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[edit] GetIsInSubArea(object, object)
Checks if a creature has triggered an OnEnter event
int GetIsInSubArea( object oCreature, object oSubArea = OBJECT_SELF );
[edit] Parameters
Creature to check
Subarea to check (Default: OBJECT_SELF)
[edit] Description
Is this creature in the given subarea? (trigger, area of effect object, etc..)
This function will tell you if the creature has triggered an onEnter event for the given object, and not an onExit event which suggests that it can be used for determining if the creature is located within the space of the subarea.
It appears that a list is maintained for objects which have entered a trigger (or perhaps any enterable object), and that when they exit they are removed from the list. If this is true, then GetIsInSubArea simply checks to see if oCreature is still on the list for the given object.
[edit] Version
[edit] See Also
author: Lilac Soul