
From NWN Lexicon


[edit] log(float)

This function calculates the logarithmic value of fValue

float log(
    float fValue

[edit] Parameters


Float value to retrieve the logarithm of.

[edit] Description

Returns the natural logarithm of fValue, not the base 10 logarithm. To get the base 10 log^x log of fValue, use the code provided below.

A logarithm is an exponent used in mathematical calculations to depict the perceived levels of variable quantities such as visible light energy, electromagnetic field strength, and sound intensity.

[edit] Remarks

If you need to ask what a logarithm is you don’t need to use this function. Logarithms are used to calculate the flight of an arrow and how far away a sound can be heard.

The only concieveable reason you might need it is to, from Bioware's own scripts, work out how long it takes a magic missile visual, or an acid arrow visual, to hit the target. Look in the appropriate spell script for the little snippits of code.

[edit] Version


[edit] Example

// Work out e^25, the natural log of 25
void main()
    fNew = log(25.0);
// Function for getting log base 10 value of fValue
float log_10(float fValue)
    return log(fValue)/log(10);
// Example provided by slow slosh, a use of log() proving
// it is the natural log.
// Gets a challenge rating of oPC. A more accurate or better
// way of using this function is to have something to get the total
// value of all items possessed by oPC, rather then just GetGold()
float GetPCChallengeRating(object oPC) {
    float fTGold = IntToFloat(GetGold(oPC));
    float fCR;
    if(fTGold>3000.0) {
        fCR = pow((log(fTGold)-8.0), 1.55);
    } else {
        fCR = 0.0;
    fCR += GetHitDice(oPC)-1.0;
    if(fCR<0.5) { fCR=0.5; }
    return fCR;

[edit] See Also



 author: Charles Feduke, editor: Jasperre, additional contributor(s): Honour Mai, Tim Stokman, Jasperre, slow slosh

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