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[edit] TalentAdvancedBuff(float, int)
Causes the NPC/Creature to buff themselves using a priority aligned list of spells if they have them.
int TalentAdvancedBuff( float fDistance, int bInstant = TRUE );
[edit] Parameters
The safest distance to the nearest NPC in considering whether to cast buff spells on the calling object.
Cast spells instantenously (TRUE or FALSE) (Default: TRUE)
[edit] Description
Causes creatures to buff themselves if the nearest NPC is less than or equal to fDistance.
Uses ActionCastSpellAtObject, and uses the bInstant parameter as the bInstantSpell in the spell casting function.
[edit] Remarks
Causes creatures to buff themselves if the nearest PC is less than or equal to fDistance. The spells chosen are picked from the following groups of spells. One spell from each group, in the following order of preference, will be cast if the calling object has at least one spell in the category ready for casting:
Combat Protection Spells
Greater Stoneskin
Visage Protection Spells
Shadow Shield
Ethereal Visage
Ghostly Visage
Mantle Protection Spells
Greater Mantle
Lesser Breach
Globe Spells
Globe Of Invulnerability
Minor Globe Of Invulnerability
Misc Protection Spells
Elemental Shield
Elemental Protection Spells
Protection From Elements
Resist Elements
Endure Elements
Mental Protection Spells
Mind Blank
Lesser Mind Blank
Summon Allies
Summon Creature IX
Summon Creature VIII
Summon Creature VII
Summon Creature VI
Summon Creature V
Summon Creature IV
Summon Creature III
Summon Creature II
Summon Creature I
[edit] Requirements
#include " x0_i0_talent "
[edit] Version
[edit] Example
// Place in the OnPerceived User Defined Event of a creature to have it buff itself on sighting PCs closer than 40 units distance. // If it does not have the spells to do so, it will call to a nearby Orc Shaman to buff it. void main() { int nUser = GetUserDefinedEventNumber(); if(nUser == 1002) //PERCEIVE { int EVENT_BUFF_ALLY = 5000; if(GetIsPC(GetLastPerceived())){ if(!TalentAdvancedBuff(40.0)){ object oOrcShaman = GetObjectByTag("OrcShaman"); if(GetDistanceToObject(oOrcShaman) <= 30.0){ SignalEvent(oOrcShaman, EventUserDefined(EVENT_BUFF_ALLY)); } } } } }
[edit] See Also
author: John Shuell, editors: Lilac Soul, Mistress