FEAT_* Constant Group

From NWN Lexicon

Constants that deal with different feats that can be performed.

[edit] Constants

Constant Value Description
FEAT_AIR_DOMAIN_POWER 311 Ability to turn elementals as if they were undead. Access to the following spells (and level): Call Lightning (level 3), Chain Lightning (level 6).
FEAT_ALERTNESS 0 Prerequisite: None. Gives +2 on all Spot and Listen checks. Use: Automatic. NWN Manual - pg. 87.
FEAT_AMBIDEXTERITY 1 Prerequisite: DEX 15+. When fighting with two weapons, this feat reduces the penalty for the off-hand weapon by 4. Use: Automatic when fighting with two weapons. Rangers get this feat at 1st level. NWN Manual - pg. 87.
FEAT_ANIMAL_COMPANION 199 Ability to summon forth a stalwart animal companion. Gained: Druid - 1st level, Ranger - 6th level. Use: Once per day, until killed or unsummoned. Bonuses: Animal companions are chosen at character creation and can be changed with each new druid or ranger class level. NWN Manual - pg. 59.
FEAT_ANIMAL_DOMAIN_POWER 312 Ability to summon more powerful allies. Summon Creature I through VIII spells summon creature of 1 level higher Summon spell. (i.e. Casting Summon Creature II creates a level III creature.) Cast the following spells (and at what level): Cat'e Grace (2), True Seeing (3), Polymorph Self (5).
FEAT_ANIMATE_DEAD 889 Once per day a Pale Master can summon an undead servant. Gained at level 2. SoU Manual - page 29.
FEAT_ARCANE_DEFENSE_ABJURATION 415 New feat from Shadows of Undrentide expansion. Character gains a +2 bonus to saving throws versus the chosen school of magic. SoU Manual — page 22.
FEAT_ARCANE_DEFENSE_CONJURATION 416 New feat from Shadows of Undrentide expansion. Character gains a +2 bonus to saving throws versus the chosen school of magic. SoU Manual — page 22.
FEAT_ARCANE_DEFENSE_DIVINATION 417 New feat from Shadows of Undrentide expansion. Character gains a +2 bonus to saving throws versus the chosen school of magic. SoU Manual — page 22.
FEAT_ARCANE_DEFENSE_ENCHANTMENT 418 New feat from Shadows of Undrentide expansion. Character gains a +2 bonus to saving throws versus the chosen school of magic. SoU Manual — page 22.
FEAT_ARCANE_DEFENSE_EVOCATION 419 New feat from Shadows of Undrentide expansion. Character gains a +2 bonus to saving throws versus the chosen school of magic. SoU Manual — page 22.
FEAT_ARCANE_DEFENSE_ILLUSION 420 New feat from Shadows of Undrentide expansion. Character gains a +2 bonus to saving throws versus the chosen school of magic. SoU Manual — page 22.
FEAT_ARCANE_DEFENSE_NECROMANCY 421 New feat from Shadows of Undrentide expansion. Character gains a +2 bonus to saving throws versus the chosen school of magic. SoU Manual — page 22.
FEAT_ARCANE_DEFENSE_TRANSMUTATION 422 New feat from Shadows of Undrentide expansion. Character gains a +2 bonus to saving throws versus the chosen school of magic. SoU Manual — page 22.
FEAT_ARMOR_PROFICIENCY_HEAVY 2 Prerequisite: Armor Proficiency (Light) and Armor Proficiency (Medium). Knowledge of effective use of heavy armor. Use: Automatic. Fighters, Paladins and Clerics receive this feat for free. NWN Manual - pg. 87.
FEAT_ARMOR_PROFICIENCY_LIGHT 3 Knowledge of effective use of light armor. Use: Automatic. All classes except Monk, Wizard and Sorcerers get this feat free. NWN Manual - pg. 87.
FEAT_ARMOR_PROFICIENCY_MEDIUM 4 Prerequisite: Armor Proficiency (Light). Ability to effectively use medium armor. Use: Automatic. All classes except monks, rogues, wizards and sorcerers get this feat free. NWN Manual - pg. 88.
FEAT_ARTIST 378 New feat from Shadows of Undrentide expansion. Character gains a +2 bonus to Perform checks and a +2 bonus to spot checks. SoU Manual — page 22.
FEAT_AURA_OF_COURAGE 300 The paladin is immune to all fear spells and effects. Gained: Paladin - 2nd level. Use: Automatic. Bonuses: Immune to fear. NWN Manual - pg. 65.
FEAT_BARBARIAN_ENDURANCE 194 Barbarians gain a 10% bonus to their movement speed. Gained: Barbarian - 1st level. Use: Automatic. NWN Manual - pg. 56.
FEAT_BARBARIAN_RAGE 293 Can catapult into a merderous fury becoming a more formidable foe. Use: Selected. 1st level - 1/day, 4th level - 2/day, 8th level - 3/day, 12th level - 4/day. Gives the following bonuses: +4 to strength, +4 to constitution, +2 morale bonus to Will saving throws. Penalty: -2 to AC. Note: Duration is 3 rounds + adjusted constitution bonus. Refer to NWN Manual - pg. 56 for more info.
FEAT_BARD_SONGS 257 Capable of singing bardic music. Song can be sung once per day/per class level. Affects all allies within 30 feet and lasts 6 rounds. The higher the Perform skill, the better the bardsong. Bard song bonuses do not stack. Refer to NWN Manual - pg 58.
FEAT_BARDIC_KNOWLEDGE 197 The bard is able to identify items more easiliy than other classes. Gained: Bard - 1st level. Use: Automatic. Bonuses: Apply bard levels as a bonus to any Lore skill checks. NWN Manual - pg. 57.
FEAT_BATTLE_TRAINING_VERSUS_GIANTS 233 Dwarven and Gnome racial ability. +4 Dodge Bonus to Armor Class versus Giants. Their small stature grants them a bonus when dealing with Giants who find their tactics to be frustrating.
FEAT_BATTLE_TRAINING_VERSUS_GOBLINS 232 Dwarven and Gnome racial ability. +1 to Attack Rolls versus Goblinoids. Constant warfare against Goblinoids (which includes Goblins, Hobgoblins, and Bugbears) has lead to special training from birth against those races.
FEAT_BATTLE_TRAINING_VERSUS_ORCS 231 Dwarven racial ability. +1 to Attack Rolls versus Orcs. Constant warfare against Orcs has lead to special training from birth against that race.
FEAT_BATTLE_TRAINING_VERSUS_REPTILIANS 242 Gnome racial ability. +1 to Attack Rolls versus Reptilian Humanoids. The Gnome has often struggled against the creatures of reptilian nature who consider them a delicacy.
FEAT_BLACKGUARD_SNEAK_ATTACK_1D6 460 The blackguard gets a damage bonus that increases with experience. 1d6 is gained at level 4. SoU Manual - page 16.
FEAT_BLACKGUARD_SNEAK_ATTACK_2D6 461 The blackguard gets a damage bonus that increases with experience. 2d6 is gained at level 7. SoU Manual - page 16.
FEAT_BLACKGUARD_SNEAK_ATTACK_3D6 462 The blackguard gets a damage bonus that increases with experience. 3d6 is gained at level 10. SoU Manual - page 16.
FEAT_BLACKGUARD_SNEAK_ATTACK_4D6 1007 Increases by +1d6 every three levels after 10th. HotU Manual - page 24.
FEAT_BLACKGUARD_SNEAK_ATTACK_5D6 1008 Increases by +1d6 every three levels after 10th. HotU Manual - page 24.
FEAT_BLACKGUARD_SNEAK_ATTACK_6D6 1009 Increases by +1d6 every three levels after 10th. HotU Manual - page 24.
FEAT_BLACKGUARD_SNEAK_ATTACK_7D6 1010 Increases by +1d6 every three levels after 10th. HotU Manual - page 24.
FEAT_BLACKGUARD_SNEAK_ATTACK_8D6 1011 Increases by +1d6 every three levels after 10th. HotU Manual - page 24.
FEAT_BLACKGUARD_SNEAK_ATTACK_9D6 1012 Increases by +1d6 every three levels after 10th. HotU Manual - page 24.
FEAT_BLACKGUARD_SNEAK_ATTACK_10D6 1013 Increases by +1d6 every three levels after 10th. HotU Manual - page 24.
FEAT_BLACKGUARD_SNEAK_ATTACK_11D6 1014 Increases by +1d6 every three levels after 10th. HotU Manual - page 24.
FEAT_BLACKGUARD_SNEAK_ATTACK_12D6 1015 Increases by +1d6 every three levels after 10th. HotU Manual - page 24.
FEAT_BLACKGUARD_SNEAK_ATTACK_13D6 1016 Increases by +1d6 every three levels after 10th. HotU Manual - page 24.
FEAT_BLACKGUARD_SNEAK_ATTACK_14D6 1017 Increases by +1d6 every three levels after 10th. HotU Manual - page 24.
FEAT_BLACKGUARD_SNEAK_ATTACK_15D6 1018 Increases by +1d6 every three levels after 10th. HotU Manual - page 24.
FEAT_BLIND_FIGHT 408 New feat from Shadows of Undrentide expansion. This feat grants the character the ability to fight well if blinded or against invisible creatures. The character gets to roll her miss chance percentile to see if her attack actually hits. As well, invuisible creatures get no bonus to hit the character in melee. SoU Manual — page 22.
FEAT_BLINDSIGHT_5_FEET 485 NOTE: This feat is not defined (all *s) in the feats.2da file.
FEAT_BLINDSIGHT_10_FEET 486 NOTE: This feat is not defined (all *s) in the feats.2da file.
FEAT_BLINDSIGHT_60_FEET 488 Prerequisite: None. Using nonvisual senses, such as sensitivity to vibrations, scent, acute hearing, or echolocation, the creature maneuvers and fights as well as a sighted creature. Invisibility and darkness are irrelevant. The creature usually does not need to make Spot or Listen checks to notice creatures within range of its blindsight ability. Use: Automatic.
FEAT_BLOODED 379 New feat from Shadows of Undrentide expansion. Character gains a +2 bonus to initiative and a +2 bonus to Spot checks. SoU Manual — page 22.
FEAT_BONE_SKIN_2 886 Starting at level 1, Pale Masters gain a +2 to natural armor class. Every four levels this increases by an additional +2. SoU Manual - page 29.
FEAT_BONE_SKIN_4 887 Starting at level 1, Pale Masters gain a +2 to natural armor class. Every four levels this increases by an additional +2. SoU Manual - page 29.
FEAT_BONE_SKIN_6 888 Starting at level 1, Pale Masters gain a +2 to natural armor class. Every four levels this increases by an additional +2. SoU Manual - page 29.
FEAT_BREW_POTION 944 The character can create a potion of any spell of 3rd level or lower that the character knows and that targets a creature or creatures. Brewing a potion will cost a small amount of XP as well as some gold to cover the material cost. HotU manual - page 42.
FEAT_BULLHEADED 380 New feat from Shadows of Undrentide expansion. Character gains a +2 bonus to resist taunts and a +2 bonus to Will saving throws. SoU Manual — page 23.
FEAT_BULLS_STRENGTH 478 Prerequisite: Blackguard level 2. Specifics: Starting at 2nd level, a Blackguard may cast Bull's Strength. Use: Selected.
FEAT_CALLED_SHOT 5 Prerequisite: Base attack bonus of +1 or higher. Grants the ability to make a potentially disabling attack against an opponent's arms or legs. Called shots are made at a -4 penalty. Refer to NWN Manual - pg. 88.
FEAT_CIRCLE_KICK 409 New feat from Shadows of Undrentide expansion. If the character succeeds in hitting an opponent with an unarmed attack, that character gets an additional free attack against another, nearby enemy. There is a maximum of one free attack per round. SoU Manual — page 23.
FEAT_CLEAVE 6 Prerequisite: STR 13+, Power Attack feat. If a character with this feat kills an opponent in melee combat, they get a free attack against any opponent who is within melee range. Use: Automatic. NWN Manual - pg. 88.
FEAT_COMBAT_CASTING 7 Prerequisite: Ability to cast 1st level spells. Character is adept at casting spells in combat removing the standard -4 penalty to Concentration checks when within 3 meters of an enemy. Use: Automatic. NWN Manual - pg. 89.
FEAT_CONTAGION 479 Prerequisite: Blackguard level 7. Starting at 7th level, a Blackguard may cast Contagion. Use: Selected.
FEAT_COURTLY_MAGOCRACY 381 New feat from Shadows of Undrentide expansion. Character gains a +2 bonus to Lore checks and Spellcraft checks. SoU Manual — page 23
FEAT_CRAFT_HARPER_ITEM 440 At 5th level, the Harper scout gains the ability to create two types of potions. The Harper scout can create one potion per day, either a Cat's Grace potion or Eagle's Splendor. To create either potion, the Haper count must spend 60 gold and 5 XP. These potions allow a Harper scout to better support her agents and allies. SoU manual - page 18.
FEAT_CRAFT_WAND 946 The spellcaster can create a wand of any spell of 4th level or lower she knows. Crafting a wand costs a small amount of XP and gold, depending on the level of the spell to be crafted into the wand. Spells granted by feats or special abilities cannot be used to craft a wand. Requires a bone wand item. HotU manual - page 43.
FEAT_CRIPPLING_STRIKE 222 Ability of the rogue to damage a foe's strength during a sneak attack. Gained: Rogue - 10th and every three levels thereafter (choice). Use: Automatic. Bonuses: Any successful sneak attack deals two points of Strength ability damage to the target. NWN Manual - pg. 68.
FEAT_CURSE_SONG 871 Bards are able to sing a song that can curse their enemies. Deafened creatures are not affected by the bard's singing. The song affects all enemies within 30 feet and lasts for 10 rounds. The higher the bard's final Perform skill and class level, the better the Curse song. All of the penalties are additive. See page 43 of the HotU manual for full details. HotU Manual - page 43.
FEAT_DAMAGE_REDUCTION 196 Capability to shrug off some amount of injury from each blow or attack. Gained: Barbarian - 11th level. Use: Automatic. Bonuses: 11th level = Damage reduced by one point; 14th level = damage reduced by two; 17th level = damage reduced by three; 20th level = damage reduced by four. NWN Manual - pg. 57.
FEAT_DAMAGE_REDUCTION_6 948 At 6th level, the dwarven defender gains the ability to shrug off 3 points of damage from each blow or attack. At 10th Level the damage reduction increases to 6 points of damage per attack or blow. Epic Progression: For each 4 levels after 10, the damage reduction increases by 3 points. Use: Automatic.
FEAT_DARKVISION 228 Dwarf and Half-orc racial ability. Ability to see in darkness almost as if it were daylight to 60'.
FEAT_DEATH_DOMAIN_POWER 310 Gives ability to summon a shadow of similar level to person with feat. Also the following spells (and level attained) are received: Phantasmal Killer (4), Enervation (5).
FEAT_DEATHLESS_MASTER_TOUCH 897 At level 10, Pale Masters gain an undead arm graft that can kill with just a touch. This ability may be used 3x a day. HotU manual - page 30.
FEAT_DEATHLESS_MASTERY 896 At level 10, Pale Masters become immunit to critical hits. HotU manual - page 30.
FEAT_DEATHLESS_VIGOR 891 At level 5, Pale Masters gain three additional hitpoints per level. HotU manual - page 29.
FEAT_DEFENSIVE_ROLL 223 Gained: Rogue - 10th and every three levels thereafter (choice). Use: Automatic. Once per day. Bonuses: If you are struck by a potentially leath blow (i.e. you suffer weapon damage that would normally drop you below 1 hit point), you make a Reflex saving throw (DC = damage dealt). If successful, you take only half damage from the blow (which may still be enough to kill you). If you are caught flat-footed, you may not make a defensive roll. NWN Manual - pg. 69.
FEAT_DEFLECT_ARROWS 8 Prerequisite: DEX 13+, Improved Unarmed Strike. Character can attempt to deflect one incoming missile attack per round (Reflex save made against DC 20). Use: Automatic if not caught flat-footed. Monks receive this feat for free at level 2. NWN Manual - pg. 89.
FEAT_DENEIRS_EYE 437 At 2nd level, the Harper scout gains a +2 holy bonus to saving throws against traps. This is a supernatural ability. SoU manual - page 18.
FEAT_DESTRUCTION_DOMAIN_POWER 313 Ability to damage construct-type creatures using undead turn ability. Cast the following spells (and level needed): Stinking Cloud (3), Acid Fog (6).
FEAT_DIAMOND_BODY 214 Through meditation and control over his body, the disciplined monk eventually becomes immune to all natural and most magical poisons. Gained: Monk - 11th level. Use: Automatic. Bonuses: Immunity to poison. NWN Manual - pg. 63.
FEAT_DIAMOND_SOUL 215 Ki, the spiritual energy that powers the monk, eventually develops into a force that is capable of repelling all but the most determined magic attacks. Gained: Monk - 12th level. Use: Automatic. Bonuses: Spell resistance equal to the character's level + 10. NWN Manual - pg. 63.
FEAT_DIRTY_FIGHTING 425 New feat from Shadows of Undrentide expansion. The character knows brutal and effective fighting tactics. By sacrificins all other attacks duing the round, the character gen elect to perform a Dirty Fighting move, which will deal an extra 1d4 of damage. This mode cannot be used with the Power Attack feat. SoU Manual — page 23.
FEAT_DISARM 9 Prerequisite: Int 13+. The character can attempt to disarm an opponent in melee combat. Attampting a disarm applies a -6 penalty to the attack roll and the combatant with the larger weapon gains a +4 bonus per size category of difference. Refer to NWN Manual - pg. 89.
FEAT_DIVINE_GRACE 217 Blessed by her deity, the paladin gains bonuses to resist various forms of attack. Gained: Paladin - 1st level. Use: Automatic. Bonuses: The paladin adds her positive Charisma bonus (if any) to all saving throws. NWN Manual - pg. 64.
FEAT_DIVINE_HEALTH 219 Most disease are naturally repelled by the holy power of the paladin. Gained: Paladin - 1st level. Use: Automatic. Bonuses: Immune to disease. NWN Manual - pg. 64.
FEAT_DIVINE_MIGHT 413 New feat from Shadows of Undrentide expansion. Up to three times per day, the character may add his Charisma bonus to all weapons damage for a number of rounds equal to the Charisma bonus. SoU Manual — page 24
FEAT_DIVINE_SHIELD 414 New feat from Shadows of Undrentide expansion. Up to three times per day, the character may add his Charisma bonus to his armor class for a number of rounds equal to the Charisma bonus. SoU Manual — page 24
FEAT_DIVINE_WRATH 909 Once per day, Champion of Torm can add +3 to attack, damage and saving throws and gain damage reduction +1/5 for a number of rounds equal to charisma bonus. Gained at level 5. HotU manual - page 25.
FEAT_DODGE 10 Prerequisite: DEX 13+. Increased agility grants a +1 dodge bonus to AC against attacks from a characters current target (or last attacker). Use: Automatic, though a condition that negates a Dexterity bonus to AC also negates any dodge bonuses. Multiple dodge bonuses (different feats, racial bonuses) are cumulative. NWN Manual - pg. 89.
FEAT_DRAGON_ABILITIES 962 Prerequisite: Red Dragon Disciple. As the dragon disciple gains levels in this prestige class, his ability scores increase by the following table:
Level 2 : +2 to Strength
4 : +2 to Strength
7 : +2 to Con
9 : +2 to Int
10: +4 to Strength, +2 to Charisma
Use: Automatic
FEAT_DRAGON_ARMOR 961 Red dragon disciples gain this feat at level 1. +! to natural armor class. At levesl 5, 8, and 10 this increases by an additional +1. HotU manual - page 31.
FEAT_DRAGON_DIS_BREATH 965 Prerequisite: Red Dragon Disciple level 3. At third and seventh level, the dragon disciple begins to develop his ancestor's signature ability: a fiery breath weapon. While the damage potential of the breath weapon slowly raises until reaching its full potential on level ten, save DC (19) and area of effect (30' cone) stay the same.
Level 3: Damage 2d10
7: Damage 4d10
10: Damage 6d10
Use: Selected
FEAT_DRAGON_HDINCREASE_D6 1042 Prerequisite: Red Dragon Disciple. As the dragon disciple gains levels in this prestige class, his base hit die type changes. This change is not retroactive.
Level 1 - d6
4 - d8
6 - d10
Use: Automatic
FEAT_DRAGON_HDINCREASE_D8 1043 Red dragon disciples gain this feat at level 4. Now gains d8 hit points per level. HotU manual - page 31.
FEAT_DRAGON_HDINCREASE_D10 1044 Red dragon disciples gain this feat at level 6. Now gains d10 hit points per level. HotU manual - page 31.
FEAT_DRAGON_IMMUNE_FIRE 964 Prerequisite: Red Dragon Disciple level 10. The character gains immunity to fire. Use: Automatic
FEAT_DRAGON_IMMUNE_PARALYSIS 963 Prerequisite: Red Dragon Disciple level 10. The red dragon disciple gains immunity to paralysis. Use: Automatic
FEAT_DWARVEN_DEFENDER_DEFENSIVE_STANCE 947 Gain +4 strength and constitution, +2 on all saving throws and +4 dodge bonus on AC. This can be used once per day and gains an additional use every 2 levels. Gained at level 1. HotU manual - page 27.
FEAT_EARTH_DOMAIN_POWER 314 Ability to turn elementals as if they were undead. Ability to cast following spells (and level needed): Stoneskin (4), Energy Buffer (5).
FEAT_ELEMENTAL_SHAPE 304 The druid gains the ability to shape shift into various elemental forms. Gained: Druid - 16th level. Use: Selected. 1/day at 16th level, 2/day at 17th level, 3/day at 19th level. This ability last one hour per level. Bonuses: Huge elementals at 16th level and elder elementals at 20th level. NWN Manual - pg. 60.
FEAT_EMPOWER_SPELL 11 Prerequisite: Ability to cast 2nd-level spells. Magical expertise allows certain spells to be cast with a 50% increase in variable numeric effects (number of targets, damage, etc.), excluding duration. Use: Empowered spells occupy spell slots two levels higher than normal. Saving throws and opposed rolls, such as those made when dispel magic is cast, are not allowed. NWN Manual - pg. 90.
FEAT_EMPTY_BODY 297 Mastering their ki can allow the monk to fade from sight. Gained: Monk - 18th level. Use: Selected. Once per day. Bonuses: The monk gains 50% concealment. NWN Manual - pg. 63.
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 4+ Int Modifier
Bonus Feats: The epic arcane archer gains a bonus feat every four levels
Special: Enchant Arrow: For every two levels beyond 9th, the potency of the arrows fired by the arcane archer increases by +1.
Epic Arcane Archer Bonus Feats List: Blinding Speed, Devastating Critical Longbow, Devastating Critical Shortbow, Epic Prowess, Epic Toughness, Epic Reflexes, Great Dexterity, Improved Combat Casting, Overwhelming Critical Longbow, Overwhelming Critical Shortbow, Epic Weapon Focus Longbow, Epic Weapon Focus Shortbow
FEAT_EPIC_ARMOR_SKIN 490 Prerequisite: 21st level. The character gains a natural +2 bonus to armor class. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 50.
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 4+ Int Modifier
Bonus Feats: The epic assassin gains a bonus feat every four levels after 10th.
Special: Sneak Attack: improves by +1d6 every two levels after 9th.
Poison Saving Throws: an additional +1 for every two levels after 10th on the assassin's saving throws against poison.
Epic Assassin Bonus Feats List: Epic Reflexes, Epic Skill Focus (hide), Epic Skill Focus (move silently), Great Dexterity, Improved Combat Casting, Improved Sneak Attack, Self-Concealment, Superior Initiative.
FEAT_EPIC_AUTOMATIC_QUICKEN_1 857 Prerequisite: 21st level, Quicken Spell, Spellcraft 30 ranks, the ability to cast 9th level spells. The character may cast 0-3rd level spells as quickened spells without using higher-level spell slots. This feat may be taken multiple times and will quicken spells in this way up to 9th level. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 50.
FEAT_EPIC_AUTOMATIC_QUICKEN_2 858 Prerequisite: 21st level, Quicken Spell, Spellcraft 30 ranks, the ability to cast 9th level spells. The character may cast 0-3rd level spells as quickened spells without using higher-level spell slots. This feat may be taken multiple times and will quicken spells in this way up to 9th level. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 50.
FEAT_EPIC_AUTOMATIC_QUICKEN_3 859 Prerequisite: 21st level, Quicken Spell, Spellcraft 30 ranks, the ability to cast 9th level spells. The character may cast 0-3rd level spells as quickened spells without using higher-level spell slots. This feat may be taken multiple times and will quicken spells in this way up to 9th level. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 50.
FEAT_EPIC_AUTOMATIC_SILENT_SPELL_1 860 Prerequisite: 21st level, Silent Spell, Spellcraft 24 ranks, the ability to cast 9th level spells. The character may cast 0-3rd level spells as silent spells without using higher level spell slots. This feat may be taken multiple times and will silence spells this way up to 9th level. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 50.
FEAT_EPIC_AUTOMATIC_SILENT_SPELL_2 861 Prerequisite: 21st level, Silent Spell, Spellcraft 24 ranks, the ability to cast 9th level spells. The character may cast 0-3rd level spells as silent spells without using higher level spell slots. This feat may be taken multiple times and will silence spells this way up to 9th level. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 50.
FEAT_EPIC_AUTOMATIC_SILENT_SPELL_3 862 Prerequisite: 21st level, Silent Spell, Spellcraft 24 ranks, the ability to cast 9th level spells. The character may cast 0-3rd level spells as silent spells without using higher level spell slots. This feat may be taken multiple times and will silence spells this way up to 9th level. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 50.
FEAT_EPIC_AUTOMATIC_STILL_SPELL_1 863 Prerequisite: 21st level, Till Spell, Spellcraft 24 ranks, the ability to cast 9th level spells. This feat allows the character to cast all spells of levels 0-3 as still spills automatically. These spells may be cast while wearing armor. This feat may be taken multiple times and will still spells this way up to 9th level. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 50.
FEAT_EPIC_AUTOMATIC_STILL_SPELL_2 864 Prerequisite: 21st level, Till Spell, Spellcraft 24 ranks, the ability to cast 9th level spells. This feat allows the character to cast all spells of levels 0-3 as still spills automatically. These spells may be cast while wearing armor. This feat may be taken multiple times and will still spells this way up to 9th level. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 50.
FEAT_EPIC_AUTOMATIC_STILL_SPELL_3 865 Prerequisite: 21st level, Till Spell, Spellcraft 24 ranks, the ability to cast 9th level spells. This feat allows the character to cast all spells of levels 0-3 as still spills automatically. These spells may be cast while wearing armor. This feat may be taken multiple times and will still spells this way up to 9th level. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 50.
FEAT_EPIC_BANE_OF_ENEMIES 855 Prerequisite: 21st level, 5 or more favored enemies. Any weapon the character wields against any of their favored enemies is treated as a bane weapon for that creature type (+2 to hit and it deals +2d6 damage). Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 51.
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 4+ Int Modifier
Bonus Feats: The epic barbarian gains a bonus feat every four levels after 20th
Epic Barbarian Bonus Feats List: Armor Skin, Damage Reduction, Devastating Critical, Epic Toughness, Epic Prowess, Epic Weapon Focus, Mighty Rage, Overwhelming Critical, Superior Initiative, Terrifying Rage, Thundering Rage.
FEAT_EPIC_BARBARIAN_DAMAGE_REDUCTION 1067 Prerequisite: Barbarian level 23+. An epic barbarian's damage reduction allows him to ignore the first 5 points of damage from any physical attack. This ability increases by +1 point every 3rd level past 23rd. Use: Automatic.
FEAT_EPIC_BARD 968 Hit Die: d6
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 4+ Int Modifier
Bonus Feats: The epic bard gains a bonus feat every three levels after 20th
Epic Bard Bonus Feats List: Curse Song, Epic Skill Focus, Epic Will, Great Charisma, Great Dexterity, Improved Combat Casting, Lasting Inspiration, Epic Spell Focus.
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 2+ Int Modifier
Bonus Feats: The epic blackguard gains a bonus feat every three levels
Special: Sneak attack: increases by +1d6 every three levels after 10th.
Summon Fiend: For every five blackguard levels above 10th, the summoned fiend gains +2 bonus Hit Dice, its natural armor increases by +2, and its Strength and Intelligence each increase by +1.
Epic Blackguard Bonus Feats List: Armor Skin, Devastating Critical, Epic Toughness, Epic Weapon Focus, Epic Reputation, Epic Fiendish Servant, Epic Prowess, Great Smiting, Improved Combat Casting, Improved Sneak Attack, Overwhelming Critical, Perfect Health, Planar Turning.
FEAT_EPIC_BLINDING_SPEED 491 Prerequisite: 21st level, Dexterity 25+. Upon activating this feat, the character fains all the benefits of haste for a short time. This is a supernatural ability. Use: Selected. HotU manual - page 51.
FEAT_EPIC_CHARACTER 1001 Characters are capable of choosing legendary feats and raising their skills to god-like levels.
FEAT_EPIC_CLERIC 969 Hit Die: d8
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 2+ Int Modifier
Bonus Feats: The epic cleric gains a bonus feat every three levels after 20th
Epic Cleric Bonus Feats List: Armor Skin, Automatic Quicken Spell, Automatic Silent Spell, Automatic Still Spell, Epic Spell Focus, Epic Spell Penetration, Great Wisdom, Improved Combat Casting, Planar Turning.
FEAT_EPIC_CONSTRUCT_SHAPE 1061 Prerequisite: Epic Shifter, Wisdom 27. The character can shapeshift into the following construct forms: Iron Golem, Stone Golem or Demonflesh Golem. Use: Selected. After choosing the ability, the character must select the type of construct to change into. HotU manual - page 51.
FEAT_EPIC_DAMAGE_REDUCTION_3 492 Prerequisite: 21st level, Constitution 21+. The character gains damage reduction 3/-. This means that three points of damage are ignored every time the character takes damage. This feat maybe taken multiple times to gain damage reduction 6/- and 9/-. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 51.
FEAT_EPIC_DAMAGE_REDUCTION_6 493 Prerequisite: 21st level, Constitution 21+, damage reduction 3/-. The character gains damage reduction 6/-. This means that six points of damage are ignored every time the character takes damage. This feat maybe taken multiple times to gain damage reduction 9/-. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 51.
FEAT_EPIC_DAMAGE_REDUCTION_9 494 Prerequisite: 21st level, Constitution 21+, damage reduction 6/-. The character gains damage reduction 9/-. This means that nine points of damage are ignored every time the character takes damage. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 51.
FEAT_EPIC_DEVASTATING_CRITICAL_BASTARDSWORD 528 Prerequisite: 21st level, Cleave, Greater Cleave, Improved Critical of the weapon to be chosen, Overwhelming Critical of the weapon to be chosen, Weapon Focus of the weapon to be chosen, Power Attack, Strength 25+. Whenever scoring a critical hit with the chosen weapon, the character's target must make a Fortitude save or die instantly. Creatures who are immune to critical hits are not affected by this feat. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 52.
FEAT_EPIC_DEVASTATING_CRITICAL_BATTLEAXE 516 Prerequisite: 21st level, Cleave, Greater Cleave, Improved Critical of the weapon to be chosen, Overwhelming Critical of the weapon to be chosen, Weapon Focus of the weapon to be chosen, Power Attack, Strength 25+. Whenever scoring a critical hit with the chosen weapon, the character's target must make a Fortitude save or die instantly. Creatures who are immune to critical hits are not affected by this feat. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 52.
FEAT_EPIC_DEVASTATING_CRITICAL_CLUB 495 Prerequisite: 21st level, Cleave, Greater Cleave, Improved Critical of the weapon to be chosen, Overwhelming Critical of the weapon to be chosen, Weapon Focus of the weapon to be chosen, Power Attack, Strength 25+. Whenever scoring a critical hit with the chosen weapon, the character's target must make a Fortitude save or die instantly. Creatures who are immune to critical hits are not affected by this feat. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 52.
FEAT_EPIC_DEVASTATING_CRITICAL_CREATURE 532 Prerequisite: 21st level, Cleave, Greater Cleave, Improved Critical of the weapon to be chosen, Overwhelming Critical of the weapon to be chosen, Weapon Focus of the weapon to be chosen, Power Attack, Strength 25+. Whenever scoring a critical hit with the chosen weapon, the character's target must make a Fortitude save or die instantly. Creatures who are immune to critical hits are not affected by this feat. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 52.
FEAT_EPIC_DEVASTATING_CRITICAL_DAGGER 496 Prerequisite: 21st level, Cleave, Greater Cleave, Improved Critical of the weapon to be chosen, Overwhelming Critical of the weapon to be chosen, Weapon Focus of the weapon to be chosen, Power Attack, Strength 25+. Whenever scoring a critical hit with the chosen weapon, the character's target must make a Fortitude save or die instantly. Creatures who are immune to critical hits are not affected by this feat. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 52.
FEAT_EPIC_DEVASTATING_CRITICAL_DART 497 Prerequisite: 21st level, Cleave, Greater Cleave, Improved Critical of the weapon to be chosen, Overwhelming Critical of the weapon to be chosen, Weapon Focus of the weapon to be chosen, Power Attack, Strength 25+. Whenever scoring a critical hit with the chosen weapon, the character's target must make a Fortitude save or die instantly. Creatures who are immune to critical hits are not affected by this feat. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 52.
FEAT_EPIC_DEVASTATING_CRITICAL_DIREMACE 529 Prerequisite: 21st level, Cleave, Greater Cleave, Improved Critical of the weapon to be chosen, Overwhelming Critical of the weapon to be chosen, Weapon Focus of the weapon to be chosen, Power Attack, Strength 25+. Whenever scoring a critical hit with the chosen weapon, the character's target must make a Fortitude save or die instantly. Creatures who are immune to critical hits are not affected by this feat. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 52.
FEAT_EPIC_DEVASTATING_CRITICAL_DOUBLEAXE 530 Prerequisite: 21st level, Cleave, Greater Cleave, Improved Critical of the weapon to be chosen, Overwhelming Critical of the weapon to be chosen, Weapon Focus of the weapon to be chosen, Power Attack, Strength 25+. Whenever scoring a critical hit with the chosen weapon, the character's target must make a Fortitude save or die instantly. Creatures who are immune to critical hits are not affected by this feat. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 52.
FEAT_EPIC_DEVASTATING_CRITICAL_DWAXE 955 Prerequisite: 21st level, Cleave, Greater Cleave, Improved Critical of the weapon to be chosen, Overwhelming Critical of the weapon to be chosen, Weapon Focus of the weapon to be chosen, Power Attack, Strength 25+. Whenever scoring a critical hit with the chosen weapon, the character's target must make a Fortitude save or die instantly. Creatures who are immune to critical hits are not affected by this feat. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 52.
FEAT_EPIC_DEVASTATING_CRITICAL_GREATAXE 517 Prerequisite: 21st level, Cleave, Greater Cleave, Improved Critical of the weapon to be chosen, Overwhelming Critical of the weapon to be chosen, Weapon Focus of the weapon to be chosen, Power Attack, Strength 25+. Whenever scoring a critical hit with the chosen weapon, the character's target must make a Fortitude save or die instantly. Creatures who are immune to critical hits are not affected by this feat. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 52.
FEAT_EPIC_DEVASTATING_CRITICAL_GREATSWORD 513 Prerequisite: 21st level, Cleave, Greater Cleave, Improved Critical of the weapon to be chosen, Overwhelming Critical of the weapon to be chosen, Weapon Focus of the weapon to be chosen, Power Attack, Strength 25+. Whenever scoring a critical hit with the chosen weapon, the character's target must make a Fortitude save or die instantly. Creatures who are immune to critical hits are not affected by this feat. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 52.
FEAT_EPIC_DEVASTATING_CRITICAL_HALBERD 518 Prerequisite: 21st level, Cleave, Greater Cleave, Improved Critical of the weapon to be chosen, Overwhelming Critical of the weapon to be chosen, Weapon Focus of the weapon to be chosen, Power Attack, Strength 25+. Whenever scoring a critical hit with the chosen weapon, the character's target must make a Fortitude save or die instantly. Creatures who are immune to critical hits are not affected by this feat. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 52.
FEAT_EPIC_DEVASTATING_CRITICAL_HANDAXE 514 Prerequisite: 21st level, Cleave, Greater Cleave, Improved Critical of the weapon to be chosen, Overwhelming Critical of the weapon to be chosen, Weapon Focus of the weapon to be chosen, Power Attack, Strength 25+. Whenever scoring a critical hit with the chosen weapon, the character's target must make a Fortitude save or die instantly. Creatures who are immune to critical hits are not affected by this feat. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 52.
FEAT_EPIC_DEVASTATING_CRITICAL_HEAVYCROSSBOW 498 Prerequisite: 21st level, Cleave, Greater Cleave, Improved Critical of the weapon to be chosen, Overwhelming Critical of the weapon to be chosen, Weapon Focus of the weapon to be chosen, Power Attack, Strength 25+. Whenever scoring a critical hit with the chosen weapon, the character's target must make a Fortitude save or die instantly. Creatures who are immune to critical hits are not affected by this feat. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 52.
FEAT_EPIC_DEVASTATING_CRITICAL_HEAVYFLAIL 522 Prerequisite: 21st level, Cleave, Greater Cleave, Improved Critical of the weapon to be chosen, Overwhelming Critical of the weapon to be chosen, Weapon Focus of the weapon to be chosen, Power Attack, Strength 25+. Whenever scoring a critical hit with the chosen weapon, the character's target must make a Fortitude save or die instantly. Creatures who are immune to critical hits are not affected by this feat. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 52.
FEAT_EPIC_DEVASTATING_CRITICAL_KAMA 523 Prerequisite: 21st level, Cleave, Greater Cleave, Improved Critical of the weapon to be chosen, Overwhelming Critical of the weapon to be chosen, Weapon Focus of the weapon to be chosen, Power Attack, Strength 25+. Whenever scoring a critical hit with the chosen weapon, the character's target must make a Fortitude save or die instantly. Creatures who are immune to critical hits are not affected by this feat. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 52.
FEAT_EPIC_DEVASTATING_CRITICAL_KATANA 527 Prerequisite: 21st level, Cleave, Greater Cleave, Improved Critical of the weapon to be chosen, Overwhelming Critical of the weapon to be chosen, Weapon Focus of the weapon to be chosen, Power Attack, Strength 25+. Whenever scoring a critical hit with the chosen weapon, the character's target must make a Fortitude save or die instantly. Creatures who are immune to critical hits are not affected by this feat. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 52.
FEAT_EPIC_DEVASTATING_CRITICAL_KUKRI 524 Prerequisite: 21st level, Cleave, Greater Cleave, Improved Critical of the weapon to be chosen, Overwhelming Critical of the weapon to be chosen, Weapon Focus of the weapon to be chosen, Power Attack, Strength 25+. Whenever scoring a critical hit with the chosen weapon, the character's target must make a Fortitude save or die instantly. Creatures who are immune to critical hits are not affected by this feat. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 52.
FEAT_EPIC_DEVASTATING_CRITICAL_LIGHTCROSSBOW 499 Prerequisite: 21st level, Cleave, Greater Cleave, Improved Critical of the weapon to be chosen, Overwhelming Critical of the weapon to be chosen, Weapon Focus of the weapon to be chosen, Power Attack, Strength 25+. Whenever scoring a critical hit with the chosen weapon, the character's target must make a Fortitude save or die instantly. Creatures who are immune to critical hits are not affected by this feat. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 52.
FEAT_EPIC_DEVASTATING_CRITICAL_LIGHTFLAIL 520 Prerequisite: 21st level, Cleave, Greater Cleave, Improved Critical of the weapon to be chosen, Overwhelming Critical of the weapon to be chosen, Weapon Focus of the weapon to be chosen, Power Attack, Strength 25+. Whenever scoring a critical hit with the chosen weapon, the character's target must make a Fortitude save or die instantly. Creatures who are immune to critical hits are not affected by this feat. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 52.
FEAT_EPIC_DEVASTATING_CRITICAL_LIGHTHAMMER 519 Prerequisite: 21st level, Cleave, Greater Cleave, Improved Critical of the weapon to be chosen, Overwhelming Critical of the weapon to be chosen, Weapon Focus of the weapon to be chosen, Power Attack, Strength 25+. Whenever scoring a critical hit with the chosen weapon, the character's target must make a Fortitude save or die instantly. Creatures who are immune to critical hits are not affected by this feat. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 52.
FEAT_EPIC_DEVASTATING_CRITICAL_LIGHTMACE 500 Prerequisite: 21st level, Cleave, Greater Cleave, Improved Critical of the weapon to be chosen, Overwhelming Critical of the weapon to be chosen, Weapon Focus of the weapon to be chosen, Power Attack, Strength 25+. Whenever scoring a critical hit with the chosen weapon, the character's target must make a Fortitude save or die instantly. Creatures who are immune to critical hits are not affected by this feat. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 52.
FEAT_EPIC_DEVASTATING_CRITICAL_LONGBOW 507 Prerequisite: 21st level, Cleave, Greater Cleave, Improved Critical of the weapon to be chosen, Overwhelming Critical of the weapon to be chosen, Weapon Focus of the weapon to be chosen, Power Attack, Strength 25+. Whenever scoring a critical hit with the chosen weapon, the character's target must make a Fortitude save or die instantly. Creatures who are immune to critical hits are not affected by this feat. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 52.
FEAT_EPIC_DEVASTATING_CRITICAL_LONGSWORD 512 Prerequisite: 21st level, Cleave, Greater Cleave, Improved Critical of the weapon to be chosen, Overwhelming Critical of the weapon to be chosen, Weapon Focus of the weapon to be chosen, Power Attack, Strength 25+. Whenever scoring a critical hit with the chosen weapon, the character's target must make a Fortitude save or die instantly. Creatures who are immune to critical hits are not affected by this feat. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 52.
FEAT_EPIC_DEVASTATING_CRITICAL_MORNINGSTAR 501 Prerequisite: 21st level, Cleave, Greater Cleave, Improved Critical of the weapon to be chosen, Overwhelming Critical of the weapon to be chosen, Weapon Focus of the weapon to be chosen, Power Attack, Strength 25+. Whenever scoring a critical hit with the chosen weapon, the character's target must make a Fortitude save or die instantly. Creatures who are immune to critical hits are not affected by this feat. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 52.
FEAT_EPIC_DEVASTATING_CRITICAL_QUARTERSTAFF 502 Prerequisite: 21st level, Cleave, Greater Cleave, Improved Critical of the weapon to be chosen, Overwhelming Critical of the weapon to be chosen, Weapon Focus of the weapon to be chosen, Power Attack, Strength 25+. Whenever scoring a critical hit with the chosen weapon, the character's target must make a Fortitude save or die instantly. Creatures who are immune to critical hits are not affected by this feat. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 52.
FEAT_EPIC_DEVASTATING_CRITICAL_RAPIER 510 Prerequisite: 21st level, Cleave, Greater Cleave, Improved Critical of the weapon to be chosen, Overwhelming Critical of the weapon to be chosen, Weapon Focus of the weapon to be chosen, Power Attack, Strength 25+. Whenever scoring a critical hit with the chosen weapon, the character's target must make a Fortitude save or die instantly. Creatures who are immune to critical hits are not affected by this feat. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 52.
FEAT_EPIC_DEVASTATING_CRITICAL_SCIMITAR 511 Prerequisite: 21st level, Cleave, Greater Cleave, Improved Critical of the weapon to be chosen, Overwhelming Critical of the weapon to be chosen, Weapon Focus of the weapon to be chosen, Power Attack, Strength 25+. Whenever scoring a critical hit with the chosen weapon, the character's target must make a Fortitude save or die instantly. Creatures who are immune to critical hits are not affected by this feat. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 52.
FEAT_EPIC_DEVASTATING_CRITICAL_SCYTHE 526 Prerequisite: 21st level, Cleave, Greater Cleave, Improved Critical of the weapon to be chosen, Overwhelming Critical of the weapon to be chosen, Weapon Focus of the weapon to be chosen, Power Attack, Strength 25+. Whenever scoring a critical hit with the chosen weapon, the character's target must make a Fortitude save or die instantly. Creatures who are immune to critical hits are not affected by this feat. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 52.
FEAT_EPIC_DEVASTATING_CRITICAL_SHORTBOW 508 Prerequisite: 21st level, Cleave, Greater Cleave, Improved Critical of the weapon to be chosen, Overwhelming Critical of the weapon to be chosen, Weapon Focus of the weapon to be chosen, Power Attack, Strength 25+. Whenever scoring a critical hit with the chosen weapon, the character's target must make a Fortitude save or die instantly. Creatures who are immune to critical hits are not affected by this feat. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 52.
FEAT_EPIC_DEVASTATING_CRITICAL_SHORTSPEAR 503 Prerequisite: 21st level, Cleave, Greater Cleave, Improved Critical of the weapon to be chosen, Overwhelming Critical of the weapon to be chosen, Weapon Focus of the weapon to be chosen, Power Attack, Strength 25+. Whenever scoring a critical hit with the chosen weapon, the character's target must make a Fortitude save or die instantly. Creatures who are immune to critical hits are not affected by this feat. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 52.
FEAT_EPIC_DEVASTATING_CRITICAL_SHORTSWORD 509 Prerequisite: 21st level, Cleave, Greater Cleave, Improved Critical of the weapon to be chosen, Overwhelming Critical of the weapon to be chosen, Weapon Focus of the weapon to be chosen, Power Attack, Strength 25+. Whenever scoring a critical hit with the chosen weapon, the character's target must make a Fortitude save or die instantly. Creatures who are immune to critical hits are not affected by this feat. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 52.
FEAT_EPIC_DEVASTATING_CRITICAL_SHURIKEN 525 Prerequisite: 21st level, Cleave, Greater Cleave, Improved Critical of the weapon to be chosen, Overwhelming Critical of the weapon to be chosen, Weapon Focus of the weapon to be chosen, Power Attack, Strength 25+. Whenever scoring a critical hit with the chosen weapon, the character's target must make a Fortitude save or die instantly. Creatures who are immune to critical hits are not affected by this feat. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 52.
FEAT_EPIC_DEVASTATING_CRITICAL_SICKLE 504 Prerequisite: 21st level, Cleave, Greater Cleave, Improved Critical of the weapon to be chosen, Overwhelming Critical of the weapon to be chosen, Weapon Focus of the weapon to be chosen, Power Attack, Strength 25+. Whenever scoring a critical hit with the chosen weapon, the character's target must make a Fortitude save or die instantly. Creatures who are immune to critical hits are not affected by this feat. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 52.
FEAT_EPIC_DEVASTATING_CRITICAL_SLING 505 Prerequisite: 21st level, Cleave, Greater Cleave, Improved Critical of the weapon to be chosen, Overwhelming Critical of the weapon to be chosen, Weapon Focus of the weapon to be chosen, Power Attack, Strength 25+. Whenever scoring a critical hit with the chosen weapon, the character's target must make a Fortitude save or die instantly. Creatures who are immune to critical hits are not affected by this feat. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 52.
FEAT_EPIC_DEVASTATING_CRITICAL_THROWINGAXE 515 Prerequisite: 21st level, Cleave, Greater Cleave, Improved Critical of the weapon to be chosen, Overwhelming Critical of the weapon to be chosen, Weapon Focus of the weapon to be chosen, Power Attack, Strength 25+. Whenever scoring a critical hit with the chosen weapon, the character's target must make a Fortitude save or die instantly. Creatures who are immune to critical hits are not affected by this feat. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 52.
FEAT_EPIC_DEVASTATING_CRITICAL_TRIDENT 1075 Prerequisite: Strength 25+, Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Critical (weapon to be chosen), Overwhelming Critical (weapon to be chosen), Power Attack, Weapon Focus (weapon to be chosen). Whenever scoring a critical hit with the chosen weapon, the character's target must make a Fortitude save or die instantly. Creatures who are immune to critical hits are not affected by this feat. Use: Automatic.
FEAT_EPIC_DEVASTATING_CRITICAL_TWOBLADEDSWORD 531 Prerequisite: 21st level, Cleave, Greater Cleave, Improved Critical of the weapon to be chosen, Overwhelming Critical of the weapon to be chosen, Weapon Focus of the weapon to be chosen, Power Attack, Strength 25+. Whenever scoring a critical hit with the chosen weapon, the character's target must make a Fortitude save or die instantly. Creatures who are immune to critical hits are not affected by this feat. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 52.
FEAT_EPIC_DEVASTATING_CRITICAL_UNARMED 506 Prerequisite: 21st level, Cleave, Greater Cleave, Improved Critical of the weapon to be chosen, Overwhelming Critical of the weapon to be chosen, Weapon Focus of the weapon to be chosen, Power Attack, Strength 25+. Whenever scoring a critical hit with the chosen weapon, the character's target must make a Fortitude save or die instantly. Creatures who are immune to critical hits are not affected by this feat. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 52.
FEAT_EPIC_DEVASTATING_CRITICAL_WARHAMMER 521 Prerequisite: 21st level, Cleave, Greater Cleave, Improved Critical of the weapon to be chosen, Overwhelming Critical of the weapon to be chosen, Weapon Focus of the weapon to be chosen, Power Attack, Strength 25+. Whenever scoring a critical hit with the chosen weapon, the character's target must make a Fortitude save or die instantly. Creatures who are immune to critical hits are not affected by this feat. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 52.
FEAT_EPIC_DEVASTATING_CRITICAL_WHIP 996 Prerequisite: 21st level, Cleave, Greater Cleave, Improved Critical of the weapon to be chosen, Overwhelming Critical of the weapon to be chosen, Weapon Focus of the weapon to be chosen, Power Attack, Strength 25+. Whenever scoring a critical hit with the chosen weapon, the character's target must make a Fortitude save or die instantly. Creatures who are immune to critical hits are not affected by this feat. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 52.
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 2+ Int Modifier
Bonus Feats: The epic champion of Torm gains a bonus feat every four levels.
Special: Sacred Defense: Saving throws continue to improve by +1 for every 2 levels.
Divine Wrath: Every five levels the attack, damage and saving throw bonuses increases by a further +2.
Epic Champion of Torm Bonus Feats List: Automatic Quicken Spell, Automatic Silence Spell, Automatic Still Spell, Armor Skin, Epic Damage Reduction, Epic Prowess, Devastating Critical, Epic Toughness, Epic Weapon Focus, Great Wisdom, Greater Smiting, Improved Combat Casting, Improved Stunning Fist, Improved Whirlwind Attack, Overwhelming Critical, Planar Turning, Epic Spell Focus, Epic Spell Penetration, Superior Initiative.
FEAT_EPIC_DODGE 856 Prerequisite: 21st level, Dodge, Improved Evasion, Defensive Roll, Tumble 30 ranks, Dexterity 25+. The character avoids all damage from the first attack each round. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 52.
FEAT_EPIC_DRUID 970 Hit Die: d8
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 4+ Int Modifier
Bonus Feats: The epic druid gains a bonus feat every four levels after 20th
Epic Druid Bonus Feats List: Automatic Quicken Spell, Automatic Silent Spell, Automatic Still Spell, Dragon Shape, Energy Resistance, Epic Spell Focus, Epic Spell Penetration, Great Wisdom, Improved Combat Casting,
FEAT_EPIC_DRUID_INFINITE_ELEMENTAL_SHAPE 1069 Prerequisite: Druid, 26th Level. Upon reaching 26th level, a Druid gains unlimited uses of his Elemental Shape ability. Use: Automatic.
FEAT_EPIC_DRUID_INFINITE_WILDSHAPE 1068 Prerequisite: Druid, 22th Level. Upon reaching 22th level, a Druid gains unlimited uses of his Wildshape ability. Use: Automatic.
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 2+ Int Modifier
Bonus Feats: The epic dwarven defender gains a bonus feat every four levels
Special: Defensive Stance: an additional use per day is gained for every two levels past 9th.
Damage Reduction: the damage reduction increases by 3 points for every four levels above 10th.
Epic Dwarven Defender Bonus Feats List: Armor Skin, Damage Reduction, Devastating Critical, Energy Resistance, Epic Toughness, Epic Prowess, Epic Weapon Focus, Overwhelming Critical, Perfect Health.
FEAT_EPIC_ENERGY_RESISTANCE_ACID_1 543 Prerequisite: 21st level. The character gains resistance 10 to acid damage. This feat may be taken multiple times, to a maximum resistance of 100. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 52.
FEAT_EPIC_ENERGY_RESISTANCE_ACID_2 544 Prerequisite: 21st level, Energy Resistance acid 1. The character gains resistance 20 to acid damage. This feat may be taken multiple times, to a maximum resistance of 100. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 52.
FEAT_EPIC_ENERGY_RESISTANCE_ACID_3 545 Prerequisite: 21st level, Energy Resistance acid 2. The character gains resistance 30 to acid damage. This feat may be taken multiple times, to a maximum resistance of 100. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 52.
FEAT_EPIC_ENERGY_RESISTANCE_ACID_4 546 Prerequisite: 21st level, Energy Resistance acid 3. The character gains resistance 40 to acid damage. This feat may be taken multiple times, to a maximum resistance of 100. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 52.
FEAT_EPIC_ENERGY_RESISTANCE_ACID_5 547 Prerequisite: 21st level, Energy Resistance acid 4. The character gains resistance 50 to acid damage. This feat may be taken multiple times, to a maximum resistance of 100. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 52.
FEAT_EPIC_ENERGY_RESISTANCE_ACID_6 548 Prerequisite: 21st level, Energy Resistance acid 5. The character gains resistance 60 to acid damage. This feat may be taken multiple times, to a maximum resistance of 100. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 52.
FEAT_EPIC_ENERGY_RESISTANCE_ACID_7 549 Prerequisite: 21st level, Energy Resistance acid 6. The character gains resistance 70 to acid damage. This feat may be taken multiple times, to a maximum resistance of 100. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 52.
FEAT_EPIC_ENERGY_RESISTANCE_ACID_8 550 Prerequisite: 21st level, Energy Resistance acid 7. The character gains resistance 80 to acid damage. This feat may be taken multiple times, to a maximum resistance of 100. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 52.
FEAT_EPIC_ENERGY_RESISTANCE_ACID_9 551 Prerequisite: 21st level, Energy Resistance acid 8. The character gains resistance 90 to acid damage. This feat may be taken multiple times, to a maximum resistance of 100. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 52.
FEAT_EPIC_ENERGY_RESISTANCE_ACID_10 552 Prerequisite: 21st level, Energy Resistance acid 9. The character gains resistance 100 to acid damage. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 52.
FEAT_EPIC_ENERGY_RESISTANCE_COLD_1 533 Prerequisite: 21st level. The character gains resistance 10 to cold damage. This feat may be taken multiple times, to a maximum resistance of 100. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 52.
FEAT_EPIC_ENERGY_RESISTANCE_COLD_2 534 Prerequisite: 21st level, Energy Resistance cold 1. The character gains resistance 20 to cold damage. This feat may be taken multiple times, to a maximum resistance of 100. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 52.
FEAT_EPIC_ENERGY_RESISTANCE_COLD_3 535 Prerequisite: 21st level, Energy Resistance cold 2. The character gains resistance 30 to cold damage. This feat may be taken multiple times, to a maximum resistance of 100. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 52.
FEAT_EPIC_ENERGY_RESISTANCE_COLD_4 536 Prerequisite: 21st level, Energy Resistance cold 3. The character gains resistance 40 to cold damage. This feat may be taken multiple times, to a maximum resistance of 100. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 52.
FEAT_EPIC_ENERGY_RESISTANCE_COLD_5 537 Prerequisite: 21st level, Energy Resistance cold 4. The character gains resistance 50 to cold damage. This feat may be taken multiple times, to a maximum resistance of 100. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 52.
FEAT_EPIC_ENERGY_RESISTANCE_COLD_6 538 Prerequisite: 21st level, Energy Resistance cold 5. The character gains resistance 60 to cold damage. This feat may be taken multiple times, to a maximum resistance of 100. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 52.
FEAT_EPIC_ENERGY_RESISTANCE_COLD_7 539 Prerequisite: 21st level, Energy Resistance cold 6. The character gains resistance 70 to cold damage. This feat may be taken multiple times, to a maximum resistance of 100. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 52.
FEAT_EPIC_ENERGY_RESISTANCE_COLD_8 540 Prerequisite: 21st level, Energy Resistance cold 7. The character gains resistance 80 to cold damage. This feat may be taken multiple times, to a maximum resistance of 100. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 52.
FEAT_EPIC_ENERGY_RESISTANCE_COLD_9 541 Prerequisite: 21st level, Energy Resistance cold 8. The character gains resistance 90 to cold damage. This feat may be taken multiple times, to a maximum resistance of 100. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 52.
FEAT_EPIC_ENERGY_RESISTANCE_COLD_10 542 Prerequisite: 21st level, Energy Resistance cold 9. The character gains resistance 100 to cold damage. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 52.
FEAT_EPIC_ENERGY_RESISTANCE_ELECTRICAL_1 563 Prerequisite: 21st level. The character gains resistance 10 to electrical damage. This feat may be taken multiple times, to a maximum resistance of 100. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 52.
FEAT_EPIC_ENERGY_RESISTANCE_ELECTRICAL_2 564 Prerequisite: 21st level, Energy Resistance electrical 1. The character gains resistance 20 to electrical damage. This feat may be taken multiple times, to a maximum resistance of 100. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 52.
FEAT_EPIC_ENERGY_RESISTANCE_ELECTRICAL_3 565 Prerequisite: 21st level, Energy Resistance electrical 2. The character gains resistance 30 to electrical damage. This feat may be taken multiple times, to a maximum resistance of 100. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 52.
FEAT_EPIC_ENERGY_RESISTANCE_ELECTRICAL_4 566 Prerequisite: 21st level, Energy Resistance electrical 3. The character gains resistance 40 to electrical damage. This feat may be taken multiple times, to a maximum resistance of 100. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 52.
FEAT_EPIC_ENERGY_RESISTANCE_ELECTRICAL_5 567 Prerequisite: 21st level, Energy Resistance electrical 4. The character gains resistance 50 to electrical damage. This feat may be taken multiple times, to a maximum resistance of 100. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 52.
FEAT_EPIC_ENERGY_RESISTANCE_ELECTRICAL_6 568 Prerequisite: 21st level, Energy Resistance electrical 5. The character gains resistance 60 to electrical damage. This feat may be taken multiple times, to a maximum resistance of 100. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 52.
FEAT_EPIC_ENERGY_RESISTANCE_ELECTRICAL_7 569 Prerequisite: 21st level, Energy Resistance electrical 6. The character gains resistance 70 to electrical damage. This feat may be taken multiple times, to a maximum resistance of 100. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 52.
FEAT_EPIC_ENERGY_RESISTANCE_ELECTRICAL_8 570 Prerequisite: 21st level, Energy Resistance electrical 7. The character gains resistance 80 to electrical damage. This feat may be taken multiple times, to a maximum resistance of 100. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 52.
FEAT_EPIC_ENERGY_RESISTANCE_ELECTRICAL_9 571 Prerequisite: 21st level, Energy Resistance electrical 8. The character gains resistance 90 to electrical damage. This feat may be taken multiple times, to a maximum resistance of 100. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 52.
FEAT_EPIC_ENERGY_RESISTANCE_ELECTRICAL_10 572 Prerequisite: 21st level, Energy Resistance electrical 9. The character gains resistance 100 to electrical damage. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 52.
FEAT_EPIC_ENERGY_RESISTANCE_FIRE_1 553 Prerequisite: 21st level. The character gains resistance 10 to fire damage. This feat may be taken multiple times, to a maximum resistance of 100. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 52.
FEAT_EPIC_ENERGY_RESISTANCE_FIRE_2 554 Prerequisite: 21st level, Energy Resistance fire 1. The character gains resistance 20 to fire damage. This feat may be taken multiple times, to a maximum resistance of 100. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 52.
FEAT_EPIC_ENERGY_RESISTANCE_FIRE_3 555 Prerequisite: 21st level, Energy Resistance fire 2. The character gains resistance 30 to fire damage. This feat may be taken multiple times, to a maximum resistance of 100. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 52.
FEAT_EPIC_ENERGY_RESISTANCE_FIRE_4 556 Prerequisite: 21st level, Energy Resistance fire 3. The character gains resistance 40 to fire damage. This feat may be taken multiple times, to a maximum resistance of 100. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 52.
FEAT_EPIC_ENERGY_RESISTANCE_FIRE_5 557 Prerequisite: 21st level, Energy Resistance fire 4. The character gains resistance 50 to fire damage. This feat may be taken multiple times, to a maximum resistance of 100. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 52.
FEAT_EPIC_ENERGY_RESISTANCE_FIRE_6 558 Prerequisite: 21st level, Energy Resistance fire 5. The character gains resistance 60 to fire damage. This feat may be taken multiple times, to a maximum resistance of 100. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 52.
FEAT_EPIC_ENERGY_RESISTANCE_FIRE_7 559 Prerequisite: 21st level, Energy Resistance fire 6. The character gains resistance 70 to fire damage. This feat may be taken multiple times, to a maximum resistance of 100. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 52.
FEAT_EPIC_ENERGY_RESISTANCE_FIRE_8 560 Prerequisite: 21st level, Energy Resistance fire 7. The character gains resistance 80 to fire damage. This feat may be taken multiple times, to a maximum resistance of 100. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 52.
FEAT_EPIC_ENERGY_RESISTANCE_FIRE_9 561 Prerequisite: 21st level, Energy Resistance fire 8. The character gains resistance 90 to fire damage. This feat may be taken multiple times, to a maximum resistance of 100. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 52.
FEAT_EPIC_ENERGY_RESISTANCE_FIRE_10 562 Prerequisite: 21st level, Energy Resistance fire 9. The character gains resistance 100 to fire damage. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 52.
FEAT_EPIC_ENERGY_RESISTANCE_SONIC_1 573 Prerequisite: 21st level. The character gains resistance 10 to sonic damage. This feat may be taken multiple times, to a maximum resistance of 100. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 52.
FEAT_EPIC_ENERGY_RESISTANCE_SONIC_2 574 Prerequisite: 21st level, Energy Resistance sonic 1. The character gains resistance 20 to sonic damage. This feat may be taken multiple times, to a maximum resistance of 100. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 52.
FEAT_EPIC_ENERGY_RESISTANCE_SONIC_3 575 Prerequisite: 21st level, Energy Resistance sonic 2. The character gains resistance 30 to sonic damage. This feat may be taken multiple times, to a maximum resistance of 100. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 52.
FEAT_EPIC_ENERGY_RESISTANCE_SONIC_4 576 Prerequisite: 21st level, Energy Resistance sonic 3. The character gains resistance 40 to sonic damage. This feat may be taken multiple times, to a maximum resistance of 100. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 52.
FEAT_EPIC_ENERGY_RESISTANCE_SONIC_5 577 Prerequisite: 21st level, Energy Resistance sonic 4. The character gains resistance 50 to sonic damage. This feat may be taken multiple times, to a maximum resistance of 100. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 52.
FEAT_EPIC_ENERGY_RESISTANCE_SONIC_6 578 Prerequisite: 21st level, Energy Resistance sonic 5. The character gains resistance 60 to sonic damage. This feat may be taken multiple times, to a maximum resistance of 100. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 52.
FEAT_EPIC_ENERGY_RESISTANCE_SONIC_7 579 Prerequisite: 21st level, Energy Resistance sonic 6. The character gains resistance 70 to sonic damage. This feat may be taken multiple times, to a maximum resistance of 100. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 52.
FEAT_EPIC_ENERGY_RESISTANCE_SONIC_8 580 Prerequisite: 21st level, Energy Resistance sonic 7. The character gains resistance 80 to sonic damage. This feat may be taken multiple times, to a maximum resistance of 100. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 52.
FEAT_EPIC_ENERGY_RESISTANCE_SONIC_9 581 Prerequisite: 21st level, Energy Resistance sonic 8. The character gains resistance 90 to sonic damage. This feat may be taken multiple times, to a maximum resistance of 100. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 52.
FEAT_EPIC_ENERGY_RESISTANCE_SONIC_10 582 Prerequisite: 21st level, Energy Resistance sonic 9. The character gains resistance 100 to sonic damage. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 52.
FEAT_EPIC_EPIC_FIEND 1003 Prerequisite: 21st level, Blackguard 15. The character's evil and hatred grow strong enough to attact the attention of an Epic Vrock when summoning a fiendish servant from the outer planes. This vile creature is a master in the arts of melee combat and, fueled by its master's evil soul, grows in strength and power as the blackguard gains new levels. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 53.
FEAT_EPIC_EPIC_SHADOWLORD 1002 Prerequisite: Epic Shadowdancer. The character's Summon Shadow ability is reinforced, allowing him to call an Epic Shadowlord to his side. Unlike a non-epic Shadowlord, an Epic Shadowlord is a potent fighter, reinforced by his master's lifeforce, making him stronger each time the shadowdancer gains a level. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 54.
FEAT_EPIC_FIGHTER 966 Hit Die: d10
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 2+ Int Modifier
Bonus Feats: The epic fighter gains a bonus feat every two levels after 20th
Epic Fighter Bonus Feats List: Armor Skin, Damage Reduction, Devastating Critical, Epic Toughness, Epic Weapon Focus, Epic Prowess, Epic Weapon Specialization, Improved Stunning Fist, Improved Whirlwind Attack, Overwhelming Critical, Superior Initiative.
FEAT_EPIC_FORTITUDE 583 Prerequisite: 21st level. The character gains a +4 to all Fortitude saves. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 53.
FEAT_EPIC_GREAT_CHARISMA_1 764 Prerequisite: 21st level. The character gains a +1 to their Charisma. This may be taken multiple times, to a maximum of +10. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 55.
FEAT_EPIC_GREAT_CHARISMA_2 765 Prerequisite: 21st level. The character gains a +1 to their Charisma. This may be taken multiple times, to a maximum of +10. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 55.
FEAT_EPIC_GREAT_CHARISMA_3 766 Prerequisite: 21st level. The character gains a +1 to their Charisma. This may be taken multiple times, to a maximum of +10. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 55.
FEAT_EPIC_GREAT_CHARISMA_4 767 Prerequisite: 21st level. The character gains a +1 to their Charisma. This may be taken multiple times, to a maximum of +10. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 55.
FEAT_EPIC_GREAT_CHARISMA_5 768 Prerequisite: 21st level. The character gains a +1 to their Charisma. This may be taken multiple times, to a maximum of +10. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 55.
FEAT_EPIC_GREAT_CHARISMA_6 769 Prerequisite: 21st level. The character gains a +1 to their Charisma. This may be taken multiple times, to a maximum of +10. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 55.
FEAT_EPIC_GREAT_CHARISMA_7 770 Prerequisite: 21st level. The character gains a +1 to their Charisma. This may be taken multiple times, to a maximum of +10. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 55.
FEAT_EPIC_GREAT_CHARISMA_8 771 Prerequisite: 21st level. The character gains a +1 to their Charisma. This may be taken multiple times, to a maximum of +10. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 55.
FEAT_EPIC_GREAT_CHARISMA_9 772 Prerequisite: 21st level. The character gains a +1 to their Charisma. This may be taken multiple times, to a maximum of +10. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 55.
FEAT_EPIC_GREAT_CHARISMA_10 773 Prerequisite: 21st level. The character gains a +1 to their Charisma. This may be taken multiple times, to a maximum of +10. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 55.
FEAT_EPIC_GREAT_CONSTITUTION_1 774 Prerequisite: 21st level. The character gains a +1 to their Constution. This may be taken multiple times, to a maximum of +10. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 56.
FEAT_EPIC_GREAT_CONSTITUTION_2 775 Prerequisite: 21st level. The character gains a +1 to their Constution. This may be taken multiple times, to a maximum of +10. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 56.
FEAT_EPIC_GREAT_CONSTITUTION_3 776 Prerequisite: 21st level. The character gains a +1 to their Constution. This may be taken multiple times, to a maximum of +10. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 56.
FEAT_EPIC_GREAT_CONSTITUTION_4 777 Prerequisite: 21st level. The character gains a +1 to their Constution. This may be taken multiple times, to a maximum of +10. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 56.
FEAT_EPIC_GREAT_CONSTITUTION_5 778 Prerequisite: 21st level. The character gains a +1 to their Constution. This may be taken multiple times, to a maximum of +10. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 56.
FEAT_EPIC_GREAT_CONSTITUTION_6 779 Prerequisite: 21st level. The character gains a +1 to their Constution. This may be taken multiple times, to a maximum of +10. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 56.
FEAT_EPIC_GREAT_CONSTITUTION_7 780 Prerequisite: 21st level. The character gains a +1 to their Constution. This may be taken multiple times, to a maximum of +10. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 56.
FEAT_EPIC_GREAT_CONSTITUTION_8 781 Prerequisite: 21st level. The character gains a +1 to their Constution. This may be taken multiple times, to a maximum of +10. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 56.
FEAT_EPIC_GREAT_CONSTITUTION_9 782 Prerequisite: 21st level. The character gains a +1 to their Constution. This may be taken multiple times, to a maximum of +10. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 56.
FEAT_EPIC_GREAT_CONSTITUTION_10 783 Prerequisite: 21st level. The character gains a +1 to their Constution. This may be taken multiple times, to a maximum of +10. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 56.
FEAT_EPIC_GREAT_DEXTERITY_1 784 Prerequisite: 21st level. The character gains a +1 to their Dexterity. This may be taken multiple times, to a maximum of +10. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 56.
FEAT_EPIC_GREAT_DEXTERITY_2 785 Prerequisite: 21st level. The character gains a +1 to their Dexterity. This may be taken multiple times, to a maximum of +10. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 56.
FEAT_EPIC_GREAT_DEXTERITY_3 786 Prerequisite: 21st level. The character gains a +1 to their Dexterity. This may be taken multiple times, to a maximum of +10. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 56.
FEAT_EPIC_GREAT_DEXTERITY_4 787 Prerequisite: 21st level. The character gains a +1 to their Dexterity. This may be taken multiple times, to a maximum of +10. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 56.
FEAT_EPIC_GREAT_DEXTERITY_5 788 Prerequisite: 21st level. The character gains a +1 to their Dexterity. This may be taken multiple times, to a maximum of +10. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 56.
FEAT_EPIC_GREAT_DEXTERITY_6 789 Prerequisite: 21st level. The character gains a +1 to their Dexterity. This may be taken multiple times, to a maximum of +10. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 56.
FEAT_EPIC_GREAT_DEXTERITY_7 790 Prerequisite: 21st level. The character gains a +1 to their Dexterity. This may be taken multiple times, to a maximum of +10. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 56.
FEAT_EPIC_GREAT_DEXTERITY_8 791 Prerequisite: 21st level. The character gains a +1 to their Dexterity. This may be taken multiple times, to a maximum of +10. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 56.
FEAT_EPIC_GREAT_DEXTERITY_9 792 Prerequisite: 21st level. The character gains a +1 to their Dexterity. This may be taken multiple times, to a maximum of +10. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 56.
FEAT_EPIC_GREAT_DEXTERITY_10 793 Prerequisite: 21st level. The character gains a +1 to their Dexterity. This may be taken multiple times, to a maximum of +10. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 56.
FEAT_EPIC_GREAT_INTELLIGENCE_1 794 Prerequisite: 21st level. The character gains a +1 to their Intelligence. This may be taken multiple times, to a maximum of +10. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 56.
FEAT_EPIC_GREAT_INTELLIGENCE_2 795 Prerequisite: 21st level. The character gains a +1 to their Intelligence. This may be taken multiple times, to a maximum of +10. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 56.
FEAT_EPIC_GREAT_INTELLIGENCE_3 796 Prerequisite: 21st level. The character gains a +1 to their Intelligence. This may be taken multiple times, to a maximum of +10. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 56.
FEAT_EPIC_GREAT_INTELLIGENCE_4 797 Prerequisite: 21st level. The character gains a +1 to their Intelligence. This may be taken multiple times, to a maximum of +10. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 56.
FEAT_EPIC_GREAT_INTELLIGENCE_5 798 Prerequisite: 21st level. The character gains a +1 to their Intelligence. This may be taken multiple times, to a maximum of +10. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 56.
FEAT_EPIC_GREAT_INTELLIGENCE_6 799 Prerequisite: 21st level. The character gains a +1 to their Intelligence. This may be taken multiple times, to a maximum of +10. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 56.
FEAT_EPIC_GREAT_INTELLIGENCE_7 800 Prerequisite: 21st level. The character gains a +1 to their Intelligence. This may be taken multiple times, to a maximum of +10. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 56.
FEAT_EPIC_GREAT_INTELLIGENCE_8 801 Prerequisite: 21st level. The character gains a +1 to their Intelligence. This may be taken multiple times, to a maximum of +10. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 56.
FEAT_EPIC_GREAT_INTELLIGENCE_9 802 Prerequisite: 21st level. The character gains a +1 to their Intelligence. This may be taken multiple times, to a maximum of +10. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 56.
FEAT_EPIC_GREAT_INTELLIGENCE_10 803 Prerequisite: 21st level. The character gains a +1 to their Intelligence. This may be taken multiple times, to a maximum of +10. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 56.
FEAT_EPIC_GREAT_SMITING_1 824 Prerequisite: 21st level, Charisma 25+, Smite Good or Smite Evil. Whenever the character makes a successful smite attack, it adds two times the characters level to damage. This feat may be taken multiple times, up to a maximum of 10 times - each time adding additional damage equal to the character's level to the smite attack. Use: Combat Mode.
FEAT_EPIC_GREAT_STRENGTH_1 814 Prerequisite: 21st level. The character gains a +1 to their Strength. This may be taken multiple times, to a maximum of +10. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 56.
FEAT_EPIC_GREAT_STRENGTH_2 815 Prerequisite: 21st level. The character gains a +1 to their Strength. This may be taken multiple times, to a maximum of +10. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 56.
FEAT_EPIC_GREAT_STRENGTH_3 816 Prerequisite: 21st level. The character gains a +1 to their Strength. This may be taken multiple times, to a maximum of +10. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 56.
FEAT_EPIC_GREAT_STRENGTH_4 817 Prerequisite: 21st level. The character gains a +1 to their Strength. This may be taken multiple times, to a maximum of +10. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 56.
FEAT_EPIC_GREAT_STRENGTH_5 818 Prerequisite: 21st level. The character gains a +1 to their Strength. This may be taken multiple times, to a maximum of +10. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 56.
FEAT_EPIC_GREAT_STRENGTH_6 819 Prerequisite: 21st level. The character gains a +1 to their Strength. This may be taken multiple times, to a maximum of +10. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 56.
FEAT_EPIC_GREAT_STRENGTH_7 820 Prerequisite: 21st level. The character gains a +1 to their Strength. This may be taken multiple times, to a maximum of +10. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 56.
FEAT_EPIC_GREAT_STRENGTH_8 821 Prerequisite: 21st level. The character gains a +1 to their Strength. This may be taken multiple times, to a maximum of +10. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 56.
FEAT_EPIC_GREAT_STRENGTH_9 822 Prerequisite: 21st level. The character gains a +1 to their Strength. This may be taken multiple times, to a maximum of +10. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 56.
FEAT_EPIC_GREAT_STRENGTH_10 823 Prerequisite: 21st level. The character gains a +1 to their Strength. This may be taken multiple times, to a maximum of +10. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 56.
FEAT_EPIC_GREAT_WISDOM_1 804 Prerequisite: 21st level. The character gains a +1 to their Wisdom. This may be taken multiple times, to a maximum of +10. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 56.
FEAT_EPIC_GREAT_WISDOM_2 805 Prerequisite: 21st level. The character gains a +1 to their Wisdom. This may be taken multiple times, to a maximum of +10. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 56.
FEAT_EPIC_GREAT_WISDOM_3 806 Prerequisite: 21st level. The character gains a +1 to their Wisdom. This may be taken multiple times, to a maximum of +10. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 56.
FEAT_EPIC_GREAT_WISDOM_4 807 Prerequisite: 21st level. The character gains a +1 to their Wisdom. This may be taken multiple times, to a maximum of +10. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 56.
FEAT_EPIC_GREAT_WISDOM_5 808 Prerequisite: 21st level. The character gains a +1 to their Wisdom. This may be taken multiple times, to a maximum of +10. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 56.
FEAT_EPIC_GREAT_WISDOM_6 809 Prerequisite: 21st level. The character gains a +1 to their Wisdom. This may be taken multiple times, to a maximum of +10. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 56.
FEAT_EPIC_GREAT_WISDOM_7 810 Prerequisite: 21st level. The character gains a +1 to their Wisdom. This may be taken multiple times, to a maximum of +10. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 56.
FEAT_EPIC_GREAT_WISDOM_8 811 Prerequisite: 21st level. The character gains a +1 to their Wisdom. This may be taken multiple times, to a maximum of +10. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 56.
FEAT_EPIC_GREAT_WISDOM_9 812 Prerequisite: 21st level. The character gains a +1 to their Wisdom. This may be taken multiple times, to a maximum of +10. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 56.
FEAT_EPIC_GREAT_WISDOM_10 813 Prerequisite: 21st level. The character gains a +1 to their Wisdom. This may be taken multiple times, to a maximum of +10. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 56.
FEAT_EPIC_IMPROVED_COMBAT_CASTING 696 Prerequisite: 21st level, Combat Casting, Concentration 25+. The character does not incur attacks of opportunity for casting spells while threatened. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 57.
FEAT_EPIC_IMPROVED_KI_STRIKE_4 697 Prerequisite: 21st level, Wisdom 21+, Ki Strike +3. This feat grants the character a +4 enhancement bonus when attacking unarmed. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 57.
FEAT_EPIC_IMPROVED_KI_STRIKE_5 698 Prerequisite: 21st level, Wisdom 21+, Ki Strike +4. This feat grants the character a +5 enhancement bonus when attacking unarmed. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 57.
FEAT_EPIC_IMPROVED_SNEAK_ATTACK_1 834 Prerequisite: Sneak attack 8d6. Add +1d6 to your sneak attack damage. This feat may be taken multiple times, to a maximum of +10d6. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 57.
FEAT_EPIC_IMPROVED_SNEAK_ATTACK_2 835 Prerequisite: Sneak attack 8d6. Add +1d6 to your sneak attack damage. This feat may be taken multiple times, to a maximum of +10d6. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 57.
FEAT_EPIC_IMPROVED_SNEAK_ATTACK_3 836 Prerequisite: Sneak attack 8d6. Add +1d6 to your sneak attack damage. This feat may be taken multiple times, to a maximum of +10d6. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 57.
FEAT_EPIC_IMPROVED_SNEAK_ATTACK_4 837 Prerequisite: Sneak attack 8d6. Add +1d6 to your sneak attack damage. This feat may be taken multiple times, to a maximum of +10d6. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 57.
FEAT_EPIC_IMPROVED_SNEAK_ATTACK_5 838 Prerequisite: Sneak attack 8d6. Add +1d6 to your sneak attack damage. This feat may be taken multiple times, to a maximum of +10d6. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 57.
FEAT_EPIC_IMPROVED_SNEAK_ATTACK_6 839 Prerequisite: Sneak attack 8d6. Add +1d6 to your sneak attack damage. This feat may be taken multiple times, to a maximum of +10d6. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 57.
FEAT_EPIC_IMPROVED_SNEAK_ATTACK_7 840 Prerequisite: Sneak attack 8d6. Add +1d6 to your sneak attack damage. This feat may be taken multiple times, to a maximum of +10d6. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 57.
FEAT_EPIC_IMPROVED_SNEAK_ATTACK_8 841 Prerequisite: Sneak attack 8d6. Add +1d6 to your sneak attack damage. This feat may be taken multiple times, to a maximum of +10d6. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 57.
FEAT_EPIC_IMPROVED_SNEAK_ATTACK_9 842 Prerequisite: Sneak attack 8d6. Add +1d6 to your sneak attack damage. This feat may be taken multiple times, to a maximum of +10d6. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 57.
FEAT_EPIC_IMPROVED_SNEAK_ATTACK_10 843 Prerequisite: Sneak attack 8d6. Add +1d6 to your sneak attack damage. This feat may be taken multiple times, to a maximum of +10d6. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 57.
FEAT_EPIC_IMPROVED_SPELL_RESISTANCE_1 699 Prerequisite: 21st level. The character gains a +2 to spell resistance. This feat may be taken multiple times, to a maximum of +20. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 57.
FEAT_EPIC_IMPROVED_SPELL_RESISTANCE_2 700 Prerequisite: 21st level. The character gains a +2 to spell resistance. This feat may be taken multiple times, to a maximum of +20. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 57.
FEAT_EPIC_IMPROVED_SPELL_RESISTANCE_3 701 Prerequisite: 21st level. The character gains a +2 to spell resistance. This feat may be taken multiple times, to a maximum of +20. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 57.
FEAT_EPIC_IMPROVED_SPELL_RESISTANCE_4 702 Prerequisite: 21st level. The character gains a +2 to spell resistance. This feat may be taken multiple times, to a maximum of +20. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 57.
FEAT_EPIC_IMPROVED_SPELL_RESISTANCE_5 703 Prerequisite: 21st level. The character gains a +2 to spell resistance. This feat may be taken multiple times, to a maximum of +20. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 57.
FEAT_EPIC_IMPROVED_SPELL_RESISTANCE_6 704 Prerequisite: 21st level. The character gains a +2 to spell resistance. This feat may be taken multiple times, to a maximum of +20. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 57.
FEAT_EPIC_IMPROVED_SPELL_RESISTANCE_7 705 Prerequisite: 21st level. The character gains a +2 to spell resistance. This feat may be taken multiple times, to a maximum of +20. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 57.
FEAT_EPIC_IMPROVED_SPELL_RESISTANCE_8 706 Prerequisite: 21st level. The character gains a +2 to spell resistance. This feat may be taken multiple times, to a maximum of +20. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 57.
FEAT_EPIC_IMPROVED_SPELL_RESISTANCE_9 707 Prerequisite: 21st level. The character gains a +2 to spell resistance. This feat may be taken multiple times, to a maximum of +20. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 57.
FEAT_EPIC_IMPROVED_SPELL_RESISTANCE_10 708 Prerequisite: 21st level. The character gains a +2 to spell resistance. This feat may be taken multiple times, to a maximum of +20. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 57.
FEAT_EPIC_IMPROVED_STUNNING_FIST_1 844 Prerequisite: 21st level, Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist, Dexterity 19+, Wisdom 19+. Adds +2 to the DC of the character's stunning attack. This feat may be taken multiple times, to a maximum of +20. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 57.
FEAT_EPIC_IMPROVED_STUNNING_FIST_2 845 Prerequisite: 21st level, Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist, Dexterity 19+, Wisdom 19+. Adds +2 to the DC of the character's stunning attack. This feat may be taken multiple times, to a maximum of +20. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 57.
FEAT_EPIC_IMPROVED_STUNNING_FIST_3 846 Prerequisite: 21st level, Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist, Dexterity 19+, Wisdom 19+. Adds +2 to the DC of the character's stunning attack. This feat may be taken multiple times, to a maximum of +20. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 57.
FEAT_EPIC_IMPROVED_STUNNING_FIST_4 847 Prerequisite: 21st level, Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist, Dexterity 19+, Wisdom 19+. Adds +2 to the DC of the character's stunning attack. This feat may be taken multiple times, to a maximum of +20. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 57.
FEAT_EPIC_IMPROVED_STUNNING_FIST_5 848 Prerequisite: 21st level, Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist, Dexterity 19+, Wisdom 19+. Adds +2 to the DC of the character's stunning attack. This feat may be taken multiple times, to a maximum of +20. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 57.
FEAT_EPIC_IMPROVED_STUNNING_FIST_6 849 Prerequisite: 21st level, Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist, Dexterity 19+, Wisdom 19+. Adds +2 to the DC of the character's stunning attack. This feat may be taken multiple times, to a maximum of +20. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 57.
FEAT_EPIC_IMPROVED_STUNNING_FIST_7 850 Prerequisite: 21st level, Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist, Dexterity 19+, Wisdom 19+. Adds +2 to the DC of the character's stunning attack. This feat may be taken multiple times, to a maximum of +20. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 57.
FEAT_EPIC_IMPROVED_STUNNING_FIST_8 851 Prerequisite: 21st level, Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist, Dexterity 19+, Wisdom 19+. Adds +2 to the DC of the character's stunning attack. This feat may be taken multiple times, to a maximum of +20. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 57.
FEAT_EPIC_IMPROVED_STUNNING_FIST_9 852 Prerequisite: 21st level, Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist, Dexterity 19+, Wisdom 19+. Adds +2 to the DC of the character's stunning attack. This feat may be taken multiple times, to a maximum of +20. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 57.
FEAT_EPIC_IMPROVED_STUNNING_FIST_10 853 Prerequisite: 21st level, Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist, Dexterity 19+, Wisdom 19+. Adds +2 to the DC of the character's stunning attack. This feat may be taken multiple times, to a maximum of +20. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 57.
FEAT_EPIC_LASTING_INSPIRATION 870 Prerequisite: 21st level, Bardic Music class feature, Perform 25. This feat allows the effects of bardic music to last ten times longer than normal after the character stops singing. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 58.
FEAT_EPIC_MONK 971 Hit Die: d8
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 4+ Int Modifier
Bonus Feats: The epic monk gains a bonus feat every five levels after 20th
Epic Monk Bonus Feats List: Armor Skin, Blinding Speed, Damage Reduction, Energy Resistance, Epic Toughness, Improved Ki Strike, Improved Spell Resistance, Improved Stunning Fist, Self-Concealment.
FEAT_EPIC_OUTSIDER_SHAPE 1060 Prerequisite: Epic Shifter, Wisdom 25. The character can assume different outsider shapes three times per day: either an Azer Chieftan, a Rakshasa or a Death Slaad. Use: Selected. After choosing the ability, the character must select the type of outsider to change into. HotU manual - page 58.
FEAT_EPIC_OVERWHELMING_CRITICAL_BASTARDSWORD 742 Prerequisite: 21st level, Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Critical of the weapon to be chose, Weapon Focus of the weapon to be chosen, Power Attack, and Strength 23+. When using the chosen weapon, the character deals +1d6 points of damage on a successful critical hit. If the weapon's crtical multiplier is x3, add +2d6 and if the multiplier is x4, add 3d6. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 59.
FEAT_EPIC_OVERWHELMING_CRITICAL_BATTLEAXE 730 Prerequisite: 21st level, Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Critical of the weapon to be chose, Weapon Focus of the weapon to be chosen, Power Attack, and Strength 23+. When using the chosen weapon, the character deals +1d6 points of damage on a successful critical hit. If the weapon's crtical multiplier is x3, add +2d6 and if the multiplier is x4, add 3d6. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 59.
FEAT_EPIC_OVERWHELMING_CRITICAL_CLUB 709 Prerequisite: 21st level, Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Critical of the weapon to be chose, Weapon Focus of the weapon to be chosen, Power Attack, and Strength 23+. When using the chosen weapon, the character deals +1d6 points of damage on a successful critical hit. If the weapon's crtical multiplier is x3, add +2d6 and if the multiplier is x4, add 3d6. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 59.
FEAT_EPIC_OVERWHELMING_CRITICAL_CREATURE 749 Prerequisite: 21st level, Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Critical of the weapon to be chose, Weapon Focus of the weapon to be chosen, Power Attack, and Strength 23+. When using the chosen weapon, the character deals +1d6 points of damage on a successful critical hit. If the weapon's crtical multiplier is x3, add +2d6 and if the multiplier is x4, add 3d6. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 59.
FEAT_EPIC_OVERWHELMING_CRITICAL_DAGGER 710 Prerequisite: 21st level, Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Critical of the weapon to be chose, Weapon Focus of the weapon to be chosen, Power Attack, and Strength 23+. When using the chosen weapon, the character deals +1d6 points of damage on a successful critical hit. If the weapon's crtical multiplier is x3, add +2d6 and if the multiplier is x4, add 3d6. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 59.
FEAT_EPIC_OVERWHELMING_CRITICAL_DART 711 Prerequisite: 21st level, Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Critical of the weapon to be chose, Weapon Focus of the weapon to be chosen, Power Attack, and Strength 23+. When using the chosen weapon, the character deals +1d6 points of damage on a successful critical hit. If the weapon's crtical multiplier is x3, add +2d6 and if the multiplier is x4, add 3d6. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 59.
FEAT_EPIC_OVERWHELMING_CRITICAL_DIREMACE 743 Prerequisite: 21st level, Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Critical of the weapon to be chose, Weapon Focus of the weapon to be chosen, Power Attack, and Strength 23+. When using the chosen weapon, the character deals +1d6 points of damage on a successful critical hit. If the weapon's crtical multiplier is x3, add +2d6 and if the multiplier is x4, add 3d6. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 59.
FEAT_EPIC_OVERWHELMING_CRITICAL_DOUBLEAXE 744 Prerequisite: 21st level, Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Critical of the weapon to be chose, Weapon Focus of the weapon to be chosen, Power Attack, and Strength 23+. When using the chosen weapon, the character deals +1d6 points of damage on a successful critical hit. If the weapon's crtical multiplier is x3, add +2d6 and if the multiplier is x4, add 3d6. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 59.
FEAT_EPIC_OVERWHELMING_CRITICAL_DWAXE 958 Prerequisite: 21st level, Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Critical of the weapon to be chose, Weapon Focus of the weapon to be chosen, Power Attack, and Strength 23+. When using the chosen weapon, the character deals +1d6 points of damage on a successful critical hit. If the weapon's crtical multiplier is x3, add +2d6 and if the multiplier is x4, add 3d6. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 59.
FEAT_EPIC_OVERWHELMING_CRITICAL_GREATAXE 731 Prerequisite: 21st level, Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Critical of the weapon to be chose, Weapon Focus of the weapon to be chosen, Power Attack, and Strength 23+. When using the chosen weapon, the character deals +1d6 points of damage on a successful critical hit. If the weapon's crtical multiplier is x3, add +2d6 and if the multiplier is x4, add 3d6. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 59.
FEAT_EPIC_OVERWHELMING_CRITICAL_GREATSWORD 727 Prerequisite: 21st level, Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Critical of the weapon to be chose, Weapon Focus of the weapon to be chosen, Power Attack, and Strength 23+. When using the chosen weapon, the character deals +1d6 points of damage on a successful critical hit. If the weapon's crtical multiplier is x3, add +2d6 and if the multiplier is x4, add 3d6. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 59.
FEAT_EPIC_OVERWHELMING_CRITICAL_HALBERD 732 Prerequisite: 21st level, Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Critical of the weapon to be chose, Weapon Focus of the weapon to be chosen, Power Attack, and Strength 23+. When using the chosen weapon, the character deals +1d6 points of damage on a successful critical hit. If the weapon's crtical multiplier is x3, add +2d6 and if the multiplier is x4, add 3d6. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 59.
FEAT_EPIC_OVERWHELMING_CRITICAL_HANDAXE 728 Prerequisite: 21st level, Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Critical of the weapon to be chose, Weapon Focus of the weapon to be chosen, Power Attack, and Strength 23+. When using the chosen weapon, the character deals +1d6 points of damage on a successful critical hit. If the weapon's crtical multiplier is x3, add +2d6 and if the multiplier is x4, add 3d6. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 59.
FEAT_EPIC_OVERWHELMING_CRITICAL_HEAVYCROSSBOW 712 Prerequisite: 21st level, Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Critical of the weapon to be chose, Weapon Focus of the weapon to be chosen, Power Attack, and Strength 23+. When using the chosen weapon, the character deals +1d6 points of damage on a successful critical hit. If the weapon's crtical multiplier is x3, add +2d6 and if the multiplier is x4, add 3d6. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 59.
FEAT_EPIC_OVERWHELMING_CRITICAL_HEAVYFLAIL 736 Prerequisite: 21st level, Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Critical of the weapon to be chose, Weapon Focus of the weapon to be chosen, Power Attack, and Strength 23+. When using the chosen weapon, the character deals +1d6 points of damage on a successful critical hit. If the weapon's crtical multiplier is x3, add +2d6 and if the multiplier is x4, add 3d6. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 59.
FEAT_EPIC_OVERWHELMING_CRITICAL_KAMA 737 Prerequisite: 21st level, Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Critical of the weapon to be chose, Weapon Focus of the weapon to be chosen, Power Attack, and Strength 23+. When using the chosen weapon, the character deals +1d6 points of damage on a successful critical hit. If the weapon's crtical multiplier is x3, add +2d6 and if the multiplier is x4, add 3d6. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 59.
FEAT_EPIC_OVERWHELMING_CRITICAL_KATANA 741 Prerequisite: 21st level, Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Critical of the weapon to be chose, Weapon Focus of the weapon to be chosen, Power Attack, and Strength 23+. When using the chosen weapon, the character deals +1d6 points of damage on a successful critical hit. If the weapon's crtical multiplier is x3, add +2d6 and if the multiplier is x4, add 3d6. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 59.
FEAT_EPIC_OVERWHELMING_CRITICAL_KUKRI 738 Prerequisite: 21st level, Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Critical of the weapon to be chose, Weapon Focus of the weapon to be chosen, Power Attack, and Strength 23+. When using the chosen weapon, the character deals +1d6 points of damage on a successful critical hit. If the weapon's crtical multiplier is x3, add +2d6 and if the multiplier is x4, add 3d6. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 59.
FEAT_EPIC_OVERWHELMING_CRITICAL_LIGHTCROSSBOW 713 Prerequisite: 21st level, Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Critical of the weapon to be chose, Weapon Focus of the weapon to be chosen, Power Attack, and Strength 23+. When using the chosen weapon, the character deals +1d6 points of damage on a successful critical hit. If the weapon's crtical multiplier is x3, add +2d6 and if the multiplier is x4, add 3d6. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 59.
FEAT_EPIC_OVERWHELMING_CRITICAL_LIGHTFLAIL 734 Prerequisite: 21st level, Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Critical of the weapon to be chose, Weapon Focus of the weapon to be chosen, Power Attack, and Strength 23+. When using the chosen weapon, the character deals +1d6 points of damage on a successful critical hit. If the weapon's crtical multiplier is x3, add +2d6 and if the multiplier is x4, add 3d6. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 59.
FEAT_EPIC_OVERWHELMING_CRITICAL_LIGHTHAMMER 733 Prerequisite: 21st level, Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Critical of the weapon to be chose, Weapon Focus of the weapon to be chosen, Power Attack, and Strength 23+. When using the chosen weapon, the character deals +1d6 points of damage on a successful critical hit. If the weapon's crtical multiplier is x3, add +2d6 and if the multiplier is x4, add 3d6. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 59.
FEAT_EPIC_OVERWHELMING_CRITICAL_LIGHTMACE 714 Prerequisite: 21st level, Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Critical of the weapon to be chose, Weapon Focus of the weapon to be chosen, Power Attack, and Strength 23+. When using the chosen weapon, the character deals +1d6 points of damage on a successful critical hit. If the weapon's crtical multiplier is x3, add +2d6 and if the multiplier is x4, add 3d6. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 59.
FEAT_EPIC_OVERWHELMING_CRITICAL_LONGBOW 721 Prerequisite: 21st level, Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Critical of the weapon to be chose, Weapon Focus of the weapon to be chosen, Power Attack, and Strength 23+. When using the chosen weapon, the character deals +1d6 points of damage on a successful critical hit. If the weapon's crtical multiplier is x3, add +2d6 and if the multiplier is x4, add 3d6. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 59.
FEAT_EPIC_OVERWHELMING_CRITICAL_LONGSWORD 726 Prerequisite: 21st level, Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Critical of the weapon to be chose, Weapon Focus of the weapon to be chosen, Power Attack, and Strength 23+. When using the chosen weapon, the character deals +1d6 points of damage on a successful critical hit. If the weapon's crtical multiplier is x3, add +2d6 and if the multiplier is x4, add 3d6. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 59.
FEAT_EPIC_OVERWHELMING_CRITICAL_MORNINGSTAR 715 Prerequisite: 21st level, Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Critical of the weapon to be chose, Weapon Focus of the weapon to be chosen, Power Attack, and Strength 23+. When using the chosen weapon, the character deals +1d6 points of damage on a successful critical hit. If the weapon's crtical multiplier is x3, add +2d6 and if the multiplier is x4, add 3d6. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 59.
FEAT_EPIC_OVERWHELMING_CRITICAL_QUARTERSTAFF 716 Prerequisite: 21st level, Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Critical of the weapon to be chose, Weapon Focus of the weapon to be chosen, Power Attack, and Strength 23+. When using the chosen weapon, the character deals +1d6 points of damage on a successful critical hit. If the weapon's crtical multiplier is x3, add +2d6 and if the multiplier is x4, add 3d6. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 59.
FEAT_EPIC_OVERWHELMING_CRITICAL_RAPIER 724 Prerequisite: 21st level, Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Critical of the weapon to be chose, Weapon Focus of the weapon to be chosen, Power Attack, and Strength 23+. When using the chosen weapon, the character deals +1d6 points of damage on a successful critical hit. If the weapon's crtical multiplier is x3, add +2d6 and if the multiplier is x4, add 3d6. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 59.
FEAT_EPIC_OVERWHELMING_CRITICAL_SCIMITAR 725 Prerequisite: 21st level, Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Critical of the weapon to be chose, Weapon Focus of the weapon to be chosen, Power Attack, and Strength 23+. When using the chosen weapon, the character deals +1d6 points of damage on a successful critical hit. If the weapon's crtical multiplier is x3, add +2d6 and if the multiplier is x4, add 3d6. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 59.
FEAT_EPIC_OVERWHELMING_CRITICAL_SCYTHE 740 Prerequisite: 21st level, Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Critical of the weapon to be chose, Weapon Focus of the weapon to be chosen, Power Attack, and Strength 23+. When using the chosen weapon, the character deals +1d6 points of damage on a successful critical hit. If the weapon's crtical multiplier is x3, add +2d6 and if the multiplier is x4, add 3d6. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 59.
FEAT_EPIC_OVERWHELMING_CRITICAL_SHORTBOW 722 Prerequisite: 21st level, Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Critical of the weapon to be chose, Weapon Focus of the weapon to be chosen, Power Attack, and Strength 23+. When using the chosen weapon, the character deals +1d6 points of damage on a successful critical hit. If the weapon's crtical multiplier is x3, add +2d6 and if the multiplier is x4, add 3d6. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 59.
FEAT_EPIC_OVERWHELMING_CRITICAL_SHORTSPEAR 717 Prerequisite: 21st level, Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Critical of the weapon to be chose, Weapon Focus of the weapon to be chosen, Power Attack, and Strength 23+. When using the chosen weapon, the character deals +1d6 points of damage on a successful critical hit. If the weapon's crtical multiplier is x3, add +2d6 and if the multiplier is x4, add 3d6. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 59.
FEAT_EPIC_OVERWHELMING_CRITICAL_SHORTSWORD 723 Prerequisite: 21st level, Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Critical of the weapon to be chose, Weapon Focus of the weapon to be chosen, Power Attack, and Strength 23+. When using the chosen weapon, the character deals +1d6 points of damage on a successful critical hit. If the weapon's crtical multiplier is x3, add +2d6 and if the multiplier is x4, add 3d6. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 59.
FEAT_EPIC_OVERWHELMING_CRITICAL_SHURIKEN 739 Prerequisite: 21st level, Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Critical of the weapon to be chose, Weapon Focus of the weapon to be chosen, Power Attack, and Strength 23+. When using the chosen weapon, the character deals +1d6 points of damage on a successful critical hit. If the weapon's crtical multiplier is x3, add +2d6 and if the multiplier is x4, add 3d6. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 59.
FEAT_EPIC_OVERWHELMING_CRITICAL_SICKLE 718 Prerequisite: 21st level, Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Critical of the weapon to be chose, Weapon Focus of the weapon to be chosen, Power Attack, and Strength 23+. When using the chosen weapon, the character deals +1d6 points of damage on a successful critical hit. If the weapon's crtical multiplier is x3, add +2d6 and if the multiplier is x4, add 3d6. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 59.
FEAT_EPIC_OVERWHELMING_CRITICAL_SLING 719 Prerequisite: 21st level, Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Critical of the weapon to be chose, Weapon Focus of the weapon to be chosen, Power Attack, and Strength 23+. When using the chosen weapon, the character deals +1d6 points of damage on a successful critical hit. If the weapon's crtical multiplier is x3, add +2d6 and if the multiplier is x4, add 3d6. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 59.
FEAT_EPIC_OVERWHELMING_CRITICAL_THROWINGAXE 729 Prerequisite: 21st level, Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Critical of the weapon to be chose, Weapon Focus of the weapon to be chosen, Power Attack, and Strength 23+. When using the chosen weapon, the character deals +1d6 points of damage on a successful critical hit. If the weapon's crtical multiplier is x3, add +2d6 and if the multiplier is x4, add 3d6. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 59.
FEAT_EPIC_OVERWHELMING_CRITICAL_TRIDENT 1078 Prerequisite: 21st level, Strength 23+, Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Critical (in chosen weapon) and Power Attack. When using the weapon chosen, the character deals +1d6 points of damage on a successful critical hit. If the weapon's critical multiplier is x3, add +2d6, and if the multiplier is x4, add 3d6. Use: Automatic.
FEAT_EPIC_OVERWHELMING_CRITICAL_TWOBLADEDSWORD 745 Prerequisite: 21st level, Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Critical of the weapon to be chose, Weapon Focus of the weapon to be chosen, Power Attack, and Strength 23+. When using the chosen weapon, the character deals +1d6 points of damage on a successful critical hit. If the weapon's crtical multiplier is x3, add +2d6 and if the multiplier is x4, add 3d6. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 59.
FEAT_EPIC_OVERWHELMING_CRITICAL_UNARMED 720 Prerequisite: 21st level, Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Critical of the weapon to be chose, Weapon Focus of the weapon to be chosen, Power Attack, and Strength 23+. When using the chosen weapon, the character deals +1d6 points of damage on a successful critical hit. If the weapon's crtical multiplier is x3, add +2d6 and if the multiplier is x4, add 3d6. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 59.
FEAT_EPIC_OVERWHELMING_CRITICAL_WARHAMMER 735 Prerequisite: 21st level, Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Critical of the weapon to be chose, Weapon Focus of the weapon to be chosen, Power Attack, and Strength 23+. When using the chosen weapon, the character deals +1d6 points of damage on a successful critical hit. If the weapon's crtical multiplier is x3, add +2d6 and if the multiplier is x4, add 3d6. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 59.
FEAT_EPIC_OVERWHELMING_CRITICAL_WHIP 999 Prerequisite: 21st level, Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Critical of the weapon to be chose, Weapon Focus of the weapon to be chosen, Power Attack, and Strength 23+. When using the chosen weapon, the character deals +1d6 points of damage on a successful critical hit. If the weapon's crtical multiplier is x3, add +2d6 and if the multiplier is x4, add 3d6. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 59.
FEAT_EPIC_PALADIN 972 Hit Die: d10
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 2+ Int Modifier
Bonus Feats: The epic paladin gains a bonus feat every three levels after 20th
Epic Paladin Bonus Feats List: Armor Skin, Devastating Critical, Epic Toughness, Epic Weapon Focus, Epic Prowess, Epic Reputation, Great Smiting, Improved Combat Casting, Overwhelming Critical, Perfect Health, Planar Turning.
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 2+ Int Modifier
Bonus Feats: The epic pale master gains a bonus feat every three levels
Special Abilities:
-Boneskin: Improves by +2 for every four levels past level 8.
-Undead Graft: Can use this supernatural attack an additional time per day for every 3 levels gained.
-Death Master Touch: The DC to resist the deadly effect of the epic pale master's touch raises by +1 each 2 levels past level 10.
-Deathless Vigor: This feat now grants 5 hit points every five levels.
Epic Spells: From level 15 on, the Epic Spells are added to the list of bonus feats the pale master can choose from.
Epic Pale Master Bonus Feats List: Automatic Quicken Spell, Automatic Silent Spell, Automatic Still Spell, Energy Resistance, Epic Spell Focus, Epic Spell Penetration, Improved Combat Casting.
FEAT_EPIC_PERFECT_HEALTH 747 Prerequisite: 21st level, Great Fortitude, Constitution 25+. This feat makes the character immune to all diseases and poisons. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 59.
FEAT_EPIC_PROWESS 584 Prerequisite: 21st level. The character gains a +1 to all attacks. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 53.
FEAT_EPIC_RANGER 973 Hit Die: d10
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 4+ Int Modifier
Bonus Feats: The epic ranger gains a bonus feat every three levels after 20th
Epic Ranger Bonus Feats List: Bane of Enemies, Blinding Speed, Epic Toughness, Epic Prowess, Epic Weapon Focus, Favored Enemy, Improved Combat Casting, Perfect Health.
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 2+ Int Modifier
Bonus Feats: The epic dragon disciple gains a bonus feat every four levels after 10th.
Breath weapon damage potential increases by 1d10 for every 3 levels after 10th. The save DC against the breath weapon increases by +1 every 4 levels after 10th.
Natural AC increases by +1 for every 5 levels after 10th.
Epic Dragon Disciple Bonus Feats List: Armor Skin, Automatic Quicken Spell, Automatic Silent Spell, Automatic Still Spell, Epic Damage Reduction, Epic Prowess, Epic Reputation, Epic Spell Focus, Epic Spell Penetration, Epic Toughness, Improved Combat Casting.
FEAT_EPIC_REFLEXES 585 Prerequisite: 21st level. The character gains a +4 to all Reflex saves. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 53
FEAT_EPIC_REPUTATION 586 Prerequisite: 21st level. The character gains a +4 to all Bluff, Intimidate, Persuasion and Taunt checks. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 53.
FEAT_EPIC_ROGUE 974 Hit Die: d6
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 8+ Int Modifier
Bonus Feats: The epic rogue gains a bonus feat every four levels after 20th.
Special Ability: Sneak Attack: this continues to improve by 1d6 at each odd-numbered level the epic rogue gains.
Epic Rogue Bonus Feats List: Blinding Speed, Crippling Strike, Defensive Roll, Epic Skill Focus, Epic Dodge, Epic Reputation, Improved Evasion, Improved Sneak Attack, Opportunist, Self-Concealment, Skill Mastery, Slippery Mind, Superior Initiative.
FEAT_EPIC_SELF_CONCEALMENT_10 748 Prerequisite: 21st level, Improved Evasion, Dexterity 30+, Hide 30 ranks and Tumble 30 ranks. The character gains a 10% concealment bonus. This feat may be taken multiple times, to a maximum of 50%. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 59.
FEAT_EPIC_SELF_CONCEALMENT_20 749 Prerequisite: 21st level, Improved Evasion, Dexterity 30+, Hide 30 ranks and Tumble 30 ranks. The character gains a 10% concealment bonus. This feat may be taken multiple times, to a maximum of 50%. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 59.
FEAT_EPIC_SELF_CONCEALMENT_30 750 Prerequisite: 21st level, Improved Evasion, Dexterity 30+, Hide 30 ranks and Tumble 30 ranks. The character gains a 10% concealment bonus. This feat may be taken multiple times, to a maximum of 50%. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 59.
FEAT_EPIC_SELF_CONCEALMENT_40 751 Prerequisite: 21st level, Improved Evasion, Dexterity 30+, Hide 30 ranks and Tumble 30 ranks. The character gains a 10% concealment bonus. This feat may be taken multiple times, to a maximum of 50%. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 59.
FEAT_EPIC_SELF_CONCEALMENT_50 752 Prerequisite: 21st level, Improved Evasion, Dexterity 30+, Hide 30 ranks and Tumble 30 ranks. The character gains a 10% concealment bonus. This feat may be taken multiple times, to a maximum of 50%. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 59.
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 6+ Int Modifier
Bonus Feats: The epic shadowdancer gains a bonus feat every three levels
Special Ability: Shadow Evade: gains an additional +2 to its damage reduction amount and an additional +1 to its ability to resist magical weapons for every five levels (i.e., a 15th level shadowdancer has 20% concealment and 12/4 damage reduction).
Epic Shadowdancer Bonus Feats List: Blinding Speed, Epic Shadow Lord, Epic Skill Focus, Epic Dodge, Epic Reflexes, Improved Whirlwind Attack, Self-Concealment, Superior Initiative.
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 4+ Int Modifier
Bonus Feats: The epic shifter gains a bonus feat every three levels
Special Ability: Increases Shifting - At level 13 the shifter gains the ability to use his Humanoid Shape Ability infinite times. At level 16 he gains unlimited use of his Greater Wildshape IV ability. Many aspects of the shifter's Greater Wildshape forms continue to improve as he gains epic levels.
Epic Shifter Bonus Feats List: Automatic Quicken Spell, Automatic Silent Spell, Automatic Still Spell, Construct Shape, Dragon Shape, Energy Resistance, Epic Spell Focus, Epic Spell Penetration, Improved Combat Casting, Great Wisdom, Outsider Shape, Undead Shape,
FEAT_EPIC_SHIFTER_INFINITE_HUMANOID_SHAPE 1066 Prerequisite: Shifter. A shifter's ability to shapeshift into different forms grows while he is gaining levels. At some point the shifter is able to change into certain forms an infinite number of times per day:
Level 4 : Infinite Greater Wildshape I
Level 7: Infinite Greater Wildshape II
Level 10: Infinite Greater Wildshape III
Level 13: Infinite Humanoid Shape
Level 16: Infinite Greater Wildshape IV
Use: Automatic.
FEAT_EPIC_SKILL_FOCUS_ANIMAL_EMPATHY 587 Prerequisite: 21st level, 20 ranks in the chosen skill. The character gains a +10 on all skill checks with the chosen skill. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 54.
FEAT_EPIC_SKILL_FOCUS_APPRAISE 588 Prerequisite: 21st level, 20 ranks in the chosen skill. The character gains a +10 on all skill checks with the chosen skill. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 54.
FEAT_EPIC_SKILL_FOCUS_BLUFF 917 Prerequisite: 21st level, 20 ranks in the chosen skill. The character gains a +10 on all skill checks with the chosen skill. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 54.
FEAT_EPIC_SKILL_FOCUS_CONCENTRATION 589 Prerequisite: 21st level, 20 ranks in the chosen skill. The character gains a +10 on all skill checks with the chosen skill. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 54.
FEAT_EPIC_SKILL_FOCUS_CRAFT_ARMOR 913 Prerequisite: 21st level, 20 ranks in the chosen skill. The character gains a +10 on all skill checks with the chosen skill. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 54.
FEAT_EPIC_SKILL_FOCUS_CRAFT_TRAP 590 Prerequisite: 21st level, 20 ranks in the chosen skill. The character gains a +10 on all skill checks with the chosen skill. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 54.
FEAT_EPIC_SKILL_FOCUS_CRAFT_WEAPON 914 Prerequisite: 21st level, 20 ranks in the chosen skill. The character gains a +10 on all skill checks with the chosen skill. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 54.
FEAT_EPIC_SKILL_FOCUS_DISABLETRAP 591 Prerequisite: 21st level, 20 ranks in the chosen skill. The character gains a +10 on all skill checks with the chosen skill. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 54.
FEAT_EPIC_SKILL_FOCUS_DISCIPLINE 592 Prerequisite: 21st level, 20 ranks in the chosen skill. The character gains a +10 on all skill checks with the chosen skill. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 54.
FEAT_EPIC_SKILL_FOCUS_HEAL 593 Prerequisite: 21st level, 20 ranks in the chosen skill. The character gains a +10 on all skill checks with the chosen skill. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 54.
FEAT_EPIC_SKILL_FOCUS_HIDE 594 Prerequisite: 21st level, 20 ranks in the chosen skill. The character gains a +10 on all skill checks with the chosen skill. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 54.
FEAT_EPIC_SKILL_FOCUS_INTIMIDATE 918 Prerequisite: 21st level, 20 ranks in the chosen skill. The character gains a +10 on all skill checks with the chosen skill. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 54.
FEAT_EPIC_SKILL_FOCUS_LISTEN 595 Prerequisite: 21st level, 20 ranks in the chosen skill. The character gains a +10 on all skill checks with the chosen skill. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 54.
FEAT_EPIC_SKILL_FOCUS_LORE 596 Prerequisite: 21st level, 20 ranks in the chosen skill. The character gains a +10 on all skill checks with the chosen skill. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 54.
FEAT_EPIC_SKILL_FOCUS_MOVESILENTLY 597 Prerequisite: 21st level, 20 ranks in the chosen skill. The character gains a +10 on all skill checks with the chosen skill. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 54.
FEAT_EPIC_SKILL_FOCUS_OPENLOCK 598 Prerequisite: 21st level, 20 ranks in the chosen skill. The character gains a +10 on all skill checks with the chosen skill. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 54.
FEAT_EPIC_SKILL_FOCUS_PARRY 599 Prerequisite: 21st level, 20 ranks in the chosen skill. The character gains a +10 on all skill checks with the chosen skill. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 54.
FEAT_EPIC_SKILL_FOCUS_PERFORM 600 Prerequisite: 21st level, 20 ranks in the chosen skill. The character gains a +10 on all skill checks with the chosen skill. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 54.
FEAT_EPIC_SKILL_FOCUS_PERSUADE 601 Prerequisite: 21st level, 20 ranks in the chosen skill. The character gains a +10 on all skill checks with the chosen skill. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 54.
FEAT_EPIC_SKILL_FOCUS_PICKPOCKET 602 Prerequisite: 21st level, 20 ranks in the chosen skill. The character gains a +10 on all skill checks with the chosen skill. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 54.
FEAT_EPIC_SKILL_FOCUS_SEARCH 603 Prerequisite: 21st level, 20 ranks in the chosen skill. The character gains a +10 on all skill checks with the chosen skill. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 54.
FEAT_EPIC_SKILL_FOCUS_SETTRAP 604 Prerequisite: 21st level, 20 ranks in the chosen skill. The character gains a +10 on all skill checks with the chosen skill. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 54.
FEAT_EPIC_SKILL_FOCUS_SPELLCRAFT 605 Prerequisite: 21st level, 20 ranks in the chosen skill. The character gains a +10 on all skill checks with the chosen skill. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 54.
FEAT_EPIC_SKILL_FOCUS_SPOT 606 Prerequisite: 21st level, 20 ranks in the chosen skill. The character gains a +10 on all skill checks with the chosen skill. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 54.
FEAT_EPIC_SKILL_FOCUS_TAUNT 607 Prerequisite: 21st level, 20 ranks in the chosen skill. The character gains a +10 on all skill checks with the chosen skill. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 54.
FEAT_EPIC_SKILL_FOCUS_TUMBLE 608 Prerequisite: 21st level, 20 ranks in the chosen skill. The character gains a +10 on all skill checks with the chosen skill. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 54.
FEAT_EPIC_SKILL_FOCUS_USEMAGICDEVICE 609 Prerequisite: 21st level, 20 ranks in the chosen skill. The character gains a +10 on all skill checks with the chosen skill. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 54.
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 2+ Int Modifier
Bonus Feats: The epic sorcerer gains a bonus feat every three levels after 20th.
Epic Sorcerer Bonus Feats List: Automatic Quicken Spell, Automatic Silent Spell, Automatic Still Spell, Energy Resistance, Epic Spell Focus, Epic Spell Penetration, Improved Combat Casting.
FEAT_EPIC_SPELL_DRAGON_KNIGHT 875 Prerequisite: Spellcraft 22. Summons a red dragon, bound to the character's will. HotU manual - page 75.
FEAT_EPIC_SPELL_EPIC_WARDING 990 Prerequisite: Spellcraft 34. Grants damage reduction 50/+20 for 1 round per level. This spell is restricted to bards, sorcerers and wizards. HotU manual - page 75.
FEAT_EPIC_SPELL_FOCUS_ABJURATION 610 Prerequisite: 21st level, Spell Focus and GReater Spell Focus in the chosen school. The character gains a +6 to the Difficulty Class for all saving throws against spells from the chosen school of magic. Use: Spell. HotU manual - page 54.
FEAT_EPIC_SPELL_FOCUS_CONJURATION 611 Prerequisite: 21st level, Spell Focus and GReater Spell Focus in the chosen school. The character gains a +6 to the Difficulty Class for all saving throws against spells from the chosen school of magic. Use: Spell. HotU manual - page 54.
FEAT_EPIC_SPELL_FOCUS_DIVINATION 612 Prerequisite: 21st level, Spell Focus and GReater Spell Focus in the chosen school. The character gains a +6 to the Difficulty Class for all saving throws against spells from the chosen school of magic. Use: Spell. HotU manual - page 54.
FEAT_EPIC_SPELL_FOCUS_ENCHANTMENT 613 Prerequisite: 21st level, Spell Focus and GReater Spell Focus in the chosen school. The character gains a +6 to the Difficulty Class for all saving throws against spells from the chosen school of magic. Use: Spell. HotU manual - page 54.
FEAT_EPIC_SPELL_FOCUS_EVOCATION 614 Prerequisite: 21st level, Spell Focus and GReater Spell Focus in the chosen school. The character gains a +6 to the Difficulty Class for all saving throws against spells from the chosen school of magic. Use: Spell. HotU manual - page 54.
FEAT_EPIC_SPELL_FOCUS_ILLUSION 615 Prerequisite: 21st level, Spell Focus and GReater Spell Focus in the chosen school. The character gains a +6 to the Difficulty Class for all saving throws against spells from the chosen school of magic. Use: Spell. HotU manual - page 54.
FEAT_EPIC_SPELL_FOCUS_NECROMANCY 616 Prerequisite: 21st level, Spell Focus and GReater Spell Focus in the chosen school. The character gains a +6 to the Difficulty Class for all saving throws against spells from the chosen school of magic. Use: Spell. HotU manual - page 54.
FEAT_EPIC_SPELL_FOCUS_TRANSMUTATION 617 Prerequisite: 21st level, Spell Focus and GReater Spell Focus in the chosen school. The character gains a +6 to the Difficulty Class for all saving throws against spells from the chosen school of magic. Use: Spell. HotU manual - page 54.
FEAT_EPIC_SPELL_HELLBALL 876 Prerequisite: Spellcraft 32. This massive blast of energy causes 10d6 acid, 10d6 electrical, 10d6 fire and 10d6 sonic damage to all opponents in its blast area. HotU manual - page 75.
FEAT_EPIC_SPELL_MAGE_ARMOUR 877 Prerequisite: Spellcraft 26. The caster gains a +20 AC bonus. This spell is restricted to bards, sorcerers and wizards. HotU manual - page 75.
FEAT_EPIC_SPELL_MUMMY_DUST 874 Prerequisite: Spellcraft 15. Summons one very powerful mummy. HotU manual - page 75.
FEAT_EPIC_SPELL_PENETRATION 618 Prerequisite: 21st level, Spell Penetration and Greater Spell Penetration. The character gains a +6 bonus on caster level checks to beat a creature's spell resistance. Use: Spell. HotU manual - page 54.
FEAT_EPIC_SPELL_RUIN 878 Prerequisite: Spellcraft 25. Causes 35d6 points of damage to a single target. HotU manual - page 75.
FEAT_EPIC_SUPERIOR_INITIATIVE 753 Prerequisite: 21st level, Improved Initiative. The character gains a +8 bonus to initiative checks. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 60.
FEAT_EPIC_SUPERIOR_WEAPON_FOCUS 1071 Prerequisite: Weapon of Choice, Epic Weapon Master. The Weapon Master gains a +1 bonus to all attack rolls with their weapon of choice at 13th level and every three levels afterwards. This bonus stacks with the Weapon Master's Superior Weapon Focus feat. Use: Automatic.
FEAT_EPIC_TERRIFYING_RAGE 989 Prerequisite: Epic Barbarian, Intimidate 25. While the barbarian is raging, any enemy that comes close to him must make a Will save opposed by the barbarian's Intimidate check. If the enemy fails the check, he panics for 1d6 rounds. Opponents with up to twice the barbarian's Hit Dice will not flee but will receive a -2 penalty to attack and saving throw rolls. Creatures with more than 2x the barbarian's Hit Dice are not affected by the rage. Use: Automatic while in rage. HotU manual - page 60.
FEAT_EPIC_THUNDERING_RAGE 988 Prerequisite: Epic Barbarian, Strength 25. Any weapon the barbarian wields while in a rage does an additional 2d8 points of damage on a critical hit. Use: Automatic while in rage. HotU manual - page 60.
FEAT_EPIC_TOUGHNESS_1 754 Prerequisite: 21st level. The character gains +20 hit points. This feat may be taken multiple times, up to a maximum of +200 hot points. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 55.
FEAT_EPIC_TOUGHNESS_2 755 Prerequisite: 21st level. The character gains +20 hit points. This feat may be taken multiple times, up to a maximum of +200 hot points. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 55.
FEAT_EPIC_TOUGHNESS_3 756 Prerequisite: 21st level. The character gains +20 hit points. This feat may be taken multiple times, up to a maximum of +200 hot points. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 55.
FEAT_EPIC_TOUGHNESS_4 757 Prerequisite: 21st level. The character gains +20 hit points. This feat may be taken multiple times, up to a maximum of +200 hot points. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 55.
FEAT_EPIC_TOUGHNESS_5 758 Prerequisite: 21st level. The character gains +20 hit points. This feat may be taken multiple times, up to a maximum of +200 hot points. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 55.
FEAT_EPIC_TOUGHNESS_6 759 Prerequisite: 21st level. The character gains +20 hit points. This feat may be taken multiple times, up to a maximum of +200 hot points. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 55.
FEAT_EPIC_TOUGHNESS_7 760 Prerequisite: 21st level. The character gains +20 hit points. This feat may be taken multiple times, up to a maximum of +200 hot points. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 55.
FEAT_EPIC_TOUGHNESS_8 761 Prerequisite: 21st level. The character gains +20 hit points. This feat may be taken multiple times, up to a maximum of +200 hot points. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 55.
FEAT_EPIC_TOUGHNESS_9 762 Prerequisite: 21st level. The character gains +20 hit points. This feat may be taken multiple times, up to a maximum of +200 hot points. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 55.
FEAT_EPIC_TOUGHNESS_10 763 Prerequisite: 21st level. The character gains +20 hit points. This feat may be taken multiple times, up to a maximum of +200 hot points. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 55.
FEAT_EPIC_WEAPON_FOCUS_BASTARDSWORD 652 Prerequisite: 21st level, Weapon Focus with the chosen weapon. The character gains a +2 bonus to all attack rolls with the chosen weapon. Use: Combat. HotU manual - page 55.
FEAT_EPIC_WEAPON_FOCUS_BATTLEAXE 640 Prerequisite: 21st level, Weapon Focus with the chosen weapon. The character gains a +2 bonus to all attack rolls with the chosen weapon. Use: Combat. HotU manual - page 55.
FEAT_EPIC_WEAPON_FOCUS_CLUB 619 Prerequisite: 21st level, Weapon Focus with the chosen weapon. The character gains a +2 bonus to all attack rolls with the chosen weapon. Use: Combat. HotU manual - page 55.
FEAT_EPIC_WEAPON_FOCUS_CREATURE 656 Prerequisite: 21st level, Weapon Focus with the chosen weapon. The character gains a +2 bonus to all attack rolls with the chosen weapon. Use: Combat. HotU manual - page 55.
FEAT_EPIC_WEAPON_FOCUS_DAGGER 620 Prerequisite: 21st level, Weapon Focus with the chosen weapon. The character gains a +2 bonus to all attack rolls with the chosen weapon. Use: Combat. HotU manual - page 55.
FEAT_EPIC_WEAPON_FOCUS_DART 621 Prerequisite: 21st level, Weapon Focus with the chosen weapon. The character gains a +2 bonus to all attack rolls with the chosen weapon. Use: Combat. HotU manual - page 55.
FEAT_EPIC_WEAPON_FOCUS_DIREMACE 653 Prerequisite: 21st level, Weapon Focus with the chosen weapon. The character gains a +2 bonus to all attack rolls with the chosen weapon. Use: Combat. HotU manual - page 55.
FEAT_EPIC_WEAPON_FOCUS_DOUBLEAXE 654 Prerequisite: 21st level, Weapon Focus with the chosen weapon. The character gains a +2 bonus to all attack rolls with the chosen weapon. Use: Combat. HotU manual - page 55.
FEAT_EPIC_WEAPON_FOCUS_DWAXE 956 Prerequisite: 21st level, Weapon Focus with the chosen weapon. The character gains a +2 bonus to all attack rolls with the chosen weapon. Use: Combat. HotU manual - page 55.
FEAT_EPIC_WEAPON_FOCUS_GREATAXE 641 Prerequisite: 21st level, Weapon Focus with the chosen weapon. The character gains a +2 bonus to all attack rolls with the chosen weapon. Use: Combat. HotU manual - page 55.
FEAT_EPIC_WEAPON_FOCUS_GREATSWORD 637 Prerequisite: 21st level, Weapon Focus with the chosen weapon. The character gains a +2 bonus to all attack rolls with the chosen weapon. Use: Combat. HotU manual - page 55.
FEAT_EPIC_WEAPON_FOCUS_HALBERD 642 Prerequisite: 21st level, Weapon Focus with the chosen weapon. The character gains a +2 bonus to all attack rolls with the chosen weapon. Use: Combat. HotU manual - page 55.
FEAT_EPIC_WEAPON_FOCUS_HANDAXE 638 Prerequisite: 21st level, Weapon Focus with the chosen weapon. The character gains a +2 bonus to all attack rolls with the chosen weapon. Use: Combat. HotU manual - page 55.
FEAT_EPIC_WEAPON_FOCUS_HEAVYCROSSBOW 622 Prerequisite: 21st level, Weapon Focus with the chosen weapon. The character gains a +2 bonus to all attack rolls with the chosen weapon. Use: Combat. HotU manual - page 55.
FEAT_EPIC_WEAPON_FOCUS_HEAVYFLAIL 646 Prerequisite: 21st level, Weapon Focus with the chosen weapon. The character gains a +2 bonus to all attack rolls with the chosen weapon. Use: Combat. HotU manual - page 55.
FEAT_EPIC_WEAPON_FOCUS_KAMA 647 Prerequisite: 21st level, Weapon Focus with the chosen weapon. The character gains a +2 bonus to all attack rolls with the chosen weapon. Use: Combat. HotU manual - page 55.
FEAT_EPIC_WEAPON_FOCUS_KATANA 651 Prerequisite: 21st level, Weapon Focus with the chosen weapon. The character gains a +2 bonus to all attack rolls with the chosen weapon. Use: Combat. HotU manual - page 55.
FEAT_EPIC_WEAPON_FOCUS_KUKRI 648 Prerequisite: 21st level, Weapon Focus with the chosen weapon. The character gains a +2 bonus to all attack rolls with the chosen weapon. Use: Combat. HotU manual - page 55.
FEAT_EPIC_WEAPON_FOCUS_LIGHTCROSSBOW 623 Prerequisite: 21st level, Weapon Focus with the chosen weapon. The character gains a +2 bonus to all attack rolls with the chosen weapon. Use: Combat. HotU manual - page 55.
FEAT_EPIC_WEAPON_FOCUS_LIGHTFLAIL 644 Prerequisite: 21st level, Weapon Focus with the chosen weapon. The character gains a +2 bonus to all attack rolls with the chosen weapon. Use: Combat. HotU manual - page 55.
FEAT_EPIC_WEAPON_FOCUS_LIGHTHAMMER 643 Prerequisite: 21st level, Weapon Focus with the chosen weapon. The character gains a +2 bonus to all attack rolls with the chosen weapon. Use: Combat. HotU manual - page 55.
FEAT_EPIC_WEAPON_FOCUS_LIGHTMACE 624 Prerequisite: 21st level, Weapon Focus with the chosen weapon. The character gains a +2 bonus to all attack rolls with the chosen weapon. Use: Combat. HotU manual - page 55.
FEAT_EPIC_WEAPON_FOCUS_LONGBOW 631 Prerequisite: 21st level, Weapon Focus with the chosen weapon. The character gains a +2 bonus to all attack rolls with the chosen weapon. Use: Combat. HotU manual - page 55.
FEAT_EPIC_WEAPON_FOCUS_LONGSWORD 636 Prerequisite: 21st level, Weapon Focus with the chosen weapon. The character gains a +2 bonus to all attack rolls with the chosen weapon. Use: Combat. HotU manual - page 55.
FEAT_EPIC_WEAPON_FOCUS_MORNINGSTAR 625 Prerequisite: 21st level, Weapon Focus with the chosen weapon. The character gains a +2 bonus to all attack rolls with the chosen weapon. Use: Combat. HotU manual - page 55.
FEAT_EPIC_WEAPON_FOCUS_QUARTERSTAFF 626 Prerequisite: 21st level, Weapon Focus with the chosen weapon. The character gains a +2 bonus to all attack rolls with the chosen weapon. Use: Combat. HotU manual - page 55.
FEAT_EPIC_WEAPON_FOCUS_RAPIER 634 Prerequisite: 21st level, Weapon Focus with the chosen weapon. The character gains a +2 bonus to all attack rolls with the chosen weapon. Use: Combat. HotU manual - page 55.
FEAT_EPIC_WEAPON_FOCUS_SCIMITAR 635 Prerequisite: 21st level, Weapon Focus with the chosen weapon. The character gains a +2 bonus to all attack rolls with the chosen weapon. Use: Combat. HotU manual - page 55.
FEAT_EPIC_WEAPON_FOCUS_SCYTHE 650 Prerequisite: 21st level, Weapon Focus with the chosen weapon. The character gains a +2 bonus to all attack rolls with the chosen weapon. Use: Combat. HotU manual - page 55.
FEAT_EPIC_WEAPON_FOCUS_SHORTBOW 632 Prerequisite: 21st level, Weapon Focus with the chosen weapon. The character gains a +2 bonus to all attack rolls with the chosen weapon. Use: Combat. HotU manual - page 55.
FEAT_EPIC_WEAPON_FOCUS_SHORTSPEAR 627 Prerequisite: 21st level, Weapon Focus with the chosen weapon. The character gains a +2 bonus to all attack rolls with the chosen weapon. Use: Combat. HotU manual - page 55.
FEAT_EPIC_WEAPON_FOCUS_SHORTSWORD 633 Prerequisite: 21st level, Weapon Focus with the chosen weapon. The character gains a +2 bonus to all attack rolls with the chosen weapon. Use: Combat. HotU manual - page 55.
FEAT_EPIC_WEAPON_FOCUS_SHURIKEN 649 Prerequisite: 21st level, Weapon Focus with the chosen weapon. The character gains a +2 bonus to all attack rolls with the chosen weapon. Use: Combat. HotU manual - page 55.
FEAT_EPIC_WEAPON_FOCUS_SICKLE 628 Prerequisite: 21st level, Weapon Focus with the chosen weapon. The character gains a +2 bonus to all attack rolls with the chosen weapon. Use: Combat. HotU manual - page 55.
FEAT_EPIC_WEAPON_FOCUS_SLING 629 Prerequisite: 21st level, Weapon Focus with the chosen weapon. The character gains a +2 bonus to all attack rolls with the chosen weapon. Use: Combat. HotU manual - page 55.
FEAT_EPIC_WEAPON_FOCUS_THROWINGAXE 639 Prerequisite: 21st level, Weapon Focus with the chosen weapon. The character gains a +2 bonus to all attack rolls with the chosen weapon. Use: Combat. HotU manual - page 55.
FEAT_EPIC_WEAPON_FOCUS_TRIDENT 1076 Prerequisite: 21st level, Weapon Focus with chosen weapon. The character gains a +2 bonus to all attack rolls with the chosen weapon. Use: Automatic.
FEAT_EPIC_WEAPON_FOCUS_TWOBLADEDSWORD 655 Prerequisite: 21st level, Weapon Focus with the chosen weapon. The character gains a +2 bonus to all attack rolls with the chosen weapon. Use: Combat. HotU manual - page 55.
FEAT_EPIC_WEAPON_FOCUS_UNARMED 630 Prerequisite: 21st level, Weapon Focus with the chosen weapon. The character gains a +2 bonus to all attack rolls with the chosen weapon. Use: Combat. HotU manual - page 55.
FEAT_EPIC_WEAPON_FOCUS_WARHAMMER 645 Prerequisite: 21st level, Weapon Focus with the chosen weapon. The character gains a +2 bonus to all attack rolls with the chosen weapon. Use: Combat. HotU manual - page 55.
FEAT_EPIC_WEAPON_FOCUS_WHIP 997 Prerequisite: 21st level, Weapon Focus with the chosen weapon. The character gains a +2 bonus to all attack rolls with the chosen weapon. Use: Combat. HotU manual - page 55.
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 2+ Int Modifier
Bonus Feats: The epic weapon master gains a bonus feat every three levels.
Special Ability: Superior Weapon Focus: For every three levels after 10th an additional +1 bonus to attack is granted to the Weapon of Choice.
Epic Weapon Master Bonus Feats List: Armor Skin, Blinding Speed, Epic Damage Reduction, Devastating Critical, Epic Toughness, Epic Prowess, Epic Weapon Focus, Improved Whirlwind Attack, Overwhelming Critical, Superior Initiative.
FEAT_EPIC_WEAPON_SPECIALIZATION_BASTARDSWORD 690 Prerequisite: 21st level, Weapon Focus, Epic Weapon Focus, and Weapn Specialization in the chosen weapon. The character gains a +4 bonus to all damage you deal with the chosen weapon. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 55.
FEAT_EPIC_WEAPON_SPECIALIZATION_BATTLEAXE 678 Prerequisite: 21st level, Weapon Focus, Epic Weapon Focus, and Weapn Specialization in the chosen weapon. The character gains a +4 bonus to all damage you deal with the chosen weapon. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 55.
FEAT_EPIC_WEAPON_SPECIALIZATION_CLUB 657 Prerequisite: 21st level, Weapon Focus, Epic Weapon Focus, and Weapn Specialization in the chosen weapon. The character gains a +4 bonus to all damage you deal with the chosen weapon. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 55.
FEAT_EPIC_WEAPON_SPECIALIZATION_CREATURE 694 Prerequisite: 21st level, Weapon Focus, Epic Weapon Focus, and Weapn Specialization in the chosen weapon. The character gains a +4 bonus to all damage you deal with the chosen weapon. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 55.
FEAT_EPIC_WEAPON_SPECIALIZATION_DAGGER 658 Prerequisite: 21st level, Weapon Focus, Epic Weapon Focus, and Weapn Specialization in the chosen weapon. The character gains a +4 bonus to all damage you deal with the chosen weapon. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 55.
FEAT_EPIC_WEAPON_SPECIALIZATION_DART 659 Prerequisite: 21st level, Weapon Focus, Epic Weapon Focus, and Weapn Specialization in the chosen weapon. The character gains a +4 bonus to all damage you deal with the chosen weapon. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 55.
FEAT_EPIC_WEAPON_SPECIALIZATION_DIREMACE 691 Prerequisite: 21st level, Weapon Focus, Epic Weapon Focus, and Weapn Specialization in the chosen weapon. The character gains a +4 bonus to all damage you deal with the chosen weapon. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 55.
FEAT_EPIC_WEAPON_SPECIALIZATION_DOUBLEAXE 692 Prerequisite: 21st level, Weapon Focus, Epic Weapon Focus, and Weapn Specialization in the chosen weapon. The character gains a +4 bonus to all damage you deal with the chosen weapon. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 55.
FEAT_EPIC_WEAPON_SPECIALIZATION_DWAXE 957 Prerequisite: 21st level, Weapon Focus, Epic Weapon Focus, and Weapn Specialization in the chosen weapon. The character gains a +4 bonus to all damage you deal with the chosen weapon. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 55.
FEAT_EPIC_WEAPON_SPECIALIZATION_GREATAXE 679 Prerequisite: 21st level, Weapon Focus, Epic Weapon Focus, and Weapn Specialization in the chosen weapon. The character gains a +4 bonus to all damage you deal with the chosen weapon. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 55.
FEAT_EPIC_WEAPON_SPECIALIZATION_GREATSWORD 675 Prerequisite: 21st level, Weapon Focus, Epic Weapon Focus, and Weapn Specialization in the chosen weapon. The character gains a +4 bonus to all damage you deal with the chosen weapon. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 55.
FEAT_EPIC_WEAPON_SPECIALIZATION_HALBERD 680 Prerequisite: 21st level, Weapon Focus, Epic Weapon Focus, and Weapn Specialization in the chosen weapon. The character gains a +4 bonus to all damage you deal with the chosen weapon. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 55.
FEAT_EPIC_WEAPON_SPECIALIZATION_HANDAXE 676 Prerequisite: 21st level, Weapon Focus, Epic Weapon Focus, and Weapn Specialization in the chosen weapon. The character gains a +4 bonus to all damage you deal with the chosen weapon. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 55.
FEAT_EPIC_WEAPON_SPECIALIZATION_HEAVYCROSSBOW 660 Prerequisite: 21st level, Weapon Focus, Epic Weapon Focus, and Weapn Specialization in the chosen weapon. The character gains a +4 bonus to all damage you deal with the chosen weapon. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 55.
FEAT_EPIC_WEAPON_SPECIALIZATION_HEAVYFLAIL 684 Prerequisite: 21st level, Weapon Focus, Epic Weapon Focus, and Weapn Specialization in the chosen weapon. The character gains a +4 bonus to all damage you deal with the chosen weapon. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 55.
FEAT_EPIC_WEAPON_SPECIALIZATION_KAMA 685 Prerequisite: 21st level, Weapon Focus, Epic Weapon Focus, and Weapn Specialization in the chosen weapon. The character gains a +4 bonus to all damage you deal with the chosen weapon. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 55.
FEAT_EPIC_WEAPON_SPECIALIZATION_KATANA 689 Prerequisite: 21st level, Weapon Focus, Epic Weapon Focus, and Weapn Specialization in the chosen weapon. The character gains a +4 bonus to all damage you deal with the chosen weapon. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 55.
FEAT_EPIC_WEAPON_SPECIALIZATION_KUKRI 686 Prerequisite: 21st level, Weapon Focus, Epic Weapon Focus, and Weapn Specialization in the chosen weapon. The character gains a +4 bonus to all damage you deal with the chosen weapon. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 55.
FEAT_EPIC_WEAPON_SPECIALIZATION_LIGHTCROSSBOW 661 Prerequisite: 21st level, Weapon Focus, Epic Weapon Focus, and Weapn Specialization in the chosen weapon. The character gains a +4 bonus to all damage you deal with the chosen weapon. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 55.
FEAT_EPIC_WEAPON_SPECIALIZATION_LIGHTFLAIL 682 Prerequisite: 21st level, Weapon Focus, Epic Weapon Focus, and Weapn Specialization in the chosen weapon. The character gains a +4 bonus to all damage you deal with the chosen weapon. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 55.
FEAT_EPIC_WEAPON_SPECIALIZATION_LIGHTHAMMER 681 Prerequisite: 21st level, Weapon Focus, Epic Weapon Focus, and Weapn Specialization in the chosen weapon. The character gains a +4 bonus to all damage you deal with the chosen weapon. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 55.
FEAT_EPIC_WEAPON_SPECIALIZATION_LIGHTMACE 662 Prerequisite: 21st level, Weapon Focus, Epic Weapon Focus, and Weapn Specialization in the chosen weapon. The character gains a +4 bonus to all damage you deal with the chosen weapon. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 55.
FEAT_EPIC_WEAPON_SPECIALIZATION_LONGBOW 669 Prerequisite: 21st level, Weapon Focus, Epic Weapon Focus, and Weapn Specialization in the chosen weapon. The character gains a +4 bonus to all damage you deal with the chosen weapon. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 55.
FEAT_EPIC_WEAPON_SPECIALIZATION_LONGSWORD 674 Prerequisite: 21st level, Weapon Focus, Epic Weapon Focus, and Weapn Specialization in the chosen weapon. The character gains a +4 bonus to all damage you deal with the chosen weapon. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 55.
FEAT_EPIC_WEAPON_SPECIALIZATION_MORNINGSTAR 663 Prerequisite: 21st level, Weapon Focus, Epic Weapon Focus, and Weapn Specialization in the chosen weapon. The character gains a +4 bonus to all damage you deal with the chosen weapon. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 55.
FEAT_EPIC_WEAPON_SPECIALIZATION_QUARTERSTAFF 664 Prerequisite: 21st level, Weapon Focus, Epic Weapon Focus, and Weapn Specialization in the chosen weapon. The character gains a +4 bonus to all damage you deal with the chosen weapon. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 55.
FEAT_EPIC_WEAPON_SPECIALIZATION_RAPIER 672 Prerequisite: 21st level, Weapon Focus, Epic Weapon Focus, and Weapn Specialization in the chosen weapon. The character gains a +4 bonus to all damage you deal with the chosen weapon. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 55.
FEAT_EPIC_WEAPON_SPECIALIZATION_SCIMITAR 673 Prerequisite: 21st level, Weapon Focus, Epic Weapon Focus, and Weapn Specialization in the chosen weapon. The character gains a +4 bonus to all damage you deal with the chosen weapon. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 55.
FEAT_EPIC_WEAPON_SPECIALIZATION_SCYTHE 688 Prerequisite: 21st level, Weapon Focus, Epic Weapon Focus, and Weapn Specialization in the chosen weapon. The character gains a +4 bonus to all damage you deal with the chosen weapon. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 55.
FEAT_EPIC_WEAPON_SPECIALIZATION_SHORTBOW 670 Prerequisite: 21st level, Weapon Focus, Epic Weapon Focus, and Weapn Specialization in the chosen weapon. The character gains a +4 bonus to all damage you deal with the chosen weapon. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 55.
FEAT_EPIC_WEAPON_SPECIALIZATION_SHORTSPEAR 665 Prerequisite: 21st level, Weapon Focus, Epic Weapon Focus, and Weapn Specialization in the chosen weapon. The character gains a +4 bonus to all damage you deal with the chosen weapon. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 55.
FEAT_EPIC_WEAPON_SPECIALIZATION_SHORTSWORD 671 Prerequisite: 21st level, Weapon Focus, Epic Weapon Focus, and Weapn Specialization in the chosen weapon. The character gains a +4 bonus to all damage you deal with the chosen weapon. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 55.
FEAT_EPIC_WEAPON_SPECIALIZATION_SHURIKEN 687 Prerequisite: 21st level, Weapon Focus, Epic Weapon Focus, and Weapn Specialization in the chosen weapon. The character gains a +4 bonus to all damage you deal with the chosen weapon. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 55.
FEAT_EPIC_WEAPON_SPECIALIZATION_SICKLE 666 Prerequisite: 21st level, Weapon Focus, Epic Weapon Focus, and Weapn Specialization in the chosen weapon. The character gains a +4 bonus to all damage you deal with the chosen weapon. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 55.
FEAT_EPIC_WEAPON_SPECIALIZATION_SLING 667 Prerequisite: 21st level, Weapon Focus, Epic Weapon Focus, and Weapn Specialization in the chosen weapon. The character gains a +4 bonus to all damage you deal with the chosen weapon. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 55.
FEAT_EPIC_WEAPON_SPECIALIZATION_THROWINGAXE 677 Prerequisite: 21st level, Weapon Focus, Epic Weapon Focus, and Weapn Specialization in the chosen weapon. The character gains a +4 bonus to all damage you deal with the chosen weapon. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 55.
FEAT_EPIC_WEAPON_SPECIALIZATION_TRIDENT 1077 Prerequisite: 21st level, Weapon Focus, Epic Weapon Focus and Weapon Specialization in the chosen weapon. The character gains a +4 bonus to all damage done by the chosen weapon. Use: Automatic.
FEAT_EPIC_WEAPON_SPECIALIZATION_TWOBLADEDSWORD 693 Prerequisite: 21st level, Weapon Focus, Epic Weapon Focus, and Weapn Specialization in the chosen weapon. The character gains a +4 bonus to all damage you deal with the chosen weapon. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 55.
FEAT_EPIC_WEAPON_SPECIALIZATION_UNARMED 668 Prerequisite: 21st level, Weapon Focus, Epic Weapon Focus, and Weapn Specialization in the chosen weapon. The character gains a +4 bonus to all damage you deal with the chosen weapon. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 55.
FEAT_EPIC_WEAPON_SPECIALIZATION_WARHAMMER 683 Prerequisite: 21st level, Weapon Focus, Epic Weapon Focus, and Weapn Specialization in the chosen weapon. The character gains a +4 bonus to all damage you deal with the chosen weapon. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 55.
FEAT_EPIC_WEAPON_SPECIALIZATION_WHIP 998 Prerequisite: 21st level, Weapon Focus, Epic Weapon Focus, and Weapn Specialization in the chosen weapon. The character gains a +4 bonus to all damage you deal with the chosen weapon. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 55.
FEAT_EPIC_WILD_SHAPE_DRAGON 873 Prerequisite: 21st level, Wisdom 30+ and Wild Shape 6x/day. The character may use wild shape to change into a dragon. The transformation has a duration of 1 hour per class level. Use: Selected, after selecting, the character must choose what type of dragon they will appear as.
FEAT_EPIC_WILD_SHAPE_UNDEAD 872 Prerequisite: Epic Shifter. The character with this ability can transform into a selection of powerful undead creatures three times per day: Risen Lord, Vampire and Spectre. Use: Selected. After choosing the ability, the character must select an undead type to change into.
FEAT_EPIC_WILL 695 Prerequisite: 21st level. The character gains a +4 to all Will saves. Use: Automatic. HotU manual - page 55.
FEAT_EPIC_WIZARD 976 Hit Die: d4
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 2+ Int Modifier
Bonus Feats: The epic wizard gains a bonus feat every three levels after 20th.
Epic Wizard Bonus Feats List: Automatic Quicken Spell, Automatic Silent Spell, Automatic Still Spell, Epic Spell Focus, Epic Spell Penetration, Great Intelligence, Improved Combat Casting.
FEAT_EVASION 206 Monks and Rogues are able to escape potentially deadly situations. Gained: Monk - 1st level, Rogue - 2nd level. Use: Automatic. Bonuses: In situations where a successful Reflex saving throw would allow others to take half damage, the PC escapes unscathed. NWN Manual - pg. 61.
FEAT_EVIL_DOMAIN_POWER 315 Ability to turn outsiders as if they were undead. Gain following spells (and level needed): Negative Energy Ray (1), Negative Energy Burst (4), Enervation (5).
FEAT_EXPERTISE 389 New feat from Shadows of Undrentide expansion. A character with this feat can make defensive attacks, gaining a +5 bonus to AC but receiving a -5 penalty to attack rolls. SoU Manual — page 24.
FEAT_EXTEND_SPELL 12 Prerequisite: Ability to cast 1st-level spells. Magical expertise allows certain spells to be cast with a 100% increase in duration. Use: Extended spells occupy spell slots one level higher than normal. Spells with an instantaneous or permanent duration are not affected. NWN Manual - pg. 90.
FEAT_EXTRA_MUSIC 423 New feat from Shadows of Undrentide expansion. The character may use bard song four extra times per day. SoU Manual — page 24.
FEAT_EXTRA_SMITING 910 Prerequisite: Smite Evil or Smite Good. This feat increases the smiting ability to 3 times per day. Use: Selected
FEAT_EXTRA_STUNNING_ATTACK 410 New feat from Shadows of Undrentide expansion. The character gains 3 extra stunning attacks per day. SoU Manual — page 25.
FEAT_EXTRA_TURNING 13 Prerequisite: Exclusive to cleric or paladin. This divine ability allows the character to turn undead 6 additional times per day. Use: Automatic.
FEAT_EYE_OF_GRUUMSH_BLINDING_SPITTLE 480 NOTE: This feat is not defined (all *s) in the feats.2da file.
FEAT_EYE_OF_GRUUMSH_BLINDING_SPITTLE_2 481 NOTE: This feat is not defined (all *s) in the feats.2da file.
FEAT_EYE_OF_GRUUMSH_COMMAND_THE_HORDE 482 NOTE: This feat is not defined (all *s) in the feats.2da file.
FEAT_EYE_OF_GRUUMSH_RITUAL_SCARRING 484 NOTE: This feat is not defined (all *s) in the feats.2da file.
FEAT_EYE_OF_GRUUMSH_SIGHT_OF_GRUUMSH 487 NOTE: This feat is not defined (all *s) in the feats.2da file.
FEAT_EYE_OF_GRUUMSH_SWING_BLINDLY 483 NOTE: This feat is not defined (all *s) in the feats.2da file.
FEAT_FAVORED_ENEMY_ABERRATION 268 Rangers study their enemies and develop a keen understanding of the weakness of various creatures. Gained: Ranger - 1st level and ever 5 levels thereafter. Use: Automatic. Bonuses: Rangers gain a +1 bonus to Listen, Spot, and Taunt checks against their favorite enemy, as well as a +1 bonus to any physical damage applied to the enemy. Refer to NWN Manual - pg. 66 for additional information.
FEAT_FAVORED_ENEMY_ANIMAL 269 Rangers study their enemies and develop a keen understanding of the weakness of various creatures. Gained: Ranger - 1st level and ever 5 levels thereafter. Use: Automatic. Bonuses: Rangers gain a +1 bonus to Listen, Spot, and Taunt checks against their favorite enemy, as well as a +1 bonus to any physical damage applied to the enemy. Refer to NWN Manual - pg. 66 for additional information.
FEAT_FAVORED_ENEMY_BEAST 270 Rangers study their enemies and develop a keen understanding of the weakness of various creatures. Gained: Ranger - 1st level and ever 5 levels thereafter. Use: Automatic. Bonuses: Rangers gain a +1 bonus to Listen, Spot, and Taunt checks against their favorite enemy, as well as a +1 bonus to any physical damage applied to the enemy. Refer to NWN Manual - pg. 66 for additional information.
FEAT_FAVORED_ENEMY_CONSTRUCT 271 Rangers study their enemies and develop a keen understanding of the weakness of various creatures. Gained: Ranger - 1st level and ever 5 levels thereafter. Use: Automatic. Bonuses: Rangers gain a +1 bonus to Listen, Spot, and Taunt checks against their favorite enemy, as well as a +1 bonus to any physical damage applied to the enemy. Refer to NWN Manual - pg. 66 for additional information.
FEAT_FAVORED_ENEMY_DRAGON 272 Rangers study their enemies and develop a keen understanding of the weakness of various creatures. Gained: Ranger - 1st level and ever 5 levels thereafter. Use: Automatic. Bonuses: Rangers gain a +1 bonus to Listen, Spot, and Taunt checks against their favorite enemy, as well as a +1 bonus to any physical damage applied to the enemy. Refer to NWN Manual - pg. 66 for additional information.
FEAT_FAVORED_ENEMY_DWARF 261 Rangers study their enemies and develop a keen understanding of the weakness of various creatures. Gained: Ranger - 1st level and ever 5 levels thereafter. Use: Automatic. Bonuses: Rangers gain a +1 bonus to Listen, Spot, and Taunt checks against their favorite enemy, as well as a +1 bonus to any physical damage applied to the enemy. Refer to NWN Manual - pg. 66 for additional information.
FEAT_FAVORED_ENEMY_ELEMENTAL 277 Rangers study their enemies and develop a keen understanding of the weakness of various creatures. Gained: Ranger - 1st level and ever 5 levels thereafter. Use: Automatic. Bonuses: Rangers gain a +1 bonus to Listen, Spot, and Taunt checks against their favorite enemy, as well as a +1 bonus to any physical damage applied to the enemy. Refer to NWN Manual - pg. 66 for additional information.
FEAT_FAVORED_ENEMY_ELF 262 Rangers study their enemies and develop a keen understanding of the weakness of various creatures. Gained: Ranger - 1st level and ever 5 levels thereafter. Use: Automatic. Bonuses: Rangers gain a +1 bonus to Listen, Spot, and Taunt checks against their favorite enemy, as well as a +1 bonus to any physical damage applied to the enemy. Refer to NWN Manual - pg. 66 for additional information.
FEAT_FAVORED_ENEMY_FEY 278 Rangers study their enemies and develop a keen understanding of the weakness of various creatures. Gained: Ranger - 1st level and ever 5 levels thereafter. Use: Automatic. Bonuses: Rangers gain a +1 bonus to Listen, Spot, and Taunt checks against their favorite enemy, as well as a +1 bonus to any physical damage applied to the enemy. Refer to NWN Manual - pg. 66 for additional information.
FEAT_FAVORED_ENEMY_GIANT 279 Rangers study their enemies and develop a keen understanding of the weakness of various creatures. Gained: Ranger - 1st level and ever 5 levels thereafter. Use: Automatic. Bonuses: Rangers gain a +1 bonus to Listen, Spot, and Taunt checks against their favorite enemy, as well as a +1 bonus to any physical damage applied to the enemy. Refer to NWN Manual - pg. 66 for additional information.
FEAT_FAVORED_ENEMY_GNOME 263 Rangers study their enemies and develop a keen understanding of the weakness of various creatures. Gained: Ranger - 1st level and ever 5 levels thereafter. Use: Automatic. Bonuses: Rangers gain a +1 bonus to Listen, Spot, and Taunt checks against their favorite enemy, as well as a +1 bonus to any physical damage applied to the enemy. Refer to NWN Manual - pg. 66 for additional information.
FEAT_FAVORED_ENEMY_GOBLINOID 273 Rangers study their enemies and develop a keen understanding of the weakness of various creatures. Gained: Ranger - 1st level and ever 5 levels thereafter. Use: Automatic. Bonuses: Rangers gain a +1 bonus to Listen, Spot, and Taunt checks against their favorite enemy, as well as a +1 bonus to any physical damage applied to the enemy. Refer to NWN Manual - pg. 66 for additional information.
FEAT_FAVORED_ENEMY_HALFELF 265 Rangers study their enemies and develop a keen understanding of the weakness of various creatures. Gained: Ranger - 1st level and ever 5 levels thereafter. Use: Automatic. Bonuses: Rangers gain a +1 bonus to Listen, Spot, and Taunt checks against their favorite enemy, as well as a +1 bonus to any physical damage applied to the enemy. Refer to NWN Manual - pg. 66 for additional information.
FEAT_FAVORED_ENEMY_HALFLING 264 Rangers study their enemies and develop a keen understanding of the weakness of various creatures. Gained: Ranger - 1st level and ever 5 levels thereafter. Use: Automatic. Bonuses: Rangers gain a +1 bonus to Listen, Spot, and Taunt checks against their favorite enemy, as well as a +1 bonus to any physical damage applied to the enemy. Refer to NWN Manual - pg. 66 for additional information.
FEAT_FAVORED_ENEMY_HALFORC 266 Rangers study their enemies and develop a keen understanding of the weakness of various creatures. Gained: Ranger - 1st level and ever 5 levels thereafter. Use: Automatic. Bonuses: Rangers gain a +1 bonus to Listen, Spot, and Taunt checks against their favorite enemy, as well as a +1 bonus to any physical damage applied to the enemy. Refer to NWN Manual - pg. 66 for additional information.
FEAT_FAVORED_ENEMY_HUMAN 267 Rangers study their enemies and develop a keen understanding of the weakness of various creatures. Gained: Ranger - 1st level and ever 5 levels thereafter. Use: Automatic. Bonuses: Rangers gain a +1 bonus to Listen, Spot, and Taunt checks against their favorite enemy, as well as a +1 bonus to any physical damage applied to the enemy. Refer to NWN Manual - pg. 66 for additional information.
FEAT_FAVORED_ENEMY_MAGICAL_BEAST 280 Rangers study their enemies and develop a keen understanding of the weakness of various creatures. Gained: Ranger - 1st level and ever 5 levels thereafter. Use: Automatic. Bonuses: Rangers gain a +1 bonus to Listen, Spot, and Taunt checks against their favorite enemy, as well as a +1 bonus to any physical damage applied to the enemy. Refer to NWN Manual - pg. 66 for additional information.
FEAT_FAVORED_ENEMY_MONSTROUS 274 Rangers study their enemies and develop a keen understanding of the weakness of various creatures. Gained: Ranger - 1st level and ever 5 levels thereafter. Use: Automatic. Bonuses: Rangers gain a +1 bonus to Listen, Spot, and Taunt checks against their favorite enemy, as well as a +1 bonus to any physical damage applied to the enemy. Refer to NWN Manual - pg. 66 for additional information.
FEAT_FAVORED_ENEMY_ORC 275 Rangers study their enemies and develop a keen understanding of the weakness of various creatures. Gained: Ranger - 1st level and ever 5 levels thereafter. Use: Automatic. Bonuses: Rangers gain a +1 bonus to Listen, Spot, and Taunt checks against their favorite enemy, as well as a +1 bonus to any physical damage applied to the enemy. Refer to NWN Manual - pg. 66 for additional information.
FEAT_FAVORED_ENEMY_OUTSIDER 281 Rangers study their enemies and develop a keen understanding of the weakness of various creatures. Gained: Ranger - 1st level and ever 5 levels thereafter. Use: Automatic. Bonuses: Rangers gain a +1 bonus to Listen, Spot, and Taunt checks against their favorite enemy, as well as a +1 bonus to any physical damage applied to the enemy. Refer to NWN Manual - pg. 66 for additional information.
FEAT_FAVORED_ENEMY_REPTILIAN 276 Rangers study their enemies and develop a keen understanding of the weakness of various creatures. Gained: Ranger - 1st level and ever 5 levels thereafter. Use: Automatic. Bonuses: Rangers gain a +1 bonus to Listen, Spot, and Taunt checks against their favorite enemy, as well as a +1 bonus to any physical damage applied to the enemy. Refer to NWN Manual - pg. 66 for additional information.
FEAT_FAVORED_ENEMY_SHAPECHANGER 284 Rangers study their enemies and develop a keen understanding of the weakness of various creatures. Gained: Ranger - 1st level and ever 5 levels thereafter. Use: Automatic. Bonuses: Rangers gain a +1 bonus to Listen, Spot, and Taunt checks against their favorite enemy, as well as a +1 bonus to any physical damage applied to the enemy. Refer to NWN Manual - pg. 66 for additional information.
FEAT_FAVORED_ENEMY_UNDEAD 285 Rangers study their enemies and develop a keen understanding of the weakness of various creatures. Gained: Ranger - 1st level and ever 5 levels thereafter. Use: Automatic. Bonuses: Rangers gain a +1 bonus to Listen, Spot, and Taunt checks against their favorite enemy, as well as a +1 bonus to any physical damage applied to the enemy. Refer to NWN Manual - pg. 66 for additional information.
FEAT_FAVORED_ENEMY_VERMIN 286 Rangers study their enemies and develop a keen understanding of the weakness of various creatures. Gained: Ranger - 1st level and ever 5 levels thereafter. Use: Automatic. Bonuses: Rangers gain a +1 bonus to Listen, Spot, and Taunt checks against their favorite enemy, as well as a +1 bonus to any physical damage applied to the enemy. Refer to NWN Manual - pg. 66 for additional information.
FEAT_FEARLESS 249 Halfling racial ability. +2 saving throws versus Fear and fear-like spells and effects. Halflings show a remarkable lack of common sense, uh, I mean fear when faced with something others tremble and balk at.
FEAT_FIRE_DOMAIN_POWER 316 Ability to turn elementals as if they were undead. Ability to cast the following spells (and level needed): Wall of Fire (4), Energy Buffer (5).
FEAT_FLURRY_OF_BLOWS 204 The monk receives an extra attack per round when fighting unarmed or with a kama. Gained: Monk - 1st level. Use: Selected. Penalties: The monk suffers a -2 penalty to all attack rolls made as part of a flurry of blows. NWN Manual - pg. 61.
FEAT_GOOD_AIM 250 Halfling racial ability. +1 to Attack Rolls with thrown weapons. Early on, halflings practice throwing things at each other giving them an advantage with thrown weapons.
FEAT_GOOD_DOMAIN_POWER 317 Ability to turn outsiders as if they were undead. Ability to cast following spells (and level needed): Stoneskin (4), Lesser Planar Binding (5).
FEAT_GREAT_CLEAVE 391 New feat from Shadows of Undrentide expansion. Same as the Cleave feat, except that there is no limit to the number of additional attacks that the character may take after killing one opponent. SoU Manual — page 25.
FEAT_GREAT_FORTITUDE 14 Prerequisite: None. A character with this feat is very hardy, gaining a +2 bonus to all Fortitude saving throws. Use: Automatic.
FEAT_GREATER_SPELL_FOCUS_ABJURATION 393 New feat from Shadows of Undrentide expansion. A character becomes even more adept with spells of a particular school of magic. The character gains a +4 bonus to the spell save DC for all spells of the chosen school. SoU Manual — page 25.
FEAT_GREATER_SPELL_FOCUS_CONJURATION 394 New feat from Shadows of Undrentide expansion. A character becomes even more adept with spells of a particular school of magic. The character gains a +4 bonus to the spell save DC for all spells of the chosen school. SoU Manual — page 25.
FEAT_GREATER_SPELL_FOCUS_DIVINATION 395 Correctly spelled version. Both the correct and incorrect spellings have the same numerical value. New feat from Shadows of Undrentide expansion. A character becomes even more adept with spells of a particular school of magic. The character gains a +4 bonus to the spell save DC for all spells of the chosen school. SoU Manual — page 25.
FEAT_GREATER_SPELL_FOCUS_DIVINIATION 395 The spelling mistake in the feat name is Bioware's, not mine. New feat from Shadows of Undrentide expansion. A character becomes even more adept with spells of a particular school of magic. The character gains a +4 bonus to the spell save DC for all spells of the chosen school. SoU Manual — page 25.
FEAT_GREATER_SPELL_FOCUS_ENCHANTMENT 396 New feat from Shadows of Undrentide expansion. A character becomes even more adept with spells of a particular school of magic. The character gains a +4 bonus to the spell save DC for all spells of the chosen school. SoU Manual — page 25.
FEAT_GREATER_SPELL_FOCUS_EVOCATION 397 New feat from Shadows of Undrentide expansion. A character becomes even more adept with spells of a particular school of magic. The character gains a +4 bonus to the spell save DC for all spells of the chosen school. SoU Manual — page 25.
FEAT_GREATER_SPELL_FOCUS_ILLUSION 398 New feat from Shadows of Undrentide expansion. A character becomes even more adept with spells of a particular school of magic. The character gains a +4 bonus to the spell save DC for all spells of the chosen school. SoU Manual — page 25.
FEAT_GREATER_SPELL_FOCUS_NECROMANCY 399 New feat from Shadows of Undrentide expansion. A character becomes even more adept with spells of a particular school of magic. The character gains a +4 bonus to the spell save DC for all spells of the chosen school. SoU Manual — page 25.
FEAT_GREATER_SPELL_FOCUS_TRANSMUTATION 400 New feat from Shadows of Undrentide expansion. A character becomes even more adept with spells of a particular school of magic. The character gains a +4 bonus to the spell save DC for all spells of the chosen school. SoU Manual — page 25.
FEAT_GREATER_SPELL_PENETRATION 401 New feat from Shadows of Undrentide expansion. A +4 bonus to caster level checks is granted to the character when trying to beat a creature's spell resistance. SoU Manual — page 25.
FEAT_GREATER_WILDSHAPE_1 898 Shifters gain at level 1. They can change into either a red, green black, white or blue wyrmling. HotU manual - page 33.
FEAT_GREATER_WILDSHAPE_2 900 Shifters gain at level 3. They can change into either a minotaur, a harpy, or a gargoyle. HotU manual - page 33.
FEAT_GREATER_WILDSHAPE_3 901 Shifters gain at level 5. They can change into either a manticore, a basilisk or a drider. HotU manual - page 33.
FEAT_GREATER_WILDSHAPE_4 903 Shifters gain at level 10. They can change into either a medusa, huge dire tiger or a mind flayer. HotU manual - page 33.
FEAT_HARDINESS_VERSUS_ENCHANTMENTS 236 Elf and Half-elf racial ability. +2 to saving throws versus mind-affecting spells. These races have minds especially suited to resisting influences by magical forces trying to dominate them.
FEAT_HARDINESS_VERSUS_ILLUSIONS 241 Gnome racial ability. +2 saving throws versus Illusion spells. Gnomes have a natural affinity for illusions which also helps them recognize spells of that nature for what they are.
FEAT_HARDINESS_VERSUS_POISONS 229 Dwarven racial ability. +2 to saving throws versus all types of poisons. Dwarves are hardier and resistant to toxin that most other races.
FEAT_HARDINESS_VERSUS_SPELLS 230 Dwarven racial ability. +2 to saving throws versus all spells. Dwarves have a natural, genetic resistance to spells and spell-like effects.
FEAT_HARPER_CATS_GRACE 442 Gains the ability to cast Cat's Grace once per day. Subject to arcane spell failure if the Harper scout is wearing armor. Gained: Harper Scout - 3rd level. SoU manual - page 18.
FEAT_HARPER_EAGLES_SPLENDOR 443 Gains the ability to cast Eagle's Splendor once per day. Subject to arcane spell failure if the Harper scout is wearing armor. Gained: Harper Scout - 4th level. SoU manual - page 18.
FEAT_HARPER_INVISIBILITY 444 Gains the ability to cast Invisibility once per day. Subject to arcane spell failure if the Harper scout is wearing armor. Gained: Harper Scout - 5th level. SoU manual - page 18.
FEAT_HARPER_SLEEP 441 Gains the ability to cast Sleep once per day. Subject to arcane spell failure if the Harper scout is wearing armor. Gained: Harper Scout - 2nd level. SoU manual - page 18.
FEAT_HEALING_DOMAIN_POWER 318 Following healing spells are cast as if using the EMPOWER metamagic feat: Cure Light Wounds, Cure Moderate Wounds, Cure Serious Wounds, Cure Critical Wounds. Ability to cast the following spells (and level needed): Cure Serious Wounds (2), Heal (5).
FEAT_HIDE_IN_PLAIN_SIGHT 433 The shadowdancer is able to use the Hide skill even while being observed. Gained at level 1. SoU manual - page 19.
FEAT_HORSE_ASSIGN_MOUNT 1094 Assign a mount to a particular companion, so he will always ride on the same mount. Use: Selected.
FEAT_HORSE_DISMOUNT 1091 Prerequisite: None. Use this feat to dismount. Use this feat on a mounted henchman to instruct him or her to dismount. Use: Selected.
FEAT_HORSE_MENU 1089 Prerequisite: None. This series of actions enables players to interact with their mounts. Use: Selected.
Individual Mount: Ride on the targeted mount, or command the targeted henchman to ride on a mount.
Individual Dismount: Targeted creature dismounts.
FEAT_HORSE_MOUNT 1090 Prerequisite: None. Use this feat on a horse that is in your party to mount it. Use this feat on a henchman to instruct him or her to mount the first available horse in the party. Use: Selected.
FEAT_HORSE_PARTY_DISMOUNT 1093 In parties with several members and mounts, this feat commands all members to dismount all at once. Use: Selected.
FEAT_HORSE_PARTY_MOUNT 1092 In parties with several members and mounts, this feat commands all members to mount up all at once. Use: Selected.
FEAT_HUMANOID_SHAPE 902 Shifters gain at level 7. They can change into a variety of humanoid forms. HotU manual - page 33.
FEAT_IMMUNITY_TO_SLEEP 235 Elf and Half-elf racial ability. These races are immune to the Sleep spell and all sleep-like spells.
FEAT_IMPROVED_CRITICAL_BASTARD_SWORD 85 Prerequisite: Proficiency with specific weapon, Base attack bonus of +8 or higher. Combat ability doubles the critical threat range with a given weapon. A weapon with a normal critical range of 19-20 would now threaten on a roll of 17-20. Use: Automatic. The threat range of a Keen weapon is already doubled, increasing to triple with this feat. This feat can be selected multiple times, applying to a new weapon category each time.
FEAT_IMPROVED_CRITICAL_BATTLE_AXE 72 Prerequisite: Proficiency with specific weapon, Base attack bonus of +8 or higher. Combat ability doubles the critical threat range with a given weapon. A weapon with a normal critical range of 19-20 would now threaten on a roll of 17-20. Use: Automatic. The threat range of a Keen weapon is already doubled, increasing to triple with this feat. This feat can be selected multiple times, applying to a new weapon category each time.
FEAT_IMPROVED_CRITICAL_CLUB 15 Prerequisite: Proficiency with specific weapon, Base attack bonus of +8 or higher. Combat ability doubles the critical threat range with a given weapon. A weapon with a normal critical range of 19-20 would now threaten on a roll of 17-20. Use: Automatic. The threat range of a Keen weapon is already doubled, increasing to triple with this feat. This feat can be selected multiple times, applying to a new weapon category each time.
FEAT_IMPROVED_CRITICAL_CREATURE 292 Prerequisite: Proficiency with specific weapon, Base attack bonus of +8 or higher. Combat ability doubles the critical threat range with a given weapon. A weapon with a normal critical range of 19-20 would now threaten on a roll of 17-20. Use: Automatic. The threat range of a Keen weapon is already doubled, increasing to triple with this feat. This feat can be selected multiple times, applying to a new weapon category each time.
FEAT_IMPROVED_CRITICAL_DAGGER 52 Prerequisite: Proficiency with specific weapon, Base attack bonus of +8 or higher. Combat ability doubles the critical threat range with a given weapon. A weapon with a normal critical range of 19-20 would now threaten on a roll of 17-20. Use: Automatic. The threat range of a Keen weapon is already doubled, increasing to triple with this feat. This feat can be selected multiple times, applying to a new weapon category each time.
FEAT_IMPROVED_CRITICAL_DART 53 Prerequisite: Proficiency with specific weapon, Base attack bonus of +8 or higher. Combat ability doubles the critical threat range with a given weapon. A weapon with a normal critical range of 19-20 would now threaten on a roll of 17-20. Use: Automatic. The threat range of a Keen weapon is already doubled, increasing to triple with this feat. This feat can be selected multiple times, applying to a new weapon category each time.
FEAT_IMPROVED_CRITICAL_DIRE_MACE 87 Prerequisite: Proficiency with specific weapon, Base attack bonus of +8 or higher. Combat ability doubles the critical threat range with a given weapon. A weapon with a normal critical range of 19-20 would now threaten on a roll of 17-20. Use: Automatic. The threat range of a Keen weapon is already doubled, increasing to triple with this feat. This feat can be selected multiple times, applying to a new weapon category each time.
FEAT_IMPROVED_CRITICAL_DOUBLE_AXE 88 Prerequisite: Proficiency with specific weapon, Base attack bonus of +8 or higher. Combat ability doubles the critical threat range with a given weapon. A weapon with a normal critical range of 19-20 would now threaten on a roll of 17-20. Use: Automatic. The threat range of a Keen weapon is already doubled, increasing to triple with this feat. This feat can be selected multiple times, applying to a new weapon category each time.
FEAT_IMPROVED_CRITICAL_DWAXE 954 Prerequisite: Proficiency with specific weapon, Base attack bonus of +8 or higher. Combat ability doubles the critical threat range with a given weapon. A weapon with a normal critical range of 19-20 would now threaten on a roll of 17-20. Use: Automatic. The threat range of a Keen weapon is already doubled, increasing to triple with this feat. This feat can be selected multiple times, applying to a new weapon category each time.
FEAT_IMPROVED_CRITICAL_GREAT_AXE 73 Prerequisite: Proficiency with specific weapon, Base attack bonus of +8 or higher. Combat ability doubles the critical threat range with a given weapon. A weapon with a normal critical range of 19-20 would now threaten on a roll of 17-20. Use: Automatic. The threat range of a Keen weapon is already doubled, increasing to triple with this feat. This feat can be selected multiple times, applying to a new weapon category each time.
FEAT_IMPROVED_CRITICAL_GREAT_SWORD 69 Prerequisite: Proficiency with specific weapon, Base attack bonus of +8 or higher. Combat ability doubles the critical threat range with a given weapon. A weapon with a normal critical range of 19-20 would now threaten on a roll of 17-20. Use: Automatic. The threat range of a Keen weapon is already doubled, increasing to triple with this feat. This feat can be selected multiple times, applying to a new weapon category each time.
FEAT_IMPROVED_CRITICAL_HALBERD 74 Prerequisite: Proficiency with specific weapon, Base attack bonus of +8 or higher. Combat ability doubles the critical threat range with a given weapon. A weapon with a normal critical range of 19-20 would now threaten on a roll of 17-20. Use: Automatic. The threat range of a Keen weapon is already doubled, increasing to triple with this feat. This feat can be selected multiple times, applying to a new weapon category each time.
FEAT_IMPROVED_CRITICAL_HAND_AXE 70 Prerequisite: Proficiency with specific weapon, Base attack bonus of +8 or higher. Combat ability doubles the critical threat range with a given weapon. A weapon with a normal critical range of 19-20 would now threaten on a roll of 17-20. Use: Automatic. The threat range of a Keen weapon is already doubled, increasing to triple with this feat. This feat can be selected multiple times, applying to a new weapon category each time.
FEAT_IMPROVED_CRITICAL_HEAVY_CROSSBOW 54 Prerequisite: Proficiency with specific weapon, Base attack bonus of +8 or higher. Combat ability doubles the critical threat range with a given weapon. A weapon with a normal critical range of 19-20 would now threaten on a roll of 17-20. Use: Automatic. The threat range of a Keen weapon is already doubled, increasing to triple with this feat. This feat can be selected multiple times, applying to a new weapon category each time.
FEAT_IMPROVED_CRITICAL_HEAVY_FLAIL 78 Prerequisite: Proficiency with specific weapon, Base attack bonus of +8 or higher. Combat ability doubles the critical threat range with a given weapon. A weapon with a normal critical range of 19-20 would now threaten on a roll of 17-20. Use: Automatic. The threat range of a Keen weapon is already doubled, increasing to triple with this feat. This feat can be selected multiple times, applying to a new weapon category each time.
FEAT_IMPROVED_CRITICAL_KAMA 79 Prerequisite: Proficiency with specific weapon, Base attack bonus of +8 or higher. Combat ability doubles the critical threat range with a given weapon. A weapon with a normal critical range of 19-20 would now threaten on a roll of 17-20. Use: Automatic. The threat range of a Keen weapon is already doubled, increasing to triple with this feat. This feat can be selected multiple times, applying to a new weapon category each time.
FEAT_IMPROVED_CRITICAL_KATANA 84 Prerequisite: Proficiency with specific weapon, Base attack bonus of +8 or higher. Combat ability doubles the critical threat range with a given weapon. A weapon with a normal critical range of 19-20 would now threaten on a roll of 17-20. Use: Automatic. The threat range of a Keen weapon is already doubled, increasing to triple with this feat. This feat can be selected multiple times, applying to a new weapon category each time.
FEAT_IMPROVED_CRITICAL_KUKRI 80 Prerequisite: Proficiency with specific weapon, Base attack bonus of +8 or higher. Combat ability doubles the critical threat range with a given weapon. A weapon with a normal critical range of 19-20 would now threaten on a roll of 17-20. Use: Automatic. The threat range of a Keen weapon is already doubled, increasing to triple with this feat. This feat can be selected multiple times, applying to a new weapon category each time.
FEAT_IMPROVED_CRITICAL_LIGHT_CROSSBOW 55 Prerequisite: Proficiency with specific weapon, Base attack bonus of +8 or higher. Combat ability doubles the critical threat range with a given weapon. A weapon with a normal critical range of 19-20 would now threaten on a roll of 17-20. Use: Automatic. The threat range of a Keen weapon is already doubled, increasing to triple with this feat. This feat can be selected multiple times, applying to a new weapon category each time.
FEAT_IMPROVED_CRITICAL_LIGHT_FLAIL 76 Prerequisite: Proficiency with specific weapon, Base attack bonus of +8 or higher. Combat ability doubles the critical threat range with a given weapon. A weapon with a normal critical range of 19-20 would now threaten on a roll of 17-20. Use: Automatic. The threat range of a Keen weapon is already doubled, increasing to triple with this feat. This feat can be selected multiple times, applying to a new weapon category each time.
FEAT_IMPROVED_CRITICAL_LIGHT_HAMMER 75 Prerequisite: Proficiency with specific weapon, Base attack bonus of +8 or higher. Combat ability doubles the critical threat range with a given weapon. A weapon with a normal critical range of 19-20 would now threaten on a roll of 17-20. Use: Automatic. The threat range of a Keen weapon is already doubled, increasing to triple with this feat. This feat can be selected multiple times, applying to a new weapon category each time.
FEAT_IMPROVED_CRITICAL_LIGHT_MACE 56 Prerequisite: Proficiency with specific weapon, Base attack bonus of +8 or higher. Combat ability doubles the critical threat range with a given weapon. A weapon with a normal critical range of 19-20 would now threaten on a roll of 17-20. Use: Automatic. The threat range of a Keen weapon is already doubled, increasing to triple with this feat. This feat can be selected multiple times, applying to a new weapon category each time.
FEAT_IMPROVED_CRITICAL_LONG_SWORD 68 Prerequisite: Proficiency with specific weapon, Base attack bonus of +8 or higher. Combat ability doubles the critical threat range with a given weapon. A weapon with a normal critical range of 19-20 would now threaten on a roll of 17-20. Use: Automatic. The threat range of a Keen weapon is already doubled, increasing to triple with this feat. This feat can be selected multiple times, applying to a new weapon category each time.
FEAT_IMPROVED_CRITICAL_LONGBOW 63 Prerequisite: Proficiency with specific weapon, Base attack bonus of +8 or higher. Combat ability doubles the critical threat range with a given weapon. A weapon with a normal critical range of 19-20 would now threaten on a roll of 17-20. Use: Automatic. The threat range of a Keen weapon is already doubled, increasing to triple with this feat. This feat can be selected multiple times, applying to a new weapon category each time.
FEAT_IMPROVED_CRITICAL_MORNING_STAR 57 Prerequisite: Proficiency with specific weapon, Base attack bonus of +8 or higher. Combat ability doubles the critical threat range with a given weapon. A weapon with a normal critical range of 19-20 would now threaten on a roll of 17-20. Use: Automatic. The threat range of a Keen weapon is already doubled, increasing to triple with this feat. This feat can be selected multiple times, applying to a new weapon category each time.
FEAT_IMPROVED_CRITICAL_RAPIER 66 Prerequisite: Proficiency with specific weapon, Base attack bonus of +8 or higher. Combat ability doubles the critical threat range with a given weapon. A weapon with a normal critical range of 19-20 would now threaten on a roll of 17-20. Use: Automatic. The threat range of a Keen weapon is already doubled, increasing to triple with this feat. This feat can be selected multiple times, applying to a new weapon category each time.
FEAT_IMPROVED_CRITICAL_SCIMITAR 67 Prerequisite: Proficiency with specific weapon, Base attack bonus of +8 or higher. Combat ability doubles the critical threat range with a given weapon. A weapon with a normal critical range of 19-20 would now threaten on a roll of 17-20. Use: Automatic. The threat range of a Keen weapon is already doubled, increasing to triple with this feat. This feat can be selected multiple times, applying to a new weapon category each time.
FEAT_IMPROVED_CRITICAL_SCYTHE 83 Prerequisite: Proficiency with specific weapon, Base attack bonus of +8 or higher. Combat ability doubles the critical threat range with a given weapon. A weapon with a normal critical range of 19-20 would now threaten on a roll of 17-20. Use: Automatic. The threat range of a Keen weapon is already doubled, increasing to triple with this feat. This feat can be selected multiple times, applying to a new weapon category each time.
FEAT_IMPROVED_CRITICAL_SHORT_SWORD 65 Prerequisite: Proficiency with specific weapon, Base attack bonus of +8 or higher. Combat ability doubles the critical threat range with a given weapon. A weapon with a normal critical range of 19-20 would now threaten on a roll of 17-20. Use: Automatic. The threat range of a Keen weapon is already doubled, increasing to triple with this feat. This feat can be selected multiple times, applying to a new weapon category each time.
FEAT_IMPROVED_CRITICAL_SHORTBOW 64 Prerequisite: Proficiency with specific weapon, Base attack bonus of +8 or higher. Combat ability doubles the critical threat range with a given weapon. A weapon with a normal critical range of 19-20 would now threaten on a roll of 17-20. Use: Automatic. The threat range of a Keen weapon is already doubled, increasing to triple with this feat. This feat can be selected multiple times, applying to a new weapon category each time.
FEAT_IMPROVED_CRITICAL_SHURIKEN 82 Prerequisite: Proficiency with specific weapon, Base attack bonus of +8 or higher. Combat ability doubles the critical threat range with a given weapon. A weapon with a normal critical range of 19-20 would now threaten on a roll of 17-20. Use: Automatic. The threat range of a Keen weapon is already doubled, increasing to triple with this feat. This feat can be selected multiple times, applying to a new weapon category each time.
FEAT_IMPROVED_CRITICAL_SICKLE 60 Prerequisite: Proficiency with specific weapon, Base attack bonus of +8 or higher. Combat ability doubles the critical threat range with a given weapon. A weapon with a normal critical range of 19-20 would now threaten on a roll of 17-20. Use: Automatic. The threat range of a Keen weapon is already doubled, increasing to triple with this feat. This feat can be selected multiple times, applying to a new weapon category each time.
FEAT_IMPROVED_CRITICAL_SLING 61 Prerequisite: Proficiency with specific weapon, Base attack bonus of +8 or higher. Combat ability doubles the critical threat range with a given weapon. A weapon with a normal critical range of 19-20 would now threaten on a roll of 17-20. Use: Automatic. The threat range of a Keen weapon is already doubled, increasing to triple with this feat. This feat can be selected multiple times, applying to a new weapon category each time.
FEAT_IMPROVED_CRITICAL_SPEAR 59 Prerequisite: Proficiency with specific weapon, Base attack bonus of +8 or higher. Combat ability doubles the critical threat range with a given weapon. A weapon with a normal critical range of 19-20 would now threaten on a roll of 17-20. Use: Automatic. The threat range of a Keen weapon is already doubled, increasing to triple with this feat. This feat can be selected multiple times, applying to a new weapon category each time.
FEAT_IMPROVED_CRITICAL_STAFF 58 Prerequisite: Proficiency with specific weapon, Base attack bonus of +8 or higher. Combat ability doubles the critical threat range with a given weapon. A weapon with a normal critical range of 19-20 would now threaten on a roll of 17-20. Use: Automatic. The threat range of a Keen weapon is already doubled, increasing to triple with this feat. This feat can be selected multiple times, applying to a new weapon category each time.
FEAT_IMPROVED_CRITICAL_THROWING_AXE 71 Prerequisite: Proficiency with specific weapon, Base attack bonus of +8 or higher. Combat ability doubles the critical threat range with a given weapon. A weapon with a normal critical range of 19-20 would now threaten on a roll of 17-20. Use: Automatic. The threat range of a Keen weapon is already doubled, increasing to triple with this feat. This feat can be selected multiple times, applying to a new weapon category each time.
FEAT_IMPROVED_CRITICAL_TRIDENT 1074 Prerequisite: Proficiency with specific weapon, Base attack bonus of +8 or higher. Combat ability doubles the critical threat range with a given weapon. A weapon with a normal critical range of 19-20 would now threaten on a roll of 17-20. Use: Automatic. The threat range of a Keen weapon is already doubled, increasing to triple with this feat. This feat can be selected multiple times, applying to a new weapon category each time.
FEAT_IMPROVED_CRITICAL_TWO_BLADED_SWORD 89 Prerequisite: Proficiency with specific weapon, Base attack bonus of +8 or higher. Combat ability doubles the critical threat range with a given weapon. A weapon with a normal critical range of 19-20 would now threaten on a roll of 17-20. Use: Automatic. The threat range of a Keen weapon is already doubled, increasing to triple with this feat. This feat can be selected multiple times, applying to a new weapon category each time.
FEAT_IMPROVED_CRITICAL_UNARMED_STRIKE 62 Prerequisite: Proficiency with specific weapon, Base attack bonus of +8 or higher. Combat ability doubles the critical threat range with a given weapon. A weapon with a normal critical range of 19-20 would now threaten on a roll of 17-20. Use: Automatic. The threat range of a Keen weapon is already doubled, increasing to triple with this feat. This feat can be selected multiple times, applying to a new weapon category each time.
FEAT_IMPROVED_CRITICAL_WAR_HAMMER 77 Prerequisite: Proficiency with specific weapon, Base attack bonus of +8 or higher. Combat ability doubles the critical threat range with a given weapon. A weapon with a normal critical range of 19-20 would now threaten on a roll of 17-20. Use: Automatic. The threat range of a Keen weapon is already doubled, increasing to triple with this feat. This feat can be selected multiple times, applying to a new weapon category each time.
FEAT_IMPROVED_CRITICAL_WHIP 995 Prerequisite: Proficiency with specific weapon, Base attack bonus of +8 or higher. Combat ability doubles the critical threat range with a given weapon. A weapon with a normal critical range of 19-20 would now threaten on a roll of 17-20. Use: Automatic. The threat range of a Keen weapon is already doubled, increasing to triple with this feat. This feat can be selected multiple times, applying to a new weapon category each time.
FEAT_IMPROVED_DISARM 16 Prerequisite: INT 13+, Disarm. A character with this feat has learned not to provoke an attack of opportunity when attempting to disarm an opponent. Success knocks the opponent's weapon away from them. The penalty to make a disarm attempt is reduced to -4. Use: Automatic. NWN Manual - pg. 91.
FEAT_IMPROVED_EVASION 212 The PC gains a superhuman ability to avoid danger. Gained: Monk - 9th level, Rogue - 10th and every three levels thereafter (choice). Use: Automatic. Bonuses: In situations where a successful Reflex saving throw would allow others to take half damage, the character escapes unsacathed on a successful save and takes only half damage even if the saving throw fails. NWN Manual - pg. 62.
FEAT_IMPROVED_EXPERTISE 390 New feat from Shadows of Undrentide expansion. A character with this feat can make defensive attacks, gaining a +10 bonus to AC but receiving a -10 penalty to attack rolls. SoU Manual — page 26.
FEAT_IMPROVED_INITIATIVE 377 New feat from Shadows of Undrentide expansion. The character gains a +4 bonus to initiative. SoU Manual — page 26.
FEAT_IMPROVED_KNOCKDOWN 17 Prerequisite: Knockdown, Base attack bonus +7 or higher. Characters with the feat have learned to use the Knockdown ability as if one size category larger than they really are. All other Knockdown conditions still apply. Use: Selected. Monks receive this feat for free at 6th level. NWN Manual - pg. 91.
FEAT_IMPROVED_PARRY 18 Prerequisite: INT 13+. Grants a +4 competence bonus to the character's opposed attack rolls when using the Parry skill. Use: Automatic. NWN Manual - pg. 91.
FEAT_IMPROVED_POWER_ATTACK 19 Prerequisite: Power Attack, STR 13+. This feat can be used at a -10 penalty to attack but with a +10 bonus to any damage given. Improved Power Attack is very useful when fighting large numbers of easy-to-hit opponents. Use: Combat Mode. NWN Manual - pg. 92.
FEAT_IMPROVED_TWO_WEAPON_FIGHTING 20 Prerequisite: Two-Weapon Fighting, Ambidexterity, Base attack bonus of +9 or higher. The character with this feat is able to get a second off-hand attack (at a penalty of -5 to the attack roll). Use: Automatic. Rangers receive this feat at 9th level, even if they don't meet the requirements. NWN Manual - pg. 92.
FEAT_IMPROVED_UNARMED_STRIKE 21 Prerequisite: None. Armed opponents no longer get attacks of opportunity against the character when you make unarmed attacks against them. Use: Automatic. Monks receive this feat for free at 1st level. NWN Manual - pg. 92.
FEAT_IMPROVED_WHIRLWIND 868 Prerequisite: 21st level, Dodge, Expertise, Spring Attack. The character performs a full attack action and makes one melee attack at full base attack bonus against all opponents within range of the character's weapons. Use: Selected. HotU manual - page 58.
FEAT_INCREASE_MULTIPLIER 883 The weapon of choice gains an additional 1x to its critical damage multiplier. For example, 2x becomes 3x, etc. Gained: Weapon Master - 5th level. HotU manual - page 36.
FEAT_INFLICT_CRITICAL_WOUNDS 477 Prerequisite: Blackguard level 8. Starting at 8th level, a Blackguard may cast Inflict Critical Wounds. Use: Selected.
FEAT_INFLICT_LIGHT_WOUNDS 474 Prerequisite: Blackguard level 3. A Blackguard may summon a ghast once per day. At 7th level this ability improves and a doom knight is summoned instead. Use: Selected.
FEAT_INFLICT_MODERATE_WOUNDS 475 Prerequisite: Blackguard level 5. Starting at 5th level, a Blackguard may summon a succubus. At 9th level this ability improves and grants the power to summon a vrock. Use: Selected.
FEAT_INFLICT_SERIOUS_WOUNDS 476 Prerequisite: Blackguard level 6. Starting at 6th level, a Blackguard may cast Inflict Serious Wounds. Use: Selected.
FEAT_IRON_WILL 22 Prerequisite: None. Focused presence of mind provides a +2 bonus to all Will saving throws. Use: Automatic. NWN manual - page 92.
FEAT_KEEN_SENSE 240 Elf racial ability. Elves do not have to actively search to notice that which is hidden. This means that they can continually search without taking movement penalties.
FEAT_KI_CRITICAL 885 Add +2 weapon of choice threat range. Gained: Weapon Master - 7th level. HotU manual - page 36.
FEAT_KI_DAMAGE 882 Once per day maximum damage can be dealt. Gained: Weapon Master - 1st level. HotU manual - page 36.
FEAT_KI_STRIKE 213 When attacking creatures with the damage reduction ability, the character's unarmed attack is treated as a weapon with an enhancement bonus. Gained: Monk - 10th level. Use: Automatic. Bonuses: Equivalent to a +1 enchancement bonus at 10th level, +2 bonus at 13th level, +3 bonus at 16th level. NWN Manual - pg. 62.
FEAT_KNOCKDOWN 23 Prerequisite: None. With this maneuver, a character can attempt to knock an opponent to the ground. An attack roll is made with a -4 penalty to the attack and, if successful, an opposed roll is made, comparing your attack roll with the defender's Discipline skill check. If successful, the target is knocked to a prone position. Use: Selected. Prone characters cannot attack. Refer to NWN Manual - pg. 93 for more info.
FEAT_KNOWLEDGE_DOMAIN_POWER 319 Ability to cast the following spells (and level needed): Identify (1), Knock (2), Clairvoyance/Clairaudience (3), True Seeing (4), Legend Lore (6).
FEAT_LAY_ON_HANDS 299 The holy might of the paladin can be used to heal wounds. Gained: Paladin - 1st level. Use: Selected. Once per day. Bonuses: If the paladin has a positive Charisma modifier, then she can cure a number of hit points equal to her Charisma modifier * paladin level. NWN Manual - pg. 64.
FEAT_LIGHTNING_REFLEXES 24 Prerequisite: None. This feat grants a +2 bonus to all Reflex saving throws, due to faster than normal reflexes. Use: Automatic. NWN Manual - pg. 93.
FEAT_LINGERING_SONG 424 New feat from Shadows of Undrentide expansion. The effects of the bard's songs will last an additional five rounds. SoU Manual — page 26.
FEAT_LLIIRAS_HEART 439 At 4th level, the Harper scout gains a +2 holy bonus to saving throws against mind-affecting spells. This is a supernatural ability. SoU manual - page 18.
FEAT_LOWLIGHTVISION 354 Elf, Half-elf, and Gnome racial ability. Ability to see better than normal in low light situations.
FEAT_LUCK_OF_HEROES 382 New feat from Shadows of Undrentide expansion. Character gains a +1 bonus to all saving throws. SoU Manual — page 26.
FEAT_LUCKY 248 Halfling racial ability. +1 to All saving throws. Halflings seem to have a knack for getting themselves out of trouble that they manage to land themselves in.
FEAT_MAGIC_DOMAIN_POWER 320 Ability to cast the following spells (and level needed): Mage Armor (1), Melf's Acid Arrow (2), Negative Energy Burst (3), Stoneskin (4), Ice Storm (5).
FEAT_MAXIMIZE_SPELL 25 Prerequisite: Ability to cast 3rd-level spells. Magical expertise allows certain spells to be cast with all variable numeric effects (number of targets, damage, etc.) applied at their maximum. Use: Maximized spells occupy spell slots three levels higher than normal. Saving throws and opposed rolls, such as those made when dispel magic is cast, are not affected. NWN Manual - pg. 93.
FEAT_MIGHTY_RAGE 869 Prerequisite: 21st level, Greater Rage, Strength 21+, Constitution 21+. When the character rages, they gain +8 to Strength and Constitution and a +4 morale bonus to Will saves. These bonuses replace the normal rage bonuses. Use: Automatic while in rage. HotU manual - page 58.
FEAT_MOBILITY 26 Prerequisite: DEX 13+, Dodge. A character with this feat has learned to avoid attacks of opportunity more effectively, gaining a +4 dodge bonus to AC against them. Use: Automatic, though a condition that negates a Dexterity bonus to AC also negates any dodge bonuses. Multiple dodge bonuses (from different feats or racial bonuses) are cumulative. NWN Manual - pg. 94.
FEAT_MONK_AC_BONUS 260 Monks add both their wisdom modifier and their dexterity modifier to their armor class. NWN Manual - pg. 61.
FEAT_MONK_ENDURANCE 207 Monks gain the ability to move quickly. Gained: Monk - 3rd level. Use: Automatic. Bonuses: Monks move faster than other classes and this ability improves with experience, as outlined on page 186 of the NWN Manual. NWN Manual - pg. 62 * Manual incorrectly states information is on page 162.
FEAT_MOUNTED_ARCHERY 1088 Prerequisite: Ride 1 rank, Mounted Combat. The attack penalty for using a bow while mounted is reduced from -4 to -2. Use: Automatic.
FEAT_MOUNTED_COMBAT 1087 Prerequisite: Ride 1 rank. While mounted, once per round you will attempt a Ride check to increase your Armor Class by 1 point for every 5 of the check result. Use: Automatic.
FEAT_NATURE_SENSE 198 The druid gains a +2 bonus to all attacks made while fighting in wilderness areas. Gained: Druid - 1st level. Use: Automatic. NWN Manual - pg. 59.
FEAT_OPPORTUNIST 224 Gained: Rogue - 10th and every three levels thereafter (choice). Use: Automatic. Bonuses: The rogue gains a +4 competence bonus to attack rolls when making an attack of opportunity. NWN Manual - pg. 68.
FEAT_PALADIN_SUMMON_MOUNT 1095 Prerequisite: Paladin, Summons to the paladin a faithful, magical beast - a warhorse mount. The beast is more powerful as the paladin gets more powerful. Use: Selected.
FEAT_PARTIAL_SKILL_AFFINITY_LISTEN 244 Half-elf racial ability. +1 to Listen skill. Half-Elves get some of the sharp senses of their elven heritage.
FEAT_PARTIAL_SKILL_AFFINITY_SEARCH 245 Half-elf racial ability. +1 to Search skill. Half-Elves get some of the sharp senses of their elven heritage.
FEAT_PARTIAL_SKILL_AFFINITY_SPOT 246 Half-elf racial ability. +1 to Spot skill. Half-Elves get some of the sharp senses of their elven heritage.
FEAT_PDK_FEAR 1082 Prerequisite: Purple Dragon Knight level 3. Once per day, the Purple Dragon Knight may cast the Fear spell with a caster level equal to his character level. Use: Selected.
FEAT_PDK_INSPIRE_1 1085 Prerequisite: Purple Dragon Knight level 2. Once per day, the Purple Dragon Knight can inspire his troops in combat. All affected creatures gain a +1 bonus to Attack and Damage, and a +2 bonus against mind affecting spells. These bonuses last for 10 rounds. Use: Selected.
FEAT_PDK_INSPIRE_2 1086 Prerequisite: Purple Dragon Knight level 2. Once per day, the Purple Dragon Knight can inspire his troops in combat. All affected creatures gain a +1 bonus to Attack and Damage, and a +2 bonus against mind affecting spells. These bonuses last for 10 rounds. Use: Selected.
FEAT_PDK_RALLY 1080 Prerequisite: Purple Dragon Knight level 1. Three times per day, a Purple Dragon Knight can utter a powerful shout that gives all allies a +1 bonus to attack and a 20% bonus to land speed for one round. Use: Selected.
FEAT_PDK_SHIELD 1081 Prerequisite: Purple Dragon Knight level 1. You may aid an ally, giving them a +4 bonus to their armor class for one round. Use: Selected.
FEAT_PDK_STAND 1084 Prerequisite: Purple Dragon Knight level 5. Specifics: Once per day, the Purple Dragon Knight can inspire his troops to a heroic effort. Each ally in the area gains 2d10 hitpoints. This ability can affect a number of people equal to his Purple Dragon Knight level + Charisma modifier, and lasts for the same number of rounds. Use: Selected.
FEAT_PDK_WRATH 1083 Prerequisite: Purple Dragon Knight level 4. Specifics: Once per day, the Purple Dragon Knight may swear to defeat a single opponent. He gains a +2 bonus to Attack, Damage, Saves, and Skills vs that opponent. This lasts for a number of rounds equal to twice his class level. Use: Selected.
FEAT_PERFECT_SELF 216 So complete is the monk's mastery over his body and spirit that he becomes a supernatural being, able to shrug off ordinary weapons and many spells. Gained: Monk - 20th level. Use: Automatic. Bonuses: Immune to all mind-affecting spells; gains damage reduction 20/+1. NWN Manual - pg. 64.
FEAT_PLANT_DOMAIN_POWER 321 Ability to turn vermin as if they were undead. Ability to cast the following spells (and level needed): Barkskin (2), Creeping Doom (7).
FEAT_PLAYER_TOOL_01 1106 General purpose instant feats builders can use for any purpose they want. When the feat is granted to the player, it will show up in radial menu under the name Player Tool 1, Player Tool 2, etc. These feats can be added to a quickslot.

Each feat fires its own script which by default simple says "Player Tool X activated" in the message window. Builders just override those scripts with custom behavior. The scripts are named x3_pl_tool01, x3_pl_tool02, etc.
FEAT_POINT_BLANK_SHOT 27 Prerequisite: None. Unfazed by close combat, a character with this feat negates the -4 penalty for using missile weapons within melee attack range, and gains an additional +1 to attack and damage with ranged weapons when the target is within 15 feet. Use: Automatic. NWN Manual - pg. 94.
FEAT_POWER_ATTACK 28 Prerequisite: STR 13+. A character with this feat can make powerful but ungainly attacks. When selected, this grants a +5 bonus to the damage roll, but inflicts a -5 penalty to the attack roll. Use: Combat mode. NWN Manual - pg. 94.
FEAT_PRESTIGE_ARROW_OF_DEATH 454 This ability, gained at the 10th level, allows the arcane archer to, once per day, fire an arrow that can instantly kill an opponent. SoU manual - page 14.
FEAT_PRESTIGE_DARK_BLESSING 473 Beginning at 2nd level, the blackguard adds Charisma modifier to saving throws. SoU manual - page 16.
FEAT_PRESTIGE_DARKNESS 469 Prerequisite: Assassin level 5. Starting at 5th level, an Assassin gains the ability to cast Darkness. Use: Selected.
FEAT_PRESTIGE_DEATH_ATTACK_1 455 Prerequisite: Assassin. At 1st level, an Assassin may use a death attack, which functions similarly to a sneak attack in that if the target is not in combat they become victim to the death attack. The successful attack forces the target to make a Fortitude save or become paralyzed. Even if they succeed with the saving throw they still suffer +1d6 points of damage in addition to the normal damage the attack caused. This damage increases to 2d6 at level 3, 3d6 at level 5, 4d6 at level 7, and 5d6 at level 9. Use: Automatic.
FEAT_PRESTIGE_DEFENSIVE_AWARENESS_1 949 Retain your dexterity bonus to AC even when flat-footed. Gained: Dwarven Defender - 1st level. HotU manual - page 27.
FEAT_PRESTIGE_DEFENSIVE_AWARENESS_2 950 Retain your dexterity bonus to AC even when flat-footed. At level 6 you can no longer be flanked. Gained: Dwarven Defender - 6th level. HotU manual - page 27.
FEAT_PRESTIGE_DEFENSIVE_AWARENESS_3 951 Retain your dexterity bonus to AC even when flat-footed. At level 6 you can no longer be flanked. At level 10 you are able to shrug off 6 points of damage Gained: Dwarven Defender - 10th level. HotU manual - page 27.
FEAT_PRESTIGE_ENCHANT_ARROW_1 445 The arcane archer is able to shoot arrows with increased precision and damage. This ability is automatically applied to all arrows fired and increases with experience. +1 at 1st level. SoU manual - page 14.
FEAT_PRESTIGE_ENCHANT_ARROW_2 446 The arcane archer is able to shoot arrows with increased precision and damage. This ability is automatically applied to all arrows fired and increases with experience. +2 at 3rd level. SoU manual - page 14.
FEAT_PRESTIGE_ENCHANT_ARROW_3 447 The arcane archer is able to shoot arrows with increased precision and damage. This ability is automatically applied to all arrows fired and increases with experience. +3 at 5th level. SoU manual - page 14.
FEAT_PRESTIGE_ENCHANT_ARROW_4 448 The arcane archer is able to shoot arrows with increased precision and damage. This ability is automatically applied to all arrows fired and increases with experience. +4 at 7th level. SoU manual - page 14.
FEAT_PRESTIGE_ENCHANT_ARROW_5 449 The arcane archer is able to shoot arrows with increased precision and damage. This ability is automatically applied to all arrows fired and increases with experience. +5 at 9th level. SoU manual - page 14.
FEAT_PRESTIGE_ENCHANT_ARROW_6 1045 The arcane archer is able to shoot arrows with increased precision and damage. This ability is automatically applied to all arrows fired and increases with experience. SoU manual - page 14. For every two levels beyond 9th, the potency of the arrows fired increases by +1. HotU manual - page 22.
FEAT_PRESTIGE_ENCHANT_ARROW_7 1046 The arcane archer is able to shoot arrows with increased precision and damage. This ability is automatically applied to all arrows fired and increases with experience. SoU manual - page 14. For every two levels beyond 9th, the potency of the arrows fired increases by +1. HotU manual - page 22.
FEAT_PRESTIGE_ENCHANT_ARROW_8 1047 The arcane archer is able to shoot arrows with increased precision and damage. This ability is automatically applied to all arrows fired and increases with experience. SoU manual - page 14. For every two levels beyond 9th, the potency of the arrows fired increases by +1. HotU manual - page 22.
FEAT_PRESTIGE_ENCHANT_ARROW_9 1048 The arcane archer is able to shoot arrows with increased precision and damage. This ability is automatically applied to all arrows fired and increases with experience. SoU manual - page 14. For every two levels beyond 9th, the potency of the arrows fired increases by +1. HotU manual - page 22.
FEAT_PRESTIGE_ENCHANT_ARROW_10 1049 The arcane archer is able to shoot arrows with increased precision and damage. This ability is automatically applied to all arrows fired and increases with experience. SoU manual - page 14. For every two levels beyond 9th, the potency of the arrows fired increases by +1. HotU manual - page 22.
FEAT_PRESTIGE_ENCHANT_ARROW_11 1050 The arcane archer is able to shoot arrows with increased precision and damage. This ability is automatically applied to all arrows fired and increases with experience. SoU manual - page 14. For every two levels beyond 9th, the potency of the arrows fired increases by +1. HotU manual - page 22.
FEAT_PRESTIGE_ENCHANT_ARROW_12 1051 The arcane archer is able to shoot arrows with increased precision and damage. This ability is automatically applied to all arrows fired and increases with experience. SoU manual - page 14. For every two levels beyond 9th, the potency of the arrows fired increases by +1. HotU manual - page 22.
FEAT_PRESTIGE_ENCHANT_ARROW_13 1052 The arcane archer is able to shoot arrows with increased precision and damage. This ability is automatically applied to all arrows fired and increases with experience. SoU manual - page 14. For every two levels beyond 9th, the potency of the arrows fired increases by +1. HotU manual - page 22.
FEAT_PRESTIGE_ENCHANT_ARROW_14 1053 The arcane archer is able to shoot arrows with increased precision and damage. This ability is automatically applied to all arrows fired and increases with experience. SoU manual - page 14. For every two levels beyond 9th, the potency of the arrows fired increases by +1. HotU manual - page 22.
FEAT_PRESTIGE_ENCHANT_ARROW_15 1054 The arcane archer is able to shoot arrows with increased precision and damage. This ability is automatically applied to all arrows fired and increases with experience. SoU manual - page 14. For every two levels beyond 9th, the potency of the arrows fired increases by +1. HotU manual - page 22.
FEAT_PRESTIGE_ENCHANT_ARROW_16 1055 The arcane archer is able to shoot arrows with increased precision and damage. This ability is automatically applied to all arrows fired and increases with experience. SoU manual - page 14. For every two levels beyond 9th, the potency of the arrows fired increases by +1. HotU manual - page 22.
FEAT_PRESTIGE_ENCHANT_ARROW_17 1056 The arcane archer is able to shoot arrows with increased precision and damage. This ability is automatically applied to all arrows fired and increases with experience. SoU manual - page 14. For every two levels beyond 9th, the potency of the arrows fired increases by +1. HotU manual - page 22.
FEAT_PRESTIGE_ENCHANT_ARROW_18 1057 The arcane archer is able to shoot arrows with increased precision and damage. This ability is automatically applied to all arrows fired and increases with experience. SoU manual - page 14. For every two levels beyond 9th, the potency of the arrows fired increases by +1. HotU manual - page 22.
FEAT_PRESTIGE_ENCHANT_ARROW_19 1058 The arcane archer is able to shoot arrows with increased precision and damage. This ability is automatically applied to all arrows fired and increases with experience. SoU manual - page 14. For every two levels beyond 9th, the potency of the arrows fired increases by +1. HotU manual - page 22.
FEAT_PRESTIGE_ENCHANT_ARROW_20 1059 The arcane archer is able to shoot arrows with increased precision and damage. This ability is automatically applied to all arrows fired and increases with experience. SoU manual - page 14. For every two levels beyond 9th, the potency of the arrows fired increases by +1. HotU manual - page 22.
FEAT_PRESTIGE_HAIL_OF_ARROWS 453 At 8th level and beyond, the arcane archer is able to fire an arrow at each and every target within range. SoU manual - page 14.
FEAT_PRESTIGE_IMBUE_ARROW 450 Beginning at 2nd level, the arcane archer is able to shoot a fireball arrow three times a day. SoU manual - page 14.
FEAT_PRESTIGE_INVISIBILITY_1 470 Prerequisite: Assassin level 7. Starting at 7th level, an Assassin gains the ability to cast Invisibility. Use: Selected.
FEAT_PRESTIGE_INVISIBILITY_2 471 Prerequisite: Assassin level 9. Starting at 9th level, an Assassin gains the ability to cast Improved Invisibility. Use: Selected.
FEAT_PRESTIGE_POISON_SAVE_1 463 Assasins gain an additional +1 for every two levels after 10th on the assassin's saving throws against poison. HoU manual - page 23.
FEAT_PRESTIGE_POISON_SAVE_2 464 Assasins gain an additional +1 for every two levels after 10th on the assassin's saving throws against poison. HoU manual - page 23.
FEAT_PRESTIGE_POISON_SAVE_3 465 Assasins gain an additional +1 for every two levels after 10th on the assassin's saving throws against poison. HoU manual - page 23.
FEAT_PRESTIGE_POISON_SAVE_4 466 Assasins gain an additional +1 for every two levels after 10th on the assassin's saving throws against poison. HoU manual - page 23.
FEAT_PRESTIGE_POISON_SAVE_5 467 Assasins gain an additional +1 for every two levels after 10th on the assassin's saving throws against poison. HoU manual - page 23.
FEAT_PRESTIGE_POISON_SAVE_EPIC 1070 Prerequisite: Epic Assassin. The Assassins natural saving throw bonus to all poisons continues to increase by +1 for each two levels after 10th. Use: Automatic.
FEAT_PRESTIGE_SEEKER_ARROW_1 451 At 4th level the arcane archer can fire one arrow per day that cannot miss. SoU manual - page 14.
FEAT_PRESTIGE_SEEKER_ARROW_2 452 At 6th level the arcane archer can fire two arrows per day that cannot miss. SoU manual - page 14.
FEAT_PRESTIGE_SPELL_GHOSTLY_VISAGE 468 Prerequisite: Assassin level 2. Specifics: Starting at 2nd level, an Assassin gains the ability to cast Ghostly Visage. Use: Selected.
FEAT_PROTECTION_DOMAIN_POWER 308 Ability to cast modified type of Sanctuary spell. Spell DC set at 10 + charisma bonus + clerical level. Duration is 1 round per caster level + charisma bonus. Ability to cast following spells (and level needed): Minor Globe of Invulnerability (4), Energy Buffer (5).
FEAT_PURITY_OF_BODY 209 Monks are immune to common diseases. Gained: Monk - 5th level. Use: Automatic. Bonuses: Immune to diseases. NWN Manual - pg. 62.
FEAT_QUICK_TO_MASTER 258 Human racial ability. 1 extra feat gained at 1st level.
FEAT_QUICKEN_SPELL 29 Prerequisite: Ability to cast 4th-level spells. Magical expertise allows spells to be cast instantaneously, making them invulnerable to counterspells or interruption. A quickened spell is cast as a free action, and another action can be attempted within the same round, including the casting of another spell. Only one quickened spell can be cast in a round, however. Use: Quickened spells occupy spell slots four levels higher than normal. NWN Manual - pg. 95.
FEAT_QUIVERING_PALM 296 Harnessing his ki, the monk is able to deliver quick death with an unarmed strike. Gained: Monk - 15th level. Use: Selected. Once per day. Bonuses: If the attack succeeds and does damage, the target must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 the monk's level + the monk's Wisdom modifier). Failure results in the target's immediate death. NWN Manual - pg. 63.
FEAT_RAPID_RELOAD 411 New feat from Shadows of Undrentide expansion. The character is able to reload so quickly that he gets the same number of attacks with any crossbow as he would get if he was using a normal bow. SoU Manual — page 27.
FEAT_RAPID_SHOT 30 Prerequisite: DEX 13+, Point Blank Shot. A character with this feat is quick with ranged weapons, gaining an extra attack per round while using them. When a rapid attack round is attempted, the extra attack is made at the highest base attack bonus, though all attacks wihin the round suffer a -2 penalty. NWN Manual - pg. 95.
FEAT_REMOVE_DISEASE 302 Her access to the divine allows the paladin to remove disease from herself or her companions. Gained: Paladin - 3rd level. Use: Selected. Once per day. Bonuses: Remove disease, as the spell. NWN Manual - pg. 65.
FEAT_RESIST_DISEASE 426 New feat from Shadows of Undrentide expansion. Character gains a +4 bonus to Fortitude saving throws to resist the effects of disease. SoU Manual — page 27.
FEAT_RESIST_ENERGY_ACID 428 New feat from Shadows of Undrentide expansion. Character gains +5 resistance against the chosen type of energy (the first five points of damage of this type of energy is ignored). SoU Manual — page 27.
FEAT_RESIST_ENERGY_COLD 427 New feat from Shadows of Undrentide expansion. Character gains +5 resistance against the chosen type of energy (the first five points of damage of this type of energy is ignored). SoU Manual — page 27.
FEAT_RESIST_ENERGY_ELECTRICAL 430 New feat from Shadows of Undrentide expansion. Character gains +5 resistance against the chosen type of energy (the first five points of damage of this type of energy is ignored). SoU Manual — page 27.
FEAT_RESIST_ENERGY_FIRE 429 New feat from Shadows of Undrentide expansion. Character gains +5 resistance against the chosen type of energy (the first five points of damage of this type of energy is ignored). SoU Manual — page 27.
FEAT_RESIST_ENERGY_SONIC 431 New feat from Shadows of Undrentide expansion. Character gains +5 resistance against the chosen type of energy (the first five points of damage of this type of energy is ignored). SoU Manual — page 27.
FEAT_RESIST_NATURES_LURE 202 Due to their inherent understanding of nature, druids can avoid the most common dangers that the natural world presents. Gained: Druid - 4th level. Use: Automatic. Bonuses: Grants a +2 insight bonus to saving throws against all fear spells and effects. NWN Manual - pg. 60.
FEAT_RESIST_POISON 383 New feat from Shadows of Undrentide expansion. Character gains a +4 bonus to Fortitude saving throws against poison. SoU Manual — page 27.
FEAT_SACRED_DEFENSE_1 904 Champions of Torm gain +1 to all saving throws, this increases by an additional +1 every 2 levels. HotU manual - page 25.
FEAT_SACRED_DEFENSE_2 905 Champions of Torm gain +1 to all saving throws, this increases by an additional +1 every 2 levels. HotU manual - page 25.
FEAT_SACRED_DEFENSE_3 906 Champions of Torm gain +1 to all saving throws, this increases by an additional +1 every 2 levels. HotU manual - page 25.
FEAT_SACRED_DEFENSE_4 907 Champions of Torm gain +1 to all saving throws, this increases by an additional +1 every 2 levels. HotU manual - page 25.
FEAT_SACRED_DEFENSE_5 908 Champions of Torm gain +1 to all saving throws, this increases by an additional +1 every 2 levels. HotU manual - page 25.
FEAT_SAP 31 Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +1, Called Shot. A character with this feat is able to attack with a -4 penalty. A successful hit deals normal damage at which point the target gets to make a Discipline check against a DC = the attacker's modified attack roll. If the opponent's roll fails, he or she is dazed for 12 seconds. Sap can only work on creatures of large-size or smaller. Use: Selected. NWN Manual - pg. 95.
FEAT_SCRIBE_SCROLL 945 Prerequisite: Spellcaster level 1+ You can create a scroll of any spell that you know. Scribing a scroll costs a small amount of XP and gold, depending on the level of the spell to scribe. Epic spells, spells granted by feats or special abilities cannot be used to scribe a scroll. Use: Cast spell on blank scroll. HotU manual - page 48.
FEAT_SHADOW_DAZE 434 Once per day, the shadowdancer may inflict an illusory daze upon a target. This daze lasts for five rounds. Gained at level three. SoU manual - page 19.
FEAT_SHADOW_EVADE 436 Three times per day, the sadowdancer can call upon the shadows in the area to help conceal her. The shadowdancer gains a concealment bonus, damage reduction and an AC bonus that imroves with experience. SoU manual - page 19. Gains an additional +2 to its damage reduction amount and an additional +1 to its ability to resist magical weapoins for every five levels. HotU Manual - page 35.
FEAT_SHIELD_PROFICIENCY 32 Prerequisite: None. A character with this feat has the basic knowledge of how to effectively use a shield. Use: All classes except monks, rogues, sorcerers, and wizards have this feat for free. NWN Manual - pg. 96.
FEAT_SHOU_DISCIPLE_DODGE_2 489 NOTE: This feat is not defined (all *s) in the feats.2da file.
FEAT_SHOU_DISCIPLE_DODGE_3 1031 NOTE: This feat is not defined (all *s) in the feats.2da file.
FEAT_SHOU_DISCIPLE_MARTIAL_FLURRY_ANY 899 NOTE: This feat is not defined (all *s) in the feats.2da file.
FEAT_SHOU_DISCIPLE_MARTIAL_FLURRY_LIGHT 866 NOTE: This feat is not defined (all *s) in the feats.2da file.
FEAT_SILENCE_SPELL 33 Prerequisite: Ability to cast 1st-level spells. Magical experise allows the casting of certain spells without using a verbal component. Use: Silenced spells occupy spell slots one level higher than normal. NWN Manual - pg. 96.
FEAT_SILVER_PALM 384 New feat from Shadows of Undrentide expansion. Character gains a +2 bonus to Appraise and Persuade checks. SoU Manual — page 27.
FEAT_SKILL_AFFINITY_CONCENTRATION 243 Gnome racial ability. +2 to Concentration skill. Gnomes are very focused when given a target to study.
FEAT_SKILL_AFFINITY_LISTEN 237 Elf, Halfling, and Gnome racial ability. +2 to Listen skill. These races are especially sharp of hearing.
FEAT_SKILL_AFFINITY_LORE 234 Dwarven racial ability. +2 to Lore skill. Dwarves have an eye for the valuable.
FEAT_SKILL_AFFINITY_MOVE_SILENTLY 247 Halfling racial ability. +2 to Move Silently skill. Halflings are adept at moving silently as they practice it for fun almost their first steps.
FEAT_SKILL_AFFINITY_SEARCH 238 Elf racial ability. +2 to Search skill. Elves have an affinity for recognizing that which is hidden or elusive to the eye.
FEAT_SKILL_AFFINITY_SPOT 239 Elf racial ability. +2 to Spot skill. Elves are especially sharp sighted.
FEAT_SKILL_FOCUS_ANIMAL_EMPATHY 34 Prerequisite: Able to use the skill. A character with this feat is adept at the specific skill, gaining a +3 bonus on all checks with it. Use: Automatic. This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a different skill in each case.
FEAT_SKILL_FOCUS_BLUFF 915 Prerequisite: Able to use the skill. A character with this feat is adept at the specific skill, gaining a +3 bonus on all checks with it. Use: Automatic. This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a different skill in each case.
FEAT_SKILL_FOCUS_CONCENTRATION 173 Prerequisite: Able to use the skill. A character with this feat is adept at the specific skill, gaining a +3 bonus on all checks with it. Use: Automatic. This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a different skill in each case.
FEAT_SKILL_FOCUS_CRAFT_ARMOR 911 Prerequisite: Able to use the skill. A character with this feat is adept at the specific skill, gaining a +3 bonus on all checks with it. Use: Automatic. This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a different skill in each case.
FEAT_SKILL_FOCUS_CRAFT_TRAP 407 Prerequisite: Able to use the skill. A character with this feat is adept at the specific skill, gaining a +3 bonus on all checks with it. Use: Automatic. This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a different skill in each case.
FEAT_SKILL_FOCUS_CRAFT_WEAPON 912 Prerequisite: Able to use the skill. A character with this feat is adept at the specific skill, gaining a +3 bonus on all checks with it. Use: Automatic. This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a different skill in each case.
FEAT_SKILL_FOCUS_DISABLE_TRAP 174 Prerequisite: Able to use the skill. A character with this feat is adept at the specific skill, gaining a +3 bonus on all checks with it. Use: Automatic. This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a different skill in each case.
FEAT_SKILL_FOCUS_DISCIPLINE 175 Prerequisite: Able to use the skill. A character with this feat is adept at the specific skill, gaining a +3 bonus on all checks with it. Use: Automatic. This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a different skill in each case.
FEAT_SKILL_FOCUS_HEAL 177 Prerequisite: Able to use the skill. A character with this feat is adept at the specific skill, gaining a +3 bonus on all checks with it. Use: Automatic. This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a different skill in each case.
FEAT_SKILL_FOCUS_HIDE 178 Prerequisite: Able to use the skill. A character with this feat is adept at the specific skill, gaining a +3 bonus on all checks with it. Use: Automatic. This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a different skill in each case.
FEAT_SKILL_FOCUS_INTIMIDATE 916 Prerequisite: Able to use the skill. A character with this feat is adept at the specific skill, gaining a +3 bonus on all checks with it. Use: Automatic. This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a different skill in each case.
FEAT_SKILL_FOCUS_LISTEN 179 Prerequisite: Able to use the skill. A character with this feat is adept at the specific skill, gaining a +3 bonus on all checks with it. Use: Automatic. This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a different skill in each case.
FEAT_SKILL_FOCUS_LORE 180 Prerequisite: Able to use the skill. A character with this feat is adept at the specific skill, gaining a +3 bonus on all checks with it. Use: Automatic. This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a different skill in each case.
FEAT_SKILL_FOCUS_MOVE_SILENTLY 181 Prerequisite: Able to use the skill. A character with this feat is adept at the specific skill, gaining a +3 bonus on all checks with it. Use: Automatic. This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a different skill in each case.
FEAT_SKILL_FOCUS_OPEN_LOCK 182 Prerequisite: Able to use the skill. A character with this feat is adept at the specific skill, gaining a +3 bonus on all checks with it. Use: Automatic. This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a different skill in each case.
FEAT_SKILL_FOCUS_PARRY 183 Prerequisite: Able to use the skill. A character with this feat is adept at the specific skill, gaining a +3 bonus on all checks with it. Use: Automatic. This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a different skill in each case.
FEAT_SKILL_FOCUS_PERFORM 184 Prerequisite: Able to use the skill. A character with this feat is adept at the specific skill, gaining a +3 bonus on all checks with it. Use: Automatic. This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a different skill in each case.
FEAT_SKILL_FOCUS_PERSUADE 185 Prerequisite: Able to use the skill. A character with this feat is adept at the specific skill, gaining a +3 bonus on all checks with it. Use: Automatic. This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a different skill in each case.
FEAT_SKILL_FOCUS_PICK_POCKET 186 Prerequisite: Able to use the skill. A character with this feat is adept at the specific skill, gaining a +3 bonus on all checks with it. Use: Automatic. This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a different skill in each case.
FEAT_SKILL_FOCUS_SEARCH 187 Prerequisite: Able to use the skill. A character with this feat is adept at the specific skill, gaining a +3 bonus on all checks with it. Use: Automatic. This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a different skill in each case.
FEAT_SKILL_FOCUS_SET_TRAP 188 Prerequisite: Able to use the skill. A character with this feat is adept at the specific skill, gaining a +3 bonus on all checks with it. Use: Automatic. This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a different skill in each case.
FEAT_SKILL_FOCUS_SPELLCRAFT 189 Prerequisite: Able to use the skill. A character with this feat is adept at the specific skill, gaining a +3 bonus on all checks with it. Use: Automatic. This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a different skill in each case.
FEAT_SKILL_FOCUS_SPOT 190 Prerequisite: Able to use the skill. A character with this feat is adept at the specific skill, gaining a +3 bonus on all checks with it. Use: Automatic. This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a different skill in each case.
FEAT_SKILL_FOCUS_TAUNT 192 Prerequisite: Able to use the skill. A character with this feat is adept at the specific skill, gaining a +3 bonus on all checks with it. Use: Automatic. This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a different skill in each case.
FEAT_SKILL_FOCUS_TUMBLE 406 Prerequisite: Able to use the skill. A character with this feat is adept at the specific skill, gaining a +3 bonus on all checks with it. Use: Automatic. This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a different skill in each case.
FEAT_SKILL_FOCUS_USE_MAGIC_DEVICE 193 Prerequisite: Able to use the skill. A character with this feat is adept at the specific skill, gaining a +3 bonus on all checks with it. Use: Automatic. This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a different skill in each case.
FEAT_SKILL_MASTERY 225 Gained: Rogue - 10th and every three levels thereafter (choice). Use: Automatic. Bonuses: The rogue can take 20 whenever using the Disable Trap, Open Lock, or Set Traps skills, even if in combat. NWN Manual - pg. 68.
FEAT_SKILLFOCUS_APPRAISE 404 Prerequisite: Able to use the skill. A character with this feat is adept at the specific skill, gaining a +3 bonus on all checks with it. Use: Automatic. This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a different skill in each case. I have not misspelled the feat name, Bioware has!
FEAT_SLIPPERY_MIND 259 Gained: Rogue - 10th and every three levels thereafter (choice). Use: Automatic. Bonuses: If the rogue fails his save against a mind-affecting spell, he makes an automatic reroll. NWN Manual - pg. 68.
FEAT_SMITE_EVIL 301 Gathering the might of his patron deity, the paladin can unleash a holy attack that devastates evil enemies. Gained: Paladin - 2nd level. Use: Selected. Once per day. Bonuses: The paladin applies her Charisma bonus (if positive) to her next melee attack roll, and adds a damage bonus equal to her paladin level. If the target of this attack is not evil, Smite Evil has no effect and is wasted. NWN Manual - pg. 65.
FEAT_SMITE_GOOD 472 Prerequisite: Blackguard level 2. Once a day, a Blackguard of 2nd level or higher may attempt to smite a good aligned enemy with one normal melee attack. The Blackguard adds their Charisma bonus to the attack roll and adds 1 extra point of damage per class level. Use: Selected. 1/day.
FEAT_SNAKEBLOOD 386 New feat from Shadows of Undrentide expansion. Character gains a +2 bonus to Fortitude saving throws against poison and a +1 reflex saving throw bonus to all saves. SoU Manual — page 27
FEAT_SNEAK_ATTACK 221 Rogues study the weaknesses of their opponents, and are capable of capitalizing on this knowledge with thei deadly sneak attacks. Gained: Rogue - 1st level. Use: Automatic. Bonuses: Refer to NWN Manual - pg. 67 for additional information.
FEAT_SPELL_FOCUS_ABJURATION 35 Prerequisite: Ability to cast 1st-level spells. A character with this feat is adept in a certain school of magic, granting a +2 bonus to spell save DC for all spells that the character casts from that school. This makes it more difficult for enemies to resist the effects of spells of this school when the caster casts them. Use: Automatic. This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a different school of magic in each case. NWN Manual - pg. 96.
FEAT_SPELL_FOCUS_CONJURATION 166 Prerequisite: Ability to cast 1st-level spells. A character with this feat is adept in a certain school of magic, granting a +2 bonus to spell save DC for all spells that the character casts from that school. This makes it more difficult for enemies to resist the effects of spells of this school when the caster casts them. Use: Automatic. This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a different school of magic in each case. NWN Manual - pg. 96.
FEAT_SPELL_FOCUS_DIVINATION 167 Prerequisite: Ability to cast 1st-level spells. A character with this feat is adept in a certain school of magic, granting a +2 bonus to spell save DC for all spells that the character casts from that school. This makes it more difficult for enemies to resist the effects of spells of this school when the caster casts them. Use: Automatic. This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a different school of magic in each case. NWN Manual - pg. 96.
FEAT_SPELL_FOCUS_ENCHANTMENT 168 Prerequisite: Ability to cast 1st-level spells. A character with this feat is adept in a certain school of magic, granting a +2 bonus to spell save DC for all spells that the character casts from that school. This makes it more difficult for enemies to resist the effects of spells of this school when the caster casts them. Use: Automatic. This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a different school of magic in each case. NWN Manual - pg. 96.
FEAT_SPELL_FOCUS_EVOCATION 169 Prerequisite: Ability to cast 1st-level spells. A character with this feat is adept in a certain school of magic, granting a +2 bonus to spell save DC for all spells that the character casts from that school. This makes it more difficult for enemies to resist the effects of spells of this school when the caster casts them. Use: Automatic. This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a different school of magic in each case. NWN Manual - pg. 96.
FEAT_SPELL_FOCUS_ILLUSION 170 Prerequisite: Ability to cast 1st-level spells. A character with this feat is adept in a certain school of magic, granting a +2 bonus to spell save DC for all spells that the character casts from that school. This makes it more difficult for enemies to resist the effects of spells of this school when the caster casts them. Use: Automatic. This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a different school of magic in each case. Gnome racial ability. NWN Manual - pg. 96.
FEAT_SPELL_FOCUS_NECROMANCY 171 Prerequisite: Ability to cast 1st-level spells. A character with this feat is adept in a certain school of magic, granting a +2 bonus to spell save DC for all spells that the character casts from that school. This makes it more difficult for enemies to resist the effects of spells of this school when the caster casts them. Use: Automatic. This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a different school of magic in each case. NWN Manual - pg. 96.
FEAT_SPELL_FOCUS_TRANSMUTATION 172 Prerequisite: Ability to cast 1st-level spells. A character with this feat is adept in a certain school of magic, granting a +2 bonus to spell save DC for all spells that the character casts from that school. This makes it more difficult for enemies to resist the effects of spells of this school when the caster casts them. Use: Automatic. This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a different school of magic in each case. NWN Manual - pg. 96.
FEAT_SPELL_PENETRATION 36 Prerequisite: Ability to cast 1st-level spells. A character with this feat can use magic to better pierce the defenses of his opponents, gaining a +2 bonus to caster level checks to beat a creature's spell resistance. Use: Automatic. NWN Manual - pg. 97.
FEAT_SPRING_ATTACK 392 New feat from Shadows of Undrentide expansion. Enemies do not get attacks of opportunity against the character when the character is moving around in combat. SoU Manual — page 28.
FEAT_STEALTHY 387 New feat from Shadows of Undrentide expansion. Character gains a +2 bonus to Hide and MoveSilently checks. SoU Manual — page 28.
FEAT_STILL_MIND 208 UNKNPrerequisite: Monk level 3. The monk gains a +2 competence bonus on saving throws against mind-affecting spells. Use: Automatic.OWN
FEAT_STILL_SPELL 37 Prerequisite: Ability to cast 1st-level spells. Magical expertise allows certain spells to be cast without gestures, ignoring their somatic component. Any penalties incurred from casting in armor do not apply to a spell that has been prepared by this feat. Use: Stilled spells occupy spell slots one level higher than normal. NWN Manual - pg. 97.
FEAT_STONECUNNING 227 Dwarven racial ability. +2 to Search Skill in subterranean areas. Dwarves are particularly aware of their surroundings while beneath the surface of the earth.
FEAT_STRENGTH_DOMAIN_POWER 307 Ability to activate "Divine Strength" giving the PC a bonus to strength of 2 + 1 for every 3 class levels. It has a duration of 5 + charisma bonus. Ability to cast following spells (and level needed): Divine Power (3), Stoneskin (5).
FEAT_STRONGSOUL 388 New feat from Shadows of Undrentide expansion. Character gains a +1 bonus to Fortitude and Will saving throws, as well as +1 bonus to anuy saving throw versus Death magic. SoU Manual — page 28.
FEAT_STUNNING_FIST 39 Prerequisite: DEX 13+, WIS 13+, Sap, Base attack bonus +8 or higher, Improved Unarmed Strike. A character with this feat can attempt a disabling strike with a -4 attack penalty and a -4 damage penalty. If successful they have hit a vulnerable spot, and the target must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 the attacker's level + the attacker's Wisdom modifier) or be held for three rounds. Refer to NWN Manual - pg. 97 for additional info.
FEAT_SUMMON_FAMILIAR 303 Gained: Sorcerer/Wizard - 1st level. Use: Selected. Once per day. Bonuses: Able to summon a small creature to assist in combat or scouting. If the familiar dies, the caster loses 1d6 hit points, but the familiar will be available to summon again the next day. NWN Manual - pg. 69.
FEAT_SUMMON_GREATER_UNDEAD 895 Can summon a very powerful undead creature, once per day. Gained: Pale Master - level 9. HotU manual - page 30.
FEAT_SUMMON_SHADOW 435 Once per day, the shadow dancer can summon a shadow. This shadow is extremely difficult to turn and becomes more powerful as the shadowdancer gains levels. Gained at level 3. SoU manual - page 19. The shadow will gain an additional +2 Hit Dice for every three levels after 9th that the shadowdancer earns. HotU manual - page 35.
FEAT_SUMMON_UNDEAD 890 Can summon more powerful undead creature. Gained: Pale Master - level 4. HotU manual - page 29.
FEAT_SUN_DOMAIN_POWER 322 Add 1d6 to all undead turning checks to determine maximum HD of undead turned. Adds 1d4 to number of undead turned. Ability to cast the following spells (and level needed): Searing Light (2), Sunbeam (7).
FEAT_SUPERIOR_WEAPON_FOCUS 884 Weapon Masters gain at level 5. An additional +1 is granted to all attack rolls made while wielding the weapon of choice. HotU manual - page 36.
FEAT_THUG 402 New feat from Shadows of Undrentide expansion. Character gains a +2 bonus on Initiative checks and a +2 bonus on Persuade checks. SoU Manual — page 28.
FEAT_TOUGH_AS_BONE 894 Immune to hold, paralyze, and stun. Gained: Pale Master - level 7. HotU manual - page 29.
FEAT_TOUGHNESS 40 Prerequisite: None. A character with this feat is tougher than normal, gaining one bonus hit point per level. Hit points are gained retroactively when choosing this feat. Use: Automatic. NWN Manual - pg. 98.
FEAT_TRACKLESS_STEP 201 Druid or Ranger moves stealthily through wilderness area. Gained: Druid - 3rd level, Ranger - 1st level. Use: Automatic. Bonuses: Grants a +4 competence bonus to Hide and Move Silently checks when in wilderness areas. NWN Manual - pg. 59.
FEAT_TRAVEL_DOMAIN_POWER 323 Ability to cast the following spells (and level needed): Entangle (1), Web (2), Freedom of Movement (3), Slow (4), Haste (5).
FEAT_TRICKERY_DOMAIN_POWER 324 Ability to activate "Divine Trickery" which affects the following skills: Hide, Persuade, Search, Disable Trap, Move Silently, Open Locks, and Pick Pockets. It adds a bonus of 1 per 2 class levels. Duration is 5 + charisma bonus. Ability to cast the following spells (and level needed): Invisibility (2), Invisibility Sphere (3), Improved Invisibility (5).
FEAT_TURN_UNDEAD 294 With this ability, the character can cause undead to flee. Gained: Cleric - 1st level, Paladin - 3rd level. Use: Selected. Can be used three times per day, plus the character's Charisma modifier. Bonuses: The character's level and Charisma are used to determine how many HD of undead are turned. If the PC has twice as many levels as the undead have HD, the undead are instantly destroyed. NWN Manual - pg. 59.
FEAT_TWO_WEAPON_FIGHTING 41 Prerequisite: None. A character with this feat reduces the penalties suffered when using a weapon in each hand. The normal penalty of -6 to the primary hand and -10 to off-hand becomes -4 for the primary hand and -8 for the off-hand. Use: The ambidexterity feat further reduces the attack penalty for the second weapon by 4 (-4/-4). Best results are achieved if the off-hand weapon is light, further reducing the penalty for both the primary and off-hand by 2 (-2/-2). Rangers receive this feat for free at 1st level. NWN Manual - pg. 98.
FEAT_TYMORAS_SMILE 438 At 3rd level, once per day, the Harper scout or a target receives a +2 saving throw bonus on all saving throws for 5 turns. This is a supernatural ability. SoU manual - page 18.
FEAT_UNCANNY_DODGE_1 195 Rogues are quick on their feet and can react more quickly to danger than others. This ability improves as the rogue gains levels. At level 3, you retain your Dexterity bonus to AC, even if you are caught flat-footed. NWN manual - page 68.
FEAT_UNCANNY_DODGE_2 251 Rogues are quick on their feet and can react more quickly to danger than others. This ability improves as the rogue gains levels. At level 6, you gain +1 to Reflex saves made to avoid traps. NWN manual - page 68.
FEAT_UNCANNY_DODGE_3 252 Rogues are quick on their feet and can react more quickly to danger than others. This ability improves as the rogue gains levels. At level 11, you gain +2 to Reflex saves made to avoid traps. NWN manual - page 68.
FEAT_UNCANNY_DODGE_4 253 Rogues are quick on their feet and can react more quickly to danger than others. This ability improves as the rogue gains levels. At level 14, you gain +3 to Reflex saves made to avoid traps. NWN manual - page 68.
FEAT_UNCANNY_DODGE_5 254 Rogues are quick on their feet and can react more quickly to danger than others. This ability improves as the rogue gains levels. At level 17, you gain +4 to Reflex saves made to avoid traps. NWN manual - page 68.
FEAT_UNCANNY_DODGE_6 255 Rogues are quick on their feet and can react more quickly to danger than others. This ability improves as the rogue gains levels. At level 20, you gain +5 to Reflex saves made to avoid traps. NWN manual - page 68.
FEAT_UNCANNY_REFLEX 226 Cannot be caught flat footed for any reason.
FEAT_UNDEAD_GRAFT_1 892 Replaces arm with an undead version that twice per day can paralyze opponents. Gained: Pale Master - level 6. HotU manual - page 29.
FEAT_UNDEAD_GRAFT_2 893 Replaces arm with an undead version that three times per day can paralyze opponents. Gained: Pale Master - level 8. HotU manual - page 29.
FEAT_USE_POISON 960 Prerequisite: Assassin level 1 or Blackguard level 1. The character is trained in the use of poison and never has to make a dexterity check when applying poison to a blade. Use: Automatic.
FEAT_VENOM_IMMUNITY 203 Druids are eventually able to resist the effects of most poisons. Gained: Druid - 9th level. Use: Automatic. Bonuses: Immune to poison. NWN Manual - pg. 60.
FEAT_WAR_DOMAIN_POWER 306 Ability to activate "Battle Master" which gives a bonus to: Constitution, Dexterity, Attack Rolls, and Damage. This bonus is 1 + 1 for every 5 class levels. Damage Reduction of the same amount is also granted. The duration for this effect is 5 round + the charisma bonus. Ability to cast the following spells (and level needed): Cat's Grace (2), Aura of Vitality (7).
FEAT_WATER_DOMAIN_POWER 325 Ability to turn elementals as if they were undead. Ability to cast the following spells (and level needed): Poison (3), Ice Storm (5).
FEAT_WEAPON_FINESSE 42 Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +1 or higher. A character with this feat isa dept at using light weapons subtly and effectively, allowing him to calculate attack rolls with their Dexterity modifier bonus instead of their Strength bonus (if Dexterity is higher than Strength). Use: Automatic when using any of the following weapons: dagger, handaxe, kama, kukri, light crossbow, light hammer, mace, rapier, short sword, shuriken, sickle, sling, throwing axe, and unarmed strike. NWN Manual - pg. 98.
FEAT_WEAPON_FOCUS_BASTARD_SWORD 123 Prerequisite: Proficiency with the chosen weapon type, Base attack bonus of +1 or higher. A character with this feat is particularly skilled with a specific weapon, gaining a +1 attack bonus with them. Use: Automatic. This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a new weapon in each case. NWN Manual - pg. 99.
FEAT_WEAPON_FOCUS_BATTLE_AXE 110 Prerequisite: Proficiency with the chosen weapon type, Base attack bonus of +1 or higher. A character with this feat is particularly skilled with a specific weapon, gaining a +1 attack bonus with them. Use: Automatic. This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a new weapon in each case. NWN Manual - pg. 99.
FEAT_WEAPON_FOCUS_CLUB 43 Prerequisite: Proficiency with the chosen weapon type, Base attack bonus of +1 or higher. A character with this feat is particularly skilled with a specific weapon, gaining a +1 attack bonus with them. Use: Automatic. This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a new weapon in each case. NWN Manual - pg. 99.
FEAT_WEAPON_FOCUS_CREATURE 291 Prerequisite: Proficiency with the chosen weapon type, Base attack bonus of +1 or higher. A character with this feat is particularly skilled with a specific weapon, gaining a +1 attack bonus with them. Use: Automatic. This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a new weapon in each case. NWN Manual - pg. 99.
FEAT_WEAPON_FOCUS_DAGGER 90 Prerequisite: Proficiency with the chosen weapon type, Base attack bonus of +1 or higher. A character with this feat is particularly skilled with a specific weapon, gaining a +1 attack bonus with them. Use: Automatic. This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a new weapon in each case. NWN Manual - pg. 99.
FEAT_WEAPON_FOCUS_DART 91 Prerequisite: Proficiency with the chosen weapon type, Base attack bonus of +1 or higher. A character with this feat is particularly skilled with a specific weapon, gaining a +1 attack bonus with them. Use: Automatic. This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a new weapon in each case. NWN Manual - pg. 99.
FEAT_WEAPON_FOCUS_DIRE_MACE 125 Prerequisite: Proficiency with the chosen weapon type, Base attack bonus of +1 or higher. A character with this feat is particularly skilled with a specific weapon, gaining a +1 attack bonus with them. Use: Automatic. This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a new weapon in each case. NWN Manual - pg. 99.
FEAT_WEAPON_FOCUS_DOUBLE_AXE 126 Prerequisite: Proficiency with the chosen weapon type, Base attack bonus of +1 or higher. A character with this feat is particularly skilled with a specific weapon, gaining a +1 attack bonus with them. Use: Automatic. This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a new weapon in each case. NWN Manual - pg. 99.
FEAT_WEAPON_FOCUS_DWAXE 952 Prerequisite: Proficiency with the chosen weapon type, Base attack bonus of +1 or higher. A character with this feat is particularly skilled with a specific weapon, gaining a +1 attack bonus with them. Use: Automatic. This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a new weapon in each case. NWN Manual - pg. 99.
FEAT_WEAPON_FOCUS_GREAT_AXE 111 Prerequisite: Proficiency with the chosen weapon type, Base attack bonus of +1 or higher. A character with this feat is particularly skilled with a specific weapon, gaining a +1 attack bonus with them. Use: Automatic. This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a new weapon in each case. NWN Manual - pg. 99.
FEAT_WEAPON_FOCUS_GREAT_SWORD 107 Prerequisite: Proficiency with the chosen weapon type, Base attack bonus of +1 or higher. A character with this feat is particularly skilled with a specific weapon, gaining a +1 attack bonus with them. Use: Automatic. This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a new weapon in each case. NWN Manual - pg. 99.
FEAT_WEAPON_FOCUS_HALBERD 112 Prerequisite: Proficiency with the chosen weapon type, Base attack bonus of +1 or higher. A character with this feat is particularly skilled with a specific weapon, gaining a +1 attack bonus with them. Use: Automatic. This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a new weapon in each case. NWN Manual - pg. 99.
FEAT_WEAPON_FOCUS_HAND_AXE 108 Prerequisite: Proficiency with the chosen weapon type, Base attack bonus of +1 or higher. A character with this feat is particularly skilled with a specific weapon, gaining a +1 attack bonus with them. Use: Automatic. This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a new weapon in each case. NWN Manual - pg. 99.
FEAT_WEAPON_FOCUS_HEAVY_CROSSBOW 92 Prerequisite: Proficiency with the chosen weapon type, Base attack bonus of +1 or higher. A character with this feat is particularly skilled with a specific weapon, gaining a +1 attack bonus with them. Use: Automatic. This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a new weapon in each case. NWN Manual - pg. 99.
FEAT_WEAPON_FOCUS_HEAVY_FLAIL 116 Prerequisite: Proficiency with the chosen weapon type, Base attack bonus of +1 or higher. A character with this feat is particularly skilled with a specific weapon, gaining a +1 attack bonus with them. Use: Automatic. This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a new weapon in each case. NWN Manual - pg. 99.
FEAT_WEAPON_FOCUS_KAMA 117 Prerequisite: Proficiency with the chosen weapon type, Base attack bonus of +1 or higher. A character with this feat is particularly skilled with a specific weapon, gaining a +1 attack bonus with them. Use: Automatic. This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a new weapon in each case. NWN Manual - pg. 99.
FEAT_WEAPON_FOCUS_KATANA 122 Prerequisite: Proficiency with the chosen weapon type, Base attack bonus of +1 or higher. A character with this feat is particularly skilled with a specific weapon, gaining a +1 attack bonus with them. Use: Automatic. This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a new weapon in each case. NWN Manual - pg. 99.
FEAT_WEAPON_FOCUS_KUKRI 118 Prerequisite: Proficiency with the chosen weapon type, Base attack bonus of +1 or higher. A character with this feat is particularly skilled with a specific weapon, gaining a +1 attack bonus with them. Use: Automatic. This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a new weapon in each case. NWN Manual - pg. 99.
FEAT_WEAPON_FOCUS_LIGHT_CROSSBOW 93 Prerequisite: Proficiency with the chosen weapon type, Base attack bonus of +1 or higher. A character with this feat is particularly skilled with a specific weapon, gaining a +1 attack bonus with them. Use: Automatic. This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a new weapon in each case. NWN Manual - pg. 99.
FEAT_WEAPON_FOCUS_LIGHT_FLAIL 114 Prerequisite: Proficiency with the chosen weapon type, Base attack bonus of +1 or higher. A character with this feat is particularly skilled with a specific weapon, gaining a +1 attack bonus with them. Use: Automatic. This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a new weapon in each case. NWN Manual - pg. 99.
FEAT_WEAPON_FOCUS_LIGHT_HAMMER 113 Prerequisite: Proficiency with the chosen weapon type, Base attack bonus of +1 or higher. A character with this feat is particularly skilled with a specific weapon, gaining a +1 attack bonus with them. Use: Automatic. This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a new weapon in each case. NWN Manual - pg. 99.
FEAT_WEAPON_FOCUS_LIGHT_MACE 94 Prerequisite: Proficiency with the chosen weapon type, Base attack bonus of +1 or higher. A character with this feat is particularly skilled with a specific weapon, gaining a +1 attack bonus with them. Use: Automatic. This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a new weapon in each case. NWN Manual - pg. 99.
FEAT_WEAPON_FOCUS_LONG_SWORD 106 Prerequisite: Proficiency with the chosen weapon type, Base attack bonus of +1 or higher. A character with this feat is particularly skilled with a specific weapon, gaining a +1 attack bonus with them. Use: Automatic. This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a new weapon in each case. NWN Manual - pg. 99.
FEAT_WEAPON_FOCUS_LONGBOW 101 Prerequisite: Proficiency with the chosen weapon type, Base attack bonus of +1 or higher. A character with this feat is particularly skilled with a specific weapon, gaining a +1 attack bonus with them. Use: Automatic. This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a new weapon in each case. NWN Manual - pg. 99.
FEAT_WEAPON_FOCUS_MORNING_STAR 95 Prerequisite: Proficiency with the chosen weapon type, Base attack bonus of +1 or higher. A character with this feat is particularly skilled with a specific weapon, gaining a +1 attack bonus with them. Use: Automatic. This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a new weapon in each case. NWN Manual - pg. 99.
FEAT_WEAPON_FOCUS_RAPIER 104 Prerequisite: Proficiency with the chosen weapon type, Base attack bonus of +1 or higher. A character with this feat is particularly skilled with a specific weapon, gaining a +1 attack bonus with them. Use: Automatic. This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a new weapon in each case. NWN Manual - pg. 99.
FEAT_WEAPON_FOCUS_SCIMITAR 105 Prerequisite: Proficiency with the chosen weapon type, Base attack bonus of +1 or higher. A character with this feat is particularly skilled with a specific weapon, gaining a +1 attack bonus with them. Use: Automatic. This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a new weapon in each case. NWN Manual - pg. 99.
FEAT_WEAPON_FOCUS_SCYTHE 121 Prerequisite: Proficiency with the chosen weapon type, Base attack bonus of +1 or higher. A character with this feat is particularly skilled with a specific weapon, gaining a +1 attack bonus with them. Use: Automatic. This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a new weapon in each case. NWN Manual - pg. 99.
FEAT_WEAPON_FOCUS_SHORT_SWORD 103 Prerequisite: Proficiency with the chosen weapon type, Base attack bonus of +1 or higher. A character with this feat is particularly skilled with a specific weapon, gaining a +1 attack bonus with them. Use: Automatic. This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a new weapon in each case. NWN Manual - pg. 99.
FEAT_WEAPON_FOCUS_SHORTBOW 102 Prerequisite: Proficiency with the chosen weapon type, Base attack bonus of +1 or higher. A character with this feat is particularly skilled with a specific weapon, gaining a +1 attack bonus with them. Use: Automatic. This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a new weapon in each case. NWN Manual - pg. 99.
FEAT_WEAPON_FOCUS_SHURIKEN 120 Prerequisite: Proficiency with the chosen weapon type, Base attack bonus of +1 or higher. A character with this feat is particularly skilled with a specific weapon, gaining a +1 attack bonus with them. Use: Automatic. This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a new weapon in each case. NWN Manual - pg. 99.
FEAT_WEAPON_FOCUS_SICKLE 98 Prerequisite: Proficiency with the chosen weapon type, Base attack bonus of +1 or higher. A character with this feat is particularly skilled with a specific weapon, gaining a +1 attack bonus with them. Use: Automatic. This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a new weapon in each case. NWN Manual - pg. 99.
FEAT_WEAPON_FOCUS_SLING 99 Prerequisite: Proficiency with the chosen weapon type, Base attack bonus of +1 or higher. A character with this feat is particularly skilled with a specific weapon, gaining a +1 attack bonus with them. Use: Automatic. This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a new weapon in each case. NWN Manual - pg. 99.
FEAT_WEAPON_FOCUS_SPEAR 97 Prerequisite: Proficiency with the chosen weapon type, Base attack bonus of +1 or higher. A character with this feat is particularly skilled with a specific weapon, gaining a +1 attack bonus with them. Use: Automatic. This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a new weapon in each case. NWN Manual - pg. 99.
FEAT_WEAPON_FOCUS_STAFF 96 Prerequisite: Proficiency with the chosen weapon type, Base attack bonus of +1 or higher. A character with this feat is particularly skilled with a specific weapon, gaining a +1 attack bonus with them. Use: Automatic. This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a new weapon in each case. NWN Manual - pg. 99.
FEAT_WEAPON_FOCUS_THROWING_AXE 109 Prerequisite: Proficiency with the chosen weapon type, Base attack bonus of +1 or higher. A character with this feat is particularly skilled with a specific weapon, gaining a +1 attack bonus with them. Use: Automatic. This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a new weapon in each case. NWN Manual - pg. 99.
FEAT_WEAPON_FOCUS_TRIDENT 1072 Prerequisite: Proficiency with the chosen weapon type, Base attack bonus of +1 or higher. A character with this feat is particularly skilled with a specific weapon, gaining a +1 attack bonus with them. Use: Automatic. This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a new weapon in each case. NWN Manual - pg. 99.
FEAT_WEAPON_FOCUS_TWO_BLADED_SWORD 127 Prerequisite: Proficiency with the chosen weapon type, Base attack bonus of +1 or higher. A character with this feat is particularly skilled with a specific weapon, gaining a +1 attack bonus with them. Use: Automatic. This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a new weapon in each case. NWN Manual - pg. 99.
FEAT_WEAPON_FOCUS_UNARMED_STRIKE 100 Prerequisite: Proficiency with the chosen weapon type, Base attack bonus of +1 or higher. A character with this feat is particularly skilled with a specific weapon, gaining a +1 attack bonus with them. Use: Automatic. This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a new weapon in each case. NWN Manual - pg. 99.
FEAT_WEAPON_FOCUS_WAR_HAMMER 115 Prerequisite: Proficiency with the chosen weapon type, Base attack bonus of +1 or higher. A character with this feat is particularly skilled with a specific weapon, gaining a +1 attack bonus with them. Use: Automatic. This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a new weapon in each case. NWN Manual - pg. 99.
FEAT_WEAPON_FOCUS_WHIP 993 Prerequisite: Proficiency with the chosen weapon type, Base attack bonus of +1 or higher. A character with this feat is particularly skilled with a specific weapon, gaining a +1 attack bonus with them. Use: Automatic. This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a new weapon in each case. NWN Manual - pg. 99.
FEAT_WEAPON_OF_CHOICE_BASTARDSWORD 940 Weapon Masters gain at level 1. The Weapon Master forms a powerful bond with one type of weapon. Whenever wielding this weapon type, he will get many additional benefits, which improve as he gains experience. HotU manual - page 36.
FEAT_WEAPON_OF_CHOICE_BATTLEAXE 931 Weapon Masters gain at level 1. The Weapon Master forms a powerful bond with one type of weapon. Whenever wielding this weapon type, he will get many additional benefits, which improve as he gains experience. HotU manual - page 36.
FEAT_WEAPON_OF_CHOICE_CLUB 919 Weapon Masters gain at level 1. The Weapon Master forms a powerful bond with one type of weapon. Whenever wielding this weapon type, he will get many additional benefits, which improve as he gains experience. HotU manual - page 36.
FEAT_WEAPON_OF_CHOICE_DAGGER 920 Weapon Masters gain at level 1. The Weapon Master forms a powerful bond with one type of weapon. Whenever wielding this weapon type, he will get many additional benefits, which improve as he gains experience. HotU manual - page 36.
FEAT_WEAPON_OF_CHOICE_DIREMACE 941 Weapon Masters gain at level 1. The Weapon Master forms a powerful bond with one type of weapon. Whenever wielding this weapon type, he will get many additional benefits, which improve as he gains experience. HotU manual - page 36.
FEAT_WEAPON_OF_CHOICE_DOUBLEAXE 942 Weapon Masters gain at level 1. The Weapon Master forms a powerful bond with one type of weapon. Whenever wielding this weapon type, he will get many additional benefits, which improve as he gains experience. HotU manual - page 36.
FEAT_WEAPON_OF_CHOICE_DWAXE 959 Weapon Masters gain at level 1. The Weapon Master forms a powerful bond with one type of weapon. Whenever wielding this weapon type, he will get many additional benefits, which improve as he gains experience. HotU manual - page 36.
FEAT_WEAPON_OF_CHOICE_GREATAXE 932 Weapon Masters gain at level 1. The Weapon Master forms a powerful bond with one type of weapon. Whenever wielding this weapon type, he will get many additional benefits, which improve as he gains experience. HotU manual - page 36.
FEAT_WEAPON_OF_CHOICE_GREATSWORD 929 Weapon Masters gain at level 1. The Weapon Master forms a powerful bond with one type of weapon. Whenever wielding this weapon type, he will get many additional benefits, which improve as he gains experience. HotU manual - page 36.
FEAT_WEAPON_OF_CHOICE_HALBERD 933 Weapon Masters gain at level 1. The Weapon Master forms a powerful bond with one type of weapon. Whenever wielding this weapon type, he will get many additional benefits, which improve as he gains experience. HotU manual - page 36.
FEAT_WEAPON_OF_CHOICE_HANDAXE 930 Weapon Masters gain at level 1. The Weapon Master forms a powerful bond with one type of weapon. Whenever wielding this weapon type, he will get many additional benefits, which improve as he gains experience. HotU manual - page 36.
FEAT_WEAPON_OF_CHOICE_HEAVYFLAIL 937 Weapon Masters gain at level 1. The Weapon Master forms a powerful bond with one type of weapon. Whenever wielding this weapon type, he will get many additional benefits, which improve as he gains experience. HotU manual - page 36.
FEAT_WEAPON_OF_CHOICE_KAMA 880 Weapon Masters gain at level 1. The Weapon Master forms a powerful bond with one type of weapon. Whenever wielding this weapon type, he will get many additional benefits, which improve as he gains experience. HotU manual - page 36.
FEAT_WEAPON_OF_CHOICE_KATANA 939 Weapon Masters gain at level 1. The Weapon Master forms a powerful bond with one type of weapon. Whenever wielding this weapon type, he will get many additional benefits, which improve as he gains experience. HotU manual - page 36.
FEAT_WEAPON_OF_CHOICE_KUKRI 881 Weapon Masters gain at level 1. The Weapon Master forms a powerful bond with one type of weapon. Whenever wielding this weapon type, he will get many additional benefits, which improve as he gains experience. HotU manual - page 36.
FEAT_WEAPON_OF_CHOICE_LIGHTFLAIL 935 Weapon Masters gain at level 1. The Weapon Master forms a powerful bond with one type of weapon. Whenever wielding this weapon type, he will get many additional benefits, which improve as he gains experience. HotU manual - page 36.
FEAT_WEAPON_OF_CHOICE_LIGHTHAMMER 934 Weapon Masters gain at level 1. The Weapon Master forms a powerful bond with one type of weapon. Whenever wielding this weapon type, he will get many additional benefits, which improve as he gains experience. HotU manual - page 36.
FEAT_WEAPON_OF_CHOICE_LIGHTMACE 921 Weapon Masters gain at level 1. The Weapon Master forms a powerful bond with one type of weapon. Whenever wielding this weapon type, he will get many additional benefits, which improve as he gains experience. HotU manual - page 36.
FEAT_WEAPON_OF_CHOICE_LONGSWORD 928 Weapon Masters gain at level 1. The Weapon Master forms a powerful bond with one type of weapon. Whenever wielding this weapon type, he will get many additional benefits, which improve as he gains experience. HotU manual - page 36.
FEAT_WEAPON_OF_CHOICE_MORNINGSTAR 922 Weapon Masters gain at level 1. The Weapon Master forms a powerful bond with one type of weapon. Whenever wielding this weapon type, he will get many additional benefits, which improve as he gains experience. HotU manual - page 36.
FEAT_WEAPON_OF_CHOICE_QUARTERSTAFF 923 Weapon Masters gain at level 1. The Weapon Master forms a powerful bond with one type of weapon. Whenever wielding this weapon type, he will get many additional benefits, which improve as he gains experience. HotU manual - page 36.
FEAT_WEAPON_OF_CHOICE_RAPIER 926 Weapon Masters gain at level 1. The Weapon Master forms a powerful bond with one type of weapon. Whenever wielding this weapon type, he will get many additional benefits, which improve as he gains experience. HotU manual - page 36.
FEAT_WEAPON_OF_CHOICE_SCIMITAR 927 Weapon Masters gain at level 1. The Weapon Master forms a powerful bond with one type of weapon. Whenever wielding this weapon type, he will get many additional benefits, which improve as he gains experience. HotU manual - page 36.
FEAT_WEAPON_OF_CHOICE_SCYTHE 938 Weapon Masters gain at level 1. The Weapon Master forms a powerful bond with one type of weapon. Whenever wielding this weapon type, he will get many additional benefits, which improve as he gains experience. HotU manual - page 36.
FEAT_WEAPON_OF_CHOICE_SHORTSPEAR 924 Weapon Masters gain at level 1. The Weapon Master forms a powerful bond with one type of weapon. Whenever wielding this weapon type, he will get many additional benefits, which improve as he gains experience. HotU manual - page 36.
FEAT_WEAPON_OF_CHOICE_SHORTSWORD 925 Weapon Masters gain at level 1. The Weapon Master forms a powerful bond with one type of weapon. Whenever wielding this weapon type, he will get many additional benefits, which improve as he gains experience. HotU manual - page 36.
FEAT_WEAPON_OF_CHOICE_SICKLE 879 Weapon Masters gain at level 1. The Weapon Master forms a powerful bond with one type of weapon. Whenever wielding this weapon type, he will get many additional benefits, which improve as he gains experience. HotU manual - page 36.
FEAT_WEAPON_OF_CHOICE_TRIDENT 1079 Weapon Masters gain at level 1. The Weapon Master forms a powerful bond with one type of weapon. Whenever wielding this weapon type, he will get many additional benefits, which improve as he gains experience. HotU manual - page 36.
FEAT_WEAPON_OF_CHOICE_TWOBLADEDSWORD 943 Weapon Masters gain at level 1. The Weapon Master forms a powerful bond with one type of weapon. Whenever wielding this weapon type, he will get many additional benefits, which improve as he gains experience. HotU manual - page 36.
FEAT_WEAPON_OF_CHOICE_WARHAMMER 936 Weapon Masters gain at level 1. The Weapon Master forms a powerful bond with one type of weapon. Whenever wielding this weapon type, he will get many additional benefits, which improve as he gains experience. HotU manual - page 36.
FEAT_WEAPON_OF_CHOICE_WHIP 1000 Weapon Masters gain at level 1. The Weapon Master forms a powerful bond with one type of weapon. Whenever wielding this weapon type, he will get many additional benefits, which improve as he gains experience. HotU manual - page 36.
FEAT_WEAPON_PROFICIENCY_CREATURE 289 Prerequisite: None. Grants proficiency in the creature weapon. Use: Automatic.
FEAT_WEAPON_PROFICIENCY_DRUID 48 Druids are provicient with the club, dagger, dart, sickle, scimitar, spear, sling, and quarterstaff. NWN manual - page 48.
FEAT_WEAPON_PROFICIENCY_ELF 256 Elf racial ability. Regardless of class, all Elves are proficient in longsword, rapier, shortbow and longbow. They are trained from childhood to use each of them and no matter their later vocation, they will always have knowledge of their use.
FEAT_WEAPON_PROFICIENCY_EXOTIC 44 Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +1 or higher. This feat allows effective use of all exotic weapons. The exotic weapons list includes the dire mace, double axe, kama, katana, kukri, scythe, shuriken, and two-bladed sword. Use: Automatic. NWN Manual - pg. 99.
FEAT_WEAPON_PROFICIENCY_MARTIAL 45 Prerequisite: None. This feat allows effective use of all martial weapons. A character cannot equip weapons they are not proficient in. The martial weapons list includes the bastard sword, battleaxe, greataxe, greatsword, halberd, handaxe, heavy flail, light flail, light hammer, longbow, longsword, rapier, scimitar, short sword, shortbow, throwing axe, and warhammer. Use: Barbarians, fighters, paladins, and rangers are automatically proficient with all martial weapons. NWN Manual - pg. 99.
FEAT_WEAPON_PROFICIENCY_MONK 49 Monks are proficient with the club, dagger, handaxe, light crossbow, heavy crossbow, kama, quarterstaff, shuriken, and sling. NWN manual - page 50.
FEAT_WEAPON_PROFICIENCY_ROGUE 50 Rogues are proficient with the club, dagger, dart, light crossbow, heavy crossbow, mace, morningstar, rapier shortbow, short sword, and quarterstaff. NWN manual - page 53.
FEAT_WEAPON_PROFICIENCY_SIMPLE 46 Prerequisite: None. This feat allows effective use of all simple weapons including club, dagger, mace, sickle, spear, morningstar, quarterstaff, light crossbow, dart, sling, and havey crossbow. A character cannot equip weapons they are not proficient in. Use: All characters except for druids, monks, rogues, and wizards are automatically proficient with all simple weapons. The spell Tenser's Transformation gives a wizard a temporary proficiency with all simple weapons. NWN Manual - pg. 100.
FEAT_WEAPON_PROFICIENCY_WIZARD 51 Wizards are proficient with the club, dagger, light crossbow, heavy crossbow and quarterstaff. NWN manual - page 55.
FEAT_WEAPON_SPECIALIZATION_BASTARD_SWORD 161 Prerequisite: Fighter with Base attack bonus of +4 or higher, Weapon Focus in the chosen weapon type. A character with this feat has trained especially hard with a specific weapon group, gaining a +2 damage bonus with that category. Use: This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a new weapon in each case, so long as that group is already associated with Weapon Focus. NWN Manual - pg. 100.
FEAT_WEAPON_SPECIALIZATION_BATTLE_AXE 148 Prerequisite: Fighter with Base attack bonus of +4 or higher, Weapon Focus in the chosen weapon type. A character with this feat has trained especially hard with a specific weapon group, gaining a +2 damage bonus with that category. Use: This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a new weapon in each case, so long as that group is already associated with Weapon Focus. NWN Manual - pg. 100.
FEAT_WEAPON_SPECIALIZATION_CLUB 47 Prerequisite: Fighter with Base attack bonus of +4 or higher, Weapon Focus in the chosen weapon type. A character with this feat has trained especially hard with a specific weapon group, gaining a +2 damage bonus with that category. Use: This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a new weapon in each case, so long as that group is already associated with Weapon Focus. NWN Manual - pg. 100.
FEAT_WEAPON_SPECIALIZATION_CREATURE 290 Prerequisite: Fighter with Base attack bonus of +4 or higher, Weapon Focus in the chosen weapon type. A character with this feat has trained especially hard with a specific weapon group, gaining a +2 damage bonus with that category. Use: This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a new weapon in each case, so long as that group is already associated with Weapon Focus. NWN Manual - pg. 100.
FEAT_WEAPON_SPECIALIZATION_DAGGER 128 Prerequisite: Fighter with Base attack bonus of +4 or higher, Weapon Focus in the chosen weapon type. A character with this feat has trained especially hard with a specific weapon group, gaining a +2 damage bonus with that category. Use: This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a new weapon in each case, so long as that group is already associated with Weapon Focus. NWN Manual - pg. 100.
FEAT_WEAPON_SPECIALIZATION_DART 129 Prerequisite: Fighter with Base attack bonus of +4 or higher, Weapon Focus in the chosen weapon type. A character with this feat has trained especially hard with a specific weapon group, gaining a +2 damage bonus with that category. Use: This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a new weapon in each case, so long as that group is already associated with Weapon Focus. NWN Manual - pg. 100.
FEAT_WEAPON_SPECIALIZATION_DIRE_MACE 163 Prerequisite: Fighter with Base attack bonus of +4 or higher, Weapon Focus in the chosen weapon type. A character with this feat has trained especially hard with a specific weapon group, gaining a +2 damage bonus with that category. Use: This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a new weapon in each case, so long as that group is already associated with Weapon Focus. NWN Manual - pg. 100.
FEAT_WEAPON_SPECIALIZATION_DOUBLE_AXE 164 Prerequisite: Fighter with Base attack bonus of +4 or higher, Weapon Focus in the chosen weapon type. A character with this feat has trained especially hard with a specific weapon group, gaining a +2 damage bonus with that category. Use: This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a new weapon in each case, so long as that group is already associated with Weapon Focus. NWN Manual - pg. 100.
FEAT_WEAPON_SPECIALIZATION_DWAXE 953 Prerequisite: Fighter with Base attack bonus of +4 or higher, Weapon Focus in the chosen weapon type. A character with this feat has trained especially hard with a specific weapon group, gaining a +2 damage bonus with that category. Use: This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a new weapon in each case, so long as that group is already associated with Weapon Focus. NWN Manual - pg. 100.
FEAT_WEAPON_SPECIALIZATION_GREAT_AXE 149 Prerequisite: Fighter with Base attack bonus of +4 or higher, Weapon Focus in the chosen weapon type. A character with this feat has trained especially hard with a specific weapon group, gaining a +2 damage bonus with that category. Use: This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a new weapon in each case, so long as that group is already associated with Weapon Focus. NWN Manual - pg. 100.
FEAT_WEAPON_SPECIALIZATION_GREAT_SWORD 145 Prerequisite: Fighter with Base attack bonus of +4 or higher, Weapon Focus in the chosen weapon type. A character with this feat has trained especially hard with a specific weapon group, gaining a +2 damage bonus with that category. Use: This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a new weapon in each case, so long as that group is already associated with Weapon Focus. NWN Manual - pg. 100.
FEAT_WEAPON_SPECIALIZATION_HALBERD 150 Prerequisite: Fighter with Base attack bonus of +4 or higher, Weapon Focus in the chosen weapon type. A character with this feat has trained especially hard with a specific weapon group, gaining a +2 damage bonus with that category. Use: This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a new weapon in each case, so long as that group is already associated with Weapon Focus. NWN Manual - pg. 100.
FEAT_WEAPON_SPECIALIZATION_HAND_AXE 146 Prerequisite: Fighter with Base attack bonus of +4 or higher, Weapon Focus in the chosen weapon type. A character with this feat has trained especially hard with a specific weapon group, gaining a +2 damage bonus with that category. Use: This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a new weapon in each case, so long as that group is already associated with Weapon Focus. NWN Manual - pg. 100.
FEAT_WEAPON_SPECIALIZATION_HEAVY_CROSSBOW 130 Prerequisite: Fighter with Base attack bonus of +4 or higher, Weapon Focus in the chosen weapon type. A character with this feat has trained especially hard with a specific weapon group, gaining a +2 damage bonus with that category. Use: This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a new weapon in each case, so long as that group is already associated with Weapon Focus. NWN Manual - pg. 100.
FEAT_WEAPON_SPECIALIZATION_HEAVY_FLAIL 154 Prerequisite: Fighter with Base attack bonus of +4 or higher, Weapon Focus in the chosen weapon type. A character with this feat has trained especially hard with a specific weapon group, gaining a +2 damage bonus with that category. Use: This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a new weapon in each case, so long as that group is already associated with Weapon Focus. NWN Manual - pg. 100.
FEAT_WEAPON_SPECIALIZATION_KAMA 155 Prerequisite: Fighter with Base attack bonus of +4 or higher, Weapon Focus in the chosen weapon type. A character with this feat has trained especially hard with a specific weapon group, gaining a +2 damage bonus with that category. Use: This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a new weapon in each case, so long as that group is already associated with Weapon Focus. NWN Manual - pg. 100.
FEAT_WEAPON_SPECIALIZATION_KATANA 160 Prerequisite: Fighter with Base attack bonus of +4 or higher, Weapon Focus in the chosen weapon type. A character with this feat has trained especially hard with a specific weapon group, gaining a +2 damage bonus with that category. Use: This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a new weapon in each case, so long as that group is already associated with Weapon Focus. NWN Manual - pg. 100.
FEAT_WEAPON_SPECIALIZATION_KUKRI 156 Prerequisite: Fighter with Base attack bonus of +4 or higher, Weapon Focus in the chosen weapon type. A character with this feat has trained especially hard with a specific weapon group, gaining a +2 damage bonus with that category. Use: This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a new weapon in each case, so long as that group is already associated with Weapon Focus. NWN Manual - pg. 100.
FEAT_WEAPON_SPECIALIZATION_LIGHT_CROSSBOW 131 Prerequisite: Fighter with Base attack bonus of +4 or higher, Weapon Focus in the chosen weapon type. A character with this feat has trained especially hard with a specific weapon group, gaining a +2 damage bonus with that category. Use: This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a new weapon in each case, so long as that group is already associated with Weapon Focus. NWN Manual - pg. 100.
FEAT_WEAPON_SPECIALIZATION_LIGHT_FLAIL 152 Prerequisite: Fighter with Base attack bonus of +4 or higher, Weapon Focus in the chosen weapon type. A character with this feat has trained especially hard with a specific weapon group, gaining a +2 damage bonus with that category. Use: This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a new weapon in each case, so long as that group is already associated with Weapon Focus. NWN Manual - pg. 100.
FEAT_WEAPON_SPECIALIZATION_LIGHT_HAMMER 151 Prerequisite: Fighter with Base attack bonus of +4 or higher, Weapon Focus in the chosen weapon type. A character with this feat has trained especially hard with a specific weapon group, gaining a +2 damage bonus with that category. Use: This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a new weapon in each case, so long as that group is already associated with Weapon Focus. NWN Manual - pg. 100.
FEAT_WEAPON_SPECIALIZATION_LIGHT_MACE 132 Prerequisite: Fighter with Base attack bonus of +4 or higher, Weapon Focus in the chosen weapon type. A character with this feat has trained especially hard with a specific weapon group, gaining a +2 damage bonus with that category. Use: This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a new weapon in each case, so long as that group is already associated with Weapon Focus. NWN Manual - pg. 100.
FEAT_WEAPON_SPECIALIZATION_LONG_SWORD 144 Prerequisite: Fighter with Base attack bonus of +4 or higher, Weapon Focus in the chosen weapon type. A character with this feat has trained especially hard with a specific weapon group, gaining a +2 damage bonus with that category. Use: This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a new weapon in each case, so long as that group is already associated with Weapon Focus. NWN Manual - pg. 100.
FEAT_WEAPON_SPECIALIZATION_LONGBOW 139 Prerequisite: Fighter with Base attack bonus of +4 or higher, Weapon Focus in the chosen weapon type. A character with this feat has trained especially hard with a specific weapon group, gaining a +2 damage bonus with that category. Use: This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a new weapon in each case, so long as that group is already associated with Weapon Focus. NWN Manual - pg. 100.
FEAT_WEAPON_SPECIALIZATION_MORNING_STAR 133 Prerequisite: Fighter with Base attack bonus of +4 or higher, Weapon Focus in the chosen weapon type. A character with this feat has trained especially hard with a specific weapon group, gaining a +2 damage bonus with that category. Use: This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a new weapon in each case, so long as that group is already associated with Weapon Focus. NWN Manual - pg. 100.
FEAT_WEAPON_SPECIALIZATION_RAPIER 142 Prerequisite: Fighter with Base attack bonus of +4 or higher, Weapon Focus in the chosen weapon type. A character with this feat has trained especially hard with a specific weapon group, gaining a +2 damage bonus with that category. Use: This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a new weapon in each case, so long as that group is already associated with Weapon Focus. NWN Manual - pg. 100.
FEAT_WEAPON_SPECIALIZATION_SCIMITAR 143 Prerequisite: Fighter with Base attack bonus of +4 or higher, Weapon Focus in the chosen weapon type. A character with this feat has trained especially hard with a specific weapon group, gaining a +2 damage bonus with that category. Use: This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a new weapon in each case, so long as that group is already associated with Weapon Focus. NWN Manual - pg. 100.
FEAT_WEAPON_SPECIALIZATION_SCYTHE 159 Prerequisite: Fighter with Base attack bonus of +4 or higher, Weapon Focus in the chosen weapon type. A character with this feat has trained especially hard with a specific weapon group, gaining a +2 damage bonus with that category. Use: This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a new weapon in each case, so long as that group is already associated with Weapon Focus. NWN Manual - pg. 100.
FEAT_WEAPON_SPECIALIZATION_SHORT_SWORD 141 Prerequisite: Fighter with Base attack bonus of +4 or higher, Weapon Focus in the chosen weapon type. A character with this feat has trained especially hard with a specific weapon group, gaining a +2 damage bonus with that category. Use: This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a new weapon in each case, so long as that group is already associated with Weapon Focus. NWN Manual - pg. 100.
FEAT_WEAPON_SPECIALIZATION_SHORTBOW 140 Prerequisite: Fighter with Base attack bonus of +4 or higher, Weapon Focus in the chosen weapon type. A character with this feat has trained especially hard with a specific weapon group, gaining a +2 damage bonus with that category. Use: This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a new weapon in each case, so long as that group is already associated with Weapon Focus. NWN Manual - pg. 100.
FEAT_WEAPON_SPECIALIZATION_SHURIKEN 158 Prerequisite: Fighter with Base attack bonus of +4 or higher, Weapon Focus in the chosen weapon type. A character with this feat has trained especially hard with a specific weapon group, gaining a +2 damage bonus with that category. Use: This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a new weapon in each case, so long as that group is already associated with Weapon Focus. NWN Manual - pg. 100.
FEAT_WEAPON_SPECIALIZATION_SICKLE 136 Prerequisite: Fighter with Base attack bonus of +4 or higher, Weapon Focus in the chosen weapon type. A character with this feat has trained especially hard with a specific weapon group, gaining a +2 damage bonus with that category. Use: This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a new weapon in each case, so long as that group is already associated with Weapon Focus. NWN Manual - pg. 100.
FEAT_WEAPON_SPECIALIZATION_SLING 137 Prerequisite: Fighter with Base attack bonus of +4 or higher, Weapon Focus in the chosen weapon type. A character with this feat has trained especially hard with a specific weapon group, gaining a +2 damage bonus with that category. Use: This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a new weapon in each case, so long as that group is already associated with Weapon Focus. NWN Manual - pg. 100.
FEAT_WEAPON_SPECIALIZATION_SPEAR 135 Prerequisite: Fighter with Base attack bonus of +4 or higher, Weapon Focus in the chosen weapon type. A character with this feat has trained especially hard with a specific weapon group, gaining a +2 damage bonus with that category. Use: This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a new weapon in each case, so long as that group is already associated with Weapon Focus. NWN Manual - pg. 100.
FEAT_WEAPON_SPECIALIZATION_STAFF 134 Prerequisite: Fighter with Base attack bonus of +4 or higher, Weapon Focus in the chosen weapon type. A character with this feat has trained especially hard with a specific weapon group, gaining a +2 damage bonus with that category. Use: This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a new weapon in each case, so long as that group is already associated with Weapon Focus. NWN Manual - pg. 100.
FEAT_WEAPON_SPECIALIZATION_THROWING_AXE 147 Prerequisite: Fighter with Base attack bonus of +4 or higher, Weapon Focus in the chosen weapon type. A character with this feat has trained especially hard with a specific weapon group, gaining a +2 damage bonus with that category. Use: This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a new weapon in each case, so long as that group is already associated with Weapon Focus. NWN Manual - pg. 100.
FEAT_WEAPON_SPECIALIZATION_TRIDENT 1073 Prerequisite: Fighter with Base attack bonus of +4 or higher, Weapon Focus in the chosen weapon type. A character with this feat has trained especially hard with a specific weapon group, gaining a +2 damage bonus with that category. Use: This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a new weapon in each case, so long as that group is already associated with Weapon Focus. NWN Manual - pg. 100.
FEAT_WEAPON_SPECIALIZATION_TWO_BLADED_SWORD 165 Prerequisite: Fighter with Base attack bonus of +4 or higher, Weapon Focus in the chosen weapon type. A character with this feat has trained especially hard with a specific weapon group, gaining a +2 damage bonus with that category. Use: This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a new weapon in each case, so long as that group is already associated with Weapon Focus. NWN Manual - pg. 100.
FEAT_WEAPON_SPECIALIZATION_UNARMED_STRIKE 138 Prerequisite: Fighter with Base attack bonus of +4 or higher, Weapon Focus in the chosen weapon type. A character with this feat has trained especially hard with a specific weapon group, gaining a +2 damage bonus with that category. Use: This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a new weapon in each case, so long as that group is already associated with Weapon Focus. NWN Manual - pg. 100.
FEAT_WEAPON_SPECIALIZATION_WAR_HAMMER 153 Prerequisite: Fighter with Base attack bonus of +4 or higher, Weapon Focus in the chosen weapon type. A character with this feat has trained especially hard with a specific weapon group, gaining a +2 damage bonus with that category. Use: This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a new weapon in each case, so long as that group is already associated with Weapon Focus. NWN Manual - pg. 100.
FEAT_WEAPON_SPECIALIZATION_WHIP 994 Prerequisite: Fighter with Base attack bonus of +4 or higher, Weapon Focus in the chosen weapon type. A character with this feat has trained especially hard with a specific weapon group, gaining a +2 damage bonus with that category. Use: This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a new weapon in each case, so long as that group is already associated with Weapon Focus. NWN Manual - pg. 100.
FEAT_WHIRLWIND_ATTACK 867 Prerequisite: Intelligence 13+ Expertise, Dexterity 13+, Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack, base attack of +4 or higher. The character performs a full attack action and makes one melee attack at full base attack bonus against each opponent within five feet. Use: Selected. HotU manual - page 49.
FEAT_WHOLENESS_OF_BODY 211 The monk is capable of healing their wounds. Gained: Monk - 7th level. Use: Selected. Once per day. Bonuses: Restore a number of hit points equal to twice the character's level. NWN Manual - pg. 62.
FEAT_WILD_SHAPE 305 The druid gains the ability to shape shift into various animal forms. Gained: Druid - 5th level. Use: Selected. 1/day at 5th level, 2/day at 6th level, 2/day at 7th level, 4/day at 10th level, 5/day at 14th level, and at 18th level, Wild Shape may be used 6 times a day. This ability last one hour per level. Bonuses: The druid may choose from several different animal forms (and these forms improve as the druid gains levels.) NWN Manual - pg. 60.
FEAT_WOODLAND_STRIDE 200 Druids may walk with ease through magical and non-magical impediments to movement. Gained: Druid - 2nd level. Use: Automatic. Bonuses: Immune to grease, web, and entangle spells and effects. NWN Manual - pg. 59.
FEAT_ZEN_ARCHERY 412 New feat from Shadows of Undrentide expansion. Wisdom guides the character's ranged attacks; letting her use her Wisdom modifier instead of her Dexterity when firing ranged weapons. SoU Manual — page 28.

[edit] See Also

functions:  VerifyDisarm

editor: Mistress, Kookoo

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