[edit] Description
The description section read as follows:
Inserts the function call aCommand into the Action Queue. Generally, any function not beginning with "Action" will not be inserted into the queue. Functions called without the use of ActionDoCommand will preempt other previously called functions in the Action Queue and execute immediately.
This seemed a little unclear, so I revised it like so:
Inserts the function call aCommand into the Action Queue, ensuring the calling object will perform actions in a particular order.
Without the use of this function, in general, any function not beginning with "Action" will not be inserted into the queue. This means they will preempt other, previously called functions in the Action Queue and execute immediately.
Since this edit was bound up with a wikification edit, I'm posting this here in case anyone thinks this wording is less clear. - Squatting Monk (talk) 23:07, 10 September 2012 (UTC)
[edit] Remarks
The last sentence here makes sense, but the first sentence is unclear. Can someone who understands what this is saying improve it?
The use of void would work exactly the same as action commands in the sense of ActionDoCommand(), however, but code executes instead of a physical action. However, in some cases, such as doing ActionDoCommand(SpeakString("Hello")); would be the same as ActionSpeakString("Hello");.
- Squatting Monk (talk) 23:07, 10 September 2012 (UTC)
[edit] Known Bugs
The text states:
When used in a script during the OnSpawn event, its possible for a creature to assume strange behavior.
Can anyone give more details on what sort of strange behavior may be expected? - Squatting Monk (talk) 23:07, 10 September 2012 (UTC)