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[edit] RemoveItemProperty(object, itemproperty)
Removes an itemproperty from an item.
void RemoveItemProperty( object oItem, itemproperty ipProperty );
[edit] Parameters
Item to remove property from
Property to remove
[edit] Description
Removes an item property from the specified item.
[edit] Remarks
The itemproperty to remove must already be on the item. It is a common mistake to do something like this:
itemproperty ipRemove=ItemPropertyTrueSeeing();
RemoveItemProperty(oItem, ipRemove);
This won't work, because ipRemove is a new itemproperty. Think of it as an object. It does the same as the True Seeing property on the item, but since it isn't currently on the item, it can't be removed from it either. Instead, you'll have to loop through the itemproperties on the item, and remove those of the true seeing type. See code example. For an easy way to do that, please view the IPRemoveMatchingItemProperties function.
[edit] Known Bugs
The itemproperty value does not change within the calling script, but is corrected when the script is exited. This may lead to an erroneous Stacking error message, or may provide incorrect values to subsequent functions within the same script. - 1/16/04, NWN Toolset version vts026, game version 1.61.8042 English
See test code under ItemPropertyLimitUseByAlign. - PB
[edit] Version
[edit] Example
//Remove true seeing from the entering PC's headgear void main() { //Entering object object oPC=GetEnteringObject(); //Only PCs if (!GetIsPC(oPC)) return; //That PC's helmet object oItem=GetItemInSlot(INVENTORY_SLOT_HEAD, oPC); //Stop script if the PC had no helmet on if (!GetIsObjectValid(oItem)) return; //Get the first itemproperty on the helmet itemproperty ipLoop=GetFirstItemProperty(oItem); //Loop for as long as the ipLoop variable is valid while (GetIsItemPropertyValid(ipLoop)) { //If ipLoop is a true seeing property, remove it if (GetItemPropertyType(ipLoop)==ITEM_PROPERTY_TRUE_SEEING) RemoveItemProperty(oItem, ipLoop); //Next itemproperty on the list... ipLoop=GetNextItemProperty(oItem); } }
[edit] See Also
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author: Lilac Soul, editor: Peter Busby