From NWN Lexicon
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[edit] SetIdentified(object, int)
Sets whether an object has been identified.
void SetIdentified( object oItem, int bIdentified );
[edit] Parameters
The item to have its identified flag altered.
TRUE if the object is identified, otherwise FALSE.
[edit] Description
Sets whether oItem has been identified.
If bIdentified equals TRUE the item will be mark as having been identified, otherwise it will be marked as not identified.
[edit] Remarks
A common use for this function could be to make a henchman identify items.
[edit] Version
[edit] Example
//This is the x1_hen_identify script used by BioWare to make a henchman //identify stuff for the PC. // Henchman tries to identify all items in his and the player's inventory. void IdentifyAll(object oObject, object oMaster); void main() { object oPC = GetMaster(OBJECT_SELF); IdentifyAll(oPC, oPC); IdentifyAll(OBJECT_SELF, oPC); } void IdentifyAll(object oObject, object oPC) { int nMyLore = GetSkillRank(SKILL_LORE, OBJECT_SELF); // henchman lore rank int nItemValue; // gold value of item string sMaxValue = Get2DAString("SkillVsItemCost", "DeviceCostMax", nMyLore); // max value that the henchman can id int nMaxValue = StringToInt(sMaxValue); // * Handle overflow (November 2003 - BK) if (sMaxValue == "") { nMaxValue = 120000000; } object oItem = GetFirstItemInInventory(oObject); while(oItem != OBJECT_INVALID) { if(!GetIdentified(oItem)) { SetIdentified(oItem, TRUE); // setting TRUE to get the true value of the item nItemValue = GetGoldPieceValue(oItem); SetIdentified(oItem, FALSE); // back to FALSE if(nMaxValue >= nItemValue) { SetIdentified(oItem, TRUE); SendMessageToPC(oPC, GetName(OBJECT_SELF) + " " + GetStringByStrRef(75930) + " " + GetName(oItem)); } } oItem = GetNextItemInInventory(oObject); } }
[edit] See Also
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author: Tom Cassiotis, editor: Lilac Soul