SetStandardFactionReputation(int, int, object)

From NWN Lexicon

Set a creature's faction standing within a given standard faction group.

void SetStandardFactionReputation(
    int nStandardFaction,
    int nNewReputation,
    object oCreature = OBJECT_SELF


[edit] Parameters

A STANDARD_FACTION_* constant representing the faction whose opinion should be changed.
The new reputation with the faction. Must be a value between 0 and 100. (inclusive)
The creature whose reputation with the faction will be changed. (Default: OBJECT_SELF)

[edit] Description

Sets the current faction standing of oCreature within the standard faction group nStandardFaction to the new faction standing indicated by nNewReputation. The parameter nNewReputation must be a number between 0 and 100.

[edit] Remarks

The "cut-off points" are as follows:

Range Name Comments
90 - 100 Friendly defends when attacked by others
11 - 89 Neutral won't attack, but won't help either
0 - 10 Hostile will attack on sight

[edit] Version


[edit] See Also

functions:  GetStandardFactionReputation
constants:  STANDARD_FACTION_* Constants

 author: Daniel Beckman, editor: Lilac Soul

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