
From NWN Lexicon


[edit] GetReactionAdjustment(object)

Gets the adjusted Reaction for the purposes of store pricing.

float GetReactionAdjustment(
    object oTarget

[edit] Parameters


[edit] Description

Returns the adjusted Reaction for the purposes of store pricing. A default faction adjustment is set at 2.0 (which is probably 200% markup rate), but if the target is a friendly to the caller, this is set to 1.0.

It then compares the Law/Chaos levels between the caller and the target and gets the numeric difference between them. It does the same for the Good/Evil scale as well and adds both differences together.

The script then applies the following formulae to figure out the final reaction adjustment:

10 + The differences between alignments - the target's Charisma modifier times 10 and times it all by the Faction Adjustment.

[edit] Remarks

Function can be found in nw_i0_plot.nss on line 875

[edit] Requirements

#include " nw_i0_plot "

[edit] Version


[edit] See Also

 author: John Shuell

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