
From NWN Lexicon


[edit] GetInventoryDisturbItem()

Returns the disturbing item in an inventory OnDisturbed event.

[edit] Description

Description: Returns the item that caused the object’s OnDisturbed event to fire. There are three events that will cause this event to fire – when an item is added to, taken from, or stolen from inventory.

Returns OBJECT_INVALID on error, which will never happen if this function is used exclusively in OnDisturbed events of objects with inventories. (At least in theory - check the bug list below)

[edit] Known Bugs

It has been previously noted that the event OnDisturbed does not fire when the item being disturbed is gold. There’s still something odd going on with that function. I made this little script and put OnDisturbed of a container:

void main()
object oPC=GetLastDisturbed();

object oDisturb=GetInventoryDisturbItem();

SendMessageToPC(oPC, "this: "+GetName(oDisturb));

When I put gold into the container, I get a message telling me “this: Gold piece”. So it does fire for gold. When I take it back from the container, I get the message “this:”
I tested it, and when removing gold from a container, GetInventoryDisturbItem() returns OBJECT_INVALID.

Also, there’s a bug with stackable items. If a stackable item is added to another stack in either the givers or receivers inventory, the OnDisturbed event never fires (except for gold pieces, apparently).

[edit] Version


[edit] Example

// put this OnDisturbed of a container. Whenever anybody
// removes an item from the container, they'll be charged
// that items value for it... Lilac Soul
void main()
     object oItem=GetInventoryDisturbItem();
     object oPC=GetLastDisturbed();
     int nType=GetInventoryDisturbType();
     switch (nType)
         int nAmount=GetGoldPieceValue(oItem);
         AssignCommand(oPC, TakeGoldFromCreature(nAmount, oPC, TRUE));
         SendMessageToPC(oPC, "Stealing is wrong. Give me your money!");

[edit] See Also




OnDisturbed Event

 author: Charles Feduke, editor: Lilac Soul, additional contributor(s): Lilac Soul

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