Creature Natural Weapons

From NWN Lexicon

[edit] Creature Natural Weapons

Attacks such as bites and claws employable only by creatures.

Located in the toolset palette under "Creature Items, Bite" and "Creature Items, Claw".

[edit] Creature Bites

Items ResRef Tag GP Value
Aranea Bite nw_it_crewps006 NW_IT_CREWPS006 12,500
Badger Companion Bite Level 21 x2_it_crewps044 X2_IT_CREWPS044 11,520
Badger Companion Bite Level 25 x2_it_crewps045 X2_IT_CREWPS045 23,120
Badger Companion Bite Level 30 x2_it_crewps046 X2_IT_CREWPS046 38,720
Badger Companion Bite Level 35 x2_it_crewps047 X2_IT_CREWPS047 69,620
Badger Companion Bite Level 40 x2_it_crewps048 X2_IT_CREWPS048 106,580
Bat Familiar Bite nw_it_crewps009 NW_IT_CREWPS009 2,310
Bat Familiar Bite level 15 x2_it_crewps008 X2_IT_CREWPS008 17,700
Bat Familiar Bite level 20 x2_it_crewps009 X2_IT_CREWPS009 87,118
Bat Familiar Bite level 25 x2_it_crewps010 X2_IT_CREWPS010 115,518
Bat Familiar Bite level 30 x2_it_crewps011 X2_IT_CREWPS011 147,918
Bat Familiar Bite level 35 x2_it_crewps051 X2_IT_CREWPS051 154,878
Bat Familiar Bite level 40 x2_it_crewps052 X2_IT_CREWPS052 158,418
Bite1d2 nw_it_crewps001 NW_IT_CREWPS001 80
Bite1d3 nw_it_crewps014 NW_IT_CREWPS014 180
Bite1d4 nw_it_crewps002 NW_IT_CREWPS002 320
Bite1d6 nw_it_crewps005 NW_IT_CREWPS005 500
Bite1d8 nw_it_crewps010 NW_IT_CREWPS010 1,124
Bite1d10 nw_it_crewps012 NW_IT_CREWPS012 2,000
Bite2d4 nw_it_crewps003 NW_IT_CREWPS003 1,124
Bite2d6 nw_it_crewps015 NW_IT_CREWPS015 2,000
Bite2d8 nw_it_crewps017 NW_IT_CREWPS017 4,500
Bite2d10 nw_it_crewps016 NW_IT_CREWPS016 8,000
Bite2d12 nw_it_crewps022 NW_IT_CREWPS022 11,520
Bite4d4 nw_it_crewps021 NW_IT_CREWPS021 3,124
Bite4d6 nw_it_crewps020 NW_IT_CREWPS020 8,000
Bite4d6 +12 x3_magbite X3_MAGBITE 935,280
Bite4d8 x2_it_crewps004 X2_IT_CREWPS004 18,000
Black Slaad Bite x2_it_crewps006 X2_IT_CREWPS006 66,124
Blue Slaad Bite nw_it_crewps023 NW_IT_CREWPS023 12,500
Bombardier/Stink Beetle Bite nw_it_crewps030 NW_IT_CREWPS030 6,124
Brown Bear Companion Bite level 21 x2_it_crewps012 X2_IT_CREWPS012 16,820
Brown Bear Companion Bite level 25 x2_it_crewps013 X2_IT_CREWPS013 36,980
Brown Bear Companion Bite level 30 x2_it_crewps014 X2_IT_CREWPS014 56,180
Brown Bear Companion Bite level 35 x2_it_crewps049 X2_IT_CREWPS049 112,500
Brown Bear Companion Bite level 40 x2_it_crewps050 X2_IT_CREWPS050 124,820
Cobra Bite 1d4 x3_it_cobrab1d4 X3_IT_COBRAB1D4 11,520
Cobra Bite 1d6 x3_it_cobrab1d6 X3_IT_COBRAB1D6 24,500
Cobra Bite 1d10 x3_it_cobrab1d10 X3_IT_COBRAB1D10 39,604
Cockatrice's Touch x0_cocktrc_touch X0_COCKTRC_TOUCH 320
Deadly Giant Spider Bite nw_it_crewps029 NW_IT_CREWPS029 18,000
Dire Boar / Dire Wolf Companion Bite level 21 x2_it_crewps015 X2_IT_CREWPS015 11,520
Dire Boar Companion Bite level 25 x2_it_crewps016 X2_IT_CREWPS016 36,980
Dire Boar Companion Bite level 30 x2_it_crewps017 X2_IT_CREWPS017 56,180
Dire Boar Companion Bite level 35 x2_it_crewps053 X2_IT_CREWPS053 79,380
Dire Boar Companion Bite level 40 x2_it_crewps054 X2_IT_CREWPS054 106,580
Dire Rat Animal Companion Level 01 Bite x0_it_ac_drat04 X0_IT_AC_DRAT04 12,500
Dire Rat Animal Companion Level 05 Bite x0_it_ac_drat05 X0_IT_AC_DRAT05 24,500
Dire Rat Animal Companion Level 10 Bite x0_it_ac_drat09 X0_IT_AC_DRAT09 40,500
Dire Rat Animal Companion Level 15 Bite x0_it_ac_drat13 X0_IT_AC_DRAT13 109,520
Dire Rat Animal Companion Level 20 Bite x0_it_ac_drat17 X0_IT_AC_DRAT17 176,718
Dire Rat Animal Companion Level 25 Bite x2_it_crewps018 X2_IT_CREWPS018 237,618
Dire Rat Animal Companion Level 30 Bite x2_it_crewps019 X2_IT_CREWPS019 283,218
Dire Rat Animal Companion Level 35 Bite x2_it_crewps055 X2_IT_CREWPS055 292,820
Dire Rat Animal Companion Level 40 Bite x2_it_crewps056 X2_IT_CREWPS056 332,818
Dire Rat Bite nw_it_crewps038 NW_IT_CREWPS038 11,520
Dire Spider Bite nw_it_crewps019 NW_IT_CREWPS019 18,000
Dire Wolf Companion level 25 Bite x2_it_crewps020 X2_IT_CREWPS020 30,420
Dire Wolf Companion level 30 Bite x2_it_crewps021 X2_IT_CREWPS021 48,020
Dire Wolf Companion level 35 Bite x2_it_crewps057 X2_IT_CREWPS057 69,620
Dire Wolf Companion level 40 Bite x2_it_crewps058 X2_IT_CREWPS058 106,580
Dracolich Bite x2_it_crewps001 X2_IT_CREWPS001 38,720
Dracolich Special Attack x2_it_crewpdraco X2_IT_CREWPDRACO 28,124
Drider Bite x2_it_crewpdrid X2_IT_CREWPDRID 17,110
Drider Bite x2_it_crewps002 X2_IT_CREWPS002 11,520
Elder Mindflayer Tentacle x2_it_crewpmflye x2_it_crewpmflye 166,530
Epic Vampire Bite x2_it_cravampbit x2_it_cravampbit 208,590
Ettercap Bite nw_it_crewps011 NW_IT_CREWPS011 15,124
Faerie Dragon Familiar Bite Level 15 x2_it_crewps022 X2_IT_CREWPS022 10,578
Faerie Dragon Familiar Bite Level 20 x2_it_crewps023 X2_IT_CREWPS023 21,780
Faerie Dragon Familiar Bite Level 25 x2_it_crewps024 X2_IT_CREWPS024 36,980
Faerie Dragon Familiar Bite Level 30 x2_it_crewps025 X2_IT_CREWPS025 56,180
Faerie Dragon Familiar Bite Level 35 x2_it_crewps059 X2_IT_CREWPS059 58,320
Faerie Dragon Familiar Bite Level 40 x2_it_crewps060 X2_IT_CREWPS060 63,844
Ghast Bite nw_it_crewps026 NW_IT_CREWPS026 6,124
Ghoul Bite nw_it_crewps025 NW_IT_CREWPS025 4,500
Ghoul Lord Bite nw_it_crewps027 NW_IT_CREWPS027 8,000
Giant Spider Companion Bite Level 15 x2_it_crewps026 X2_IT_CREWPS026 43,244
Giant Spider Companion Bite Level 20 x2_it_crewps027 X2_IT_CREWPS027 63,844
Giant Spider Companion Bite Level 25 x2_it_crewps028 X2_IT_CREWPS028 95,220
Giant Spider Companion Bite Level 30 x2_it_crewps029 X2_IT_CREWPS029 124,820
Giant Spider Companion Bite Level 35 x2_it_crewps061 X2_IT_CREWPS061 131,220
Giant Spider Companion Bite Level 40 x2_it_crewps062 X2_IT_CREWPS062 158,418
Half-Dragon/Half-Fiend Bite nw_crewphdfbt NW_CREWPHDFBT 500
Hell Hound Familiar Bite nw_it_crewps032 NW_IT_CREWPS032 5,280
Hell Hound Familiar Bite Level 15 x2_it_crewps030 X2_IT_CREWPS030 12,750
Hell Hound Familiar Bite Level 20 x2_it_crewps031 X2_IT_CREWPS031 28,500
Hell Hound Familiar Bite Level 25 x2_it_crewps032 X2_IT_CREWPS032 45,600
Hell Hound Familiar Bite Level 30 x2_it_crewps033 X2_IT_CREWPS033 66,700
Hell Hound Familiar Bite Level 35 x2_it_crewps063 X2_IT_CREWPS063 97,300
Hell Hound Familiar Bite Level 40 x2_it_crewps064 X2_IT_CREWPS064 120,900
Medusa Snakes x0_medusa_snakes X0_MEDUSA_SNAKES 11,520
Mindflayer Tentacle it_crewpmflyt001 it_crewpmflyt001 13,260
Mindflayer Tentacle x2_it_crewpmflyt x2_it_crewpmflyt 13,260
Mohrg Bite nw_it_crewps004 NW_IT_CREWPS004 2,000
Panther Companion Bite Level 20 x2_it_crewps034 X2_IT_CREWPS034 5,444
Panther Companion Bite Level 25 x2_it_crewps035 X2_IT_CREWPS035 19,218
Panther Companion Bite Level 30 x2_it_crewps036 X2_IT_CREWPS036 33,620
Panther Companion Bite Level 35 x2_it_crewps065 X2_IT_CREWPS065 58,320
Panther Companion Bite Level 40 x2_it_crewps066 X2_IT_CREWPS066 95,220
Panther Familiar Bite Level 15 x2_it_crewps037 X2_IT_CREWPS037 9,244
Panther Familiar Bite Level 20 x2_it_crewps038 X2_IT_CREWPS038 30,420
Panther Familiar Bite Level 25 x2_it_crewps039 X2_IT_CREWPS039 48,020
Panther Familiar Bite Level 30 x2_it_crewps040 X2_IT_CREWPS040 79,380
Panther Familiar Bite Level 35 x2_it_crewps067 X2_IT_CREWPS067 106,580
Phase Spider Bite nw_it_crewps007 NW_IT_CREWPS007 12,500
Pit Fiend Bite x1_it_crewps001 X1_IT_CREWPS001 32,000
Pit Fiend Bite x2_it_crewps003 X2_IT_CREWPS003 23,120
Shark Bite 1d8 (+1) it_crewps033 NW_IT_CREWPS033 5,444
Shocker Lizard Bite x0_shockliz_bite X0_SHOCKLIZ_BITE 7,410
Spider Demon Bite x2_it_crewpbebb X2_IT_CREWPBEBB 21,124
Spider Demon Bite x2_it_crewps007 X2_IT_CREWPS007 21,124
Stag Beetle/Hive Mother Bite nw_it_crewps031 NW_IT_CREWPS031 18,000
Stirge Bite nw_it_crewps013 NW_IT_CREWPS013 21,778
Sword/Giant Spider Bite nw_it_crewps018 NW_IT_CREWPS018 15,124
Vampire Bite nw_crewpvbt NW_CREWPVBT 40,500
Weak Giant Spider Bite nw_it_crewps028 NW_IT_CREWPS028 11,520
White Slaad Bite x2_it_crewps005 X2_IT_CREWPS005 32,000
Will-O'-Wisp Shock nw_it_crewpsp011 NW_IT_CREWPSP011 41,404
Wolf Companion Bite Level 21 x2_it_crewps041 X2_IT_CREWPS041 7,218
Wolf Companion Bite Level 26 x2_it_crewps042 X2_IT_CREWPS042 19,218
Wolf Companion Bite Level 31 x2_it_crewps043 X2_IT_CREWPS043 33,620
Wolf Companion Bite Level 35 x2_it_crewps068 X2_IT_CREWPS068 69,620
Wolf Companion Bite Level 40 x2_it_crewps069 X2_IT_CREWPS069 106,580
Wraith Spider Bite nw_it_crewps008 NW_IT_CREWPS008 81,920

[edit] Creature Claws

Items ResRef Tag GP Value
Allip Claw nw_it_crewpsp014 NW_IT_CREWPSP014 23,120
Badger Companion Claw Level 21 x2_it_crewpsp034 X2_IT_CREWPSP034 7,218
Badger Companion Claw Level 25 x2_it_crewpsp035 X2_IT_CREWPSP035 16,820
Badger Companion Claw Level 30 x2_it_crewpsp036 X2_IT_CREWPSP036 30,420
Badger Companion Claw Level 35 x2_it_crewpsp037 X2_IT_CREWPSP037 52,020
Badger Companion Claw Level 40 x2_it_crewpsp038 X2_IT_CREWPSP038 81,920
Battle Devourer Claw nw_it_crewpsp021 NW_IT_CREWPSP021 15,124
Bebilith Claw x2_it_crewpbebc x2_it_crewpbebc 675,280
Brown Bear Companion level 21 Claw x2_it_crewpsp006 X2_IT_CREWPSP006 7,218
Brown Bear Companion level 25 Claw x2_it_crewpsp007 X2_IT_CREWPSP007 23,120
Brown Bear Companion level 30 Claw x2_it_crewpsp008 X2_IT_CREWPSP008 38,720
Brown Bear Companion level 35 Claw x2_it_crewpsp039 X2_IT_CREWPSP039 69,620
Brown Bear Companion level 40 Claw x2_it_crewpsp040 X2_IT_CREWPSP040 106,580
Claw1d2 nw_it_crewpsp001 NW_IT_CREWPSP001 80
Claw1d3 nw_it_crewpsp002 NW_IT_CREWPSP002 180
Claw1d4 nw_it_crewpsp026 NW_IT_CREWPSP026 320
Claw1d6 nw_it_crewpsp005 NW_IT_CREWPSP005 500
Claw1d8 nw_it_crewpsp010 NW_IT_CREWPSP010 1,124
Claw1d10 x2_it_crewpsp005 X2_IT_CREWPSP005 2,000
Claw2d4 nw_it_crewpsp006 NW_IT_CREWPSP006 1,124
Claw2d6 nw_it_crewpsp015 NW_IT_CREWPSP015 2,000
Claw2d8 nw_it_crewpsp027 NW_IT_CREWPSP027 4,500
Claw3d6 nw_it_crewpsp016 NW_IT_CREWPSP016 4,500
Claw3d8 nw_it_crewpsp022 NW_IT_CREWPSP022 10,124
Claw4d6 x2_it_crewpsp002 X2_IT_CREWPSP002 8,000
Claw5d6 x2_it_crewpsp003 X2_IT_CREWPSP003 12,500
Claw5d8 x2_it_crewpsp004 X2_IT_CREWPSP004 28,124
Dracolich Claw x2_it_crewpsp001 X2_IT_CREWPSP001 56,180
Dracolich Claw x2_it_crewp_drac x2_it_crewp_drac 8,528,180
Epic Vampire Claw x2_it_crevampclw x2_it_crevampclw 70,804
Fire Mephit Familiar Claw Level 15 x2_it_crewpsp009 X2_IT_CREWPSP009 18,910
Fire Mephit Familiar Claw Level 20 x2_it_crewpsp010 X2_IT_CREWPSP010 33,210
Fire Mephit Familiar Claw Level 25 x2_it_crewpsp011 X2_IT_CREWPSP011 51,510
Fire Mephit Familiar Claw Level 30 x2_it_crewpsp012 X2_IT_CREWPSP012 73,810
Fire Mephit Familiar Claw Level 35 x2_it_crewpsp041 X2_IT_CREWPSP041 78,750
Fire Mephit Familiar Claw Level 40 x2_it_crewpsp042 X2_IT_CREWPSP042 85,150
Fire/Magma/Steam Mephit Claw nw_it_crewpsp004 NW_IT_CREWPSP004 2760
Ghast Claw nw_it_crewpsp024 NW_IT_CREWPSP024 3,918
Ghoul Claw nw_it_crewpsp023 NW_IT_CREWPSP023 3,378
Ghoul Lord Claw nw_it_crewpsp025 NW_IT_CREWPSP025 4,500
Half-Dragon/Half-Fiend Claw nw_crewphdfcl NW_CREWPHDFCL 320
Hawk Companion Claw Level 15 x2_it_crewpsp013 X2_IT_CREWPSP013 14,044
Hawk Companion Claw Level 20 x2_it_crewpsp014 X2_IT_CREWPSP014 26,644
Hawk Companion Claw Level 25 x2_it_crewpsp015 X2_IT_CREWPSP015 43,244
Hawk Companion Claw Level 30 x2_it_crewpsp016 X2_IT_CREWPSP016 63,844
Ice Mephit Claw nw_it_crewpsp007 NW_IT_CREWPSP007 2,760
Ice Mephit Familiar Claw Level 15 x2_it_crewpsp017 X2_IT_CREWPSP017 18,910
Ice Mephit Familiar Claw Level 20 x2_it_crewpsp018 X2_IT_CREWPSP018 33,210
Ice Mephit Familiar Claw Level 25 x2_it_crewpsp019 X2_IT_CREWPSP019 51,510
Ice Mephit Familiar Claw Level 30 x2_it_crewpsp020 X2_IT_CREWPSP020 73,810
Ice Mephit Familiar Claw Level 35 x2_it_crewpsp043 X2_IT_CREWPSP043 78,750
Ice Mephit Familiar Claw Level 40 x2_it_crewpsp044 X2_IT_CREWPSP044 78,750
Lich Claw nw_crewplcl NW_CREWPLCL 6,124
Panther Companion Claw Level 20 x2_it_crewpsp021 X2_IT_CREWPSP021 3,918
Panther Companion Claw Level 25 x2_it_crewpsp022 X2_IT_CREWPSP022 14,044
Panther Companion Claw Level 30 x2_it_crewpsp023 X2_IT_CREWPSP023 26,644
Panther Companion Claw Level 35 x2_it_crewpsp045 X2_IT_CREWPSP045 48,020
Panther Companion Claw Level 40 x2_it_crewpsp046 X2_IT_CREWPSP046 74,420
Panther Familiar Claw Level 15 x2_it_crewpsp024 X2_IT_CREWPSP024 3,918
Panther Familiar Claw Level 20 x2_it_crewpsp025 X2_IT_CREWPSP025 14,044
Panther Familiar Claw Level 25 x2_it_crewpsp026 X2_IT_CREWPSP026 26,644
Panther Familiar Claw Level 30 x2_it_crewpsp027 X2_IT_CREWPSP027 48,020
Panther Familiar Claw Level 35 x2_it_crewpsp047 X2_IT_CREWPSP047 69,620
Panther Familiar Claw Level 40 x2_it_crewpsp048 X2_IT_CREWPSP048 74,420
Paragon Attack x2_it_creparg01 x2_it_creparg01 4,209,030
Quasit Claw nw_it_crewpsp003 NW_IT_CREWPSP003 10,578
Raven Familiar Claw nw_it_crewpsp029 NW_IT_CREWPSP029 11,520
Raven Familiar Claw Level 15 x2_it_crewpsp028 X2_IT_CREWPSP028 56,180
Raven Familiar Claw Level 17 x2_it_crewpsp029 X2_IT_CREWPSP029 92,480
Raven Familiar Claw Level 19 x2_it_crewpsp030 X2_IT_CREWPSP030 172,980
Raven Familiar Claw Level 20 x2_it_crewpsp031 X2_IT_CREWPSP031 212,180
Raven Familiar Claw Level 25 x2_it_crewpsp032 X2_IT_CREWPSP032 255,380
Raven Familiar Claw Level 30 x2_it_crewpsp033 X2_IT_CREWPSP033 302,580
Raven Familiar Claw Level 35 x2_it_crewpsp049 X2_IT_CREWPSP049 307,518
Raven Familiar Claw Level 40 x2_it_crewpsp050 X2_IT_CREWPSP050 320,044
Red Slaad Claw nw_it_crewpsp009 NW_IT_CREWPSP009 3,918
Shadow Claw nw_it_crewpsp008 NW_IT_CREWPSP008 18,000
Skeletal Devourer Claw nw_it_crewpsp020 NW_IT_CREWPSP020 6,124
Spectre Claw nw_it_crewpsp013 NW_IT_CREWPSP013 45,124
Summoned Succubus Claw nw_it_crewpsp028 NW_IT_CREWPSP028 5,780
Wraith Claw nw_it_crewpsp018 NW_IT_CREWPSP018 23,120
Zombie, Tyrantfog Claw nw_it_crewpsp019 NW_IT_CREWPSP019 4,500

author: NWN Lexicon Group, editor: Mistress, contributor: Kookoo


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