
From NWN Lexicon


[edit] GetFactionLeader(object)

Gets the leader of a players party.

object GetFactionLeader(
    object oMemberOfFaction

[edit] Parameters


Player object that is in the party of the leader you are seeking.

[edit] Description

Returns the leader (in an object variable) of the faction (party) of which oMemberOfFaction is a member.

Return value is OBJECT_INVALID if oMemberOfFaction is not a valid creature, or is a NPC faction.

[edit] Remarks

Used to get the leader of a player run party. Usually, the "leader" is hardly ever used, and is mearly the person who has control of who to kick from a party more then anything else.

Cannot be used for NPC factions as there is no way to define a leader for them.

This cannot be reproduced using anything else, and is one of the few totally unique GetFactionXXX() function calls.

[edit] Version


[edit] Example

// Placed in the Modules OnPlayerDeath Event, this will send a 
// message to the player's party leader, informing them that
// this player has died.
void main()
    // Get the last player who died
    object oPC = GetLastPlayerDied();
    // Get thier "leader", the one with a little crown
    object oLeader = GetFactionLeader(oPC);
    // Get the name of the player who died
    string sName = GetName(oPC);
    // Now, if the leader is valid and NOT the person who died (um, 
    // duh, who'd want a message about thier own death?) then 
    // send the message.
    if(GetIsObjectValid(oLeader) == TRUE &&
       oLeader != oPC)
        SendMessageToPC(oLeader, sName + " has died!");

[edit] See Also



 author: John Shuell, editor: Jasperre, additional contributor(s): Nils Jeppe, Charles Feduke, Jasperre

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