
From NWN Lexicon

Interact with a placeable object.


[edit] Parameters

The object to interact with.

[edit] Description

Interact with a placeable object. This will activate/deactivate the placeable object if a valid one is passed in.

KLUDGE: Because of placeables (like the trap doors, etc.) that should be "opened" rather than "activated", but don't have an inventory, Bioware uses what they call an "ugly hack". Set the "Will" saving throw of a placeable to the value 1 if it should be opened rather than activated.

[edit] Remarks

Uses a random 5. If the random comes up as 0, then the animation will be a head scratch.

[edit] Requirements

#include "x0_i0_anims"

[edit] Version


[edit] See Also

functions:  AnimActionStopInteracting

author: Baragg, editor: Mistress

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