AutoDC(int, int, object)

From NWN Lexicon

Determines whether a skill check succeeds.

int AutoDC(
    int nDC,
    int nSkill,
    object oTarget


[edit] Parameters

A DC_* constant reflecting the approximate difficulty of the roll.
A SKILL_* constant representing the skill check the target is rolling.
The creature rolling to determine success.

[edit] Description

Returns TRUE if oTarget succeeds a check based on nSkill for a crude difficulty category nDC.

[edit] Remarks

As of patch 1.30, this function will work on non-creatures as well. It uses the hitdice of the caller in a division, but if that hitdice is 0 (as for non-creature), it just divides by 1 instead.

NOTE: The version of this function located in here is MUCH better than the version located in nw_i0_tool. This version can test for DCs superior through epic. It also has tests for charmed and dominated effects.

[edit] Known Bugs

Previously noted bug was fixed in version 1.59 / patch 1.60.

[edit] Requirements

#include "nw_i0_plot"

[edit] Version


[edit] See Also

functions:  GetIsSkillSuccessful
constants:  SKILL_* Constants

author: Tom Cassiotis, editors: Lilac Soul, Mistress, additional contributor(s): Lilac Soul

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