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[edit] InsertString(string, string, int)
This function will insert a string into the destination string at the position indicated by nPosition.
string InsertString( string sDestination, string sString, int nPosition );
[edit] Parameters
String to insert into.
String to insert.
Index position to insert at.
[edit] Description
This function inserts a string into another string.
[edit] Remarks
Prior to version 1.26 this function would instead overwrite vice insert.
[edit] Known Bugs
This function fails to add sString at the end of the sDestination and returns sDestination only. See example 2.
[edit] Version
[edit] Example
string s1 = "Bacon and spam"; string s2 = ", ham"; string s3 = InsertString(s1, s2, 5); //s3 = "Bacon, ham and spam"
string s1 = "foo"; string s2 = "bar"; string s3 = InsertString(s1, s2, 3); //s3 = "foo"
[edit] See Also
author: Michael Nork, editors: Charles Feduke, Mistress, additional contributors: Iceberg, Fireboar