
From NWN Lexicon

[edit] Rod

Magical rods.

[edit] Items

Items ResRef Tag GP Value
Rod of Beguiling nw_wmgmrd004 NW_WMGMRD004 16,126
Rod of Frost nw_wmgmrd006 nw_wmgmrd006 301
Rod of Resurrection nw_wmgmrd002 NW_WMGMRD002 30,713
Rod of Reversal nw_wmgmrd005 NW_WMGMRD005 17,297
Rod of Terror nw_wmgmrd003 NW_WMGMRD003 8,438
Rod of the Ghost nw_wmgrd002 NW_WMGRD002 2,701
Rod of Thunder and Lightning x2_it_wmgrd001 X2_IT_WMGRD001 64,126
Rod of Wonder x0_wmgmrd007 X0_WMGMRD007 4,501

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