
From NWN Lexicon

Everyone included in the list below has contributed at least some of their time to the creation of the Lexicon; many contributors have spent long hours determining exactly how a specific function operates and what its quirks are. It is through these efforts we hope the Lexicon helps developers easily write higher quality modules.

The Japanese Team has been hard at work translating the existing Lexicon from English into Japanese. This is by no means an easy undertaking and the work that has been accomplished is on par with what has been done with the English version of the Lexicon! You can see the Japanese version of the Lexicon at

For French reading NWN module developers, a French reference similar to the Lexicon can be found at Although not a translation of the English NWN Lexicon, it does maintain an expansive list of the functions, constants, and other elements with a clean and easy to use interface. The French NWN script reference project is not affiliated with the NWN Lexicon.

The GetLastLexiconUpdateBy() versions pick up where the original Lexicon teams left off.

GetLastLexiconUpdateBy() Phase 2 - Update to 1.69
Name Title
Axe Murderer Sergeant at Arms, Bailiff, Jailer, and Executioner
Baragg Janitors' Assistant
Fireboar Lexicon Tinkerer
FunkySwerve Dude Whose Funk is Swervy
Graewerld <~{{{{{>< Fish Wrangler
Hue-Tsi Compiler of Indexes, Searcher of Engines, and Perpetrator of Numerous Drool Buckets
Jimmy Buffet Mr. Journeyed to the Edge of the World and Didn't Come Back
Ken Cotterill Dude Who Stumbled into the Secret Room on Accident
Kolyana Sunbathing Red Pen Rock Star
Kookoo Grand Poohbah of VFX_* Screenshots, Champion Error Smacker, PR Dude, Chief Information Gatherer, All Around Goof, and Withholder of Pancakes
Mistress Code Guru and Cracker of the Whip
motu99 Code Junkie
Phann Scolder of Typos
Proleric Hostler and Groom
ShaDoOoW Gnome Scribe
Sunjammer Sunny Jammer of Magical Tiles
Tyndrel Foley Editor
GetLastLexiconUpdateBy() Phase 1 - Update to 1.68
Name Title
bernosky Instigator and Code Guru
Kookoo Grand Poohbah of VFX_* Screenshots, Champion Error Smacker, Chief Information Gatherer, and All Around Goof
Mistress Code Guru and Cracker of the Whip
English Team
Name Title
Alex Skinner Designer
Bill Castello Contributor
Brett Lathrope Contributor
Brian Watson Sound Information
Celowin Content Contributor
Charles Feduke Project Manager
Chaz Mead Contributor
Craig Smith Contributor
Dan Spezzano Contributor
Daniel Beckman Contributor
Dave Robinson Support
Dave Withnall Contributor
David Downing Support
David Gaider Support
Drake Coker Editor
Georg Zoeller Content Contributor
GoLeM Contributor
Graziano Lenzi Contributor
Grimlar Contributor
Herner Klenthur Contributor
Huntsman Content contributor
Iskander Merriman Contributor
Jason Harris Contributor
Jason Simpson Contributor
Jasperre Editor
Jeff Lindsey Editor
Jeremy Ludwig Contributor
Jeremy Spilinek Examples
Jochem van 't Hull Editor
Jody Fletcher Contributor
John McAuley Content contributor
John Shuell Contributor
Kenneth Toomey Content Contributor
Kevin Rogala Public Relations
Kristian Markon Editor
Lilac Soul Contributor
Massimo Bianchi Content contributor
Maxam Content contributor
Maximus Support, Contributor
Michael Kenyon Visual Effects Guide
Michael Nork Contributor
Neil Burton Contributor
Paul Thomas Editor
Peter Contributor
Peter Busby Editor
Peter Westergaard Contributor
Richard Conner Content Contributor
Robert Straughan Content Contributor
Roger Sandbakk Content Contributor
Ryan Hunt Designer
Sarev0k Editor
Steve Moseley Contributor
Timothy Tryzbiak Content Contributor
Tom Cassiotis Contributor
Troels Therkelsen Contributor
Japanese Team
Name Title
akito Translator, Contributor
geshi Project Manager
katsu794 Translator, Contributor
macchi Translator, Contributor
marimo Translator, Contributor
marshall Translator, Contributor
Masacy Translator, Contributor
NamaYake Translator, Contributor
ngtaicho Translator, Contributor
ohtsuki Translator, Contributor
Rainie Translator, Contributor
Redondo Translator, Contributor
ryuga Translator, Contributor
Tizumi Translator, Contributor
Volac Translator, Contributor
weed Translator, Contributor
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