AREA_* Constant Group
From NWN Lexicon
Constants pertaining to the properties of the area as set in the area's properties, and used with GetIsAreaAboveGround and GetIsAreaNatural.
[edit] Constants
Constant | Value | Description |
AREA_ABOVEGROUND | 1 | The area is aboveground, as opposed to underground. |
AREA_ARTIFICIAL | 0 | The area is artificial, as opposed to natural. |
AREA_HEIGHT | 0 | Gets the height of the area measured in tiles. Used in GetAreaSize. |
AREA_INVALID | -1 | Return value for incorrect use of GetIsAreaAboveGround and GetIsAreaNatural. |
AREA_NATURAL | 1 | The area is natural, as opposed to artificial. |
AREA_UNDERGROUND | 0 | The area is underground, as opposed to aboveground. |
AREA_WIDTH | 1 | Gets the width of the area measured in tiles. Used in GetAreaSize. |
NWN Lexicon Group, editor: Mistress, Kookoo