Armor, Light

From NWN Lexicon

This is a list of light magical and non-magical armor appearing in the standard palette of the NWN Toolset.

[edit] Items

Item ResRef Tag GP Value
Armor of Fleetness nw_maarcl004 NW_MAARCL004 37,337
Armor of Loyalty nw_maarcl011 NW_MAARCL011 7,911
Armor of the Stars nw_maarcl003 NW_MAARCL003 20,116
Armor of the Wolf nw_maarcl001 NW_MAARCL001 28,095
Armor of Thorns nw_maarcl013 NW_MAARCL013 7,439
Aslyferund Elven Chain nw_mcloth005 NW_MCLOTH005 26,117
Aurumvorax Armor nw_maarcl006 NW_MAARCL006 2,939
Benzo's Luck nw_maarcl032 NW_MAARCL032 6,827
Bindings of Blood x2_cus_bindingsofblood x2_cus_bindingsofblood 188,651
Black Flame Armor nw_maarcl009 NW_MAARCL009 12,335
Broewende Family Armor nw_maarcl017 NW_MAARCL017 19,463
Callurdan Smoothand's Armor nw_maarcl012 NW_MAARCL012 14,152
Chain Shirt nw_aarcl012 NW_AARCL012 100
Chain Shirt +1 nw_maarcl046 NW_MAARCL046 756
Chain Shirt +2 nw_maarcl067 NW_MAARCL067 3,024
Chain Shirt +3 nw_maarcl079 NW_MAARCL079 6,912
Chain Shirt +4 xo_maarcl009 X0_MAARCL009 12,420
Chain Shirt +5 xo_maarcl010 X0_MAARCL010 19,548
Chain Shirt +6 x2_maarcl033 X2_MAARCL033 58,622
Chain Shirt +7 x2_maarcl034 X2_MAARCL034 98,109
Dancer's Silhouette x2_cus_dancerssilhouette x2_cus_dancerssilhouette 189,037
Drow Leather Armor +1 x2_mdrowar001 X2_MDROWAR001 666
Drow Leather Armor +2 x2_mdrowar002 X2_MDROWAR002 2,934
Drow Leather Armor +3 x2_mdrowar003 X2_MDROWAR003 6,822
Drow Leather Armor +4 x2_mdrowar004 X2_MDROWAR004 12,330
Drow Leather Armor +5 x2_mdrowar005 X2_MDROWAR005 19,458
Drow Leather Armor +6 x2_mdrowar006 X2_MDROWAR006 58,532
Drow Leather Armor +7 x2_mdrowar007 X2_MDROWAR007 98,019
Drow Studded Leather Armor +1 x2_mdrowar008 X2_MDROWAR008 671
Drow Studded Leather Armor +2 x2_mdrowar009 X2_MDROWAR009 2,939
Drow Studded Leather Armor +3 x2_mdrowar010 X2_MDROWAR010 6,827
Drow Studded Leather Armor +4 x2_mdrowar011 X2_MDROWAR011 12,335
Drow Studded Leather Armor +5 x2_mdrowar012 X2_MDROWAR012 19,463
Drow Studded Leather Armor +6 x2_mdrowar013 X2_MDROWAR013 58,537
Drow Studded Leather Armor +7 x2_mdrowar014 X2_MDROWAR014 98,024
Duergar Studded Leather Armor +3 x2_mduerar007 X2_MDUERAR007 6,827
Duergar Studded Leather Armor +4 x2_mduerar008 X2_MDUERAR008 12,335
Duergar Studded Leather Armor +5 x2_mduerar009 X2_MDUERAR009 19,463
Fletcher's Friend x2_cus_fletchersfriend x2_cus_fletchersfriend 113,432
Greenleaf nw_maarcl033 NW_MAARCL033 25,110
Hair Shirt of Ilmater xo_maarcl041 X0_MAARCL041 8,313
Leather Armor nw_aarcl001 NW_AARCL001 10
Leather Armor +1 nw_maarcl044 NW_MAARCL044 666
Leather Armor +2 nw_maarcl071 NW_MAARCL071 2,934
Leather Armor +3 nw_maarcl083 NW_MAARCL083 6,822
Leather Armor +4 xo_maarcl003 X0_MAARCL003 12,330
Leather Armor +5 xo_maarcl004 X0_MAARCL004 19,458
Leather Armor +6 x2_maarcl027 X2_MAARCL027 58,532
Leather Armor +7 x2_maarcl028 X2_MAARCL028 98,019
Mirrored Armor nw_maarcl002 NW_MAARCL002 21,257
Mithral Shirt x2_it_mithralsh x2_it_mithralsh 18,590
Padded Armor nw_aarcl009 NW_AARCL009 5
Padded Armor +1 nw_maarcl043 NW_MAARCL043 661
Padded Armor +2 nw_maarcl072 NW_MAARCL072 2,929
Padded Armor +3 nw_maarcl084 NW_MAARCL084 6,817
Padded Armor +4 xo_maarcl001 X0_MAARCL001 12,325
Padded Armor +5 xo_maarcl002 X0_MAARCL002 19,453
Padded Armor +6 x2_maarcl025 X2_MAARCL025 58,523
Padded Armor +7 x2_maarcl026 X2_MAARCL026 98,010
Rogue Links nw_maarcl034 NW_MAARCL034 16,417
Shadow Legion Armor nw_maarcl005 NW_MAARCL005 16,902
Skin of the Forest x1_maarcl001 X1_MAARCL001 4,629
Squire's Defense nw_maarcl008 NW_MAARCL008 28,206
Storm Armor nw_it_novel003 NW_IT_NOVEL003 23,151
Studded Leather Armor nw_aarcl002 NW_AARCL002 15
Studded Leather Armor +1 nw_maarcl045 NW_MAARCL045 671
Studded Leather Armor +2 nw_maarcl075 NW_MAARCL075 2,939
Studded Leather Armor +3 nw_maarcl087 NW_MAARCL087 6,827
Studded Leather Armor +4 xo_maarcl009 X0_MAARCL009 12,335
Studded Leather Armor +5 xo_maarcl009 X0_MAARCL009 19,463
Studded Leather Armor +6 x2_maarcl029 X2_MAARCL029 58,537
Studded Leather Armor +7 x2_maarcl030 X2_MAARCL030 98,024
The Great Oak nw_maarcl007 NW_MAARCL007 13,405

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