ANIMATION_* Constant Group

From NWN Lexicon

This is a list of animations and their associated constants.

[edit] Constants

Constant Value Description
ANIMATION_FIREFORGET_BOW 105 The bow animation.
ANIMATION_FIREFORGET_DODGE_DUCK 115 The animation of someone dodging something by ducking
ANIMATION_FIREFORGET_DODGE_SIDE 114 The animation of someone dodging something by taking a half-step to the side.
ANIMATION_FIREFORGET_DRINK 113 The drinking animation.
ANIMATION_FIREFORGET_GREETING 107 The animation of a creature greeting someone.
ANIMATION_FIREFORGET_HEAD_TURN_LEFT 100 The animation of a creature turning its head left.
ANIMATION_FIREFORGET_HEAD_TURN_RIGHT 101 The animation of a creature turning its head right.
ANIMATION_FIREFORGET_PAUSE_BORED 103 The animation of a creature standing around bored.
ANIMATION_FIREFORGET_PAUSE_SCRATCH_HEAD 102 The animation of a creature standing around scratching its head.
ANIMATION_FIREFORGET_READ 112 The reading animation.
ANIMATION_FIREFORGET_SALUTE 104 The animation of a creature saluting.
ANIMATION_FIREFORGET_SPASM 116 The animation of a creature having a spasm. Actually looks a little creepy in my opinion...
ANIMATION_FIREFORGET_STEAL 106 The stealing animation.
ANIMATION_FIREFORGET_TAUNT 108 The taunting animation.
ANIMATION_FIREFORGET_VICTORY1 109 One of the celebration animations.
ANIMATION_FIREFORGET_VICTORY2 110 One of the celebration animations.
ANIMATION_FIREFORGET_VICTORY3 111 One of the celebration animations.
ANIMATION_LOOPING_CONJURE1 18 The looping animation of someone conjuring something by moving hands in a pattern in front of themself.
ANIMATION_LOOPING_CONJURE2 19 The looping animation of someone conjuring something by waving their hands over their head.
ANIMATION_LOOPING_CUSTOM1 21 Placeholder for custom content based animation.
ANIMATION_LOOPING_CUSTOM2 22 Placeholder for custom content based animation.
ANIMATION_LOOPING_CUSTOM3 23 Placeholder for custom content based animation.
ANIMATION_LOOPING_CUSTOM4 24 Placeholder for custom content based animation.
ANIMATION_LOOPING_CUSTOM5 25 Placeholder for custom content based animation.
ANIMATION_LOOPING_CUSTOM6 26 Placeholder for custom content based animation.
ANIMATION_LOOPING_CUSTOM7 27 Placeholder for custom content based animation.
ANIMATION_LOOPING_CUSTOM8 28 Placeholder for custom content based animation.
ANIMATION_LOOPING_CUSTOM9 29 Placeholder for custom content based animation.
ANIMATION_LOOPING_CUSTOM10 30 Placeholder for custom content based animation.
ANIMATION_LOOPING_CUSTOM11 31 Placeholder for custom content based animation.
ANIMATION_LOOPING_CUSTOM12 32 Placeholder for custom content based animation.
ANIMATION_LOOPING_CUSTOM13 33 Placeholder for custom content based animation.
ANIMATION_LOOPING_CUSTOM14 34 Placeholder for custom content based animation.
ANIMATION_LOOPING_CUSTOM15 35 Placeholder for custom content based animation.
ANIMATION_LOOPING_CUSTOM16 36 Placeholder for custom content based animation.
ANIMATION_LOOPING_CUSTOM17 37 Placeholder for custom content based animation.
ANIMATION_LOOPING_CUSTOM18 38 Placeholder for custom content based animation.
ANIMATION_LOOPING_CUSTOM19 39 Placeholder for custom content based animation.
ANIMATION_LOOPING_CUSTOM20 40 Placeholder for custom content based animation.
ANIMATION_LOOPING_DEAD_BACK 17 Like ANIMATION_LOOPING_DEAD_FRONT, except the creature will lie face up instead of face down.
ANIMATION_LOOPING_DEAD_FRONT 16 Creates a feign death or sleep-like effect that ends when the player moves or clicks on himself. If attacked while down, the player will not get up if hit.
ANIMATION_LOOPING_GET_LOW 12 Causes the object to bend down low to retrieve something from the floor.
ANIMATION_LOOPING_GET_MID 13 Causes the object to bend down to get something at about waist height.
ANIMATION_LOOPING_LISTEN 2 The looping animation of a creature listening.
ANIMATION_LOOPING_LOOK_FAR 5 The looping animation of a creature looking at a distance.
ANIMATION_LOOPING_MEDITATE 3 The looping animation of a creature meditating.
ANIMATION_LOOPING_PAUSE 0 The looping animation of a creature standing around.
ANIMATION_LOOPING_PAUSE_DRUNK 15 The looping animation of a drunk creature standing around.
ANIMATION_LOOPING_PAUSE_TIRED 14 The looping animation of a tired creature standing around.
ANIMATION_LOOPING_PAUSE2 1 The looping animation of a creature standing around.
ANIMATION_LOOPING_SIT_CHAIR 6 The looping animation of a creature sitting on a chair.
ANIMATION_LOOPING_SIT_CROSS 7 The looping animation of a creature sitting cross-legged.
ANIMATION_LOOPING_SPASM 20 The looping animation of someone having a spasm. Actually looks a little creepy in my opinion...
ANIMATION_LOOPING_TALK_FORCEFUL 10 The looping animation of a creature talking forcefully.
ANIMATION_LOOPING_TALK_LAUGHING 11 The looping animation of a creature laughing.
ANIMATION_LOOPING_TALK_NORMAL 8 The looping animation of a creature talking.
ANIMATION_LOOPING_TALK_PLEADING 9 The looping animation of a creature pleading.
ANIMATION_LOOPING_WORSHIP 4 The looping animation of the creature worshipping.
ANIMATION_PLACEABLE_ACTIVATE 200 The animation of a placeable becoming activated.
ANIMATION_PLACEABLE_CLOSE 203 The closing animation of a placeable.
ANIMATION_PLACEABLE_DEACTIVATE 201 The animation of a placeable becoming deactivated.
ANIMATION_PLACEABLE_OPEN 202 The opening of a placeable animation.

[edit] See Also

functions:  PlayAnimation, PlayConversationAnimation

author: NWN Lexicon Group, editor: Mistress, contributor: Phann

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