
From NWN Lexicon


[edit] GetIsPostOrWalking(object)

Determine whether a creature has associated waypoints.

int GetIsPostOrWalking(
    object oWalker = OBJECT_SELF

[edit] Parameters


Creature to test for waypoints. (Default: OBJECT_SELF)

[edit] Description

Returns TRUE if the object has any post- or walk-waypoints associated with it. An associated post will have a tag composed of "POST_" followed by the creature's tag. Similarly, associated waypoints have tags composed as "WP_" + creature tag + "_NN", where 'NN' represents a sequential number indicating the position of the waypoint along the creature's path.

[edit] Remarks

The function name is a bit misleading. The creature need not be actually at its post, or actually walking its waypoints. As long as at least one waypoint with the correct tag exists, this function will return TRUE.

[edit] Requirements

#include " x0_i0_walkway "

[edit] Version


[edit] See Also

 author: Jason Harris, editors: John Shuell, Mistress

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