
From NWN Lexicon


[edit] GetDistanceBetween(object, object)

The distance in meters between two objects

float GetDistanceBetween(
    object oObjectA,
    object oObjectB

[edit] Parameters


Any object represented in game.


Any object represented in game.

[edit] Description

Returns the distance in meters between two objects. Will return a float value of 0.0 if either of the two objects is INVALID.

If the objects are in different areas, or are of invalid object types for this call (EG: The module object) this function will return 0.0.

[edit] Remarks

This also takes into account the Z-axis, and thusly isn't a direct measurement in only X and Y. To get a direct measurement (discounting the Z-axis) you must use Vectors.

Remember, the float value returned by this is in in-game meters. Each in-game tile is 10x10M.

[edit] Version


[edit] Example

// Conversation Action event. Get the distance between
// me (OBJECT_SELF) and the PC in conversation. If they are 
// within 5M (including any elevation) we will shout at them.
// NB: conversations can take place with PC's up to around 10M away
void main()
    // Get the PC
    object oPC = GetPCSpeaker();
    // Get the distance, and check it
    if(GetDistanceBetween(oPC, OBJECT_SELF) <= 5.0)
        // Shout at them for being quite far away
        SpeakString("Hey, " + GetName(oPC) + " get nearer to me!");

[edit] See Also



 author: John Shuell, editor: Jasperre, additional contributor(s): Ryan Hunt, Jasperre, everlast

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