download - (.zip, 1.7 MB)
Witch's Wake Logos on black and white background (gif and jpg formats), Source logo in Photoshop format (layered psd)

You may need to right-click on the links and select "Save As..." or "Save Link As..." (or similar option, depending on your browser software).