From NWN Lexicon
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[edit] SurrenderAllToEnemies(object)
Causes all NPCs in the same faction as the given character to surrender.
void SurrenderAllToEnemies( object oSurrendering = OBJECT_SELF );
[edit] Parameters
The NPC whose faction will surrender. (Default: OBJECT_SELF)
[edit] Description
Cause all members of the faction of the given surrendering character (oSurrendering) to issue a SurrenderToEnemies call.
That means all NPCs in a 10 metre radius stop what they are doing, and enemies become neutral for 3 minutes.
Only works if the faction member is in the same area as oSurrendering and is not a PC
[edit] Remarks
Does not work on PCs, but DOES work on their associates.
Also note that x0_i0_partywide is already included in x0_i0_common. So you will only need to include one, not both.
[edit] Requirements
#include " x0_i0_partywide "
[edit] Version
[edit] See Also
functions: |
author: Grimlar, editor: Mistress