
From NWN Lexicon


[edit] OnDamaged

The script attached to this event fires when the object is damaged.

[edit] Trigger

Creature, door, or placeable object has lost hit points, apart from instant death.

[edit] Function(s)

DetermineCombatRound(object, int) for standard combat actions.

[edit] Remarks

If a creature was hurt by someone they cannot see, they attempt to search for the attacker; if they can see their attacker, they locate the target and attack it.

[edit] Known Bugs

GetDamageDealtByType will only return damage amounts for EffectDamage, and so no physical attack damage will be picked up.

[edit] Example

// place in a creature's OnDamaged event
// when the creature loses more than half of his hit points, he 
// will retreat to a waypoint tagged "CAVE_EXIT" and disappear 
void main()
     int nEvent = GetUserDefinedEventNumber();
     if (nEvent = 1006) // OnDamaged event 
          int nMaxHP = GetMaxHitPoints(); // OBJECT_SELF (the caller) is default
          int nCurHP = GetCurrentHitPoints(); // OBJECT_SELF (the caller) is default
          // if less than half of maximum
          if (nCurHP < (nMaxHP / 2))
               // stop whatever the creature is doing
               // cry out in fear
               ActionSpeakString("I'm being violated!");
               // get the hell outta Dodge
               ActionMoveToObject(GetObjectByTag("CAVE_EXIT"), TRUE);
               // destroy itself (simulate a clean getaway)
               // accept no further AI commands (destroyed!)

[edit] See Also



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