Category:Beginning Scripting

From NWN Lexicon

[edit] Beginning Scripting

Starter scripting tutorials.

Title Brief Description

BubaDragon - Guide to Debugging

BubaDragons guide to NWNScript Debugging

Celowin - Part I: The Basics

First in a series of tutorials teaching the fundamentals of writing NWNScript to a complete beginner.

Celowin - Part II: Local Variables

Second in a series of tutorials teaching the fundamentals of NWNScript programming to a complete beginner.

Celowin - Part III: Conditionals

Third in a series of tutorials teaching the fundamentals of NWNScript programming to a complete beginner.

Celowin - Part IV: User Defined Events

Fourth in a series of tutorials teaching the fundamentals of NWNScript programming to a complete beginner.

Celowin - Part V: Learning on Your Own, Non-NPC Scripts

Fifth in a series of tutorials teaching the fundamentals of NWNScript programming to a complete beginner.

Celowin - Part VI: Loops

Sixth in a series of tutorials teaching the fundamentals of NWNScript programming to a complete beginner.

Celowin - Part VII: Scripting for Items

Seventh in a series of tutorials teaching the fundamentals of NWNScript programming to a complete beginner.

Celowin - Part VIII: Functions

Eighth in a series of tutorials teaching the fundamentals of NWNScript programming to a complete beginner.

Celowin - Part IX: Functions that Return, Default Parameters, Libraries

Ninth in a series of tutorials teaching the fundamentals of NWNScript programming to a complete beginner.

Compiler Error Messages

A list of some reasons why the compiler will produce certain error messages and how to fix them.

David Gaider - Setting Variables

Information on how to set and retrieve variables on objects so they maintain state.

Grimlar - Guide To Secret Doors

A short explanation of how to place and setup hidden doors.

Grimlar - Guide To The Stone Of Recall

A quick demonstration of how to set up a Stone of Recall in your module.

Grimlar - Introduction To Tag Based Scripting

A guide to using Tag Based Scripting, including a short demonstration.

Ten Caveats for the Novice Scripter

Provides insights to problems most often encountered by script writers making a module.

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