
From NWN Lexicon

[edit] Bugged function

The function seems poorly described by both BioWare and this article. The second parameter is not used, and the first parameter is used for both the OnMonsterHit property type and its respective 2da value. This causes poisons and diseases produced by this function to only support one 2da value (thus all poison implementations are large scorpion venom and all diseases are demon fever). For this reason also, level drain and wounding are not supported by this function unless additional lines are added to iprp_amount.2da as they reference the 5th and 9th row, which are not defined). The function GetItemPropertyParam1Value() is an accurate return of what is actually used for the 2da value (what the 2nd parameter should be influencing), just as it functions normally with any Toolset implementation of the property. 00:28, 11 September 2012 (UTC)

I have a proposed fix for this article below (noting the bug with nSpecial, and specifying the IP_CONST_ONMONSTERHIT constants are used instead of the IP_CONST_ONHIT constants (this is a needed distinction as different values are used)). I am not sure of the policy on rewriting articles, so I will leave in the talk page for now. 01:39, 14 September 2012 (UTC)
Good work! This is exactly what the Lexicon needs more of. Feel free to apply your edits. I made a minor change to the bug template to point here for the information about the bug. - Squatting Monk (talk) 02:08, 14 September 2012 (UTC)
The proposed fix has now been moved to the article. 04:07, 14 September 2012 (UTC)
Cool. I went into a little more detail about the intended versus actual behavior of the bugged properties. I changed the article quite a bit, but I mostly just reworded your edit to be more explicit. Did I screw anything up or substantially change any intent? Feel free to make anymore changes. - Squatting Monk (talk) 07:09, 14 September 2012 (UTC)
The text says you can use ItemPropertyOnHitProps() on creature weapons as well. It looks like it can implement everything this function can (and more!). Are there any differences in the power, etc. of the properties applied? If not, or not to a large extent, should we recommend people use that function instead of this one? - Squatting Monk (talk) 07:09, 14 September 2012 (UTC)
The main difference with normal on-hits versus monster on-hits is with DC, normal have a static preset DC, while monster (with the exception of poison and disease) scale with the hit dice. Level drain and wounding are much more potent as on monster hit, as both can have a magnitude (of levels lost or damage per round taken) greater than one and wounding has no saving throw, unfortunately these parameters happen to use the undefined rows for this function, so this is more prevalent to a Toolset creation than use of this function. For poisons, the on-hit version (only defined to deal d2 to an ability) is typically less effective than the standard poison selection that the monster on hit uses. 15:05, 14 September 2012 (UTC)
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