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[edit] DoMissileStorm(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int)
Fires a storm of missiles at targets in area.
[edit] Parameters
Number of 6 sided die to roll.
Maximum number of missiles to fire.
VFX_IMP_* . Missile visual effect (Default: VFX_IMP_MIRV).
VFX_IMP_* . Missile impact visual effect (Default: VFX_IMP_MAGBLUE).
DAMAGE_TYPE_* . Type of damage to be dealt.(Default: DAMAGE_TYPE_MAGICAL).
Can the target creature take damage multiple times within the same round from a single spell. (Default: FALSE).
Should the target creature attempt to roll a reflex saving throw? (Default: FALSE).
[edit] Description
Fires a volley of missiles around the area of the object selected.
Each missile does (nD6Dice)d6 damage.
Damage algorithm:
1. Count # of visible hostile targets within a gargantuan sphere.
2. Determine number of missiles.
3. First target gets a missile and all excess missiles.
4. Rest of targets (max nMissiles) get one missile.
[edit] Remarks
nCap cannot be greater than the caster's class level.
If nDAMAGETYPE is either DAMAGE_TYPE_ELECTRICAL or DAMAGE_TYPE_FIRE then the target creature rolls a reflex saving throw to adjust the damage. For use with the Firebrand spell.
The target creature attempts to avoid taking damage by doing a spell resistance check.
Damage dealt can be increased by the Maximize and Empower feats.
[edit] Requirements
#include " x0_i0_spells "
[edit] Version
[edit] See Also
constants: |
author: Mistress, editor: Kolyana