
From NWN Lexicon


[edit] GetNumStackedItems(object)

Determines the number of stacked items contained within an inventory object.

int GetNumStackedItems(
    object oItem

[edit] Parameters


The item to determine the stack count of.

[edit] Description

Returns the number of items in a stack attached to oItem. Only items that are the same may be stacked; i.e. two gems of the same name can be stacked, but a sword and an arrow cannot.

[edit] Remarks

Returns 0 if an invalid object is provided for oItem, or if oItem isn't an item (like a creature or a placeable).

This function can also be used in conjunction with SetItemStackSize to determine if an item is stackable or not.

This function is identical to GetItemStackSize .

[edit] Version


[edit] Example

// Demonstrates how to check an NPC's arrow supply and yield speech when it is depleted.
void main()
     // Retrieves NPC's arrow object.
     object oArrows = GetObjectByTag("MY_ARROWS");
     if(GetNumStackedItems(oArrows) == 0)
          ActionSpeakString("My arrow supply is depleted!");

[edit] See Also



author: Sarev0k, editors: Tom Cassiotis, Fireboar, Kookoo, Mistress

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