Clothing, Boots

From NWN Lexicon

This is a list of boots appearing in the standard palette of the NWN Toolset.

[edit] Items

Item ResRef Tag GP Value
Boots of Elvenkind nw_it_mboots002 NW_IT_MBOOTS002 12,960
Boots of Hardiness +1 nw_it_mboots015 NW_IT_MBOOTS015 4,041
Boots of Hardiness +2 nw_it_mboots016 NW_IT_MBOOTS016 16,893
Boots of Hardiness +3 nw_it_mboots017 NW_IT_MBOOTS017 38,565
Boots of Reflexes +1 nw_it_mboots010 nw_it_mboots010 343
Boots of Reflexes +2 nw_it_mboots011 nw_it_mboots011 1,526
Boots of Reflexes +3 nw_it_mboots012 nw_it_mboots012 3,554
Boots of Reflexes +4 nw_it_mboots013 nw_it_mboots013 6,427
Boots of Reflexes +5 nw_it_mboots014 nw_it_mboots014 10,145
Boots of Reflexes +6 x2_it_mboots001 X2_IT_MBOOTS001 30,526
Boots of Reflexes +7 x2_it_mboots002 X2_IT_MBOOTS002 51,123
Boots of Reflexes +8 x2_it_mboots003 X2_IT_MBOOTS003 82,810
Boots of Reflexes +9 x2_it_mboots004 X2_IT_MBOOTS004 108,160
Boots of Reflexes +10 x2_it_mboots005 X2_IT_MBOOTS005 285,611
Boots of Speed nw_it_mboots005 NW_IT_MBOOTS005 20,000
Boots of Striding +1 nw_it_mboots001 NW_IT_MBOOTS001 1,441
Boots of Striding +2 nw_it_mboots006 NW_IT_MBOOTS006 5,761
Boots of Striding +3 nw_it_mboots007 NW_IT_MBOOTS007 12,961
Boots of Striding +4 nw_it_mboots008 NW_IT_MBOOTS008 23,041
Boots of Striding +5 nw_it_mboots009 NW_IT_MBOOTS009 36,001
Boots of Striding +6 x2_it_mboots006 X2_IT_MBOOTS006 51,841
Boots of Striding +7 x2_it_mboots007 X2_IT_MBOOTS007 70,561
Boots of Striding +8 x2_it_mboots008 X2_IT_MBOOTS008 92,161
Boots of Striding +9 x2_it_mboots009 X2_IT_MBOOTS009 116,641
Boots of Striding +10 x2_it_mboots010 X2_IT_MBOOTS010 144,001
Boots of the Shifting Sands x1_it_mboots001 X1_IT_MBOOTS001 66,251
Boots of the Sun Soul +1 nw_it_mboots018 NW_IT_MBOOTS018 657
Boots of the Sun Soul +2 nw_it_mboots019 NW_IT_MBOOTS019 2,925
Boots of the Sun Soul +3 nw_it_mboots020 NW_IT_MBOOTS020 6,813
Boots of the Sun Soul +4 nw_it_mboots021 NW_IT_MBOOTS021 34,929
Boots of the Sun Soul +5 nw_it_mboots022 NW_IT_MBOOTS022 64,161
Boots of the Winterlands x0_it_mboots001 X0_IT_MBOOTS001 91
Boots of Tumbling x0_it_mboots003 X0_IT_MBOOTS003 922
Dragon Slippers nw_it_mboots003 NW_IT_MBOOTS003 23,523
Gargoyle Boots nw_it_mboots004 NW_IT_MBOOTS004 22,375
Greater Boots of Tumbling x0_it_mboots004 X0_IT_MBOOTS004 2,823
Lesser Boots of Tumbling x0_it_mboots002 X0_IT_MBOOTS002 231
Nasher's Nimble Boots x2_nash_boot x2_nash_boot 12,961

author: NWN Lexicon Group, editor: Mistress

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