ABILITY_* Constant Group

From NWN Lexicon

The standard six ability scores.

[edit] Constants

Constant Value Description
ABILITY_CHARISMA 5 One of the standard six ability scores; measures a character's persuasiveness, personal magnetism, and ability to lead. Abbreviated "CHR".
ABILITY_CONSTITUTION 2 One of the standard six ability scores; encompasses his physique, fitness, health, and physical resistance to hardship, injury, and disease. Abbreviated as "CON".
ABILITY_DEXTERITY 1 One of the standard six ability scores; encompasses several physical attributes including hand-eye coordination, agility, reaction speed, reflexes, and balance. Abbreviated as "DEX".
ABILITY_INTELLIGENCE 3 One of the standard six ability scores; represents a character's memory, reasoning, and learning ability, including areas outside those measured by the written word. Abbreviated as "INT".
ABILITY_STRENGTH 0 One of the standard six ability scores; measures a character's muscle, endurance, and stamina. Abbreviated as "STR".
ABILITY_WISDOM 4 One of the standard six ability scores; describes a composite of the character's enlightenment, judgment, guile, willpower, common sense, and intuition. Abbreviated as "WIS".

[edit] See Also

functions:  GetAbilityScore

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