
From NWN Lexicon


[edit] IntToFloat(int)

This function converts an int to a float of the same value.

float IntToFloat(
    int nInteger

[edit] Parameters


The integer to convert into a float.

[edit] Description

This function coverts an integer to a float of the same value, so that converting 123 to a float would yield 123.00.

[edit] Remarks

Since the internal size of a float (3.4028183957828877e+38) is larger than an integer (2147483647) there will be no precision loss in this conversion.

[edit] Known Bugs

Testing revealed that the least significant digit was being approximated in numbers approaching the Integer maximum (2147483647) and Minimum (-2147483647).

The results are as follows:
2147483647 = 2147483648.00
2147482647 = 2147482624.00
2147473647 = 2147473664.00
2147383647 = 2147383680.00
2146483647 = 2146483584.00
2137483647 = 2137483648.00
2047483647 = 2047483648.00
1147483647 = 1147483648.00
147483647 = 147483648.00
47483647 = 47483648.00

Note that since this occurs only with very large numbers being converted (Ten Million and Beyond) this should not be an issue with most scripts.

[edit] Version


[edit] Example

// Convert the age of the PC who uses this object into a float value.
// This is then the duration of a regeneration effect applied to the PC
// Go oldies!
void main()
    // Declare who is clicking on us
    object oClicker = GetClickingObject();
    // Get thier age
    int nAge = GetAge(oClicker);
    // Convert to float, which can be used as some form of time
    float fAge = IntToFloat(nAge);
    // Heals 1HP each 1 second, for an amount of seconds equal to
    // the persons age
    effect eRegen = EffectRegenerate(5, 1.0);
    ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_TEMPORARY, eRegen, oClicker, fAge);

[edit] See Also



 author: Charles Feduke, editor: Jasperre, additional contributor(s): Lilac Soul

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