Shield, Small

From NWN Lexicon

Small non-magical and magical shields.

[edit] Items

Items ResRef Tag GP Value
Dwarven Mirth nw_ashmsw005 NW_ASHMSW005 10,313
Hearth Shield nw_ashmsw004 NW_ASHMSW004 13,959
Ironwood Small Shield x2_it_ironwshlds x2_it_ironwshlds 7,848
Mithral Shield nw_ashmsw007 NW_ASHMSW007 32,613
Protector nw_ashmsw003 NW_ASHMSW003 17,733
Shield of Dawn nw_ashmsw010 nw_ashmsw010 1,571
Shield of the Watch nw_ashmsw011 nw_ashmsw011 911
Shield of the Wisp Hunter nw_ashmsw006 NW_ASHMSW006 5,697
Small Chaos Shield x2_smchaosshield x2_smchaosshield 158,768
Small Shield nw_ashsw001 NW_ASHSW001 9
Small Shield +1 nw_ashmsw002 NW_ASHMSW002 665
Small Shield +2 nw_ashmsw008 NW_ASHMSW008 2,933
Small Shield +3 nw_ashmsw009 NW_ASHMSW009 6,821
Small Shield +4 x0_ashmsw001 X0_ASHMSW001 12,329
Small Shield +5 x0_ashmsw002 X0_ASHMSW002 19,457
Small Shield +6 x2_ashmsw003 X2_ASHMSW003 58,531
Small Shield +7 x2_ashmsw004 X2_ASHMSW004 98,018

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