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[edit] GetDistanceBetweenLocations(location, location)
The distance in meters between two locations in the game.
float GetDistanceBetweenLocations( location lLocationA, location lLocationB );
[edit] Parameters
A location variable.
A location variable.
[edit] Description
Returns the distance in meters between two locations, or -1.0000 if the locations are in two different areas, or are invalid locations in some way.
This is useful for checking distances between any non-objects, random locations, or between a location (EG: a spell target location) and a object's location.
If it is two objects, it is usually easier and faster to call GetDistanceBetween().
[edit] Remarks
This also takes into account the Z-axis, and thusly isn't a direct measurement in only X and Y. To get a direct measurement (discounting the Z-axis) you must use Vectors.
Remember, the float value returned by this is in in-game meters. Each in-game tile is 10x10M.
[edit] Version
[edit] Example
// Check the distance between me, and our pre-set location stored // on us (perhaps by our spawn script, to the location we spawned in // at). If over 20M away, we run back to it, even in combat. void main() { // Get the stored location. location lPost = GetLocalLocation(OBJECT_SELF, "MY_POST"); // Get our location location lSelf = GetLocation(OBJECT_SELF); // Check the distance float fDistance = GetDistanceBetweenLocations(lPost, lSelf); // If fDistance is -1.0 (different area), or we are 20M // away, we run back if(fDistance == -1.0 || fDistance >= 20.0) { // Move to the post. ClearAllActions(); ActionMoveToLocation(lPost); } }
[edit] See Also
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author: John Shuell, editor: Jasperre, additional contributor(s): Marcus Lunzenauer, Charles Feduke, Jasperre