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[edit] GetIsValidCombination(int, object)
Determines if items within a container are valid for combining into a new item.
int GetIsValidCombination( int bDeleteItem, object oContainer = OBJECT_INVALID );
[edit] Parameters
Determines if items in oContainer will be deleted.
Container to check for reagent combinations. (Default: OBJECT_INVALID)
[edit] Description
Returns TRUE is items placed within oContainer are a valid combination for the creation of a new item, FALSE otherwise. When bDeleteItem is TRUE, items within oContainer are deleted only on a successful match.
[edit] Remarks
If oContainer remains OBJECT_INVALID, an object with the tag stored on the object calling this script aliased "NW_L_MYFORGE" is used as the container instead.
If bDeleteItem is TRUE, then not only are the items in oContainer deleted if used, the item created should not be attainable in the future by the same PC.
[edit] Requirements
#include " nw_o0_itemmaker "
[edit] Version
[edit] See Also
author: Charles Feduke