AutoAlignE(int, object)

From NWN Lexicon

Adjusts the alignment of the object towards evil, relative to the degree indicated.

void AutoAlignE(
    int nDC,
    object oTarget


[edit] Parameters

A DC_* constant representing the relative difficulty of the task (should be DC_EASY, DC_MEDIUM, or DC_HARD).
The creature whose alignment will be changed.

[edit] Description

Adjusts the alignment of the object towards evil, relative to the degree indicated.

[edit] Remarks

This is a wrapper for AdjustAlignment().

The amount shifted depends on the DC given:

  • DC_EASY is 3 point shift
  • DC_MEDIUM is a 7 point shift
  • DC_HARD is a 10 point shift

[edit] Requirements

#include "nw_i0_plot"

[edit] Version


[edit] See Also

constants:  DC_* Constants

author: Tom Cassiotis, editor: Dave Robinson

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