Crafting Tradeskill Material

From NWN Lexicon

[edit] Crafting/Tradeskill Material

Components used in the crafting system to make armors, traps, weapons, etc.

[edit] Items

Items ResRef Tag GP Value
Bar of Adamantine x2_it_cmat_adam x2_it_cmat_adam 470
Bar of Iron x2_it_cmat_iron x2_it_cmat_iron 10
Bar of Mithral x2_it_cmat_mith x2_it_cmat_mith 2500
Bar of Steel x2_it_cmat_steel x2_it_cmat_steel 10
Blank Scroll x2_it_cfm_bscrl x2_it_cfm_bscrl 5
Blue Light Gem x2_it_lightgem01 x2_it_lightgem001 10
Bolt of Cloth x2_it_cmat_cloth x2_it_cmat_cloth 3
Bone Wand x2_it_cfm_wand x2_it_cfm_wand 1
Centipede Venom, Average x2_it_poison020 x2_it_poison020 100
Centipede Venom, Deadly x2_it_poison038 x2_it_poison038 300
Centipede Venom, Mild x2_it_poison014 x2_it_poison014 50
Centipede Venom, Strong x2_it_poison026 x2_it_poison026 150
Centipede Venom, Very Strong x2_it_poison032 x2_it_poison032 200
Centipede Venom, Weak x2_it_poison008 x2_it_poison008 30
Cloth Dye, Black x2_it_dyec23 x2_it_dyeC23 50
Cloth Dye, Bleach x2_it_dyec00 x2_it_dyeC00 50
Cloth Dye, Brown x2_it_dyec02 x2_it_dyeC02 50
Cloth Dye, Dark Blue x2_it_dyec25 x2_it_dyeC25 50
Cloth Dye, Dark Green x2_it_dyec48 x2_it_dyeC48 50
Cloth Dye, Dark Grey x2_it_dyec44 x2_it_dyeC44 50
Cloth Dye, Dark Orange x2_it_dyec35 x2_it_dyeC35 50
Cloth Dye, Dark Red x2_it_dyec37 x2_it_dyeC37 50
Cloth Dye, Dark Turquoise x2_it_dyec29 x2_it_dyeC29 50
Cloth Dye, Gold x2_it_dyec33 x2_it_dyeC33 50
Cloth Dye, Light Blue x2_it_dyec26 x2_it_dyeC26 50
Cloth Dye, Light Green x2_it_dyec31 x2_it_dyeC31 50
Cloth Dye, Light Grey x2_it_dyec20 x2_it_dyeC20 50
Cloth Dye, Light Orange x2_it_dyec34 x2_it_dyeC34 50
Cloth Dye, Light Red x2_it_dyec36 x2_it_dyeC36 50
Cloth Dye, Light Turquoise x2_it_dyec28 x2_it_dyeC28 50
Cloth Dye, Pink x2_it_dyec39 x2_it_dyeC39 50
Cloth Dye, Purple x2_it_dyec41 x2_it_dyeC41 50
Cloth Dye, Yellow x2_it_dyec32 x2_it_dyeC32 50
Elmwood Bow Shaft x2_it_bmt_bshaft x2_it_bmt_bshaft 0
Feathers x2_it_amt_feath x2_it_amt_feath 6
Giant Bee Venom, Average x2_it_poison021 x2_it_poison021 100
Giant Bee Venom, Deadly x2_it_poison039 x2_it_poison039 300
Giant Bee Venom, Mild x2_it_poison015 x2_it_poison015 50
Giant Bee Venom, Strong x2_it_poison027 x2_it_poison027 150
Giant Bee Venom, Very Strong x2_it_poison033 x2_it_poison033 200
Giant Bee Venom, Weak x2_it_poison009 x2_it_poison009 30
Green Light Gem x2_it_lightgem05 x2_it_lightgem005 10
Helmet Pot x2_it_bmt_helm x2_it_bmt_helm 1
Iron Bands x2_it_amt_iband x2_it_amt_iband 6
Iron Chain x2_it_amt_chain x2_it_amt_chain 3
Iron Hammer Head x2_it_amt_hhead x2_it_amt_hhead 7
Iron Orb x2_it_amt_morb x2_it_amt_morb 7
Iron Rings x2_it_amt_rings x2_it_amt_rings 6
Iron Spikes x2_it_amt_spikes x2_it_amt_spikes 3
Ironwood Planks x2_it_cmat_ironw x2_it_cmat_ironw 21
Large Bone x2_it_cmat_bone x2_it_cmat_bone 4
Large Steel Blade x2_it_amt_lblade x2_it_amt_lblade 7
Leather Armor Torso x2_it_bmt_ltorso x2_it_bmt_ltorso 0
Leather Dye, Black x2_it_dyel23 x2_it_dyeL23 50
Leather Dye, Bleach x2_it_dyel00 x2_it_dyeL00 50
Leather Dye, Dark Blue x2_it_dyel25 x2_it_dyeL25 50
Leather Dye, Dark Brown x2_it_dyel02 x2_it_dyeL02 50
Leather Dye, Dark Green x2_it_dyel48 x2_it_dyeL48 50
Leather Dye, Dark Grey x2_it_dyel44 x2_it_dyeL44 50
Leather Dye, Dark Orange x2_it_dyel35 x2_it_dyeL35 50
Leather Dye, Dark Red x2_it_dyel37 x2_it_dyeL37 50
Leather Dye, Dark Turquoise x2_it_dyel29 x2_it_dyeL29 50
Leather Dye, Gold x2_it_dyel33 x2_it_dyeL33 50
Leather Dye, Light Blue x2_it_dyel26 x2_it_dyeL26 50
Leather Dye, Light Green x2_it_dyel31 x2_it_dyeL31 50
Leather Dye, Light Grey x2_it_dyel20 x2_it_dyeL20 50
Leather Dye, Light Orange x2_it_dyel34 x2_it_dyeL34 50
Leather Dye, Light Red x2_it_dyel36 x2_it_dyeL36 50
Leather Dye, Light Turquoise x2_it_dyel28 x2_it_dyeL28 50
Leather Dye, Pink x2_it_dyel39 x2_it_dyeL39 50
Leather Dye, Purple x2_it_dyel41 x2_it_dyeL41 50
Leather Dye, Yellow x2_it_dyel32 x2_it_dyeL32 50
Leather Hide x2_it_cmat_leath x2_it_cmat_leath 11
Leather Patches x2_it_amt_lpatch x2_it_amt_lpatch 6
Leather Strings x2_it_amt_lstrng x2_it_amt_lstrng 3
Magic Potion x2_it_pcpotion x2_it_pcpotion 0
Magic Wand x2_it_pcwand x2_it_pcwand 1
Magical Potion Bottle x2_it_cfm_pbottl x2_it_cfm_pbottl 5
Metal Dye, Black x2_it_dyem03 x2_it_dyeM03 100
Metal Dye, Bleach x2_it_dyem00 x2_it_dyeM00 100
Metal Dye, Bright Blue x2_it_dyem31 x2_it_dyeM31 100
Metal Dye, Bright Copper x2_it_dyem16 x2_it_dyeM16 100
Metal Dye, Bright Green x2_it_dyem40 x2_it_dyeM40 100
Metal Dye, Bright Pink x2_it_dyem28 x2_it_dyeM28 100
Metal Dye, Bright Red x2_it_dyem24 x2_it_dyeM24 100
Metal Dye, Dark Blue x2_it_dyem32 x2_it_dyeM32 100
Metal Dye, Dark Copper x2_it_dyem18 x2_it_dyeM18 100
Metal Dye, Dark Gold x2_it_dyem10 x2_it_dyeM10 100
Metal Dye, Dark Green x2_it_dyem42 x2_it_dyeM42 100
Metal Dye, Dark Iron x2_it_dyem02 x2_it_dyeM02 100
Metal Dye, Dark Red x2_it_dyem25 x2_it_dyeM25 100
Metal Dye, Dark Turquoise x2_it_dyem37 x2_it_dyeM37 100
Metal Dye, Light Gold x2_it_dyem08 x2_it_dyeM08 100
Metal Dye, Light Turquoise x2_it_dyem36 x2_it_dyeM36 100
Metal Dye, Rainbow x2_it_dyem48 x2_it_dyeM48 100
Oaken Crossbow Shelf x2_it_bmt_xbows x2_it_bmt_xbows 0
Oaken Pole x2_it_bmt_wpole x2_it_bmt_wpole 0
Oaken Shield Body x2_it_bmt_wshldb x2_it_bmt_wshldb 0
Oaken Weapon Grip x2_it_bmt_oakhlt x2_it_bmt_oakhlt 0
Orange Light Gem x2_it_lightgem06 x2_it_lightgem006 10
Plank of Elm Wood x2_it_cmat_elmw x2_it_cmat_elmw 8
Plank of Oak Wood x2_it_cmat_oakw x2_it_cmat_oakw 6
Projectile Shaft x2_it_bmt_proj x2_it_bmt_proj 0
Purple Light Gem x2_it_lightgem03 x2_it_lightgem003 10
Red Light Gem x2_it_lightgem04 x2_it_lightgem004 10
Small Steel Blade x2_it_amt_blades x2_it_amt_blades 7
Spider Venom, Average x2_it_poison019 x2_it_poison019 100
Spider Venom, Deadly x2_it_poison037 x2_it_poison037 300
Spider Venom, Mild x2_it_poison013 x2_it_poison013 50
Spider Venom, Strong x2_it_poison025 x2_it_poison025 150
Spider Venom, Very Strong x2_it_poison031 x2_it_poison031 200
Spider Venom, Weak x2_it_poison007 x2_it_poison007 30
Steel Axe Head x2_it_amt_ahead x2_it_amt_ahead 7
Steel Chain Armor Tunic x2_it_bmt_cchst x2_it_bmt_cchst 0
Steel Plated Armor Chest x2_it_bmt_stors2 x2_it_bmt_stors2 25
Steel Shield Body x2_it_bmt_sshld x2_it_bmt_sshld 0
Steel Weapon Hilt x2_it_bmt_mhlt x2_it_bmt_mhlt 0
White Light Gem x2_it_lightgem07 x2_it_lightgem007 10
Woolen Cloth x2_it_bmt_cloth x2_it_bmt_cloth 1
Woolen Cloth Pads x2_it_amt_cpadd x2_it_amt_cpadd 4
Yellow Light Gem x2_it_lightgem02 x2_it_lightgem002 10

author: Mistress, contributor: Laughing_Coyote, Mermut, Kookoo

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