
From NWN Lexicon


[edit] GetAreaOfEffectCreator(object)

Gets the creator of an Area of Effect object.

object GetAreaOfEffectCreator(
    object oAreaOfEffectObject = OBJECT_SELF

[edit] Parameters


The Area of effect object you wish to examine. (Default: OBJECT_SELF)

[edit] Description

Returns the creator of oAreaOfEffectObject.
Returns OBJECT_INVALID if oAreaOfEffectObject is not a valid Area of Effect object.

It can return OBJECT_INVALID if the creator is invalid or destroyed. Usually the latter. If this happens for a spell script, almost all ResistSpell() function calls, and Will/Fort/ReflexSave functions will not work properley (as they require creatures to be input). For this reason, Bioware recently (1.59+) have added a destroy call to the start of area-of-effect scripts, to destroy them if the creator is invalid.

[edit] Remarks

Area of Effects are often scripted spells with numerous effects tied to them. This function is best called within the scripts that define an Area of Effect spell.

[edit] Version


[edit] See Also



 author: John Shuell, editor: Jasperre

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