Bow, Long

From NWN Lexicon

This is a list of longbows appearing in the standard palette of the NWN Toolset.

[edit] Items

Item ResRef Tag GP Value
Composite Longbow +1 nw_wbwmln010 NW_WBWMLN010 2,910
Composite Longbow +2 nw_wbwmln011 NW_WBWMLN011 7,560
Composite Longbow +3 nw_wbwmln012 NW_WBWMLN012 14,460
Composite Longbow +4 x0_wbwmln003 X0_WBWMLN003 20,310
Composite Longbow +5 x0_wbwmln004 X0_WBWMLN004 27,160
Composite Longbow +6 x2_wbwmln007 X2_WBWMLN007 120,274
Composite Longbow +7 x2_wbwmln008 X2_WBWMLN008 180,650
Elven Court Bow nw_wbwmln004 NW_WBWMLN004 9,610
Forever x2_wbwmln010 X2_WBWMLN010 179,700
Longarm nw_wbwmln006 NW_WBWMLN006 29,794
Longbow nw_wbwln001 NW_WBWLN001 150
Longbow +1 nw_wbwmln002 NW_WBWMLN002 554
Longbow +2 nw_wbwmln008 NW_WBWMLN008 1,954
Longbow +3 nw_wbwmln009 NW_WBWMLN009 4,354
Longbow +4 x0_wbwmln001 X0_WBWMLN001 7,754
Longbow +5 x0_wbwmln002 X0_WBWMLN002 12,154
Longbow +6 x2_wbwmln005 X2_WBWMLN005 36,274
Longbow +7 x2_wbwmln006 X2_WBWMLN006 60,650
North Wind Bow nw_wbwmln007 NW_WBWMLN007 25,710
North Wind Bow +8 x2_wbwmln009 X2_WBWMLN009 505,768
Ripper nw_wbwmln005 NW_WBWMLN005 59,010
Taralash nw_wbwmln003 NW_WBWMLN003 95,508

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