
From NWN Lexicon


[edit] GetHasInventory(object)

Determine whether an object has an inventory.

int GetHasInventory(
    object oObject

[edit] Parameters


Creature, store or placeable to investigate.

[edit] Description

Returns TRUE for creatures and stores, and checks to see if an item or placeable object is a container and FALSE for all other object types.

[edit] Remarks

Creatures always have inventories, and cannot be toggled on/off. Stores also always have an inventory. It never returns FALSE if it just is empty.

For placeables, this is basically a check for the "Has inventory" toggle under the "General" tab of a placeables properties. Because of this, placeables with inventories must be useable because of how the checkboxs are done.

[edit] Version


[edit] Example

// Check if the nearest placeable has an inventory, if so, speak its name
// Could be a creature heartbeat
void main()
    // Get nearest placeable
    object oPlaceable = GetNearestObject(OBJECT_TYPE_PLACEABLE);
    // Has it got an inventory?
        // If it has...
            // Speak about it.
            SpeakString("Hey, " + GetName(oPlaceable) + " might have something in it!");

[edit] See Also

 author: Tom Cassiotis, editor: Jasperre

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