Category:Conditionals and Loops

From NWN Lexicon

[edit] Conditionals and Loops

Conditional statements used in NWNScript.

Title Brief Description

?: Ternary Conditional

Simple conditional operator similar to an if statement.

break Statement

Halts the execution of a loop or switch and skips any remaining statements within the loop or switch code block.

continue Statement

Skips any remaining statements within a loops current iteration, and begins execution at the beginning of the next iteration.

do Loop

Executes a block of code (at least once) and then repeats the block based on the value of an expression.

for Loop

Repeats the execution of a code block based on the value of a counter.

if/else Statement

Executes code blocks based on a Boolean condition.

switch/case Statement

Creates a series of conditional branches based on the value of a single variable.

while Loop

Repeats the execution of a code block based on the value of an expression.

Pages in category "Conditionals and Loops"

The following 8 pages are in this category, out of 8 total.

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