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[edit] GetAC(object, int)
Retrieves the AC (armor class) of a creature.
[edit] Parameters
The object to get the AC of.
Parameter reserved for future use and currently does nothing. (Default: 0)
[edit] Description
Returns the AC (armor class) of oObject if it is a creature.
Returns 0 if oObject is an item, door, or placeable.
Returns -1 if oObject is not a creature, item, door, or placeable.
nForFutureUse is not in use, and should not be changed.
[edit] Remarks
This shouldn't get any AC-versus bonuses - EG: Protection Against Evil grants +2 deflection AC against evil-only people, or AC verus a specific damage type.
It will, in reality, return the exact AC value on the character sheet - this does not include versus-bonuses, and is the "AC versus all" of the character.
Doors, Placeables can be attacked, and do actually have an AC of 0, because only a critical miss (Getting a 1 on a d20) will miss it.
[edit] Version
[edit] Example
// this script can simulate an attack triggered when a door or // placeable is opened. // this script rolls a d20 and checks the results against the // person's AC; if the die roll is at least the AC of the target it // does d10 damage (kind of a very unfair trap that can't be // searched for or disabled). main() { object oPC = GetLastOpenedBy(); int nDieRoll = d20(); if (nDieRoll >= GetAC(oPC)) { effect eDamage = EffectDamage(d10(), DAMAGE_TYPE_PIERCING); ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, eDamage, oPC); } }
[edit] See Also
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author: Tom Cassiotis, editor: Jasperre