
From NWN Lexicon


[edit] GetLastRespawnButtonPresser()

Gets the last PC that clicked the Respawn button.

[edit] Description

Returns an object representing the player who last pressed the respawn button. Use this in an OnPlayerRespawn module script.

[edit] Remarks

This is THE function that makes custom respawn scripts possible. With it we can tell who last requested to be respawned and do with them as we will.

Note that pressing this button doesn't actually respawn the PC. It triggers the OnPlayerRespawn event, which by default uses the script nw_o0_respawn. You don't have to use this script, but have a look at it. I have posted an exerpt below - that bit of script will resurrect, heal, and remove negative effects from the PC. There is also a function in that script called ApplyPenalty, which is used to take XP and gold from the respawning PC.

[edit] Version


[edit] Example

<nowiki>#include "nw_i0_plot"
void main()
    object oRespawner = GetLastRespawnButtonPresser();
    ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT,EffectHeal(GetMaxHitPoints(oRespawner)), oRespawner);
//Rest of script follows, e.g. if you want to teleport the PC away

[edit] See Also


OnPlayerRespawn Event

 author: John Shuell, editor: Lilac Soul

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