Category:Cut Scenes

From NWN Lexicon

[edit] Cut-scenes

Cut-scenes for in-game storyline.

Title Brief Description

NorseDude - Part I: What is a Cut-Scene?

A cut-scene is a short movie or chain of events that advances a story.

NorseDude - Part II: Lets Get Started!

Laying out a cut-scene area and creatures.

NorseDude - Part III: Coding Cut-Scenes

Adding the NWScript code to make the cut-scene come alive.

NorseDude - Part IV: What Did We Just Do?

In-depth description of Part III.

NorseDude - Part V: Improving Cut-Scenes

Improving your cut-scenes.

Robert Johnsen - Handling Cutscene Delays

Proper timing in cutscenes requires the use of Delays. This will show how to use them, with examples (Using latest Cutscene functions)

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