From NWN Lexicon
[edit] Scrolls
Spell scrolls.
Scrolls are divided into two main categories.
- Arcane: Spells used mostly by bards, sorcerers and wizards.<br /> - Divine: Spells used mostly by cleric, druid, paladin and ranger.<br /><br />
Many of the scrolls are able to be used by both divine and arcane spellcasters. All scrolls have an innate ability too. This will be used by various monsters to determine what level they cast them at.
The classes are listed as:
b = Bard
c = Cleric
d = Druid
p = Paladin
r = Ranger
s/w = Sorcerer/Wizard
i = Innate ability
[edit] Items
Items | ResRef | Tag | GP Value | Spell Level |
Acid Fog | nw_it_sparscr603 | NW_IT_SPARSCR603 | 2,377 | s/w-6, i-6 |
Acid Splash | x1_it_sparscr002 | X1_IT_SPARSCR002 | 24 | s/w-0, i-0 |
Aid | x2_it_spdvscr201 | X2_IT_SPDVSCR201 | 216 | c-2, p-2, r-2, i-2 |
Amplify | x1_it_sparscr102 | X1_IT_SPARSCR102 | 72 | b-1, i-1 |
Animate Dead | nw_it_sparscr509 | NW_IT_SPARSCR509 | 540 | c-3, s/w-5, i-3 |
Aura of Glory | x1_it_spdvscr204 | X1_IT_SPDVSCR204 | 216 | p-2, i-2 |
Aura of Vitality | x1_it_spdvscr701 | X1_IT_SPDVSCR701 | 3,277 | d-7, i-7 |
Aura versus Alignment | x2_it_spdvscr804 | X2_IT_SPDVSCR804 | 4,322 | c-8, i-8 |
Awaken | x2_it_spdvscr508 | X2_IT_SPDVSCR508 | 1,621 | d-5, i-5 |
Balagarn's Iron Horn | x1_it_sparscr201 | X1_IT_SPARSCR201 | 216 | b-1, s/w-2, i-2 |
Ball Lightning | x2_it_spavscr501 | X2_IT_SPARSCR501 | 960 | s/w-5, i-5 |
Bane | x1_it_spdvscr101 | X1_IT_SPDVSCR101 | 72 | c-1, i-1 |
Banishment | x1_it_spdvscr601 | X1_IT_SPDVSCR601 | 2,377 | c-6, s/w-7, i-6 |
Barkskin | x2_it_spdvscr202 | X2_IT_SPDVSCR202 | 144 | d-2, i-2 |
Battletide | x2_it_spdvscr501 | X2_IT_SPDVSCR501 | 960 | c-5, i-5 |
Bestow Curse | nw_it_sparscr414 | NW_IT_SPARSCR414 | 540 | b-3, c-3, s/w-4, i-3 |
Bigby's Clenched Fist | x1_it_sparscr801 | X1_IT_SPARSCR801 | 4,322 | s/w-8, i-8 |
Bigby's Crushing Hand | x1_it_sparscr901 | X1_IT_SPARSCR901 | 5,510 | s/w-9, i-9 |
Bigby's Forceful Hand | x1_it_sparscr602 | X1_IT_SPARSCR602 | 2,377 | s/w-6, i-6 |
Bigby's Grasping Hand | x1_it_sparscr701 | X1_IT_SPARSCR701 | 3,277 | s/w-7, i-7 |
Bigby's Interposing Hand | x1_it_sparscr502 | X1_IT_SPARSCR502 | 1,621 | s/w-5, i-5 |
Black Blade of Disaster | x2_it_spavscr901 | X2_IT_SPARSCR901 | 5,510 | s/w-9, i-9 |
Blackstaff | x2_it_spavscr801 | X2_IT_SPARSCR801 | 4,322 | s/w-8, i-8 |
Blade Barrier | x2_it_spdvscr603 | X2_IT_SPDVSCR603 | 2,377 | c-6, i-6 |
Blade Thirst | x2_it_spdvscr303 | X2_IT_SPDVSCR303 | 540 | r-3, i-3 |
Bless | x2_it_spdvscr103 | X2_IT_SPDVSCR103 | 72 | c-1, p-1, i-1 |
Bless Weapon | x2_it_spdvscr102 | X2_IT_SPDVSCR102 | 180 | p-1, i-1 |
Blindness / Deafness | nw_it_sparscr211 | NW_IT_SPARSCR211 | 216 | b-2, c-3, s/w-2, i-2 |
Blood Frenzy | x1_it_spdvscr202 | X1_IT_SPDVSCR202 | 216 | d-2, i-2 |
Bombardment | x1_it_spdvscr803 | X1_IT_SPDVSCR803 | 4,322 | d-8, i-8 |
Bull's Strength | nw_it_sparscr212 | NW_IT_SPARSCR212 | 216 | b-2, c-2, d-2, p-2, s/w-2, i-2 |
Burning Hands | nw_it_sparscr112 | NW_IT_SPARSCR112 | 72 | s/w-1, i-1 |
Call Lightning | x2_it_spdvscr307 | X2_IT_SPDVSCR307 | 540 | d-3, i-3 |
Camouflage | x1_it_spdvscr107 | X1_IT_SPDVSCR107 | 72 | d-1, r-1, i-1 |
Cat's Grace | nw_it_sparscr213 | NW_IT_SPARSCR213 | 216 | b-2, r-2, s/w-2, i-2 |
Cat's Grace | x2_it_sparscr207 | X2_IT_SPARSCR207 | 216 | b-2, r-2, s/w-2, i-2 |
Chain Lightning | nw_it_sparscr607 | NW_IT_SPARSCR607 | 2,377 | s/w-6, i-2 |
Charm Monster | nw_it_sparscr405 | NW_IT_SPARSCR405 | 540 | b-3, s/w-4, i-3 |
Charm Person | nw_it_sparscr107 | NW_IT_SPARSCR107 | 24 | b-1, s/w-1, i-1 |
Charm Person or Animal | nw_it_spdvscr202 | NW_IT_SPDVSCR202 | 72 | s/w-2, i-2 |
Circle of Death | nw_it_sparscr610 | NW_IT_SPARSCR610 | 2,377 | s/w-6, i-6 |
Circle of Doom | x2_it_spdvscr504 | X2_IT_SPDVSCR504 | 1,621 | c-5, i-5 |
Clairaudience & Clairvoyance | nw_it_sparscr307 | NW_IT_SPARSCR307 | 540 | b-3, s/w-3, i-3 |
Clarity | nw_it_sparscr217 | NW_IT_SPARSCR217 | 216 | b-2, c-3, s/w-3, i-2 |
Cloud of Bewilderment | x2_it_sparscr206 | X2_IT_SPARSCR206 | 216 | c-4, i-4 |
Cloudkill | nw_it_sparscr502 | NW_IT_SPARSCR502 | 1,621 | s/w-5, i-5 |
Color Spray | nw_it_sparscr110 | NW_IT_SPARSCR110 | 72 | s/w-1, i-1 |
Combust | x2_it_sparscr201 | X2_IT_SPARSCR201 | 216 | s/w-2, i-2 |
Cone of Cold | nw_it_sparscr507 | NW_IT_SPARSCR507 | 1,200 | s/w-5, i-5 |
Confusion | nw_it_sparscr406 | NW_IT_SPARSCR406 | 540 | b-3, s/w-4, i-3 |
Contagion | nw_it_sparscr411 | NW_IT_SPARSCR411 | 540 | c-3, d-3, s/w-4, i-3 |
Continual Flame | x1_it_spdvscr301 | X1_IT_SPDVSCR301 | 216 | c-3, s/w-2, i-3 |
Control Undead | nw_it_sparscr707 | NW_IT_SPARSCR707 | 3,277 | c-6, s/w-7, i-7 |
Create Greater Undead | x1_it_spdvscr804 | X1_IT_SPDVSCR804 | 4,322 | c-8, i-8 |
Create Undead | x1_it_spdvscr605 | X1_IT_SPDVSCR605 | 2,377 | c-6, s/w-8, i-6 |
Creeping Doom | x1_it_spdvscr702 | X1_IT_SPDVSCR702 | 3,277 | d-7, i-7 |
Crumble | x2_it_spdvscr601 | X2_IT_SPDVSCR601 | 2,377 | d-6, i-6 |
Cure Critical Wounds | x2_it_spdvscr402 | X2_IT_SPDVSCR402 | 504 | b-4, c-4, d-5, i-4 |
Cure Light Wounds | x2_it_spdvscr104 | X2_IT_SPDVSCR104 | 36 | b-1, c-1, d-1, p-1, r-1, i-1 |
Cure Minor Wounds | x2_it_spdvscr001 | X2_IT_SPDVSCR001 | 9 | b-0, c-0, d-0, i-0 |
Cure Moderate Wounds | x2_it_spdvscr203 | X2_IT_SPDVSCR203 | 60 | b-2, c-2, d-3, p-3, r-3, i-2 |
Cure Serious Wounds | x2_it_spdvscr308 | X2_IT_SPDVSCR308 | 120 | b-3, c-3, d-4, p-4, r-4, i-4 |
Darkfire | x2_it_spdvscr305 | X2_IT_SPDVSCR305 | 540 | c-3, i-3 |
Darkness | nw_it_sparscr206 | NW_IT_SPARSCR206 | 216 | b-2, c-2, s/w-2, i-2 |
Daze | nw_it_sparscr003 | NW_IT_SPARSCR003 | 18 | b-0, s/w-0, i-0 |
Deafening Clang | x2_it_spdvscr101 | X2_IT_SPDVSCR101 | 180 | p-1, i-1 |
Death Armor | x2_it_sparscr202 | X2_IT_SPARSCR202 | 216 | s/w-2, i-2 |
Death Ward | x2_it_spdvscr403 | X2_IT_SPDVSCR403 | 1,008 | c-5, d-5, p-4, i-4 |
Delayed Blast Fireball | nw_it_sparscr704 | NW_IT_SPARSCR704 | 3,277 | s/w-7, i-7 |
Destruction | x1_it_spdvscr703 | X1_IT_SPDVSCR703 | 3,277 | c-7, i-7 |
Dirge | x1_it_sparscr601 | X1_IT_SPARSCR601 | 2,377 | b-6, i-6 |
Dismissal | nw_it_sparscr501 | NW_IT_SPARSCR501 | 1,008 | b-4, c-4, s/w-5, i-4 |
Dispel Magic | nw_it_sparscr301 | NW_IT_SPARSCR301 | 540 | b-3, c-3, d-4, p-3, s/w-3, i-3 |
Displacement | x1_it_sparscr301 | X1_IT_SPARSCR301 | 540 | b-3, s/w-3, i-3 |
Divine Favor | x1_it_spdvscr102 | X1_IT_SPDVSCR102 | 72 | c-1, p-1, i-1 |
Divine Power | x2_it_spdvscr404 | X2_IT_SPDVSCR404 | 1,008 | c-4, i-4 |
Dominate Animal | x2_it_spdvscr309 | X2_IT_SPDVSCR309 | 540 | d-3, i-3 |
Dominate Monster | nw_it_sparscr905 | NW_IT_SPARSCR905 | 5,510 | s/w-9, i-9 |
Dominate Person | nw_it_sparscr503 | NW_IT_SPARSCR503 | 1,008 | b-4, s/w-5, i-4 |
Doom | x2_it_spdvscr105 | X2_IT_SPDVSCR105 | 72 | c-1, i-1 |
Drown | x1_it_spdvscr604 | X1_IT_SPDVSCR604 | 2,377 | d-6, i-6 |
Eagle's Splendor | nw_it_sparscr219 | nw_it_sparscr219 | 216 | b-2, c-2, p-2, s/w-2, i-2 |
Earthquake | x1_it_spdvscr801 | X1_IT_SPDVSCR801 | 4,322 | c-8, d-9, i-8 |
Electric Jolt | x1_it_sparscr003 | X1_IT_SPARSCR003 | 24 | s/w-0, i-0 |
Elemental Shield | nw_it_sparscr416 | NW_IT_SPARSCR416 | 1,008 | s/w-4, i-4 |
Elemental Swarm | x2_it_spdvscr901 | X2_IT_SPDVSCR901 | 5,510 | d-9, i-9 |
Endurance | nw_it_sparscr215 | NW_IT_SPARSCR215 | 216 | c-2, s/w-2, i-2 |
Endure Elements | nw_it_sparscr101 | NW_IT_SPARSCR101 | 72 | c-1, d-1, p-1, s/w-1, i-2 |
Energy Buffer | x2_it_sparscr503 | X2_IT_SPARSCR503 | 2,377 | b-6, d-6, s/w-5, i-5 |
Energy Drain | nw_it_sparscr908 | NW_IT_SPARSCR908 | 5,510 | c-9, s/w-9, i-9 |
Enervation | nw_it_sparscr412 | NW_IT_SPARSCR412 | 1,008 | s/w-4, i-4 |
Entangle | x2_it_spdvscr106 | X2_IT_SPDVSCR106 | 72 | d-1, r-1, i-1 |
Entropic Shield | x1_it_spdvscr103 | X1_IT_SPDVSCR103 | 72 | c-1, i-1 |
Ethereal Visage | nw_it_sparscr608 | NW_IT_SPARSCR608 | 1,621 | b-5, s/w-6, i-5 |
Evard's Black Tentacles | nw_it_sparscr418 | NW_IT_SPARSCR418 | 1,008 | s/w-4, i-4 |
Evil Blight | x2_it_spdvscr509 | X2_IT_SPDVSCR509 | 3,277 | c-5, s/w-6, i-5 |
Expeditious Retreat | x1_it_sparscr101 | X1_IT_SPARSCR101 | 72 | b-1, s/w-1, i-1 |
Fear | nw_it_sparscr413 | NW_IT_SPARSCR413 | 540 | b-3, s/w-4, i-3 |
Feeblemind | nw_it_sparscr504 | NW_IT_SPARSCR504 | 1,621 | s/w-5, i-5 |
Find Traps | x2_it_sparscr305 | X2_IT_SPARSCR305 | 216 | b-3, c-2, s/w-3, i-2 |
Finger of Death | nw_it_sparscr708 | NW_IT_SPARSCR708 | 3,277 | d-8, s/w-7, i-7 |
Fire Storm | x1_it_spdvscr704 | X1_IT_SPDVSCR704 | 3,277 | c-8, d-7, i-7 |
Fireball | nw_it_sparscr309 | NW_IT_SPARSCR309 | 540 | s/w-3, i-3 |
Firebrand | x1_it_sparscr501 | X1_IT_SPARSCR501 | 1,621 | s/w-5, i-5 |
Flame Arrow | nw_it_sparscr304 | NW_IT_SPARSCR304 | 540 | s/w-3, i-3 |
Flame Lash | x1_it_spdvscr205 | X1_IT_SPDVSCR205 | 216 | d-2, i-2 |
Flame Strike | x1_it_spdvscr403 | X1_IT_SPDVSCR403 | 1,008 | c-5, d-4, i-4 |
Flame Weapon | x2_it_sparscr205 | X2_IT_SPARSCR205 | 216 | s/w-2, i-2 |
Flare | x1_it_sparscr001 | X1_IT_SPARSCR001 | 24 | b-0, d-0, s/w-0, i-0 |
Flesh to Stone | x1_it_sparscr605 | X1_IT_SPARSCR605 | 2,377 | s/w-6, i-6 |
Fox's Cunning | nw_it_sparscr220 | nw_it_sparscr220 | 216 | b-2, c-2, s/w-2, i-2 |
Freedom of Movement | x2_it_spdvscr405 | X2_IT_SPDVSCR405 | 1,008 | c-4, d-4, p-4, r-4, i-4 |
Gate | nw_it_sparscr902 | NW_IT_SPARSCR902 | 5,510 | c-9, s/w-9, i-9 |
Gedlee's Electric Loop | x2_it_sparscr203 | X2_IT_SPARSCR203 | 216 | s/w - 2, i-2 |
Ghostly Visage | nw_it_sparscr208 | NW_IT_SPARSCR208 | 216 | b-2, s/w-2, i-2 |
Ghoul Touch | nw_it_sparscr209 | NW_IT_SPARSCR209 | 216 | s/w-2, i-2 |
Globe of Invulnerability | nw_it_sparscr601 | NW_IT_SPARSCR601 | 2,377 | s/w-6, i-6 |
Glyph of Warding | x2_it_spdvscr306 | X2_IT_SPDVSCR306 | 540 | c-3, i-3 |
Grease | nw_it_sparscr103 | NW_IT_SPARSCR103 | 72 | b-1, d-1, r-1, s/w-1, i-1 |
Great Thunderclap | x2_it_sparscr701 | X2_IT_SPARSCR701 | 1,920 | s/w-7, i-7 |
Greater Dispelling | nw_it_sparscr602 | NW_IT_SPARSCR602 | 1,260 | b-5, c-6, d-6, s/w-6, i-6 |
Greater Magic Fang | x1_it_spdvscr303 | X1_IT_SPDVSCR303 | 540 | d-3, r-3, i-3 |
Greater Magic Weapon | x2_it_sparscr304 | X2_IT_SPARSCR304 | 540 | b-3, c-4, p-3, s/w-3, i-3 |
Greater Planar Binding | nw_it_sparscr803 | NW_IT_SPARSCR803 | 4,322 | s/w-8, i-8 |
Greater Restoration | nw_it_spdvscr701 | NW_IT_SPDVSCR701 | 3,277 | c-7, s/w-7 |
Greater Sanctuary | x1_it_spdvscr602 | X1_IT_SPDVSCR602 | 3,277 | c-6, s/w-8, i-7 |
Greater Sanctuary | x2_it_spdvscr606 | X2_IT_SPDVSCR606 | 3,277 | c-6, s/w-8, i-7 |
Greater Shadow Conjunction | nw_it_sparscr508 | NW_IT_SPARSCR508 | 1,621 | s/w-5, i-5 |
Greater Spell Breach | nw_it_sparscr612 | NW_IT_SPARSCR612 | 2,377 | s/w-6, i-6 |
Greater Spell Mantle | nw_it_sparscr912 | NW_IT_SPARSCR912 | 5,510 | s/w-9, i-9 |
Greater Stoneskin | nw_it_sparscr613 | NW_IT_SPARSCR613 | 2,377 | d-6, s/w-6, i-6 |
Gust of Wind | x1_it_sparscr303 | X1_IT_SPARSCR303 | 1,080 | b-3, s/w-3, i-3 |
Hammer of the Gods | x2_it_spdvscr406 | X2_IT_SPDVSCR406 | 1,008 | c-4, i-4 |
Harm | x2_it_spdvscr604 | X2_IT_SPDVSCR604 | 2,377 | c-6, d-7, i-6 |
Haste | nw_it_sparscr312 | NW_IT_SPARSCR312 | 540 | b-3, s/w-3, i-3 |
Heal | x2_it_spdvscr605 | X2_IT_SPDVSCR605 | 2,377 | c-6, d-7, i-6 |
Healing Circle | x2_it_spdvscr505 | X2_IT_SPDVSCR505 | 1,621 | b-5, d-5, d-6, i-5 |
Healing Sting | x2_it_spdvscr302 | X2_IT_SPDVSCR302 | 540 | d-3, i-3 |
Hold Animal | x2_it_spdvscr204 | X2_IT_SPDVSCR204 | 216 | d-2, r-2, i-2 |
Hold Monster | nw_it_sparscr505 | NW_IT_SPARSCR505 | 1,080 | b-4, d-4, s/w-5, i-4 |
Hold Person | nw_it_sparscr308 | NW_IT_SPARSCR308 | 216 | b-2, c-2, s/w-3, i-2 |
Holy Sword | x2_it_spdvscr401 | X2_IT_SPDVSCR401 | 960 | p-4, i-4 |
Horizikaul's Boom | x2_it_sparscr101 | X2_IT_SPARSCR101 | 72 | s/w-1, i-1 |
Horrid Wilting | nw_it_sparscr809 | NW_IT_SPARSCR809 | 4,322 | s/w-8, i-8 |
Ice Dagger | x2_it_sparscr104 | X2_IT_SPARSCR104 | 72 | s/w-1, i-1 |
Ice Storm | x2_it_sparscr401 | X2_IT_SPARSCR401 | 1,621 | b-6, d-5, s/w-4, i-4 |
Identify | nw_it_sparscr106 | NW_IT_SPARSCR106 | 216 | b-1, s/w-1 |
Implosion | x2_it_spdvscr902 | X2_IT_SPDVSCR902 | 5,510 | c-9, i-9 |
Improved Invisibility | nw_it_sparscr408 | NW_IT_SPARSCR408 | 1,008 | b-4, s/w-4 |
Incendiary Cloud | nw_it_sparscr804 | NW_IT_SPARSCR804 | 4,322 | s/w-8, i-8 |
Inferno | x1_it_spdvscr501 | X1_IT_SPDVSCR501 | 1,621 | d-5, i-5 |
Infestation of Maggots | x2_it_spdvscr301 | X2_IT_SPDVSCR301 | 540 | d-3, i-3 |
Inflict Critical Wounds | x1_it_spdvscr401 | X1_IT_SPDVSCR401 | 1,008 | c-4, i-4 |
Inflict Light Wounds | x1_it_spdvscr104 | X1_IT_SPDVSCR104 | 72 | c-1, i-1 |
Inflict Minor Wounds | x1_it_spdvscr001 | X1_IT_SPDVSCR001 | 24 | c-0, i-0 |
Inflict Moderate Wounds | x1_it_spdvscr201 | X1_IT_SPDVSCR201 | 216 | c-2, i-2 |
Inflict Serious Wounds | x1_it_spdvscr302 | X1_IT_SPDVSCR302 | 540 | c-3, i-3 |
Invisibility | nw_it_sparscr207 | NW_IT_SPARSCR207 | 216 | b-2, s/w-2, i-2 |
Invisibility Purge | x2_it_spdvscr310 | X2_IT_SPDVSCR310 | 540 | c-3, r-3, i-3 |
Invisibility Sphere | nw_it_sparscr314 | NW_IT_SPARSCR314 | 540 | b-3, s/w-3, i-3 |
Ironguts | x2_it_sparscr102 | X2_IT_SPARSCR102 | 72 | s/w-1, i-1 |
Isaac's Greater Missile Storm | x1_it_sparscr603 | X1_IT_SPARSCR603 | 2,377 | s/w-6, i-6 |
Isaac's Lesser Missile Storm | x1_it_sparscr401 | X1_IT_SPARSCR401 | 1,008 | s/w-4, i-4 |
Keen Edge | x2_it_sparscr303 | X2_IT_SPARSCR303 | 540 | b-3, s/w-3, i-3 |
Knock | nw_it_sparscr216 | NW_IT_SPARSCR216 | 216 | s/w-2, i-2 |
Legend Lore | x2_it_sparscr602 | X2_IT_SPARSCR602 | 540 | b-4, s/w-6, i-6 |
Lesser Dispel | nw_it_sparscr218 | NW_IT_SPARSCR218 | 216 | b-1, c-2, d-2, s/w-2, i-1 |
Lesser Mind Blank | nw_it_sparscr511 | NW_IT_SPARSCR511 | 1,621 | s/w-5, i-5 |
Lesser Planar Binding | nw_it_sparscr512 | NW_IT_SPARSCR512 | 1,621 | s/w-5, i-5 |
Lesser Restoration | nw_it_spdvscr201 | NW_IT_SPDVSCR201 | 216 | c-2, d-2, i-2 |
Lesser Spell Breach | nw_it_sparscr417 | NW_IT_SPARSCR417 | 1,008 | s/w-4, i-4 |
Lesser Spell Mantle | nw_it_sparscr513 | NW_IT_SPARSCR513 | 1,621 | s/w-5, i-5 |
Light | nw_it_sparscr004 | NW_IT_SPARSCR004 | 18 | b-0, c-0, d-0, s/w-0, i-0 |
Lightning Bolt | nw_it_sparscr310 | NW_IT_SPARSCR310 | 540 | s/w-3, i-3 |
Mage Armor | nw_it_sparscr104 | NW_IT_SPARSCR104 | 72 | b-1, s/w-1, i-1 |
Magic Circle against Alignment | nw_it_sparscr302 | NW_IT_SPARSCR302 | 540 | b-3, c-3, p-3, s/w-3, i-3 |
Magic Circle against Alignment | x2_it_sparscrmc | X2_IT_SPARSCRMC | 540 | b-3, c-3, p-3, s/w-3, i-3 |
Magic Fang | x1_it_spdvscr106 | X1_IT_SPDVSCR106 | 72 | d-1, r-1, i-1 |
Magic Missile | nw_it_sparscr109 | NW_IT_SPARSCR109 | 48 | s/w-1, i-1 |
Magic Vestment | x2_it_spdvscr304 | X2_IT_SPDVSCR304 | 540 | c-3, i-3 |
Magic Weapon | x2_it_spavscr105 | X2_IT_SPARSCR105 | 72 | b-1, c-1, p-1, s/w-1, i-1 |
Mass Blindness / Deafness | nw_it_sparscr807 | NW_IT_SPARSCR807 | 4,322 | s/w-8, i-8 |
Mass Camouflage | x1_it_spdvscr402 | X1_IT_SPDVSCR402 | 1,008 | d-4, r-4, i-4 |
Mass Charm | nw_it_sparscr806 | NW_IT_SPARSCR806 | 4,322 | s/w-8, i-8 |
Mass Haste | nw_it_sparscr611 | NW_IT_SPARSCR611 | 2,377 | b-6, s/w-6, i-6 |
Mass Heal | x2_it_spdvscr801 | X2_IT_SPDVSCR801 | 4,322 | c-8, d-9, i-8 |
Melf's Acid Arrow | nw_it_sparscr202 | NW_IT_SPARSCR202 | 216 | s/w-2, i-2 |
Mestil's Acid Breath | x2_it_sparscr301 | X2_IT_SPARSCR301 | 540 | s/w-3, i-3 |
Mestil's Acid Sheath | x2_it_sparscr502 | X2_IT_SPARSCR502 | 960 | s/w-5, i-5 |
Meteor Swarm | nw_it_sparscr906 | NW_IT_SPARSCR906 | 5,510 | s/w-9, i-9 |
Mind Blank | nw_it_sparscr801 | NW_IT_SPARSCR801 | 4,322 | s/w-8, i-8 |
Mind Fog | nw_it_sparscr506 | NW_IT_SPARSCR506 | 1,621 | b-5, s/w-5, i-5 |
Minor Globe of Invulnerability | nw_it_sparscr401 | NW_IT_SPARSCR401 | 1,008 | s/w-4, i-4 |
Monstrous Regeneration | x2_it_spdvscr502 | X2_IT_SPDVSCR502 | 960 | c-5, i-5 |
Mordenkainen's Disjunction | nw_it_sparscr901 | NW_IT_SPARSCR901 | 5,510 | s/w-9, i-9 |
Mordenkainen's Sword | nw_it_sparscr705 | NW_IT_SPARSCR705 | 3,277 | s/w-7, i-7 |
Nature's Balance | x2_it_spdvscr802 | X2_IT_SPDVSCR802 | 4,322 | c-8, i-8 |
Negative Energy Burst | nw_it_sparscr315 | nw_it_sparscr315 | 900 | s/w-3, i-3 |
Negative Energy Protection | x2_it_spdvscr311 | X2_IT_SPDVSCR311 | 540 | c-3, i-3 |
Negative Energy Ray | nw_it_sparscr113 | nw_it_sparscr113 | 36 | c-2, s/w-1, i-1 |
Neutralize Poison | nw_it_spdvscr402 | NW_IT_SPDVSCR402 | 540 | b-4, c-4, d-3, r-3, i-3 |
One with the Land | x1_it_spdvscr203 | X1_IT_SPDVSCR203 | 216 | d-2, r-2, i-2 |
Owl's Insight | x1_it_spdvscr502 | X1_IT_SPDVSCR502 | 1,621 | d-5, i-2 |
Owl's Wisdom | nw_it_sparscr221 | nw_it_sparscr221 | 216 | b-2, c-2, s/w-2, i-2 |
Phantasmal Killer | nw_it_sparscr409 | NW_IT_SPARSCR409 | 1,008 | s/w-4, i-4 |
Planar Ally | x1_it_spdvscr603 | X1_IT_SPDVSCR603 | 2,377 | c-6, i-6 |
Planar Binding | nw_it_sparscr604 | NW_IT_SPARSCR604 | 2,377 | s/w-6, i-6 |
Poison | x2_it_spdvscr407 | X2_IT_SPDVSCR407 | 540 | c-4, d-3, i-3 |
Polymorph Self | nw_it_sparscr415 | NW_IT_SPARSCR415 | 1,008 | r-4, s/w-4, i-4 |
Power Word, Kill | nw_it_sparscr903 | NW_IT_SPARSCR903 | 5,510 | s/w-9, i-9 |
Power Word, Stun | nw_it_sparscr702 | NW_IT_SPARSCR702 | 3,277 | s/w-7, i-7 |
Prayer | x2_it_spdvscr312 | X2_IT_SPDVSCR312 | 540 | c-3, p-3, i-3 |
Premonition | nw_it_sparscr808 | NW_IT_SPARSCR808 | 4,322 | d-8, s/w-8, i-8 |
Prismatic Spray | nw_it_sparscr706 | NW_IT_SPARSCR706 | 3,277 | s/w-7, i-7 |
Protection from Alignment | x2_it_sparscral | X2_IT_SPARSCRAL | 180 | b-1, c-1, p-1, s/w-1, i-1 |
Protection from Alignment | nw_it_sparscr102 | NW_IT_SPARSCR102 | 72 | b-1, c-1, p-1, s/w-1, i-1 |
Protection from Elements | nw_it_sparscr303 | NW_IT_SPARSCR303 | 324 | c-3, d-3, r-2, s/w-3, i-3 |
Protection from Spells | nw_it_sparscr802 | NW_IT_SPARSCR802 | 3,277 | s/w-7, i-7 |
Quillfire | x1_it_spdvscr305 | X1_IT_SPDVSCR305 | 540 | d-3, i-3 |
Raise Dead | nw_it_spdvscr501 | NW_IT_SPDVSCR501 | 1,621 | c-5, i-5 |
Ray of Enfeeblement | nw_it_sparscr111 | NW_IT_SPARSCR111 | 72 | s/w-1, i-1 |
Ray of Frost | nw_it_sparscr002 | NW_IT_SPARSCR002 | 5 | s/w-0, i-0 |
Regenerate | x2_it_spdvscr702 | X2_IT_SPDVSCR702 | 3,277 | c-7, d-6, i-7 |
Remove Blindness / Deafness | nw_it_spdvscr301 | NW_IT_SPDVSCR301 | 540 | c-3, p-3, s/w-4, i-3 |
Remove Curse | nw_it_sparscr402 | NW_IT_SPARSCR402 | 540 | b-3, c-3, s/w-4, i-3 |
Remove Disease | nw_it_spdvscr302 | NW_IT_SPDVSCR302 | 360 | b-3, c-3, d-3, r-3, i-3 |
Remove Fear | x2_it_spdvscr107 | X2_IT_SPDVSCR107 | 72 | c-1, i-1 |
Remove Paralysis | x2_it_spdvscr205 | X2_IT_SPDVSCR205 | 216 | c-2, p-2, i-2 |
Resist Elements | nw_it_sparscr201 | NW_IT_SPARSCR201 | 216 | c-2, d-2, p-2, r-1, s/w-2, i-2 |
Resistance | nw_it_sparscr001 | NW_IT_SPARSCR001 | 72 | b-0, c-0, d-0, p-1, s/w-0, i-0 |
Restoration | nw_it_spdvscr401 | NW_IT_SPDVSCR401 | 1,008 | c-4, i-4 |
Resurrection | nw_it_spdvscr702 | NW_IT_SPDVSCR702 | 3,277 | c-7, i-7 |
Sanctuary | x2_it_spdvscr108 | X2_IT_SPDVSCR108 | 72 | c-1, i-1 |
Scare | nw_it_sparscr210 | NW_IT_SPARSCR210 | 72 | b-1, c-1, s/w-1, i-1 |
Scintillating Sphere | x2_it_spavscr302 | X2_IT_SPARSCR302 | 540 | s/w-3, i-3 |
Searing Light | x2_it_spdvscr313 | X2_IT_SPDVSCR313 | 540 | c-3, i-3 |
See Invisibility | nw_it_sparscr205 | NW_IT_SPARSCR205 | 216 | b-2, s/w-2, i-2 |
Shades | nw_it_sparscr609 | NW_IT_SPARSCR609 | 2,377 | s/w-6, i-6 |
Shadow Conjuration | nw_it_sparscr410 | NW_IT_SPARSCR410 | 1,008 | s/w-4, i-4 |
Shadow Shield | x2_it_sparscr703 | X2_IT_SPARSCR703 | 3,277 | s/w-7, i-7 |
Shapechange | nw_it_sparscr910 | NW_IT_SPARSCR910 | 5,510 | d-9, s/w-9, i-9 |
Shelgarn's Persistent Blade | x2_it_sparscr103 | X2_IT_SPARSCR103 | 72 | s/w-1, i-1 |
Shield | x1_it_sparscr103 | X1_IT_SPARSCR103 | 72 | s/w-1, i-1 |
Shield of Faith | x1_it_spdvscr105 | X1_IT_SPDVSCR105 | 72 | c-1, i-1 |
Silence | nw_it_spdvscr203 | NW_IT_SPDVSCR203 | 216 | b-2, c-2, i-2 |
Slay Living | x2_it_spdvscr506 | X2_IT_SPDVSCR506 | 1,621 | c-5, d-5, i-5 |
Sleep | nw_it_sparscr108 | NW_IT_SPARSCR108 | 72 | b-1, d-1, r-2, s/w-1, i-1 |
Slow | nw_it_sparscr313 | NW_IT_SPARSCR313 | 540 | b-3, s/w-3, i-3 |
Sound Burst | nw_it_spdvscr204 | NW_IT_SPDVSCR204 | 216 | b-2, c-2, i-2 |
Spell Mantle | nw_it_sparscr701 | NW_IT_SPARSCR701 | 3,277 | s/w-7, i-7 |
Spell Resistance | x2_it_spdvscr507 | X2_IT_SPDVSCR507 | 1,621 | c-5, d-5, i-5 |
Spike Growth | x1_it_spdvscr304 | X1_IT_SPDVSCR304 | 540 | d-3, i-3 |
Stinking Cloud | nw_it_sparscr305 | NW_IT_SPARSCR305 | 540 | s/w-3, i-3 |
Stone Bones | x2_it_sparscr204 | X2_IT_SPARSCR204 | 216 | c-2, s/w-, i-2 |
Stone to Flesh | x1_it_sparscr604 | X1_IT_SPARSCR604 | 2,377 | s/w-6, i-6 |
Stonehold | x2_it_spdvscr602 | X2_IT_SPDVSCR602 | 2,377 | d-6, i-6 |
Stoneskin | nw_it_sparscr403 | NW_IT_SPARSCR403 | 1,008 | d-4, s/w-4 |
Storm of Vengeance | x2_it_spdvscr903 | X2_IT_SPDVSCR903 | 5,510 | c-9, d-9, i-9 |
Summon Creature I | nw_it_sparscr105 | NW_IT_SPARSCR105 | 72 | b-1, c-1, d-1, r-1, s/w-1, i-1 |
Summon Creature II | nw_it_sparscr203 | NW_IT_SPARSCR203 | 216 | b-2, c-2, d-2, r-2, s/w-2, i-2 |
Summon Creature III | nw_it_sparscr306 | NW_IT_SPARSCR306 | 540 | b-3, c-3, d-3, r-3, s/w-3, i-3 |
Summon Creature IV | nw_it_sparscr404 | NW_IT_SPARSCR404 | 1,008 | b-4, c-4, d-4, r-4, s/w-4, i-4 |
Summon Creature V | nw_it_sparscr510 | NW_IT_SPARSCR510 | 1,621 | b-5, c-5, d-5, s/w-5, i-5 |
Summon Creature VI | nw_it_sparscr605 | NW_IT_SPARSCR605 | 2,377 | b-6, c-6, d-6, s/w-6, i-6 |
Summon Creature VII | nw_it_sparscr703 | NW_IT_SPARSCR703 | 3,277 | c-7, d-7, r-7, s/w-7, i-7 |
Summon Creature VIII | nw_it_sparscr805 | NW_IT_SPARSCR805 | 4,322 | c-8, d-8, r-8, s/w-8, i-8 |
Summon Creature IX | nw_it_sparscr904 | NW_IT_SPARSCR904 | 5,510 | c-9, d-9, r-9, s/w-9, i-9 |
Sunbeam | x2_it_spdvscr803 | X2_IT_SPDVSCR803 | 3,277 | c-8, d-8, i-8 |
Sunburst | x1_it_spdvscr802 | X1_IT_SPDVSCR802 | 4,322 | d-8, s/w-8, i-8 |
Tasha's Hideous Laughter | x1_it_sparscr202 | X1_IT_SPARSCR202 | 216 | b-2, s/w-2, i-2 |
Tenser's Transformation | nw_it_sparscr614 | nw_it_sparscr614 | 2,377 | s/w-6, i-6 |
Tide of Battle | x2_it_sparscr902 | X2_IT_SPARSCR902 | 5,510 | s/w-9, i-9 |
Time Stop | nw_it_sparscr911 | NW_IT_SPARSCR911 | 5,510 | s/w-9, i-9 |
True Seeing | nw_it_sparscr606 | NW_IT_SPARSCR606 | 1,621 | c-5, d-7, s/w-6, i-5 |
True Strike | x1_it_sparscr104 | X1_IT_SPARSCR104 | 72 | s/w-1, i-1 |
Ultravision | nw_it_sparscr214 | NW_IT_SPARSCR214 | 216 | b-2, c-2, d-1, r-1, s/w-2, i-2 |
Undeath to Death | x2_it_sparscr601 | X2_IT_SPARSCR601 | 2,377 | c-6, s/w-6, i-6 |
Undeath's Eternal Foe | x1_it_spdvscr901 | X1_IT_SPDVSCR901 | 5,510 | c-9, i-9 |
Vampiric Touch | nw_it_sparscr311 | NW_IT_SPARSCR311 | 360 | s/w-3, i-3 |
Vine Mine | x2_it_spdvscr503 | X2_IT_SPDVSCR503 | 960 | d-5, i-5 |
Virtue | x2_it_spdvscr002 | X2_IT_SPDVSCR002 | 18 | c-0, d-0, p-1, i-0 |
Wail of the Banshee | nw_it_sparscr909 | NW_IT_SPARSCR909 | 5,510 | s/w-9, i-9 |
Wall of Fire | nw_it_sparscr407 | NW_IT_SPARSCR407 | 1,296 | d-5, s/w-4, i-4 |
Web | nw_it_sparscr204 | NW_IT_SPARSCR204 | 216 | s/w-2, i-2 |
Weird | nw_it_sparscr907 | NW_IT_SPARSCR907 | 5,510 | s/w-9, i-9 |
Word of Faith | x2_it_spdvscr701 | X2_IT_SPDVSCR701 | 3,277 | c-7, i-7 |
Wounding Whispers | x1_it_sparscr302 | X1_IT_SPARSCR302 | 540 | b-3, i-3 |
author: NWN Lexicon Group, editor: Mistress, contributor: Kookoo